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Becoming a Muslim in Australia

BlueGeorgeWashington says...

This vid has propaganda. It is incumbent on any new Muslims to STOP THE VIOLENCE within their own religion which is being perpetrated on the world body. Stop hair trigger reactive violence or threats of violence against others opinions. As a Muslim, you must take responsibility for your own actions and stop blaming others. You must not allow Islam to become the world's biggest bully and perpetrator of violence.
It is not the "media" that has created an appropriate skeptical view of anyone involved in Islam when a very ugly percentage of those involved in Islam are out to violently kill innocent people with their bombs worldwide or forcibly institute an Islamic "Sharia" government which is by it's own structure is fascist and oppressive especially against women. I'm surprised Susan isn't wearing a burka.

Corretta Scott King

BlueGeorgeWashington says...

A GREAT speech! Dr. Martin Luther King would have been very proud of his wife. All those who are prone to violence should take heed as to what the honorable Mrs. King says. Malcolm X and the Black Panthers should have listened to Dr. King and his wife.

It is a terrible shame (and dishonor to the "King Legacy") that MANY "Black History" courses taught in today's Universities and schools have become thinly veiled courses in racism against White Culture fostering hate (by teachers wanting to sell their book) instead of integrative understanding of history as a whole.

And in today's world adherents to Islam have developed an increasingly "short temper and trigger finger" of intolerance of any and all appropriate criticism of the wide spread ideology of reactive mindless violence being taught in todays Islam to young Muslims.

Kudos to the Ghandi's and King's of history who teach a non-violent way of achieving your rights, hopes and dreams. We NEED to learn to live together in PEACE.

Plastilina Mosh - Mr. Pmosh

Palestinian / Israeli Conflict

BlueGeorgeWashington says...

A Great Speech by Ms. Arundhati-Roy. Well balanced approach. But,alas,dated now. It is atrocious what happened to the Palestinians and how the land was divided up after WW 2 This is ugly face of true oppression. I have never agreed with what happened to the Palestinians and it is a mistake for the U.S. government to blindly support everything Israel does---but remember--- the U.S. Government has been sharply critical of Israel's actions on occasions. I believe their deadly over-reactive assaults against any threats are due in large part to the atrocious and inhuman treatment they sustained during World War 2 at the bloody hands of the Nazis but it is no excuse for the Israeli's to be as inhuman as the Nazis were. It is also because of Islamic groups like Hamas want Israel as a country- destroyed. The Arab world should not "hate" Americans. Many of us do not support everything that Israel does. The Arab world should not support or allow Islamic Bombers to continue to kill innocents either!

With that said, Islamic suicide bombers from the Arab world are no solution to the huge and complex problem. I would love to see the creation of a viable Palestinian State with a leader as eloquent and effective as Ms. Arundhati-Roy. I've been praying for that for years now. Sadly, the Palestinians are now killing each other as the political civil war betwween Fatah and Hamas continues.

The suicide bombers deadly and (now) indiscriminate rage is counter-productive ( and blindly destructive) and in 'the world's eyes' they have become the scourge of the threat of death to everyone else on the planet and with every bombing that kills innocent people (that have never done anything personally too hurt them) --the suicide bombers are destroying their cause for freedom and Islam by using their distorted interpretation of "the jihad" as justification to blindly murder the World's people. This is not what Mohammad wanted or meant in my opinion. Every bomb that goes off set by Muslim suicide killers that murders innocent people radiates out towards all people and causes great pain, dis-respect, grief and anger and causes more problems for the Palestinian people (and all Arabs) and for Islam.

It is smart to be politically savvy and the Arab leaders along with the US must work towards the creation of a Palestinian State with the rights and freedoms they want. The Palestinians and the Arabs (in general) must show the world that they are a STABLE people. I understand why the American Government would be compelled to support Israel as they seem to be the only country in the region that has some political rationality considering the fact they have nuclear arms and have the emotional stability to NOT use them even though they have about as much anger going on as the Arabs. At this point in history I seriously doubt that Islamic Extremists would havt the maturity and emotional stability TO NOT use a nuclear bomb if they had it.
Muslim "Jihadist" Extremists have "gone completely MAD" with bombs and blowing things up including themselves and their Arab kin. This is why the U.S. does not want insane governments like Iran or North Korea developing "the bomb" as there leaders have shown the world that they are not emotionally stable or mature enough to safeguard the interests of the entire world's people who want the world and all it's beauty to surviv

Jane Fonda makes Colbert a wee bit uncomfortable

BlueGeorgeWashington says...

Kudos to you karaidi, there's been alot of insulting, profane and vulgar words being tossed around lately without people understanding another's point of view.

Good input--waznant. No prob with Bob! Think I'm going to have to get back to The Church Of The Sub Genius. Good to see Bob's picture.

I've met Jane and she's a fine woman.

Plastilina Mosh - Mr. Pmosh

BlueGeorgeWashington says...

I merely pointed out that your promotion of immature music like this reflects your immaturity. Just because I do not support "giving handouts" to criminals who break the law does not mean I "hate" them. I believe you have an an abundance of un-resolved "hate" .

Conan and Jim Carrey Talk Quantum Physics

BlueGeorgeWashington says...

Great clip! The comic quantum-probability waves generated from this endlessly creative clip (process) has caused states of laughability well beyond the perplexities of "Schrodinger's Cat" uncovering the eternally amusing ambiguities of the "Vedantic Net" of the Unitary Quantum Sea we swim in as the non-local beautiful wave-functions collapse into local high-resolution Actuality due to "Mind's Eye" "observation" generated in ripples from the Universal Vacuum State (fluxuations) or the Super-Implicate Order (not chaos) Ground Of Being of the Majesty/Mystery of GOD.

Plastilina Mosh - Mr. Pmosh

BlueGeorgeWashington says...

This band is a grotesque caricature of the worst American Rock bands/rappers. It appears they chose a transvestite as the "female" for this cheap video. By the way--I'm not going to waste my time talking politics to you anymore. You twist things around too much to suit your own distorted perceptions. Mr. Dobbs makes a very clear distinction as to what he means and it's the clear distinction that I make as well. The BBC and CNN are good sources of information. I've said enough to you and Dirt who both fail to show any common sense and say very conflicting things. Obviously, I don't agree with your taste in music either.

Full Metal Village (Wacken)

BlueGeorgeWashington says...

The contrast is very funny! I like the farmers, the land and their cows much better than the "let's scream our vile guts out and kill" mentally impaired metal satanists who are sooo farrr removed from nature..... it's not funny. The wacko's have a scream fest in Wacken!
It would be good if they could just pelt out there voice boxes (during a scream) on the crowd (who would love the sloppy blood and gore) or on each other so they would be rendered silent and unable to make any ghastly sounds anymore. Ahhh...... what relief to be left with the sounds of nature!!!

Jimi Hendrix - Machine Gun

BlueGeorgeWashington says...

This was not one of Jimi's best performances and he had incredible difficulty with Buddy Miles and Billy Cox to the extent that he walked off the stage at a Sweden Concert because this band could not follow the original bands music. It was quite a drop from the sublime musical interaction of the original "Experience" band. I do love seeing Jimi in action though the material and tone of this concert was rather depressing and the "live" album did not sell well at all.

You should watch Jimi and the original Experience live at The Royal Albert Hall, London, 1969. This filmed "live" concert is phenomenal.

Seven Seconds - Neneh Cherry and Youssou N'Dour

BlueGeorgeWashington says...

Beautifully produced ! Reminds me that there is only a 1/10 of 1% difference between us genetically that results in various skin colors. We're all one big family and WE MUST respect and be considerate of each other. No guilt tripping each other based on our race and no expectations of a "payoff" from another race. WE MUST respect each others boundaries and customs psychologically AND geograpghically. Communicate, live and love. Understanding---is it possible? Let us start now!

Mayday Immigration Reform Demonstration

BlueGeorgeWashington says...

Never said Lou Dobbs is my "one source" of information, Farhad, I have mutliple sources of information including everyday life experience. Truth be known--I just found out about Lou Dobbs yesterday as me and my lady friend were watching 60 minutes. Needless to say, I was inspired to know that someone in the public eye is speaking out. This is a man of integrity. His wife and in laws are Mexican. He actually worked in the fields with legal migrant workers when he was younger and he and his mexican wife and in laws find the illegal immigrants demands to be abhorrent and wrong. LEGAL MEXICAN CITIZENS SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF THEIR ILLEGAL MEXICAN BRETHREN. These illegal assholes are going to ruin it for all of us. Stop asking for hand outs!
I do recommend that everyone reading this please check out CNN.COM for Lou Dobbs--he is a great source of truthfull information unlike other journalists on the major networks who have no spine or courage to speak about illegal immigration and it's destructive affects.
Tell me about your sources of information, Farhad. Is it the Congressional Mexican Caucus?--- who are so imbecilic that they judge anyone to be "racist towards Mexicans" if they do not eat mexican food! It might give me a glimmer as to why your so dense. Why can'y you admit that illegal immigration is wrong? Let's find out the truth, are you an illegal immigrant? Do you live in America? Where do you live? Read Lou Dobbs.

Dirty Dirt, Lou Dobbs can teach you much. You must read everthing by Lou Dobbs at CNN.COM. You are lost. Maybe you can straighten your crooked ass out before it's too late! Don't talk to me until you have read everything by Lou Dobbs at CNN. You are dangerously racist. You used the term "half breed" before towards me in a derogatory way. Do you hate those of us who are who have genetics from other ethnic groups other than pure bred Mexican's as you apparently are?
Do you live in America? What do you do for a living? I'm curious. Why did you become a racist? There is professional help that I can direct you to.

Mayday Immigration Reform Demonstration

BlueGeorgeWashington says...

DIRTY DIRY----You are obviously a racist scum-bag considering the fact you twisted my "WAKE-UP CITIZENS" comment into racist statement of your very own vile little self.

Just try to remember the issue here is ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, not immigration, and yes they should go through "due process of the law" and then get deported for the CHOICE they made for committing an illegal act. There are already many legal Mexican Americans citizens here who do respect America and follow the law and know how to speak English. They are not RACIST AGAINST WHITE PEOPLE like you apparently are.

Seems like your arbitrary definition of an "Orwellian Troll" is AN EXACT DESCRIPTION OF YOURSELF---just look at Dirts string of comments.

Everyone should watch the "60 Minutes" interview with Mr. Lou Dobbs who is one of the few who has the courage to speak out against illegal immigration! I hope there will be many more. Anyone reading these comments who is against this illegal activity of illegal immigration should have the courage to speak out NOW --log on--- share your views.

There are way too many illegal immigrants who are racist, uneducated and vile who are speaking out. They need to be put in there place--which is out of this country before they ruin it for everyone.

Mayday Immigration Reform Demonstration

BlueGeorgeWashington says...

You speak as if this"Professor of Law" Lipman is the ultimate authority of the "costs" of the 14 million illegal immigrants in this country to justify your precarious position. It's interesting that this dubious assessment of Lipman gives Lip-service to illegal immigrants who pay no taxes and send a good part of what they earn here back to family and friends down in Mexico-- and this was in the "Tax Lawyer" Journal--very funny! You think I'm just another stupid gullible American who will swallow this pathetic propaganda. I have no respect for this Francine Lipman and what she says is not credible when considering the astronomical costs of medical service and school programs for illegals not to mention the enormous cost to this country for literally re-printing everything in Spanish for those people who are too damn lazy to learn English. Phone messages are twice as long with the English- Spanish format. This all happened due to manipulative political maneuvers by Mexican lobby at Great Cost to the Nation and all other great ethnic groups here in America. Your whole position is ungrateful and extremely critical of what America has already done for the Latino Community -which is bend over backwards for you. We now see billboards and signs in Spanish in the middle of English-speaking cities. That's pretty damn disrespectful. If you choose to live and work in any other country in the world-you have to learn that country's language and customs and RESPECT that country--or your out!

Labeling me xenophobic is a laugh! I respect and love the many international friends that I have. I have been to and stayed in many countries in our world. I fully respect other countries laws and customs--without those you don't have a country anymore. This is a beautiful world we have-aside from ugly and unfair politics--there are those who would like to destroy it all for everybody--the ultimate act of selfish negative hate. No one has the right to take everyone's life away. No matter what brain-washed thinking robotically dictates. No rewards for that ---only grief and punishment eternal.

Mayday Immigration Reform Demonstration

BlueGeorgeWashington says...

Thank you QM.........finally I hear from someone else (besides choggie) who actually has some understanding of what is going on and you actually have the respect of the very conflicted Mr. DIRT-DIRT DIRT who continues to dig himself deeper into the........DIRT! ---- Listen Dirt---It is obvious you hate the U.S. Government so why do you speak about the U.S. Constitution and Bill Of Rights which people like you are destroying. You and some others who commented don't even know about Jamestown or much of anything about American history yet you pull out all this propaganda designed to develop a hatred of America and everything America does. Because of the disrespectful hatred you exude I am not inclined to check out your link which is probably a link to loads of propaganda and,besides that, I don't trust you or any "link" you would offer. I know we do not have a perfect government but it is a hell of alot better then most others in this world and I have spent enough time in many countries to conclude that. Our system of government is being weakened by asinine politicians (such as the Mayor of San Francisco) and people who have no idea what is right and what is wrong (no morals). The standard of living you enjoy here is much better than other countries yet all you seem to "give back" is hatred of the government and system. Do you even live in America? What country do you live in? I am firmly against oppression of people or women by bad governments anywhere in the world but here this huge problem with illegals is different and the situation has wound up oppressing and depressing all of us. Illegals are people who are trying to "cut in front of others who have been standing in long lines" and this is NOT liberty, justice or freedom. IT'S INJUSTICE.

farhad---Tell me what the "actual freedoms" are that you say I'm so willing to give away.

animals for crackers--- I do acknowlege that there were some stupid U.S. Citizens, (who are blindly giving their own country away) at the Illegal Immigrants Rights Protest in their erroneous support of these Illegal immigrants but in my view both the protesters and the police were "out of line" . I certainly don't want a police state. In the "old days" the police would arrest an illegal immigrant and deport such a lawbreaker and these invaders (Foreign Nationals) certainly wouldn't have the "freedom" to parade down our cities streets demanding an astronomical HAND OUT from the American Government which they disrespect and ,for the most part, hate-- as they wave their Mexican flags. The Founding Fathers would be bringing out the Calvary they would be so aghast. And if the Government gives them what they demand, they will not be grateful and WHAT IS IN PLACE TO STOP ANY FURTHER ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION?--WAKE UP CITIZENS!!!!!!
I believe the police are extremely frustrated and feel like they have their hands tied and they won't stand there and let these profane creeps throw things at them.
You know the Border Patrol Agents have been virtually stripped of their ability to apprehend lawbreaking illegal immigrants by asinine Courts (seems to be alot of them today). The citizens who support these illegal immigrants are mostly-guess what--Mexicans or citizens who have an immature understanding of what is actually going on and think that this is a fun "60's style civil rights protest" --Weeeee--as THEY SELL THEIR OWN COUNTRY DOWN THE RIVER!
Just remember - THE FBI /CIA IS WATCHING YOU !

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