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What is a Leap Year?

fujiJuice says...

>> ^Stormsinger:

Yay for youtube...continuing evidence of the dumbing down of America.
I'm absolutely sure that no year ever has an extra leap day. It has one, or none...never an extra.

He never once said it has an extra leap day.

Family Guy - Is the movie starting?

Scariest video yet of the Tsunami

fujiJuice says...

It's strange at like 39 seconds you can see someone walking on the roof across the street, looks like behind another person, then some sort of edit he disappears, then at about 1:45 that building is gone, wonder what happened to him/them.

My god, here it is: The Star Wars Holiday Special (1h:56m)

Source Code Trailer

1/3 of Pakistan underwater, no one knows, no one cares

fujiJuice says...

Poor reporting, and I don't think it is a lack of awareness, it is a lack of the local government's abilities or desires to help its own people. People know, and care, but who wants to give money that isn't going to the right people, especially when money is tight for so many people.

Some of these are from a month ago or more.,8599,2015849,00.html

Guild Wars 2 Shows Us How To Sell A Game

fujiJuice says...

I find this video to be misleading, while the graphics look great, and the idea's are great, they are just not feasible in an MMO, at least not in this fashion. It sounds to me as if it is going to simply follow the Guild Wars 1 approach and be a single player game with some coop thrown in and call it an MMO. Instancing ruins MMO's and this is one of the reasons WOW has been incredibly successful in my opinion. People want to see people around them, going about their business, random social or pvp encounters and the ability to pretty much go where you want, when you want, are what make a world seem real. Loading screens, lack of other players doing other things on their own and a sense of isolation ruined a lot of potentially great MMO's.

This is going to sound like I am a WOW fanboy, and while I am a great fan of the game, it isn't perfect, and I would be happy to see something great come along and compete on the same level, or surpass it. The thing that captured me when playing the game the first time was just walking around the world and exploring, not looking around an area, hitting a loading screen, and loading a completely different area, but physically walking from one land to the next. Yeah it has instances, but they are in places you expect and welcome them, I was excited about APB, but that isn't an MMO either, it is a multiplayer shooter with slighty larger servers than normal. A larger, living breathing city, would of been awesome, then instance the insides of the buildings, then I would pay a monthly fee, if it wasn't boring that is.

You use Firefox right? You'll definitely want this.

fujiJuice says...

I always found myself coming across pages I wanted to read, but didn't have time or wasn't in the mood. So I would drag them to the desktop, this kept them out of my bookmarks, but also somewhere I could find them again. I realized this couldn't be the best way to do this, and I figured someone must of developed a solution. I went searching in the Addons and found Read It Later, it's perfect for this, exactly what I wanted, and it integrates beautifully. You can even make an account and save them to the cloud and read on a different computer, Android Dolphin Browser even has an Addon for it so you can read them on your phone too. This is just overkill if you ask me, I find FireFox gobbles up memory the longer it's open and the more tabs you have.

Timber-Carrying Blimp - Horrible Crash

Swaim: 6 Creative Ways to Ruin Your Own Wedding

"Say It To My Face" - UAW Members Confront Shelby in D.C.

fujiJuice says...

I'm not entirely sure what you are deeming a simplistic viewpoint, or where you are gathering these 'supposes' from. Regardless, the bailout the banks have received I doubt has done little to ease the credit crunch, despite it's goal to do so, getting a loan is probably just as hard as it was before the bailout.

Now, I certainly don't think it's a good thing people will lose their jobs, that is never a good thing, but that doesn't mean the taxpayers should be responsible. I think you missed the point I was trying to make, and that is, where do we draw the line? Why are the jobs of auto workers more important than mine or yours? If the company I work for is going to fire me do to less profits, is the government obligated to step in, and why? I realize it's a large number of people in this case, but the companies aren't going to disappear, they will be forced to declare bankruptcy, and some people will most likely lose their jobs, not the 30 million you claim. Now you say they wouldn't lose their jobs all at once, in a few years you say, would a bailout prevent that, as no doubt the companies need to restructure regardless?

Look my point is, it's sad that people might lose there jobs, but it is not the governments responsibility nor should it ever be, to support companies who are under-performing whether their fault or no.

"Say It To My Face" - UAW Members Confront Shelby in D.C.

fujiJuice says...

The $45 an hour is a number the worker himself tossed out in the video.

I also said that the Big 3 were to blame as well, and that I think is part of the reason they shouldn't be given a bailout. I was of course against the Bank bailout too, it's not our responsibility, every company is hurting, that's what happens in a recession. I just read an article about casinos laying off workers, should they get a bailout too?

"Say It To My Face" - UAW Members Confront Shelby in D.C.

fujiJuice says...

They didn't come well prepared to this meeting it would seem. I also disagree that predatory lending is the leading result of the auto industries problems. The foremost problem would be the UAW, us much as they would like to think they are entitled to more than the average worked, they aren't and they are strangling these companies from the inside out. I'm sorry but a guy turning bolts all day should in no way get $45 an hour plus benefits and a pension. The second problem is the slow speed at with the American automobile companies are adapting to the change in the public's opinion of larger less economical vehicles.

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