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Kitty says NO!

GOP Debate Audience Members Boo Gay Soldier

Peter Dinklage's Emmy Win

Tea Partier: 'John Boehner Is A Socialist'

Lithic says...

Normally I would say these people have no idea what a socialist is, but given that it's the Tea Party I feel safe in saying that these people have no idea what anything, anywhere is, ever.

Guaranteed to be your biggest WTF of the day!

Real world force field for combat vehicles


Love Your Enemies

Lithic says...

I'm not sure whether this was a question as to the legal mechanics of why the criminal is still pursued or if it was a rhetorical one as to why society should care to pursue him. I'll try and answer the first one and hope it helps someone. This is in general as applies to legal theory, my command of US criminal law is scant to say the least.

Certain crimes in certain jurisdictions might need an express wish of the victim to be pursued, in other cases police and prosecutors will simply ignore a crime if the victim does not want the investigation to proceed on practical grounds (the victim might be the chief witness etc.). But that is not always the case or even necessarily the rule.

The main reason why police and prosecutors would continue to pursue a case is likely because some more serious crimes are considered to be of interest to the state itself (as safeguarding public order, upholding the laws of the state and all that), thus it is not only up to the victim to decide what extent an investigation is pursued; police and prosecutors might determine of their own accord that a case should be pursued (the reasons why this might also be practically necessary can be seen in, for example, domestic abuse cases where children or spouses might deny or not want to press charges regardless of the severity or obviousness of the crimes against them, it also helps to discourage threats and the social and mental burden on criminal victims). So his wish to press charges might not matter in this case, depending on the law of the state in question.

There is also (in some jurisdictions) the choice of private prosecution, where the victim (or someone of similar status) can compel courts into criminal proceedings against someone even if the prosecutors have decided not to pursue the case. This is done to safeguard the possibility of justice in the individual case and as a check to prosecutorial power.

>> ^GeeSussFreeK:

Question, why do the cops still care? It is obvious the store owner doesn't want to press charges.

84 year old goes back to school - inspires nation

Oldest Student in Kenya in Primary School

84 year old goes back to school - inspires nation

The Daily Show - Have No Fear, England's Here


Michael McIntyre on Walking

Lithic says...

Ok, admit it; you just made that up right now to see how many people would go along with it, didn't you? >> ^Sagemind:

Walking is primarily a series of organized and controlled falls. We swing our arms forward to encourage our bodies to fall in the direction we want to fall, then we catch ourselves but sticking a foot forward. As the process repeats, we call this walking.
If we didn't swing our arms, we couldn't properly steer and our lower torsos would get tired very quickly.

Tim Minchin concert version: You Grew On Me

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