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Realtime PhysX Position Based Fluids Demonstration

non_sequitur_per_se says...

Well lets see...if it EXACTLY REPLICATES what real water would do then I'd say that would "fool the user". So that should be the goal. So don't kid yourself. The goal is to accurately model what real water would do.

ChaosEngine said:

Does it really matter? The goal is not to accurately model what water would do, but to look similar enough that it fools the observer.

Louis CK: You Ever Flush a Pet Down the Toilet

Is This Wil Wheaton Autograph Fake?

Louis CK - Stupid Facebook Posts

Angry Beaver

Bitcoin Explained

non_sequitur_per_se says...

Wow. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about. You make so many false and ridiculous points that I don't even know where to begin.

SevenFingers said:

That's exactly it.. it is a social experiment. Paper money to me only has enough value of what another thinks its worth, the same way with bitcoins. I personally believe that money is completely evil and only gives power to the ones who have it. Money is not needed for our society anymore. The reason the job growth rate sucks and everyone is unemployed is because we don't need any more jobs. The only reason people gets jobs now is to have money, so they can buy things they want.

But that doesn't have to be that way. Currency can go kaput for all I care. Shelter, food/water, joy/love are the only things that are needed. Everything else is a want. There is enough food and shelter for everyone on the planet, yet we as a species can't seem to figure out why people starve. The reason is money. If everything was free people would go around the world many times over with food to feed those who are hungry and love doing it.

I'm not saying people shouldn't work, but there's enough people who love work to do all the jobs necessary for us to survive, the rest can work on what they love or die happy in a place they love. Money stops this.

sorry I had to rant for some stupid reason.

Best Contestant On The Price Is Right Ever

She hasn't quite figured out this 'parking in garage' thing

The First Honest Cable Company

Lower your IQ permanently!

Leopard vs Cameraman

1 beer in 1 second

Guy wont give girlfriend ice cream narrated by Chris Webber

non_sequitur_per_se says...

Yeah because they don't have clips of Delirious on youtube or anything. And Delirious was made in 1983. How many 5 year olds do you think watch stuff like Delirious anyway? But hey, at least he got the source of the quote correct.

Trancecoach said:

pretty funny.. BTW, for all ya'll born after 1988, that "i got some ice cream, you didn't get none" quote is from Eddie Murphy's "Delirius"...

goonie googoo, indeed!

Retired police Captain demolishes the War on Drugs

non_sequitur_per_se says...

The advantages to legalizing and regulating drugs far outweigh any disadvantages. It's not even close.

zaust said:

I think even, against his arguments, legalisation of drugs in any country would lead to a short-term increase in users. But at the same time it would generate taxes and CRIPPLE criminal activities in the long term.

Retired police Captain demolishes the War on Drugs

non_sequitur_per_se says...

Lol, there are plenty of ways for a retired police captain to profit off the drug war. So no, I don't agree with you.

Also, even if there was no "drug war" when he was on active duty he would have still collected a paycheck. Last time I checked police do more than just fight a drug war.

Sniper007 said:

Why is a retired police captain calling for the legalization of drugs? Because he's not pulling a paycheck any more from the drug war. It's more profitable for him to call for it's end than participate in it at this particular point in his career.

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