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Ray Kurzweil on the future of technology

Guy Peeing As He Walks Down the Street - Caught On Camera

biminim says...

Wait a fukken minute! The poster asks, "Is there no decency left?"?? You're the one who posted it, moron! It wasn't here until you posted it. You think this is the first instance of someone peeing while walking, and that it represents a decline in decency??? No. This is the first time someone has posted a video of someone peeing while walking. So YOU are the one who lacks decency. That having been said, I laughed. What skill! What control! What derring do! I guess the homeowner who installed the security camera kept going out to get his newspaper everyday and smelled wino urine on his sidewalk? "Hmmmm, wino urine. Must find out which wino is doing this. Then I will--um, lemme see . . . Ah! Yes! I will electrify the sidewalk, so that when he does it again, he will get the shock of his wino life! Bwahahahaha!"

Jared Diamond is not optimistic about America (pbs 2/13/09)

biminim says...

Collapse depressed me until the end, when Diamond makes the argument that we CAN make wise choices given our dire circumstances. But now I'm seeing that the ones whose wise choices would make the most difference really aren't making those choices. Sigh.

TED Talks: Siftables, the toy blocks that think

Bizarre Republican Arguments on the Stimulus Bill

biminim says...

I thought Rachel was a commentator, not a newsreader or journalist.

Regarding the stimulus package, bank bailouts, etc., no one really knows what will work, because, I think, no one is really sure of what the variables are, nor are they assured that the supposed paradigms of the past are actually viable today. I say "supposed paradigms" to refer to "free market capitalism," "government spending," etc. There is so much hanky panky going on financially and monetarily, does ANYONE really know what to do with any degree of certainty? I know one thing: if Obama's Administration somehow makes this work, the Republicans won't be in control in Washington for a generation, and that's got to scare them absolutely shitless. If they don't have control of the White House or Congress, they won't be riding high on the lobbyist hog and the reapportionment after the 2010 census will really hose them. They need Obama to fail and fail big, but if he does, this country will descend into bankruptcy, chaos and destruction. I guess, though, they are willing to roll them bones. They'd rather rule in hell than serve in heaven, sorta kinda.

What foxes do when they think no one is watching...

biminim says...

We have them in the Blue Ridge Mtns of Virginia. See them on a semi-regular basis. The daughter of a friend got bitten by one about three years ago and had to go through the whole rabies shot regimen. They're cute, but they can be dangerous.

The pinnacle of miseducation

Capitalism Hits The Fan

biminim says...

Um, you do know Rick Wolff is a Marxist, right? Not that there's anything wrong with that, outside the expected and tired anti-Capitalism agenda readily peddled by Marxian Economists, but... I mean, look at the guy! He's got crazy eyes! Why do all bat shit insane Marxists have crazy eyes?!?!

Just because he's a Marxist doesn't mean he can't properly interpret data, right? Just because he's a Marxist doesn't mean he can't be right, right? If anything, Marxist economists are specialists in critiquing Capitalism, right? And since Capitalism seems to have shit the bed, isn't a critique of it the proper thing to do now?

Capitalism Hits The Fan

Giant Ant Colony is a World Wonder

Nora O'Donnell Trips up Kevin McCarthy on Stimulus

biminim says...

The point is that either the government gets to spend it or the small business owner gets to spend it. The problem is that an individual small business owner who gets to keep an additional $1000 a year is not going to create any new jobs. He's probably just going to pay off a small loan. But if the government gets that $1000 from a million small businessmen, it can invest in infrastructure, employing a hundred thousand people and making things work better for everyone, including the small businessman, who will save more money in the longterm because transporation and communication have been improved, lowering his costs of doing business. Republicans go on and on about small businessmen being the engine of the economy, but when I drive around and see small businesses, I see mom and pop operations just barely staying above water because of faulty business models or poor location or poor management or bad employees or substandard products.

Religious Nuts in Texas Seek to Ban Book About Book Banning!

biminim says...

Oh, where does one start?

Their last name is "Verm"? "Verm"? Are you shittin' me? "VERM"?!!??

The newscaster was about to lose it, I swear, when she read, "Talking about our firemen." Tookin' bouda fuuuurmin!!! Dukka durrr!!

"It just doesn't need to be read." Well, there you have it. What is enlightening is that this is the kind of logic used by many talking heads on Fox, but since they have bigger vocabularies and are more adept at speaking in front of a camera, they make it "sound" intelligent. "It just doesn't need to be read."


FOX's Wallace: Is Obama Really Prez After Bobbled Oath?

What Are 13% of Americans Afraid of?

Barry Sander's Backward Runs

biminim says...

Given the teams he played for, and the size man he is, I think he was the greatest running back of all time. I remember watching some of his runs and just laughing at how ridiculous it was that nearly every defensive player would hit him, and yet he'd score a 30-yard touchdown. I remember hearing games on the radio and the radio announcers would say, well, I can't really describe what just happened; you'd have to see it to believe it.

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