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Leftists Will Carry Out Targeted Killings Of Republicans

smr says...

What's tearing this country apart isn't an impending impeachment, it's the crowdsourcing of sensationalism coupled with rampant confirmation bias. We're all intently focused on whatever supports our currently held beliefs and hits us in the feelers with a nice dose of rage/fear. In a country of 300+ million and a world where EVERYTHING is recorded, there are plenty of three sigma outliers and circus barkers for us to entertain ourselves with. The downside is that, like walking to your car after a horror movie, we are influenced by the entertainment, made worse for those of us who buy the line that this is the TRUTH of the world.

Talk to your neighbor. Question a persons method, but never question their motivation.

Satanic Turkeys?

John Oliver - Family Separation

smr says...

Ah, I see what you did there. Nice.

noims said:

I agree.

In my experience as a teacher, if I find a lesson plan that works well I'm going to repeat it near-verbatim to multiple different classes of students, and I'm going to do it every year/term until it stops working. Same thing often goes for comedians, stage actors, musicians, etc.

Is it funny when you clip those together and show a near-robotic adherence to cadence, tone, etc.? Yeah, kinda. But it doesn't really show anything that is a valid criticism, which is what John Oliver's show is usually all about. Like, for example, criticizing citing the bible as justification for ridiculously draconian separation of families during immigration arrests... (hence the upvote)

Award winning teacher Kerstin Westcott's resignation speech

smr says...

Charter schools get EQUAL resources, not EXTRA resources. One could argue they even get a bit less than equal. These children need extra. People keep confusing open competition and the free market being good with being perfect.
Now, if you mean that the charter school concept would help break the white-flight economic resegregation of our public school system that generates these at-risk schools to begin with, then maybe.

greatgooglymoogly said:

You have to believe that competition with charter schools would not allow this situation to continue year after year. I can't believe this is a middle school, not high school. Ultimately though, it's nearly impossible for teachers to do the job that parents should be doing.

In a German tornado

Men v(ersu)s women shopping....

smr says...

I only clicked here because I wanted to see if that was a clever misspelling, and hoped to learn what an eru was...

Cyclist Tired of Waiting for Bomb Squad

smr says...

I member after 9/11 someone calling security for a gym bag left in the men's bathroom of a secured corporate building in Melbourne, FL. Yep, Bin Ladens hit list: 1. World Trade Center, 2. Pentagon, 3. Third floor building C, Melbourne, FL

newtboy said:

Member when there was a thing called lost and found, and lost bags were placed there to be retrieved by their owners instead of being treated like a radioactive cougar?
I member.

Why can’t i stop dreaming about waffles

Tesla Before Elon: The Untold Story

smr says...

There is no way this guy didn't read this in a robe, whisky, and arched eyebrow. I fully expected to hear him at one point use the word "naughty". I'm a little disappointed.

How to open a locked door with a banana

New Rule: Fee F**king

smr says...

Guys, it's the vendors. They pay for that "free" loan and a lot of the benefits. And the credit card companies lobbied it in by making it illegal for a business to charge a different price for cash than plastic. That's recently (last 5 years or so) been overturned. If you've ever had the distinct pleasure of navigating the byzantine and maddening world of credit card clearance fees, you would know that not all cards take as big a bite out of your transaction with the consumer. And it just so happens that the juicier benefits cards cost the vendor even more. That's a minimum of 1.8%, usually 2.5% and as high as 4%. That means the bank floats you the $ for 30 days average at 2.5% = 30% APR. It's quite a racket. There's a reason you get 3 very expensive mailers with fake cards and whatnot a week.

Amazing Street Performer

smr says...

Alright Sifty, leave me alone, I swear I'm legit! Sheesh. What I HAD written:

Long time listener, first time caller.
This dude is faking it. AND he made it on to Leno with the faking. I'm guessing pre-programmed notes that play when the ball hits. Neat idea, but fake nonetheless.

smr said:

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Amazing Street Performer

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