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"One Minute Racist" -- short and sweet little movie

Nithern says...


Your incorrect on your idea of steroetypes being only cultural. Yes, if one says "those black people are stupid as boards and live in the ghetto cus their not smart to get out." is racists. Saying "those black people stay in that neighborhood cus they aren't bashed as they would be in the white neighborhood" is STILL, a recists comment.

For a while after September 11, 2001 (aka 9/11), people associated arabs with terrorists. In fact, those who wore a turbin were considered terrorists as well. In fact, anyone that wasn't from Europe (germanic looking), Asia (japanesse/chinesse looking) or black (from africa) were considered terrorists. Racisms often ignores facts. Part of the Middle East, is in Europe, Africa and Asia. But dont tell that to racists at the time, as would view you as a terrorist sympathizer, and hence, un-American. After 9/11, there was (and still is) a movement that says unless your pro-American (read: conservative republican), your un-Americans (like liberals, moderates and liberals).

An so, there were numerous attacks on Arab-Americans who were born in the USA, went to public schools in the USA, and love their home country of America. Racists are not often the educated sort who think on their victims. If they did, they wouldn't be racists, they'd be socialpaths, who are even worst.

While we all discriminated on things, the concept of 'discrimination' as it applies to race, takes on a different meaning. To be an American, is to accept, that those who's skin, height, weight, hair, eyes, and even gender are different from yours, they are the same as you. Those who's religion, creed, and education are different from yours, is the same as you. Its the 'Melting Pot' effect that makes Americans a very diverise lot.

Its not to say we have removed racisms. American still has it in boat loads. The things that seem to stem the tide of racism, is education. The more educated a person is, the more often they are around those who's difference also make them the same.

Atheist Comedy - The Great Flood

Nithern says...

Some of you might not recall when the flood waters really flooded much of the American Midwest back in the 80's. As far as the eye could see, and then beyond, there was no ground to see. While the structures build in the 80's were of better material, built with modern know how, some did get destroyed. The point is, that you could still see some structures and such after the floor water receeded. Back in Noah's time, most buildings were built poorly with crappy materials. So when the flood water came, those things were simply demolished.

Unlike the fundie Christians believe, I doubt it was a global flood, but a large scale localized flood. Kinda of like the one from the 80's in Midwest America. But even at that time, the population of the Earth stood at 6 billion. So the flood wiped out a few thousand. That wasn't even a speed bump to the population growth at the time to be noticed.

Finally, this really is an attack on another religion. While poking fun at another religion can be fun, it also has its coneequences. Since, if your an atheist, and think this is funny, you can not, therefore, get mad or upset if a Christian makes jokes of Atheists. Otherwise, your just a hypocrit.

Sunday Loon Watch: GOPers Tie Themselves Up in Knots

Nithern says...

It is amusing to listen to the GOP talk. Often the stuff they accuse democrats of, they, themselves, have done worst. And one usually doesn't have to look beyond ten years, to find exactly when and where the GOP was a bigger hypocrit. It is like, they hope liberals are as stupid, dim-witted, and uneducated as conservatives who keep voting them in to office. Like, no one will look back in to history, and see if their actions and words reflect their current B.S.

For example. Republicans talk about, spending a trillion dollars on health care. This health care would cover 94-96% of Americans (who could keep their health insurance if it was better). This trillion would be spent over ten years, lowering the debt that is created through medical issues and bankruptcies. This, Republicans say, is not needed, as only the rich and elite, should be allowed health coverage.

Now, here is the hypocriticy in action:

2003-2009, six years, of paying $500 billion (a conversative number) for the war in Iraq. That's three trillion dollars in six years. The grand majority of that money was given to defense companies, and other 'cantering' companies like KBR. We were told by Republicans (most notably the Bush Administration), that Iraq had (and I quote) "Massive stock piles, of weapons of mass destruction". These WMDs were threating our allies in the Middle East (read: Isreal). So we invaded, put 50K-80K people to the sword, got 12K+ of our soldiers killed, and injuried another 70K of our soldiers. Not a single time, did Mr. Bush meet the coffins of our honored dead at Dover AFB. And in the end, we STILL< did not find a single WMD. Some how, we went from "massive stockpiles" to "nothing", after spending $3 Trillion dollars.
And that's just one of a few thousand things wrong with the GOP. After all, the GOP feels torture does not voilate any code of law, including God's. The way in which regulators, regulations, and systems put in place to monitor and keep markets from doing things they were not allowed to do....ultimately led to the collapse of the economy a year ago.

Yes, Republicans can't handle taking responsiblity for their actions. And they hope conservatives are to uneducated to notice. So far, it looks like its working.

Elf Yourself - Dancing Elves Invade NYC

Whitehouse on Health Care Opponents

Darth Vader Opens Wall Street

Dad Ruins Christmas Tree Setup

Nithern says...

I'm sort of thinking this is fake, but for entirely different reasons. Anyone renting or owning a house, would know how tall the ceiling is, when putting a tree up. The fact that this idiot walks in with a tree that is obviously to tall for the room, should know that. After all, if the tree is obviously taller then the ceiling is, why wasn't it cut OUTSIDE?

Sarah Palin wins "Lie of the Year"

Nithern says...

Yes, the poster person for the GOP, is also Liar of the Year. What does that say of the Republican party these days? While it often joked (or even cynical behavior) that all politicans lie, this person took it to a whole new level. She didn't lie, because the issue was important, but just for cheap political points (and to help sell her book, 'Going Rogue').

Yeap, why do we STILL allow Republicans in the US goverment? Can't we draft a law, to draft all of them and send them to the front lines in Afghanistan? After all, they are the biggest whiners of the US pulling out of Afghanistan. Why not have them fight it? Oh yeah, cus they can't put their money where their mouth is.

Yeah Sarah, you finally won a real achievement!

Rachel Maddow - Missing C-SPAN Video Of McCain's Objection

Nithern says...

What? A Republican being a hypocrit? Oh....just business as usual for Republicans for the last decade. But yeah, I'm with JiggaJonson, in that if Republicans are trying to move me to their position, they are failing.

How Far Will Republicans Go To Block Health Care Reform?

Nithern says...

In the past year, Republicans have done everything in thier power to block health care that could cost in the upwards of one trillion US dollars over ten years. Conservatives, leave out the 'over ten years' part, since that would undermine their agenda. They had no problem with a defense budget of $640 billion for 2009, nor one for $670 billion for 2010. Also, they did not see any problem paying for the Iraq war's price tag of $3 trillion over six years (that's $500 billion/year). Go look it up, if you dont believe me.

When compared to the rest of the world, America pays more for national defense, then the next eight largest militaries in the world (Russia, Britain, France, Germany, Egypt, China, South Korea). When the 2009 bill came up about ten months ago, it sailed through the Senate & House without an ounce of debate or complaint from Republicans. But the moment, we start spending money on US Citizens, who are not defense contractors, they go ballistic!

Next time you talk to your republican congressman, ask him or her, where those WMD's we were suppose to find in Iraq are? You know, the whole reason why we went to Iraq and spent $3 trillion dollars over six years? I know, getting anything from a republican congressman beyond a wave from 80 feet, means you 'donating' $2+ million dollars to their re-election chest....

Rush Limbaugh - Healthcare Is A Luxury

Nithern says...

Someone put a red shirt on Rush, and beam him down to earth already!!!!

Health care coverage is neither a right nor a privilage. Its a needed concept that superceeds the right and the privilaged. I dare ANYONE, that is for the conservative philosophy, to go ten years, WITHOUT health care coverage of any kind (including disability, medicade, and Vet Benefits). Not a single one of them will take up the bet. That should tell you something very quickly on the concept of health care. No one, who is sane, would volunteerily give up health care coverage.

I agree that Mr. Shatner is not given enough time with this video to conclude his arguement and point on the subject. Mr. Rush, is in the business of being entertaining for an audience that largely ignores science, education, and financial wisdom. It should not come as a surprise to anyone, that a subject like health care(which incorporates science, education, and financial issues), should be something America should be concern with. Well, if the 43% OF us citizens, had the level of health care coverage Mr. Limbaugh has, we wouldn't need to address this issue.

The Daily Show 12/14/09 - World of Warmcraft

Nithern says...

Winstonfield claims he's seen all the data on global warming. Yeah.....sure....

To have seen ALL the data on global and climate knowledge, would take up 57 years of straight reading (assuming no one writes another book from this moment onward). In addition, that Winstonfield observed personally, EVERY, lecture given. Both with those recorded, and was their personally when they were not. If anyone is getting the idea, that Winstonfield's arguement is just alittle might be correct.

Scientists look at data differently then do lay-persons would of data. Its to look at the data, and then try to give the best explainition for the data AT PRESENT. Winstonfield would do well to get a scientific education, before opening his mouth, and gush gibberish of flimsy thought.

There's more then enough data that points out, what scientists are explaining. Unfortunately, scientists, are not often good at explaining stuff to non-scientists. Sort of like how not many thought Michael Jackson was a genius of a musician, but instead, a wacko.

If you think climate change is not taking place, then the burden of evidence is up to you, to prove. For the moment, the evidence seems to point that there is a direct link between man's usage of things, and the climate worsening.

I find that Winstonfield is simply a conservative Republican lap dog. Saying and doing anything his masters wish, with total obedience and unwavering fanatic behavior. If they told him, the sky will be yellow zig zaps, purple poka-dots, and red curvy lines, three weeks from now. He would be on here, saying so, without an ounce of evidence or proof. In fact, he would show websites devoted to this concept, which in turn, are hardly non-bias. Remember that, when you read his stuff.

Rachel Maddow Show: You Can't Handle Evolution

Nithern says...

Why are other countries growing in sciences, while the USA lags behind? Religious Nutcases.

Why are other countries been studying stem cell research for the past decade, and the USA is just NOW, getting around to it? Republicans

Why are students more interested in becoming lawyers, TV-reality waste-oids, and drug taking atheltes? Greed.

So, religious, greedy, republicans, are what is making the USA fall behind against other countries in the sciences. Heck, the Theory of Evolution and Creationism talk about two totally different concepts. One talks about survival of the fittest, and the other how everything got started. One doesn't talk about how the universe and planet came in to being. The other doesn't talk about (beyond the social injustices of 2K years ago) what happen SINCE, the start of things. But dont try to educate a religious idiot on this. They think it's just some trick of evil science to weaken their already lame faith, and even lesser ego's.

So yes, since science is not really that important to the USA. that will soon mean, engineering will not be to popular to study (since engineers actually do something with the crap scientists discover). And we won't have to worry about producing anything of value to anyone beyond the borders of the USA. Since they can already produce the goods and services they need.

Yes, lets all thank the greedy, religious republicans for this recession, which is just the start, in a long list of decomplishments (is that a word? Is now...), the USA will be known for, for the next few years, if not decades!

Franken Destroys Thune For Playing Loose with Facts on HCR

Nithern says...

56% of WHO? Who was asked, and what were they asked? Who conducted the polling? Fox News?

If I asked people who don't have health insurance, whether getting affordable or free health coverage would be good, I'd get 100%. If I asked old, super-rich, republicans if, poor, uneducated, democrats should get health coverage, 0% would say 'its needed'. So right off the bat, Winstonfield, is arguing not facts, but an arguement he cant prove correct.

The health care bill, does NOT go against the spirit NOR the letter of the prescribed powers of goverment. Maybe Winstonfield could expand on this subject, beyond the one word fear sentence, and provide a few FACTS.

The purpose of the health care bill is multi-level depth and penetration (think metaphorically of a box with an X x Y x Z dimensions to it). ONE, of the many things within the bill, explains how a goverment run health coverage would operated. The costs AND the benefits would go live on day 1. Its all there, for the public to see. And its not a 'top-down, goverment run wealth redistrubtion scheme', as Winstonfield, fearfully thinks. But then, as a republican, Winstonfield (like all other republicans it seems), holds a greater intolerance to fear, then most Americans who are level headed. If you told a republican that the Obama Administration had a plan to outlaw the 2nd Amendment, and then provided flimzy evidence to support it; they would be running to the nearest gun shop, and maxing out their credit and taking a 2nd mortage on their house. No, that's really not an exaggeration. I wish it was, and I was merely talking in jest.

I think Mr. Franken did an excellent job, in presenting the questions and arguements. And that this Mr. Thule should READ and UNDERSTAND the health care bill before opening his mouth.

"Read my lips... NO NEW TAXES!"

Nithern says...

"Fiscal Conservatives"

Ronald Reagan (R).......$200+ billion Deficit
George W. W. Bush (R)...$300+ Billion Deficit
George W. Bush, Jr (R)..$480+ Billion Deficit

"Tax & Spend Liberals"

Bill Clinton (D)........$200+ Billion SUPRPLUS

You know, if I wanted to see my goverment's budget balanced, and in line with the viewpoint that its OUR money that we are spending. Why, O'Lord, do idiots keep voting for republicans?!?!?!?!

Yeah, that health care bill will cost us $1 Trillion over a decade under Mr. Obama. But the Iraq war, costed Americans $500 billion over sixs years (that's $3 trillion dollars for the mathametically inept). And we didn't find any WMDs or Osama bin Laden (or his henchment that were supposively *IN* Iraq).

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