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Why Is Salt So Bad for You, Anyway?

SeesThruYou says...

Eat well, stay fit, and DIE anyway. I'd rather live 50 years as a free man, than 100 years in a prison. Pass the salt, please.

How to Brake

SeesThruYou says...

Yeah, let's just ignore the buckets full of stupid that it took to reach that point in the first place.

Stephen Reacts To Trump Calling Him 'A No-Talent Guy'

SeesThruYou says...

Colbert is a celebrity, an entertainer, someone who makes a living by making jokes and disregarding everything as trivial. You know, like the court jesters of medieval times. He has no ability to solve any problems, so instead he mocks them. What "talent" does he really have that contributes to society? Stop worshipping this asshole and all other celebrities as if they're somehow better than anyone else. You know damn well that if famous people weren't famous, they'd be nothing at all.

Estonian Police Stop Fleeing Car with Spike Strip

SeesThruYou says...

Yikes, that's gotta take some serious nerve to get anywhere near a speeding vehicle like that, especially when you know it's being driven by a worthless piece of shit that doesn't care if you live or die.

The ultimate video game turned movie...STRAFE!

sen al franken brilliantly connects the dots on russia

SeesThruYou says...

Please, Al Franken is such a monumental idiot that he can't take a piss without getting some in his mouth. His "explanation" is fictional thinking on an embarrassing level.

Effective guardrail is effective.

The Brilliant Earth Diamond Scam

SeesThruYou says...

True. It's the diamond cartels (actually it may just be one now) that control how many diamonds are allowed onto the market each year, which is the only thing that keeps them valuable. There are diamond mines in the world that actually produced so many uncut diamonds, that they piled them up on the floor of the mine and then sealed the entrances with concrete, putting local miners out of work.

kingmob said:

And diamonds...are not that rare.
It's a marketing hoax their value.

So it is really double irony.

Because the window will stop him...

SeesThruYou says...

I dunno... I've seen car windows deflect a speeding cinder block like it was a piece of rubber without so much as a crack. Automotive glass is stronger than you think, most of the time.

A New Method for training a cat to walk on a leash

SeesThruYou says...

I personally know several people who's cats love going for walks on a leash. They even wait patiently by the door at the same time every day, eager for the activity, so don't believe all the idiot yammering from anti-cat dickheads who have no clue what they are talking about. Unfortunately, I can't walk my cat because of too many DOG OWNERS in the neighborhood who ignore leash laws and let their dangerous, flea-bitten, fur-covered shit factories run loose.

One More Reason Marijuana Is Safer Than Alcohol

SeesThruYou says...

"My brain altering drug is safer than your brain altering drug, so nyah nyah." Kinda like saying jumping from the 30th floor of a building is "safer" than jumping from the 31st floor. There's a bigger picture you're completely missing, dumbasses.

That is NOT going to rub out

Leopard Immediately Regrets Attacking Porcupines

Self Defense Techniques For United Passengers

Arresting Cable Snaps During E-2 Landing - USS Eisenhower

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