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F**k You, It's January! - RedLetterMedia

How To Cook With Cast Iron

Sylvester_Ink says...

But don't bother with flaxseed oil. It's popular now because it makes the skillet look nice and black and shiny, but many people have found that the seasoning tends to crack and flake off on the long term. Canola oil is fine, as it has a high smoke point (resulting in stronger bonds) and it's easy to acquire. (Other, saturated fats like Crisco are well-liked for their ease of use.)

Trump Jokes That Gun Owners Can 'Fix' the Clinton Problem

Sylvester_Ink says...

Didn't Hillary also make an implication about Obama being assassinated in 2008? Only I don't recall anyone making as much of a big deal about it back then. Meanwhile, this quote can actually be construed as Trump pointing out that gun owners would be the only ones able to fight back against their gun rights being taken away in a tongue-in-cheek manner.

If you compare both quotes side by side, both are fairly innocuous. It's just that the media blew one of them way out of proportion. Don't let the media lead you by the nose.

(And before the angry comments come, I am FAR from being a Trump supporter. I felt the Bern, and now I'm burning Green.)

Quake Champions Quakecon 2016 Gameplay

Bernie Bros For Hillary

Sylvester_Ink says...

As a Republican that switched to Democrat for Bernie, screw that!

First off, I'm not a Bernie Bro. That's a derogatory term coined by the Clinton campaign to marginalize the Sanders followers.

Secondly, I don't vote for corruption. There's far too much evidence that Hillary's done twisted stuff, and I'll not be party to it. The problem is that when corruption wins, it makes fighting future corruption all the more difficult. Hillary has enough political experience that she can put into place obstacles for future progressive movements like Bernie's, and that's a problem.

Trump may have his own issues, but at very least he won't make an already unfair system even worse, which would have a longer term impact on the democracy of this country.

Walls can be torn down, Muslim immigrants can start entering again after 4 years, and not all conservative Supreme Court Justices are terrible. (Scalia actually was a pretty bright guy that passed quite a number of laws that had positive effect, for example. And despite him, the more progressive laws were still passed.)

I'm not saying I'll vote Trump, as Stein and Johnson are still options, but I certainly won't help Hillary in any way.

A smart person can do more damage than an idiot.

The Saddest Movie Supercut

STAR TREK BEYOND Official Trailer #2 (2016)

Sylvester_Ink says...

I'm thinking you probably don't understand Star Trek. The TNG movies were no work of art, but they were still decent Star Trek movies. Now none of the Star Trek movies, not even the first 6 (with the exception of the Motion Picture, and arguably The Voyage Home) truly represent what Star Trek is with relation to their respective TV shows, as they choose to focus more on space action and conflict, but all of them stuck with the core premise that Gene Roddenberry laid out: To explore the human condition and show how mankind can better itself.
The TNG movies certainly could have done better, and while First Contact was pretty darn good (especially if you consider how it relates to the Borg "trilogy") I've come to see Generations and even Insurrection in a more forgiving light. Heck, as painful as it is to admit, even Nemesis had a lot of potential, judging by the scenes that were cut. (But that's being REALLY generous.)
However, none of the new movies come anywhere near what the old movies were. Yes, Star Trek 2009 was actually a better movie than several of the previous movies, but otherwise, all of them, even what I'm seeing in this new trailer, lack the vision laid down by Roddenberry. And also, it's very hard to appreciate a Star Trek movie that doesn't have its core points laid down in a TV show, as it really is best suited for the TV medium. Without that character and setting development, you can really only get by with nostalgia and action.

Now some of the fan works, on the other hand, seem to do their source material better justice. I avoided them for quite some time, but after hearing about some of the good ones, I've started to look into them and have been pleasantly surprised. They are certainly rough around the edges, but they do seem to stick to Roddenberry's vision a lot better. Heck, that Axanar thing looks pretty compelling, if they ever get to complete it.

FlowersInHisHair said:

This trailer is still better than all of the TNG movies put together. Yes, including First Contact.

RetroAhoy: Quake

Sylvester_Ink says...

Man, the glory of 90s pc gaming . . . Quake and Descent were what I grew up on.
Also, it's cool to see Warsow get a nod in the end there. Still my favorite modern arena shooter!

The Death Of National Geographic

Cop Harassing The Wrong BMX Bikers Gets Shut Down

Sylvester_Ink says...

Maybe the biker was right (if only to a certain extent, as was pointed out above), but when the officer conceded the point and moved on, the biker should have been somewhat gracious. His gloating and goading is no better than the officer's ignorance, and in a society where we're trying to encourage cops to be respectful to people, those people need to be just as respectful to the cops. His poor attitude is why I'm downvoting this. It does not deserve the attention nor the views.

GHOSTBUSTERS - Official Trailer

Sylvester_Ink says...

And yet it will make a load of money based on the name, the notoriety, and the fact that people will see it just to see how bad it is. And that's why movies like this keep getting made.

People need to grow some backbone if they want this to change, but they won't.

Vampire Rabbit?

Korean Girls Try American BBQ For the First Time

Sylvester_Ink says...

While it's not totally American style, it does seem close enough. But I'm happy to finally see a video showing foreigners actually enjoying real American cuisine. America does have a lot of legitimately good food, and it always annoys me that people from other countries are generally presented with the garbage, rather than the quality stuff.

Neil deGrasse Tyson: Star Wars Fans Are "Prickly"

Sylvester_Ink says...

There was a lot of posturing from Star Wars fans (from, I think) for a long time, with exaggerations about the power of imperial starships. However, some fans have done an extensive (and pretty ridiculous) amount of work to make a lengthy comparison, that, while only as accurate as can be interpreted from the provided material, does come out in strong favor towards Star Trek technology:
So yes, NdGT is correct, and really, you don't need to do the extensive research the fans did to confirm that. Logistics in a post-scarcity civilization alone gives a significant advantage.
But this is to be expected. When you have a TV show as focused on science and technology as Star Trek, it will certainly excel.
Meanwhile, Star Wars isn't supposed to be about high end technology. For them the technology is only there to highlight the story. The charm of the Millenium Falcon is not that it's a god-like ship that can mop the floor with everyone else, but that it's some guy's souped up junker that's full of surprises. The Death Star isn't the ultimate weapon, but a weapon of fear. (A weapon that destroys excessive amounts of available resources is impractical for anything else, and that especially includes Starkiller Base.)
And if there really needs to be some sort of sci-fi-peen competition, you can go the complete nonsense route with Doctor Who, where one Dalek could probably conquer both the Trek and Wars universes with minimal effort.
Or the overkill route with the Culture, where wiping the rest out would be an idle task, pursued for entertainment.
Star Wars fans just need to chill and embrace their universe of junkers and quaint technology. Star Trek fans have already embraced the fact that their universe isn't about action and explosions. (No, we don't include the Abramsverse.)

Does Your School Matter?

Sylvester_Ink says...

But really, the importance of attending college is not for prestige, but for learning. Sure, going to a prestigious school and graduating will give you a jump on your career, but as a couple years pass, this becomes less important when compared to the experience you earn.

I went to a community college out of high school for my first 2 years because it was the cheaper way to get my GEDs. I then transferred to UCSD for the next couple of years for my major. The quality of education was slightly better (there were a couple of GEDs that I had to retake as they didn't fully transfer, so I'm comparing those classes to their community college counterparts), but not excessively so. After that, I transferred to CSUSM, a less prestigious university, to finish up. (For a mix of reasons, primarily financial.) The quality of education I got from both the universities was identical, with some exceptions. (UCSD had more resources due to its size, CSUSM had a better individual focus, since it was smaller.)

After graduating, I was able to get great jobs, although I never put UCSD on my resume (because my degree was technically from CSUSM.) And each successive job can be attributed to the experience I earned from the previous jobs.

The point is, it isn't necessary to go to the most prestigious schools to get a good, career-building education. I have the first-hand experience to confirm that.

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