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Trade & Investment (Sift Talk Post)

Trade & Investment (Election Talk Post)

Louis CK "White People Problems"

dag (Member Profile)

Throbbin says...

Heh. Sarcasm, how original!

May you live in interesting times.>> ^dag:

I don't think I called you a petulant child. Though I may have - it sounds like something I would say. I'm sorry you deleted your original missive - I always like a good flame. On review, the petulant child thing must be about me saying that always looking for instances of bias and favouritism is something that my kids do. It is indeed something they do - and something that does seem to happen here a fair bit. As a parent and as an admin of this site - I try really, really hard to be fair and unbiased.
I don't dislike you at all - I don't think I've been hostile - though I may have - I apoologize, if so. Feel free to tell me to go fuck myself - I love that phrase. It won't get you banned, that's for sure.
>> ^Throbbin:
I had this whole long diatribe written here, giving you a piece of my mind. But, before I hit submit, I gave it a second thoguht and erased it all.
Long story short, I was frustrated with something I didn't like. You called me a petulant child. I was about to tell you to go fuck yourself, but I doubt that would do anybody any good.
I've always liked you more than you liked me. I think I would really enjoy talking with you about your experiences in Alaska. Maybe I was a little brash in how I went about things. Maybe you just can't stand me. Maybe a bit of both.
Either way, I'd still like to chit chat sometime IRL. Take it easy.

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

Throbbin says...

Fuck it. I like this place too much to go around burning bridges.

I'll have internet up there (sooner or later). However, internet speeds are pretty dismal up there, and bandwidth is expensive. So I'll be on FB and reading my news - but no VS unless I'm travelling in the south for work.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
Ah, yeah. The polls are a bit fickle. I can understand his viewpoint and JS is a pretty big part of videosift with all the posts from TDS.

Anyway, keep your pants on for now. If there had been a person lining up to do something serious, like a channel idea, that one would likely have dropped too. Being patronized never works well, that happened to me too at one point... took a considerate amount of willpower not to rage out at that point.

If I make it over there, I'll give you plenty of head start.

Are you going to be without Internet when you move?

In reply to this comment by Throbbin:
Yeah, I know it comes and goes. I'm moving on Wednesday, and I just didn't want to spent my last hours on VS with a cloud over my head.

Yeah, my poll was actually discarded.

I thought it would generate some great discussion and debate and all that fun stuff. I understand the whole guidelines aspect, but when I saw that Jon Stewart poll I got miffed. Being equated with a petulant child just angried up my blood even more.

I like that Akvavit. If and when you do come over this way, do me a favour and give me plenty of lead time so I can let you know if I'll be in the south for a meeting or something.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
Don't worry about it. Drama comes and goes, and take this from someone who's been in a lot of sift drama - it passes.

Was your poll actually discarded? I thought it just ran its course.

I may come across at some point and I will bring you a few bottles - that stuff'll kill ya! In a good way.

In reply to this comment by Throbbin:
I may take you up on that hug. I feel bad - all this drama I've created, none of which was my intention. I was just peeved that my soft poll was booted...

I hear you may come across the pond sometime. If you do, and we can arrange a little meet-up, bring over a botttle of Akvavit would ya? That's what we were drinking the night of our impromptu siftup vid, and it knocked me on my ass pretty good.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
Naw man, iz all good. We've had fluffier polls before. The trouble with channel specific polls is that we have no easy way to get to them at this point, if they would be on their own subdomain for instance. And having multiple polls at once will likely be confusing.

If there's nothing else going on, a little soft poll - polls have never been softer - is fine, to keep people on their toes. As long as we don't overdo it.

and @Throbbin you can always get a comfort hug from me..

dag (Member Profile)

Throbbin says...

I had this whole long diatribe written here, giving you a piece of my mind. But, before I hit submit, I gave it a second thoguht and erased it all.

Long story short, I was frustrated with something I didn't like. You called me a petulant child. I was about to tell you to go fuck yourself, but I doubt that would do anybody any good.

I've always liked you more than you liked me. I think I would really enjoy talking with you about your experiences in Alaska. Maybe I was a little brash in how I went about things. Maybe you just can't stand me. Maybe a bit of both.

Either way, I'd still like to chit chat sometime IRL. Take it easy.


Do you think LIndsay Lohan should be released from jail? (User Poll by Tymbrwulf)

Throbbin says...

So....maybe channel-specific polls ARE a good idea?

I'm not sure what "big Daddy's got your back" means. But don't worry, I won't let them get me down. I guess a drop in quality (real or perceived) comes with growing popularity. I've often seen some of the older guard lamenting a drop in quality - I just figured my barrage of witless, boorish comments had something to do with it. Maybe I'm just paranoid and self-conscious.

Apologies Dag, if I rubbed you the wrong way.>> ^dag:

This is bullshit. I don't even remember who made the poll about the Jon Stewart beard thing - yes it was fluffy - VideoSift related - borderline, due to the number of DailyShow videos and their long history on the Sift.
You guys are worse than my kids - there was no intent to "play favourites" or "bend the rules" for "prominent members". I will discard this poll after a suitable period for outrage to play out.
Edit: ah yes, it was you Throbbin - you little scallywag! Don't let these guys get you down - big Daddy's got your back.

Benny Hinn and the Pimps Prayer

Do you think LIndsay Lohan should be released from jail? (User Poll by Tymbrwulf)

Throbbin says...

Channel-specific polls make sense.

I probably contributed to the perceived drop in quality. I'm not a physicist, not a filmmaker, not a philosopher, not an artist, not a psychologist, not a musician, not anything. Just plain old me.

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