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Obama keeps silent on explosive Gaza conflict (Worldaffairs Talk Post)

jrbedford says...

When I think through the situation in my mind, I see the destruction of just about the entire middle east if America cuts off aid to Israel. Is it really that hard to imagine how it would happen?

Irishman: What can be read on the internet or seen in the news does not constitute an accurate sampling representative of the "whole world". Also, millions of people taking to the streets is a good reason to encourage discussion and rethinking of held beliefs, but it does not mean that those millions of people are "right".

Call for a ban (Worldaffairs Talk Post)

jrbedford says...

>> ^MINK:
this site is just a scummy bar where anyone is allowed to talk shit regardless of taste, decency or qualification, without references.
it's a discussion forum / flame war that is fuelled by video clips.
gone are the days when we all worked together to choose a good selection of videos. the focus on "no self links" as the golden rule has produced a fucking mess of random bullshit videos that people didn't self link.
If you don't like it, do something constructive with your time instead of talking to these retards, Irishman. You're too good for this place. The only reason i hang around is because i like calling people retarded, and here i have a plentiful supply of targets.
If you prefer intelligent conversation then you'll just have to PM people with brains like farhad, heck you could PM westy and get a more interesting discussion going than you will in this thread.

How is that a decent, tasteful thing to do? What benefit does it give you to be that way here? How is that improving anything?

Instruction Manual For Life

jrbedford says...

I don't want to get into a debate on which Bible is without error. However, I will postulate the following... if one chooses to believe by faith in a true creator God then one must also believe that God communicates his wishes to people. This is called the Bible. This is the standard. One should put aside cultural and traditional practices of religion and follow the "standard".
Or again, one can choose not to believe in a God at all, and choose to follow cultural norms and local laws. However, again, if one chooses to believe in a God at all then one must follow God's will and not man's.

So if the objective is to have everyone believe that the bible is flawless and should be followed to the word, then which bible should we use? God has been telling a lot of different people a lot of different stuff. Why is your god correct and everyone else's god incorrect? You can't simply dismiss this question just because "I don't want to discuss it." This is of critical importance to your argument.

Police shoot unarmed man, laying face down, in the back

jrbedford says...

I'm so glad that we have the kind of technology we do these days. WTF was that cop thinking? I mean, it did look like the guy on the ground was struggling, but if someone had their knee in my back and someone else had their knee on my neck I think I'd be struggling to. But WTF... just WTF was that guy doing pulling a gun at all? Sweet jebus I just can't believe it. WTF?

A Slip-n-Slide made out of Asians

Hamas using UN ambulances as troop carriers

jrbedford says...

By the way, my reasonable solution to the problem is to have everyone STOP KILLING EACH OTHER. Killing people isn't doing a damn bit of good, and if everyone stopped then no one would be killed anymore. But that's like telling everyone in a traffic jam to just accelerate all at the same time at the same rate. Ain't gonna happen.

Once people have stopped killing each other, though, then discussions can start happening for real. Forget everything that happened in the past because there's no hope in sorting it out. Start over. If it takes a thousand years to come to an agreement, at least it would be a thousand years without people dieing pointlessly. Everyone could put their efforts into living better lives instead of killing each other, and by the time a thousand years rolls around people will be living so well they'll have totally forgotten all this bullshit going on right now. There won't be as much distinction between Palestinians and Israelis by that time, either... interracial breeding and genetics will take care of that over time.

The other option is to attempt to totally wipe out every single person on earth who disagrees with you. Best of luck.

Hamas using UN ambulances as troop carriers

jrbedford says...

It was a mistake to create Israel in the first place, because there was no historic basis for it.

I'm not an expert in history, but I think you should reconsider using this argument. Arguing this particular point is nearly entirely futile because there's always further back in history to examine, and there's no way to verify proper ownership of the land. How far back should we look? The 1940's? Or around 70 CE? Or around 607 BCE? Further back? Do we believe the stories in the bible? Which bible do we believe? What about history before the bible? Are these even the same people any more?

(I hesitate to add this, but at the heart of this conflict is once again the elephant in the room - religion. If people were reasonable, this would not be nearly as bad as it is.)

This particular argument deserves NO hesitation. I think you're absolutely correct on this point, and I wish more people would consider it.

George Galloway on Israel and the Gaza situation

jrbedford says...

He does speak a good amount of truth, but like everyone else in this situation he's speaking a good amount of opinion, BS and one-sided stories as well.

Anyway, this whole situation is fucked up. People need to stop killing each other and start thinking and talking... but especially thinking. There's not nearly enough of that going on anymore.

The Reason for the Gaza War

jrbedford says...

"Stop violence" is a better goal than "stop terror" in my mind. Regardless, both sides have these images fresh in their minds... shouldn't that be enough to freaking stop killing each other?

Barry Sanders.

The Bush Recession In His Own Words

jrbedford says...

I love the internet. At some point politicians will realize that they can't keep bullshitting their way through everything because everything is being documented and made public.

I believe that Bush is being honest when he says he's not an economist, which leads me to believe that he's either getting bad information, or he's ignoring good information. Either way it's his fault for... he could either get smarter (or stronger) people working for him, or he should have taken his fingers out of his ears and listened to his advisers. Sweet Jebus that man is frustrating.

Talking to the Taliban: US and Pakistani involvement

jrbedford says...

This series has such an incredibly useful base of information, and seems radically unbiased, very low frills. Thank you so much for sifting these videos, Krupo.

I can't believe I used the phrase "radically unbiased". That's shameful.

Talking to the Taliban: 20 interviews with Kandahar fighters

jrbedford says...

>> ^peggedbea:
1) americans dont even realize the canadians are there.
2) they WANT their theocracy damnit
3) all of the socially conservative religious zealots i know feel that the talibans socially conservative religious zealotness is a good reason to go to war, to liberate, to spread democracy. do all zealots lack a sense of irony?

The South used to want slaves. Some cultures still do. Some cultures want cannibalism. Where should the line be drawn? When should outside influences intervene? Isn't that what this is all about?

Big Spider Bite - NSFS! (Not Safe For Stomach)

When Videogame Nerdom Goes Too Far...

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