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Hugh Laurie is "all man" on Blackadder

Star Trek Lip Dub - Turbo Lift

Fox News Dumbest Anti-Atheist Question of the Month?

HollywoodBob says...

>> ^morelenmir:
Surely, working from this shockingly ignorant woman's stance would it not be a GREATER sacrifice for a non-afterlife-believing Atheist to die for his country? If an Atheist does not believe in a continued discarnate existence then surely what they give up becomes worth even more?
She seems to be suggesting an Atheist's life - and death - are worth less honor than a Christian/Deist. That is a horrible thing to be allowed to broadcast.

So many Christians really only care about their own kind, and if they presume to care about others it's typically only because they're attempting to convert them (while destroying their culture).

It has always bothered me the hypocrisy of the Christian soldier/cop, as if wearing a uniform exempts a person from "THOU SHALT NOT KILL".

Fox News Dumbest Anti-Atheist Question of the Month?

HollywoodBob says...

I'm an atheist, and I believe in the possibility of consciousness transcending mortality. The difference is that I don't think that you have to behave in any particular fashion for that occur. No heaven, no hell, no reward, no punishment.

And it's a real shame too because there's loads of religious people out that who would most definitely going to hell.

Israel keeps up Palestinian evictions 04 Nov 09

HollywoodBob says...

The problem is that the US is so reluctant to tell the Israelis to knock off their bullshit because it has become a situation where if you say the slightest thing against Israel's policies you're automatically branded an anti-Semite and there goes any chances of getting campaign contributions from any Jewish organization.

Sophie Lancasters murder animated for awareness campaign

Students Occupy Against Fee Hikes and Face Police Brutality

HollywoodBob says...

Wow, where to start?

How about, peaceful protests on public lands should never have the police called. You got a problem with protesters? Deal with it, you already made your choice, now accept the repercussions of your actions.

Did they raise the tuition in order to discourage enrollment or because they're underfunded? No one should be discouraged from seeking higher education, for any reason. As for underfunding universities, don't even get me started on how out of whack our system is that education has to beg, borrow, and steal to fund itself poorly, yet there always seems to be plenty of money to build tanks and bombs.

There is going to come a time, likely within this century, when non-creative jobs will go away. These tedious and menial jobs will become all but entirely automated, and the skilled laborer will become a novelty, relegated to a very few who work their trade not because it's a needed job but an art, much like people who hand craft furniture or diving helmets do today. At that point people will be extremely limited on what they can do, either they'll become artists or scientists. Unfortunately that will leave the vast majority of people unable to survive simply because they'll either not be talented or intelligent enough to contribute. It may seem far-fetched but it is bound to happen, the only question is when.

Once that happens what do you do to maintain your society?

Zero Punctuation - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

HollywoodBob says...

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
What he doesn't mention about the controversial mission is that spoiler the undercover agent who takes part in the terrorism is killed by the terrorists immediately after the incident whether he shoots the civilians or not, which makes it that much more pointless. Multiplayer is fun tho.

Though, as the plot is conceived, the events of that mission HAVE to play out that way, so that the rest of the plot can be facilitated. I chose to play that mission rather than skip it, so I'm not sure how they handle the exposition of the events of that mission should the player choose to not play it.

Anti-religion Billboards Surface

HollywoodBob says...

I like these billboards, too bad I live in the bible belt where you'll never see these, instead we get anti-abortion and bible verse billboards.

The woman's comment about how " raise your children to believe something a billboard isn't going to change that..." really bothers me. It illustrates exactly why I have such an udder disgust of religions. Commanding a child to believe what you tell them before they even have the capability to think rationally about anything is child abuse pure and simple.

Time Lapse Visualization of US Unemployment

HollywoodBob says...

>> ^NordlichReiter:
You would think that revenue would need to be greater than expenses right? I'm no economist, but I do know that if I spend more than I make I'll probably go bankrupt soon.

You would be correct in that assumption, the problem is trying to get anyone to agree in the correct way to best increase revenue while decreasing expenditures.

The conservatives will tell you that we just need to cut all but the barest of expenditures while cutting revenue as well. Liberals will suggest increasing revenue while encouraging efficiency with spending.

I like to look back to history to base my opinions on government spending and taxation. Historically, the economy of the US has performed better when corporate and personal tax rates were high than when they are lowered. I'm no economist either, so I'll concede that there may not be a causal relationship between high taxation and a well performing economy, but there definitely seems to be a correlation.

To me it's a question of value. I'd much rather have high taxes with loads of well funded social programs that contribute to a better quality of life for everyone, than our current situation of lower taxes, poorly funded everything, and the majority of our society struggling to get by, while a lucky few reap the rewards of buying the right elections.

Pot Farm Found Near Police Station

Fox: You'll Have To Explain What Bongs Are

Australian Magazine Features 7ft Tall Model On Cover

France cheats its way into World Cup

HollywoodBob says...

What amazes me is that people still think that the winners of professional sporting events have anything to do with the skill of the players.

As soon as money is introduced, and it becomes entertainment, you should just expect the spirit of fair play and sportsmanship to go right out the window. The owners associations only care about putting more fans in the stands at the highest possible ticket price. The league controls the officiating, and the money controls the league. Every professional sport has their examples of how money ruins them: the NFL that welcomes felons with open arms, the NBA has referees betting on the outcomes of the games and then making calls to get those outcomes, baseball players juicing up on steroids so they can hit more homeruns, cyclists blood doping to get an edge, sporting leagues tweaking the seeding of playoffs to put particular teams in the finals, etc. ad nauseaum. These will all continue to become more and more prevalent until the fan outrage reaches critical mass and they stop buying tickets or watching matches on the telly. When the money goes away the ethics of the games will return. I'm not gonna hold my breath.

Shiny Suds are Naughty

HollywoodBob says...

>> ^spoco2:
The point is that product makers should label what's in their cleaners so you can chose to not to use ones with certain chemicals in them.

Yeah because we all know which chemicals (and chemical combinations) can have adverse effects on us. Yeah we could all use the internet to investigate which chemicals could be harmful, but really if we're going to do that isn't it just as easy to figure out which products could be harmful the same way? Plus I think it would be easier to remember that "Shiny Suds" might be harmful than to try and remember if "polyethylmethalenedimonochlorohydroxipentathyaletamine glycol" might be harmful.

Better suggestion would be for consumers to stop buying cleaning products all together. Salt, vinegar, and elbow grease will clean your bathroom far better and you won't have to worry about any harmful chemicals.

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