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Constitutional_Patriot (Member Profile)

How would you fix the economy? (Worldaffairs Talk Post)

cdominus says...

Assume you are the unitary executive of the US, and don't need to worry about Congress, the Constitution, the Geneva conventions, or deficit caps (i.e. pretend you're Bush, only smarter).

I would publicly execute the bankers convicted of fraud, nothing special, just a bag and bullet to the head. Their assets would be seized and given to charities to pass out to the needy. Government would be drastically reduced. No more welfare state. I believe people would step up and help their fellow man when government is not used as an excuse not to help. No more social engineering through legislation, do what you want as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else, if you're hurting yourself don't expect the government to bail you out. Anytime the military is needed war must be declared by the congress. In fact no more standing army except for nuke guardians. Any invasion of the US would not last long, almost everyone should be armed. Balanced budgets, hard money, no more fractional reserve banking. Now that the power is back in the people's hands, it will be written into the constitution in lawyer speak so there will be no misunderstanding and no loopholes, no more power grabs by Presidents and no more fucking with the currency no matter how well intentioned. Then I'll return to plowing my fields.

Keynesian Economics is wrong: Bigger Gov't is not stimulus

cdominus says...

Well we'll see what happens, interest rates are extremely low and they are working furiously to pass infrastructure spending. I'm leaning toward the other side of the trade as I'm not optimistic. In Keynes' time we had savings, production and we owned our own debt. Much of the spending is going to be financed by China and Japan unless congress raises taxes. Since so much of our debt is owned by foreigners, the big question going forward is, "How long will the rest of the world have patience with us?"

radx (Member Profile)

What Are Your Top 5 Books? (Books Talk Post)

cdominus says...

1. Midnight at the Well of Souls and the Well World novels - Jack L. Chalker (This is the series that got me started on sci-fi.) 1-5 are the best. The later novels were disappointing.

2. Hyperion and the rest of the Cantos series - Dan Simmons (you cried at the end of the last book didn't you Netrunner.)

3. 1984 - George Orwell

4. Caesar - Colleen McCullough

5. Ender's Game - Orson Scott Card

Mexico is arming itself-- War is next!

cdominus says...

We'll probably give Mexico a billion dollars to "do something." Then another billion in weapons because their government is outgunned, which will then be promptly sold to the drug cartels by corrupt government officials. Meanwhile, the end users of drugs here will continue to fund the cartels. So basically what we have is the government getting in the way of free market forces and losing... again. We really should seriously try legalizing drugs.

US Military warns of possible sudden collapse of Mexico (Military Talk Post)

cdominus says...

Your right mauz15, they won't be going to Guatemala, they'll be coming here. Not that our situation will be any better. In fact we just gave $1.4 billion in military hardware to fight the drug cartels. More money down the drain fighting a losing battle. Meanwhile the US drug sales from Mexico generate roughly $24 billion. Time to legalize it.


You're in the military, tell me why the Army would put nearly the entire 1st Armored Division adding several thousand soldiers to Fort Bliss. I moved away from El Paso 12 years ago and back then they said they only had 20 years of water left for the region. Seems kinda retarded.

Alien life on Earth? Part 10 NASA's lies - Rods - Living UFO

cdominus says...

No problem.

Is it right for secret government agencies keeping the details of all these UFO-related events and technologies they've discovered/reverse-engineered/analyzed without disclosing such information? I'm sure we all can understand that knowledge is power and power is an aphrodesiac by people. It's evident in your everyday lives.
So... Where do we go from here?

I think you pretty much answered your own question. Knowledge is power and powerful people like to keep it for themselves.

One small prediction (Politics Talk Post)

cdominus says...

I would imagine those go up every time a new party takes over. Scary though for sure. Amendments are crazy hard to pass though, its like 3/4s of the states if memory serves.

I know it won't happen, I just thought it was funny that CP420 said,

"That's correct, you can expect this to happen to the soon to be U.S.S.A. Obama is going to change this country to a degree where it will be unrecognizable, and he/the liberals will try to end term limits."

and I happened to stumble on this today.

Survey: How Often Do You Use VideoSift? (Blog Entry by lucky760)

One small prediction (Politics Talk Post)

RNC Debate: Will You Make Ron Paul Supporters Welcome?

cdominus says...

This is the way they sounded to me, "We don't really like anything Ron Paul stands for but we should go among his crazy weirdo supporters and learn the lingo so we can get them to send us money."

Seattle Snow Bumper Cars

Belligerent Drunk Driver Harasses Seattle Sledders

StukaFox (Member Profile)

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