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Snowflakes Ready For Their Close-ups

Barseps (Member Profile)

Half in the Bag: Django Unchained and 2012 Re-cap

Plant Plastic

Cockpit voice recorder of Aeroperú Flight 603

GeeSussFreeK says...

totally agree. I have a fear of flying big time, but I still dredge through stuff like this for some god awful reason. Like some sort of strange penance, that if I drag myself through other peoples hell, perhaps I will no longer have to be in hell when I fly.

chingalera said:

This is just kinna creep-ya-the-fuck-out, creepy...

Using liquid to demonstrate the Pythagorean Theorem

Funny YouTube Comments of 2012

GeeSussFreeK says...

I thought that was kind of a neat idea for the @dag to think about...promoting comments or something like that. I remember a great little bit about shaving on the dollar razor would be nice to catalog and promote good conversations inasmuch as we do good videos. It already works pretty well with the sidebar conversation thingy, but just taking it a step further to make it a little more fleshed out. Just a thought.

ant said:

What about VS' comments?

How Satellites Rule Our World

How Satellites Rule Our World

Wal-Mart Targeted Over Corruption and Labor Practices

Crazy Landing!! Kids, do not repeat this at home!!

GeeSussFreeK says...

I don't want to drag this conversation out any longer, so I will just sum it up with this blanket statement. Decent, approach and landing make up about half of the risk area in flying statistically speaking. Private Part 91/General Aviation constitute the highest level of risk of any aviation. Human factors are by far the most common accident type, and this type of hurried flying is just a "human factor" accident waiting to happen. With that said, I bet there is a very small accident rate on things like this overall, but if there is, it is on someones head. So while I was being kind of hyperbolic because of my fear of flying, there are still risks to consider, and this type of hurried landing style is a style that is a human factor crash waiting to happen, which is the highest factor in crashes, during the highest risk part of a flight, in an aviation mode with the highest level of deaths per miles. He is, by statistical analysis, engaging in the most risky set of flight behaviors and conditions possible. And I am fine with that, as long as he isn't doing it over my house. That is all from me good sir, over and out!

jimnms said:

He's not doing anything dangerous or putting anyone at risk. He's operating the aircraft within it's designed limitations. An engine failure would cause the props to auto feather which would remove the breaking effect, and the aircraft could go about flying normally.

Crazy Landing!! Kids, do not repeat this at home!!

GeeSussFreeK says...

He is placing himself in the situation that any minor, non-catastrophic failure would most likely result in the loss of the aircraft. I am fine with that, just as long as he isn't doing over other peoples houses. Good airmanship is more than being able to handle dangerous things, it is not putting yourself in them. But that is coming from someone who is terrified of flying, so take it for what it is worth

jimnms said:

What's "not cool" about it? The plane is designed to fly in and out of remote airports with short unpaved runways. It's basically using the propeller as an air brake which allows for a near vertical descent without building up excessive airspeed. Sky diving operators use it because it can make it back to the airport before the sky divers hit the ground and be ready to go up again. Other planes would take several minutes to safely descend from high altitudes, using more fuel and time.

Jungle All The Way with Arnie

Crazy Landing!! Kids, do not repeat this at home!!

The Helical Model

GeeSussFreeK says...

Ya, there is a group using this visualization to show that "gravity is a lie" so your spidey sense is right on the money. When you get down to it, the motion around the center of the galaxy is inconsequential, the orbit of the planets around the sun would be the same. And the gay spiral bs at the end, well, that is not taking into account the motion of the galaxy through deep space, making the the pattern of our motion through space just look like an oscillating mess, not a spiral. Not to mention we might get ejected when Andromeda smashes into us. In the end, all the mass in our solar system was created with angular momentum around the galactic core, and internally, the system was embedded with angular momentum around the sun.

rottenseed said:

This is a cool presentation and idea, however my spidey senses....they be tinglin'. The number one reason why is because of the various planar discrepancies this model offers. For the most part, relative to our point of view, the planets' orbits are coplanar (on the same plane). Maybe this model would offer the same "effect" but I'm not about to try the math. It just seems like a "earth is flat" theory to me (although more convoluted).

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