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Meanwhile at a Democratic Socialists Convention...

Drachen_Jager says...


You support Trump, a guy who literally grins and gives a thumbs up for his photo op with a baby who's parents were likely murdered because of his own rhetoric. A guy who rambles on about absolute nonsense when he's not using a teleprompter. A guy who got recorded admitting he molests women. A guy who is so obsessed with his image that he takes drugs that make him impotent just so he can have a full head of hair. And the cast of characters supporting him is no better.

The difference between the left and the right now in America is on the left, the nuts are on the fringes, on the right, they're in Congress, in the White House, in the Senate. They're making policy.

Every house has a few nuts, most are smart enough not to put them in charge.

Ctrl+Shift+Face: Bill Hader is Tom Cruise

Drachen_Jager says...

This didn't have the usual level of uncanny valley I get from most Deep Fakes, but I didn't really get Tom Cruise either. First off, Bill Hader looks a lot like TC to begin with, and the facial expressions and some facial features clearly appeared like Hader's and not TC's.

If they're going to fool competent people into believing it's real they'll have to do better.

Peter tingle

Center fielder first position player to ever record a save

Drachen_Jager says...

Not just won, but went from either a negative or neutral position to win.

IE. if it's happened before, the team was already ahead when the non-pitcher took over in relief.

moonsammy said:

Let me make sure I understand: this is the first time, in all of MLB history, that a game was won with someone other than a pitcher functioning as the pitcher? I'm really surprised if that hadn't ever happened before...

This Presidential Seal Does Not Look Like The Others

Drachen_Jager says...


How's your stable genius now? You know most people of average intelligence or better would notice the difference between the seal of their own personal office and one as manipulated as this is?

Russian-styled Eagle with two heads, golf clubs instead of arrows, wad of cash instead of an olive branch. None of it apparently noticed by the stable genius or any of his cronies.

Can you at least admit he's stupid now?

Kid hides from police in Bend

What is the Second Civil War

Drachen_Jager says...

Wow... he had a dream.

And we all know that every dream is 100% real!

Especially that one I had as a kid where a giant witch popped out of a giant jack-in-the-box and chased my family in our car. Totally 100% real.

Just because you agree, or you want it to be true doesn't mean it is. This is the exact problem so many on the right, like @bobknight33 have. If the info aligns with their perception of reality it must be accurate, no matter how bad or unreliable the source, and no matter what other evidence contradicts it.

Ryan Reynolds does the bottle cap challenge

Mow Your Lawn or Lose Your House

Drachen_Jager says...

Free to own guns.
Free to say whatever you want, no matter how offensive, hateful, or wrong.
Free to sell products or run companies that literally kill other people.
Free to influence elections with your money.
But mow your fucking lawn or we'll eat you alive!

America, fuck yeah!

Trump Claims 1775 Revolutionary Army 'took over airports'

Drachen_Jager says...

"I don't use Teleprompters." - Donald Trump

"I say we should outlaw teleprompters … for anybody running for president.” - Donald Trump

“I’ve started to use them a little bit, They’re not bad. You never get yourself in trouble when you use a teleprompter." - Donald Trump

(referring to this particular speech) "I knew the speech very well so I was able to do it without a teleprompter," - Donald Trump

"I have one of the greatest memories of all time." - Donald Trump

Hmmm, @bobknight33 what do you say? Were there airports in the revolutionary war, or - perhaps - are DT's mental faculties not quite as amazing as he claims?

The Soviet Superplane That Rattled America

Drachen_Jager says...

They missed my favourite, the Bartini Bariev VVA-14M1P, which was a hybrid Ekranoplan/traditional aircraft which could fly at higher altitudes, but was designed to maximize the ground effect so it could cruise very long distances at sea level.

The Simpsons Couch Gag, Russian Arthouse Version

Now we can even bowl from the couch

Should We Abolish Billionaires?

Drachen_Jager says...

Yes please.

Honestly, can any Billionaire honestly say that if half their money was stolen, and nobody told them it was missing, they would even notice?

It's been repeatedly shown that in economies where wealth is spread more equally among the economic strata that everyone benefits, even those in the top .1%. They live longer, are happier, and are more integrated with the society around them.

Deadpool 3 Teaser

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