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Proving the bible is repulsive

Proving the bible is repulsive

Structure says...

Any god who could ever command people to do such things is unworthy of worship. I don't care if he changed his mind, he's still evil.

"The Law was revealed to us so that we can see that there is no way in our state that we can live up to it in full, so we must rely on the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross that relieves us from those consequences." -Doc_M

Yeah, it's hard living up to the Laws that say to sell your daughters, enslave people, and kill Christians. (The old testament was for jews so the passages saying to kill those who try to convert you are instructions to kill Christians). But of course that's just mistranslations. The laws which say to stone people to death for god actually said "shake hands, hug, and apologize." Also the gospels of Jesus are actually a mistranslated recipe for baba ganoush. I tried it and it was delicious.

And I refuse to slaughter entire cities like the ancient jewish sects did so I have to worship some fictional character who's a rip-off of the older god Mithras? I'd rather worship Tom Sawyer. He's also a fictional character who came back from the dead (in a way), and all he wants from me is to paint a fence for him.

The more religious a country gets, now or in the past, the more violent it becomes (modern America, medieval Christian Europe, many middle-east countries). And once a country is very religious and follows only 1 religion it breaks into sects and they battle against each other (Iraq). Once the US becomes a religion run country it'll be as violent and backwards as any other theocracy.

President Ahmadinejad on news magazine 60 Minutes

Structure says...

As president of Iran, Ahmadinejad does not have control over military forces and can't declare war. Unfortunately these powers are given to the current Supreme Nutjob of Iran: Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

The president of Iran hates the government of Israel and views it as a corrupt regime that will collapse in on itself on its own. This is according to the actual translation of what he said. When Americans wanted Saddam's regime gone they didn't want to exterminate all Iraqis. The Ayatollah, however, wants the people of Israel wiped off the map. And plenty of Iranians running the newspapers side with the Ayatollah so they print their fanatic views instead of the president's views that match the U.N.'s resolutions against Israel.

I have a feeling that a war with Iran would be a disaster. It'd be best if everyone thoroughly investigates the reasons for war with Iran.

Richard Dawkins - "What if you're wrong?"

Structure says...

Once there was a man who's father was God and was sent down to earth to confirm God's contract with man. He was born of a virgin through immaculate conception. Born in a stable on December 25th. Visited by wise men bearing gifts. He had 12 disciples and was called the Messiah. He died to wash away the sins of man, and held a last supper with his disciples before his death. But morn not for he was resurrected on a Sunday and ascended into heaven to join his father God. On judgment day he will return, the dead shall rise, and he shall judge them. Sinners will go to hell and the faithful to heaven. Also on this judgment day there will be a great battle between good and evil but the son of God will win. This messiah is part of a Holy Trinity: The Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit. Followers of this messiah, who is adorned with glowing halo, drink wine and eat bread that represent his blood and flesh. And his name is Mithra. He was worshiped long before Christianity. The official explanation from the Catholic church is that Mithra was created by Satan himself in ancient times to confuse us all when Jesus showed up and did the exact same stuff.

Christianity is just a ripped off Mithra story with some plot hole filled, anti-Jewish parts thrown in.

Every Christian must remember that no matter how much you believe in your heart that Jesus existed and was the messiah, there's even more people on earth today that believe just as much in different gods. Notice how much your faith depends on what religion your parents and your country have? If there's one true God then why does it look so much like people believe whatever they were raised to believe?

9/11 Demolitions

Structure says...

For every one fake expert in one of these videos there's hundreds with real credentials saying controlled demolition is bull. Science and facts says it's bull. If you deny science for your beliefs that makes you a religious nut. You've abandoned pro-Bush crazy for conspiracy theory crazy. With all the "Osama is about to attack" intel flying around before 9/11, it was much easier for the Bush administration to just sit and wait then to do something. Clinton launched missiles against Osama's camps before 9/11 and Bush didn't.

And every piece of "evidence" in this video has been debunked previously:

The color of smoke doesn't tell you anything about the fire.

The building collapse was explained in detail (including core columns) in a previous video here on the sift that showed close up video debunking controlled demo theories. Many scientific publications have also done a much better job then this video shows explaining the science of the collapse.

Plane crash investigations are held when you don't know what part of it malfunctioned or if the pilot was a drunk git. TWA 800 exploded in mid-air so they didn't know why it exploded. After investigation it turned out to be a short circuit that ignited the center wing fuel tank. The 9/11 planes were hijacked by members of Al Qaeda (according to mountains of evidence) and flown into buildings. Flying jets at high speeds into very large buildings tends to make 'em get "blowed up real good". And if you want a conspiracy theory to think about, ask yourself why so many Republicans help fund these Loose Change videos.

Ron Paul at New Hampshire Republican Debate on Fox News

Structure says...

"The United States of America, not the Divided States of America"
34.7% approval rating for Bush (even lower on some polls). Sounds pretty united to me. The same polling companies that came out with numbers showing Bush as once popular are now showing he's lost almost all support.

So many Republican bureaucrats wave the word honor around like they want the American people to be samurai committing ritual suicide for the benefit of the bureaucrats. Ron Paul would restore real honor, and sanity, to the Republican party. The party of small government has become the party of big government, wild spending (giving homeland security money to throw parties for example), and slashing of troop's benefits and combat pay.

Behold: the Atheists' Nightmare - the banana - "has a point at the top for easy entry"

President Bush compares Iraq War to Vietnam

Structure says...

Conservatives love to forget all kinds of history.

Let's forget the Bush Administration cutting troop pay and benefits, not giving them proper gear or properly armored vehicles. (We can't afford it they say while they give the top 1% rich massive tax cuts).

Let's forget Cheney explaining, on several occasions, why invading Iraq would create a quagmire. (Let's just tell ourselves that 9/11 changed everything and made all centuries old middle-eastern sectarian hatred disappear magically.)

Let's forget Bush bankrupting every company he was ever put in charge of.

Let's forget what Bush Administration members and other conservatives say week to week on TV. They change their excuse every week. The most hated "liberals" out there are the people who record a neo-con on TV twice and play both clips back-to-back.

Black Presidential SUV

Cheney in 1994 - Invading Baghdad Would Create Quagmire

Structure says...

He doesn't just say "I'd prefer not to invade Iraq", he gives reasons why you should never invade Iraq. He clearly understood the political situation in that region and knew victory was not possible. But Iraq has the 2nd largest oil reserves on earth and there'd be alot less questions about what Haliburton is doing if it's in the middle of a chaotic mess of a war.
Even a traditional war would help hide theft but those don't last long with modern military technology. And the moment there's peacetime, questions are asked and clear-headed investigations are started.

Countdown Special Comment: Bush, Cheney Should Resign

Structure says...

The freedom to stop CIA investigations into possible WMDs in Iran must be protected. The freedom to speak against the president when he does wrong must be destroyed to ensure the president continues doing wrong. The freedom to embezzle millions and accept bribes must be protected. It's more important then ever people remember the words of our great founding father and first ruler George Washington: "The congress? I am the congress! Kneel before your king, for my will is law!"

Between Iraq and a Hard Place

Structure says...

I like how it quickly and clearly states each point. And each point mentioned is an extremely important one. Iraq was a bunch of tribes squished together and bombed heavily by the British empire and even dictators assigned to it barely held it together. Saddam was given weapons by the US even though he was a brutal dictator killing his own people already. The major Bush administration members are heavily linked with oil and various financial crimes like Enron.

Richard Dawkins "Stumped" an idiot

Structure says...

His argument seems to be that anyone with more power then you is god. So god is the mayor of your town, the president, the big bang, or even the sun which can go supernova and kill you. This cultist reminds me of a guy who e-mailed me once and claimed god exists because molecules vibrate. These nuts always mention something that science explains but they don't understand and claim it as proof of god (usually the specific one they worship).

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