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Angela vs Bath & Body Works - Candle Rant

5 Years In Solitary Confinement

TED: Glenn Greenwald -- Why Privacy Matters

SquidCap says...

Good parabola at the start (is it parabola.. anyway...) how to describe the levels of privacy. But the point here is, we have the right to choose what is private to us and what is not. That task is not up to security departments, it is done individually. Yes, it is a security risk. No shit sherlock. So are a lot of old social rules that we have honed during the millenias, spanning from cavemen to nerd. There would be NO crime if we would have NO privacy. And still, after tens of thousands of years, we have seemed it appropriate to allow more freedoms with small disadvantage but with a tremendous improvements on personal well being. Not to mention creativity, which often demands privacy. If you knew that someone is watching every draw of line you make, the picture turns out to be average at best, not exciting, dull, predictable. Because at those private moments, we find our selves free to take creative risks. Innovate without reprimand. You take that feeling of freedom away, force people to "behave" when at their own homes and we will live in a stagnated, boring world. We have to be allowed to break away from societal norms when private. The fact is that internet is a tool too for that inner self study.. We ask it daily questions we wont ask from our spouses. It is linked to the most private form of self. And thus, it has tremendous effect on our wellbeing and society as a whole.

TED: Glenn Greenwald -- Why Privacy Matters

Anna Sentina does a Bass cover for Rush - YYZ

SquidCap says...

Good one, not perfection but if you hear Geddys solo tracks from the record and lately from a live, it's about that. Of course what makes it different is that Geddy is there walking and jumping, waving to the crowds AND doing this. It's quite surreal when you know how much talent there is when he takes these licks so effortlessly. And his right hand technique... It looks like a muddly mess and yet hits just the right strings at the right time. Farcry from disciplined action you see this fine lady doing in this video.

Honest Trailers - Transformers: Age of Extinction

My homemade audio tape scratcher

SquidCap says...

I did tape scratching in the 90s a lot, with modified reel to reel machine. The technique i used is harder, doesn't differ from vinyl scratching a lot (except in mine, i didn't cut the audio with fader but lifting the tape head from tape. THe end result surprised me, didn't expect it to work as at that point, had no knowledge of anyone ever using that (now i of course know that i was actually late..) It is a lot like vinyl, you still need to keep manually rotating the reels, working with the tape motor, needing to hit hits precisely without actually seeing where they are (easier with reel but there's a lot of tape in that reel and manually rotating against the motor and motion, makes the tape tighten so you can't use marks on the reels either...) Plus few handy effect like taking both reels and just turning them opposite directions, making the tape sits still but stretching, making all kinds of nice screeching sounds as the vibrations from the reel and the tape are heard, not the audio material on tape...)

Next i'm thinking of refitting old 5,4" floppy disk with analog tape head and maybe drawing the recordings on to to it, attaching the tape head to the end of my index finger.. Then i could get even closer to vinyl as there is something interesting on rotating sound sources.. Mainly it is the recording part that makes tape scratching interesting, taking a scratch sample, scratching it, resampling it again, using signal generators, designing harmonics etc.. Maybe that's next for me, using one hand to record and the other to play back.

rich_magnet said:

Wow, that sounds way better than I expected it. This guy, who admits to being a newb at scratching, is sounding better than about 98% of all DJs who scratch. Maybe we're seeing 1970's technology finally surpassing 1930s tech.

Why British Homes Don't Have Mix-Type Faucets

SquidCap says...

TL:RD: Flush mix tap for few seconds after not being used for hours. Count to three.

I would say that it is still advisable to flush out the stagnant water from pipes before drinking the water. Not a lot, until you feel the temperature to change. Reason is that while the warm water is now sanitary, it is still warm. Warm stagnant water goes bad pretty quickly, the pipes are NOT clean on the inside. If you have ever seen water mains pipes, you would probably boil your water, brit filter it and most likely perform an exorcision. It's bad, it is really really bad.. The main reason why the water stays drinkable is movement. Moving water is safe, the bacteria that lives on moving water is mostly harmless to us. But 15C to 22C is called "the death zone"; bacteria that thrives on moist conditions, between those temps is the most deadly we can find. E.Coli, Botulinum etc. all explode with those condition. So you take warm water to wash up that last tea, it stays in the pipes and you get a nice shot of bacteria first thing in the morning. Or you keep the tap on for ten seconds, flush out the main colony and then drink a fresh cold water; i'm sure this little trick will add years in to your life (just the fresh glass of water and the feeling we get from that should do the trick..)

But the days of flushing the whole length of pipe several times a day is unnecessary. Only important when it has sit for hours after running hot water thru that particular piece of pipe, maybe just few meters or few seconds. And even then most likely it's 100% safe but the gunk that sits in the pipes is DIRTY.. ffs, we got some wooden main lines still in use in the old town (built around circa 1600).. BTW, the water from those wooden pipes.. excellent, specially in the winter as it is just super cold, totally clear of all bacteria, it's like spring water. But that is mostly because they have been in use for hundreds of year, all the time with moving, cold, clean water running thru them. It's bacterial colonies work with us cleaning it.

Compare that to the other pipe system running thru our homes here: the main heating water that heats our homes, that water is so toxic that every cut you have while working with them, just a drop and you will get infected. It takes minutes and the cut will swell up. And the only really difference is that the heating system is on closed loop, with warm water and it sits for half a year stagnated.. It is still "clean" water, looks clean, doesn't smell. But that stuff is equal to biological warfare..

Why i know this? Well, i'm ex-junkie. Knowing what kind of water you inject to your veins is pretty fucking important if you wanna stay alive.

Amazing rally car crash

SquidCap says...

It looked like the car did it's absolute best to avoid the last girl in the group as it knew she would not move.. A bit of a miracle. And agree, sitting where the trajectory would take a car that's out of control is quite stupid.

Sagemind said:

Who sits on the outside corner of a rally race track?
That being said - How did they NOT get hit?

Jim Jefferies on gun control

SquidCap says...

I live in Finland, one of the top countries on guns per capita. Also one the lowest gun crimes per capita. Very strict gun control, in fact, i can't own a single casing, let alone live bullet. All have to be licensed, all counted, no guns licenses without a hunting or shooting club membership, no guns without proper training. No backyard sales, not even ammo. We have long hunting tradition. Also a long militia background, guns and the need for them are acknowledged in every part of our culture and history, armed uprisings (albeit all of them failed) against oppressive conquerors are our heroes.. And of course that one little squirmish against Soviet Union, we got thru with it with guns. But the tools they used are not worshiped, just appreciated as good tools.

Hand guns are not for hunting and as such, they are even more controlled. No ONE has ever raised an opinion that our freedoms are being oppressed by our gun laws. Overwhelming majority likes them the way they are, only wanting more control on mentally disturbed individuals. Some of course want no guns at all and very small portion wants guns for all. But majority and i mean majority as in +80% are very happy the way things are now. If i want to start hunting or shooting as a sport; i can. I can't, however, get a gun just because i want one.

Also, front doors in Finland are sturdy enough that you can't just kick it in... Something to think about, we got the best locks in the business (google abloy, 99,99% of our locks are ABLOY). In fact, and this is coming from experience, our burglars don't pick locks. They remove the whole doorframe with hydraulic jacks (or remove the whole lockbase and part of the door with tons of force.. or drill the lock)..Locksmiths here don't have lockpicks as the locks are protected very well against lockpicking, in fact abloy is one of the benchmarks on lockpickers and it still takes hours. Instead locksmiths carry a big ass cordless drill with the hardest drillbits you can find; they drill out and replace the whole cylinder and it's noisy as hell. That's what our doors are like, maybe there is some answer there; you don't feel afraid when your front door can take a bear.

Road Burn At 60 MPH

SquidCap says...

Oh man, that moment when the board starts to wiggle.. Scary feeling and you can't stop that vibration once it starts, you know it's bail time.

I had to once bail from 50km/h back in the eighties, the moment my feet touched the ground on that speed, man... I took two strides and went over ten meters with each and they HURT, "BLAM, BLAM".. But staid upright, small scrapes from tunnel wall and very very sore soles. Didn't go for top speed after that one. Speed was measured as there were a very busy roadway parallel and the minimum speed is 50km/h in that point, usually more.. And we were passing cars... No helmets, no kneepads, just fingerless gloves, t-shirt and jeans. It is a small miracle i'm still alive.

Bill Maher and Ben Affleck go at it over Islam

SquidCap says...

Shows pretty well how two person can't talk about muslims without one of them accusing other to be a racist. It happens on anti-racist rallies too, you put 10 people who are all opposed to racism in to the same room and 10 minutes in someone is already labeled.

Weirdly, this infact made me respect Ben Affleck. He is on the good side of the battle, misinformed but i can recognize that fury that comes when i suspect someone starting to veer the discussion to topics like "why all muslims yada yada yada". I go fucking ballistic, i see blood of the innocents in the gutter and i wanna kill that nazi before it happens again.. It is the same fury that rises on me when people link Israel and Judeism to the same category. But both Israel and muslim world require criticism in order to progress. It is just very hard for people on the "same side" to talk about those two subjects without responses like we see in this video. Racists know this very well and it is because of bigotry we can't criticize nations and cultures objectively, we need to spend most of our time to explain why criticizing is not bigotry, how questioning catholic church and their views and islam and their views is EXACTLY the same thing. The less we talk about the actual subject and more about why we aren't talking about the actual subject, guess who wins?

And it IS frustrating since we can't get anything done. Fucking racists and yes, i can identify racism towards racists in my on views and i have to think about that too (how racists are just humanbeings yada yada but that's my problem..). So maybe i should just say fucking quilt over actions and views hold by few is preventing us from honest discussion.

Orcas Vs Shark: Killer Whales Take Down Tiger Shark

SquidCap says...

Total bullcrap, this is one of the reason sharks are being poached increasingly. Just as we started to come down on those numbers, idiots like you give the poachers a new reason. If this was attempt at sarcasm, know that there is a sarcasm button for it. Dumbass...

Orcas are very intelligent, fin removal is definitely deliberate.

rich_magnet said:

Did you know that killer whales never get cancer? It's true. Because they eat shark fins. Science.

Confident motorcyclist escapes in front of police motorcycle

Epic Counter-Strike Ninja Defuse

SquidCap says...

Can happen, not very likely but tunnel vision takes over on even the most experienced players. And because it is so unlikely, no one counts that as a possibility. There are some odd things here like why not use the shorter route, planning to ninja as those usually happen by mistake and also going out from cover and retreating back just in time, rest of the team going to the left side, lots of coincidences.. But it can definitely happen like that.. Too much focus on mission, you forget to check one corner, you see a mate ahead you think that he has done that etc.

There are countless times when you can just stroll around even bumbing to enemies and no one notices; "i'm in a group of mates, why would there be an enemy that is not shooting" and it goes unnoticed. In games that allow prone it happens even more often, then it's your duty to jihad that place, just pull the pin on all the nades you got..

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