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Seeking Justice for a Stolen Amazon Package

rebuilder says...

Did you know some people can cry at will? Actors find it a useful skill.

vaire2ube said:

he starts to cry reading his own poster....

have your shit delivered to your work. get a po box. who thinks its a good idea to leave VALUABLES UNSECURED?

military figured that out long ago. fuk em both really.

freeD Yankee Stadium

rebuilder says...

Rendering would be pretty much instant, as they're simply mapping shot footage onto generated 3d models as texture, in a sense.

It's generating the models that can be pretty intensive, and if they're actually getting reliable results of the quality seen here with only a few cameras, their software is pretty good. The automated solutions I've seen for scene capture have been a bit off from the mark still, having trouble with reflective surfaces especially and generally being a bit unpredictable. This looks quite impressive.
Probably they take advantage of having a fixed location, so they can pre-calibrate the camera fixes in advance, improving the quality of the spatial interpretation and probably speeding things up as well.

AeroMechanical said:

The question is: how long did it take to render? Is it hours or even days on large render farm for each clip? That might limit the practicality, certainly for sports broadcasts at least.

On the other hand, I hope in 10 or 15 years, I can watch sports and put the camera wherever I want in real time or put on my VR headset and watch as though I were standing next to the pitcher or sitting on the wing of a race car. That probably will happen and that is an AWESOME prospect.

When US Slams Russia, Press Conference BACKFIRES Big Time!

rebuilder says...

What he's doing now is probably the most effective way of getting the word out. Going to trial, even if that happened and he didn't simply disappear or die or get locked up in some concentration camp, would be unlikely to do much. The trial would simply be held behind closed doors and all documents sealed on national security grounds.

MilkmanDan said:

I'm with you, but I must admit that the ONLY argument that gave me any pause was the one that goes "if he is practicing civil disobedience, he should WANT to get arrested and stand trial".


The point was to bring those terrible laws under public scrutiny and ideally ridicule. Point out how unfair they are. I think that people that take such actions are incredibly noble and selfless.

Some motivation pictures .. everything is possible !

rebuilder says...

"Nice body bro. What can you do with it?" about sums it up for me. Performance and aesthetics aren't mutually exclusive, but focusing on the latter will hamper the former. To each their own, of course, but I like exercise because it enables me to do more.

New Footage From Original Hong Kong Interview of Snowden

The Beerglass That May Save Humanity

New York to LA in 45 Minutes!!

rebuilder says...

And when the vacuum fails? When something goes wrong at 6500 kph, it really goes wrong big-time. This isn't a new idea, and from what I've read, hasn't been realized because in reality, the risks are too great.

Thank you for supporting VideoSift (Sift Talk Post)

rebuilder says...

Would you consider taking Bitcoin? I'd be happy to pitch in, but I prefer to avoid using VISA, Mastercard, Paypal and co, who haven't exactly been standing up for free speech lately.

Is your earwax wet or dry? (User Poll by lucky760)

rebuilder says...

Dry. Finnish, born and raised. They say the people inhabiting Finland originally came from somewhere around modern day Mongolia, which may lend support to your Asian theory. OTOH, that would have been some time around the last ice age, or shortly thereafter, with significant mixing with other, European, elements up to this day.

Improvise - Adapt - Overcome

10 Common Myths About Weed

rebuilder says...

Not that I think it's a big deal how potent marijuana is, but it seems strange to counter the claim the THC concentration has increased enormously with numbers showing average concentrations have gone up 60 %...

Forks Over Knives -The Movie That Changed The Way I Eat

rebuilder says...

The vegan and paleo crowds haven't clashed yet, but boy, is it going to be intense when they do. Proponents of both diets claim similar benefits, but with drastically different approaches...

Europa Report TRAILER (2013)

rebuilder says...

Maybe one that physically manifests the hopes and fears of the humans close to it...

chingalera said:

MAybe it's gonna be a giant conscious membrane under the water that constitutes the entire moon....It's a frikkin' space amoeba er giant fungus under there

welcome to your indoctrination-have a seat

rebuilder says...

I agree with a lot of the views fnord expressed here, and thought - great subject for a video, I should show this to some people to start conversation.

Then I watched the video... So much conspiratorial broad-brushing and fearmongering! A shame. I'm tempted to try to put together a more even-headed narrative around the problems with fnord authoritarian education.

Leonard Nimoy Vs. Zachary Quinto - Old School Vs. New School

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