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This is what the Internet was made for: 2012 Edition


NinjaInHeat says...

Neat visuals, though this trend of using this type of dubstep as the soundtrack for pretty much any action scene as if it weren't the musical equivalent of diarrhea has to stop .

Ninja Glock

Sh*t Japanese Girls Say

Two Westboro Douche Nozzles

NinjaInHeat says...

I gotta say, I'm pretty surprised at how well spoken they can be and how firm they are in the understanding of their beliefs, retarded as those may be. Seriously, these guys speak their case better than the vast majority of other religious nuts. Just saying, it's like they actually give these issues a lot of thought, if you can call what goes on in their heads thought.

Excellent Excuse for Being Caught Looking at Boobs

News Anchor Responds to Viewer Email Calling Her "Fat"

NinjaInHeat says...

I don't know what to say except again that it's pretty obvious you don't know the first thing about eating disorders.
How exactly does the American obesity problem equals the "normalization" of it? That's like saying the normalization of Ebola is a problem in Africa.

I'll give you this much, your idea of dealing with a problem is definitely an effective one.
Making a person super self-conscious about their physical appearance is a very effective way of having them change it. The problem here is that you to understand that effective doesn't necessarily equal good/positive.
Your idea of the proper way to deal with these issues is a scary one, more so for the fact you don't even realize what the implications of it are.

>> ^scannex:

>> ^NinjaInHeat:
Take a second to think about how TV "role models" usually look (or people "in the public eye" as scannex puts it).
What planet have you been living on where the "normalization of obesity" has become a problem?

>> ^scannex:
The normalization of obesity is a problem.

Oh, I don't know... how about this planet? Where the USA is the fattest developed country in the world?
Your text to link...
So yes... "F cking seriously".
You must be daft if you cannot discern between healthy weight, a supermodel and someone who is obese. Being underweight is dangerous as well, and you drawing the conclusion as to that is what we are after is silly.
This was a private letter SHE made public. You say that the opinion is that she is too fat to be on TV. Not the case, and not the suggestion of the letter. This PRIVATE letter was a plea to this woman's sensibilities in fashion less sugarcoated than she is used to.

Zero Punctuation: Borderlands 2

NinjaInHeat says...

I like Yahtzee but honestly it's becoming very tiring having to accept that he's only willing to review games on his "terms".

He's made it repeatedly clear that he never plays online, not co-op and not competitive. Which means he played this game alone, which is very much a possibility but obviously not a proper way to review a game specifically designed for co-op.
He refuses to acknowledge any amount of effort put into the development of types of features he doesn't enjoy (but that a ton of other players do), and instead of at least giving credit where it's due he ignores those aspects completely.

Borderlands has always been about loot, Borderlands 2 does this EXTREMELY well but he couldn't give a rat's ass.
It's like letting someone review DOTA and hearing him complain about the lack of a proper plot and that just generally he hates RTS games (or however the hell you'd define DOTA).

There's more to reviewing games than just saying what you like and what you don't, especially when your taste is super-specific.

News Anchor Responds to Viewer Email Calling Her "Fat"

NinjaInHeat says...

Seriously people? fucking seriously?

Do you even realize how hypocritical it is to justify this guy's letter with a self-righteous lecture about the dangers of obesity?
Take a second to think about how TV "role models" usually look (or people "in the public eye" as scannex puts it).
What planet have you been living on where the "normalization of obesity" has become a problem?

The nerve you would have to have to suggest in a letter that this woman is too fat to be shown on TV is only surpassed by the ignorance of believing that it would actually serve as a better example for our children.

It goes to show how little most people understand of the psychology of eating disorders.

Man, I can only dream of a day when all tv personalities are fit, imagine... utopia...

>> ^scannex:

The normalization of obesity is a problem.

Philadelphia Cop Sucker Punches A Women

Joe Scarborough reacts to Romney clip

NinjaInHeat says...

I think it's awesome that in an American election where these are the 2 candidates, poles still show Romney as bringing in 43% of the voting population.
I don't think there's any doubt by now about who's going to win, but the fact that practically anyone with half a brain (i.e. not Romney) would've actually stood a chance at winning sorta makes you wonder what would become of American society once such an individual steps up.

Oh and by awesome I mean pathetic.


The Dictator Live On Breakfast Television Down Under

Bear Caught on Camera Dancing in the Woods at Night

Just because you CAN, it doesn't mean you SHOULD

NinjaInHeat says...

People who say/do without thinking first are idiots regardless of whether they're being douche bags or not, calculated douchebaggery is every bit as noteworthy as any other kind of thought-through action (if not more).
See 4chan for details.

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