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Attempts to pull over a cop

volumptuous says...

They are only exempt when they are in the execution of their duties that definitively have to involve the location where they are breaking the law unless they are en route to a crime scene/dispatch call.

They cannot just park next to a fire hydrant or otherwise illegally just to pop in to grab a slurpee, for instance.

TheSofaKing said:

Not sure about Detroit, but pretty universally the police are exempt from traffic laws while in the execution of their duties. People can argue what constitutes "execution of duties" if they want, but police are required at a moments notice, to have to exit their vehicle quickly and deal with dangerous situations... Nuts like this think they don't wear them because they are somehow flaunting their extreme authority... as if a cop is driving around around thinking "look at me and all my badass power,,,seatbelt dangling to the side... a symbol of how superior I am to the writhing, whining masses who must wear them". Hope this idiot enjoys his jail time.

Breaking The Taboo - Film

What do you like about Sift Five? (Happy Talk Post)

Tax the Rich: An animated fairy tale

Rand Paul: Let Dems Raise Taxes And OWN IT

Why the Fiscal Cliff is a Scam

volumptuous says...

Nice of you to tell us you're ignorant of monetary policy right up front.

lantern53 said:

The feds will just continue to print money, act like nothing happened, meanwhile the people who really understand money will stop their involvement in it and we will enjoy quite high rates of inflation until the whole system collapses, then Obama can distribute pitchforks and you folks can go literally eat the rich. but when the rich are dead and buried, what will you do?

Why the Fiscal Cliff is a Scam

volumptuous says...

This statement shows you have no clue as to what exactly this "fiscal cliff" is.

bobknight33 said:

IF the cliff is a scam then you imply that there is no limit to spending. If that is true then why don't the Government just spend loads of cash on every possible program and also give out each citizen who is unemployed a million dollars?

Can I piss on you?’: Ed Asner gets the upper hand

volumptuous says...


No one has ever claimed that doing one thing will fix the financial situation of the US.

What is your point here? If it doesn't fix everything don't do it?

Bringing the top tax brackets to where they were (OH MY GOD ITS THREE PERCENT MORE!) before Bush cratered the economy, will help two entire shitloads. Taxing capital gains and other tricks as normal income will also help two shitloads more.

The math has already been done fifteen gazillion times and shows the same thing over and fucking over again. Mother of fuck, what is wrong with you people?

lantern53 said:

Do the math. You can tax the rich at $100 and it won't cover all the spending the gov't does. but if you want to send all of your money to the feds because you think they are better at deciding what to do with it, feel free. Let a bureaucrat run your life.

M4SONIC does it again.... Now with two launchpads. Awesome!

Bill O'Reilly is Stupid

volumptuous says...

What the hell does "traditional "America" even mean?

It was quite traditional for a very long time that slavery was ok and women couldn't vote. These traditions have rightly been tossed into the dustbin of embarrassment for good reason. "Traditional America" is a place where most people don't want to live.

Rachel Maddow "Last night the Republicans got shellacked"

volumptuous says...

Random Internet commenter calls Rhodes scholar dumb.


>> ^VoodooV:

Oh Rachel, so smart, but so dumb.
did it ever occur to you that the two party system is BAD. Our founders did NOT want Parties,
One party may be less bad than the other, but the system of parties is BAD. How many people, on both sides of the aisle, voted not for Obama or for Romney, they voted for democrat or republican.
Don't you see a fundamental problem with that....with the party being more important than the person...than the country.
The two party system needs to go. ban all parties. vote for the person, not the party

Natural Phenomena - VideoSapien

Romney Fakes Storm Contributions for Photo Op

volumptuous says...

Yeah. Just like how in the last few days Obama has pretended to coordinate with 12 governors, their state legislatures, public and privates industry and utilities, with many disaster management agencies, also the armed services and first responder units spanning the entire country to help bring gear and personelle and medical equipment, sometimes on military Fargo planes, over to the areas of destruction, as well as coordinating with FEMA, and Romney went shopping at Walmart. Yeah, totally the same thing. >> ^Yogi:

Pretending to do things for the people is basically presidential.

Maddow: Romney's Reversal a Disqualifying Character issue

volumptuous says...

Lame. You are entirely wrong about everything (once again).

Let me enlighten you:
>> ^shinyblurry:

>> ^entr0py:
>> ^shinyblurry:
I'm not excited about a Romney presidency or anything, but I think it's pretty much over. That is, unless the Obama campaign has an October surprise up their sleeves.

I'm not sure which polls have you convinced, but you have to remember that the only thing that matters are electoral votes, and the president still seems to have a lead there. It's tricky to know which polls to give weight to, but betting markets seem like a good aggregation and they still have Obama ahead.

Well Florida and NC and Virginia are very likely to end up with Romney at this point. Obama has lost ground everywhere and Romney is nearly even with him in Ohio and Wisconsin. He is tied in Iowa. The latest Gallup polls have shown him 5 - 6 points ahead of the president nationally. Even if he lost Ohio he could make it up with Wisconsin and Colorado. Obama needed a reset in the last debate and he didn't get it; the momentum is still Romneys. The presidents campaign is just frankly out of steam. They spent 100 million dollars creating a caricature of Romney which Romney dispelled in an hour and a half in the first debate. Besides "kill Romney" the president hasn't had any ideas to move this forward. Now he is going around talking about "Romnesia" which shows he has nothing left up his sleeve. So, with everything trending Romney I don't see what else the president can do to stop the momentum from swinging this Romneys way. That's why I say that he has had it.

Terrorists acquire nuclear container to smuggle uranium (Military Talk Post)

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