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Racism in UK -- Rapper Akala

Baristan says...

We as individual white people are not responsible.
We as a nation are.

transmorpher said:

Why are you saying "we enslaved"? I've never enslaved anyone. And nobody currently alive in the US has participated in legal slavery.

Even a descendant of a slave owner is not responsible for the atrocities of their ancestors - we aren't Klingons.

Yes white people did terrible things in the past, but "we" didn't do it and to take on perceived guilt for someone else's actions just because they are the same skin color as you is just self indulgent.

Further, please don't say "we expect" just as black people aren't all the same neither are white people, and one person does not speak for others unless they have been nominated to do so.

So here is what I expect: everyone on the planet regardless of race, religion, nationality and life experiences to be a decent human being, that respects the rights of others, and I expect it to go both ways, without concessions because of someone's culture.

WTF is Heterosexual Pride?!

Baristan jokingly says...

We should cancel the Fourth of July. American pride day is detracting from St Patrick's Day.

When "all live mater" started I thought it was to include Latinos, et al and be a unifying message, not an anti black statement.

Our culture sucks.

Eating Free Range chicken vs Miserable chicken

First Stage Landing of Falcon 9 - Onboard Cam

Bernie Sanders-"I'm With Her"

Baristan jokingly says...

This just in, photographs emerge proving Sanders chained up an African American woman 50 years ago. Clinton chimes in 'See not only is he racist, he is also sexist, and a danger to us all.' Thankfully brave police men risking their lives came to her rescue before Bernie could harm her. Was he planning to rape her? We may never know. More news ahead after a message from our sponsors.

John Oliver: Primaries and Caucuses

Baristan says...

People give Trump more credit than he deserves.
It won't be Biff Tannen 2016. It'll be a The Apprentice spinoff.

I predict a lot of air time for Back to the Future Part II this fall.

John Oliver: Primaries and Caucuses

John Oliver: Primaries and Caucuses

Baristan says...

FYI the politifact piece that Jon is going by is written by Riley Snyder,. With all the retweets he does of Jon Ralston(one of the bigger "violent bernie-bros" pushers) I highly doubt he gave the claims a fair investigation.

He clearly ignored the Roberta rules being pushed through at 9:30 while delegates were still in line to get in. It did not have a 2/3 majority. The rest of Riley Snyder's fact checking was just as reliable.

It is politics as usual, and not nearly as bad as what happened to Ron Paul supporters in the Republican primary.

Vote for the candidate that you think will represent you the best not just the lesser of two evils.

Progressive Dems To Clinton: This Race isn't Over

Baristan says...

That video explains exactly why in the end, voting for the lesser of two evils leads to the greater. Without a third party popping up from time to time forcing parties to realign nothing will ever change. The same two parties keep swapping power. The spoiler effect is a necessary sacrifice, required to effect change in a first past the post system.

Ideally our senators would implement voting reform and end first past the post. Not likely to happen if they are all benefiting from the current system.

ChaosEngine said:

Now in a sane political system, I would absolutely advocate voting for your favourite candidate, but the US election system is so fundamentally broken that voting for Bernie would hand Trump the election. That's the reality.

"Voting your conscience and losing to Trump is far better!!! Eventually a third party can form and whittle away at the two sided party. "

No, that doesn't happen. *related=

A third party rises up, splits the vote of it's nearest rival and then disappears over the next couple of election cycles.

Progressive Dems To Clinton: This Race isn't Over

Baristan says...

Jill Stein(Green) and Gary Johnson(Libertarian)
are both running.

Yes a third party will split the vote. That is the point. It gives people the power to choose the issues. It forces a realignment of the parties. If the effected party doesn't change or adopt the third parties views, they will consistently lose. If they do change, then the third party can die out having been successful.

Parties have failed before. The US wasn't started with Democrat vs Republican. As I see it it's past time for both the Democratic and Republican parties to die out. The long term benefits from a realignment of the parties platform is well worth the temporary disaster of a Trump presidency.

I sincerely don't think Trump would be worse than Clinton. He is a buffoon with little support in the government, and would be unable to accomplish anything as president. Hillary on the other hand has the ability and will to continue the transfer of control over our government away from its citizens.

Trump winning would be a true embarrassment and a great motivation to switch from "first past the post" to another voting system. Hillary winning... more of the same BS ad infinitum.

I'll be voting for Jill Stein if Bernie isn't the Democratic nomination. Regardless of the outcome I'll know my vote, no matter how insignificantly small, supported the end of the Republican/Democrat duopoly.

ChaosEngine said:

As for voting for someone other than Hillary or Trump, as far as I'm aware, right now, there aren't any other candidates announced

Progressive Dems To Clinton: This Race isn't Over

Baristan says...

This is why we are it the predicament we are in today.

If people keep voting for someone who does not share their values just to stop someone who is a bit worse from getting elected this cycle will continue forever. "Spoilers" and "lesser of two evils" are tactics that keep people voting against their best interests.

If you vote for Hillary or Trump just because you think the other is worse, you are voting for a local maximum, and will be stuck with the rigged two party system forever.

Voting your conscience and losing to Trump is far better!!! Eventually a third party can form and whittle away at the two sided party. They can change their positions to stay in power or die off. Either way it gives us the ability to choose what topics being addressed, unlike the current system where year after year we are pitted against each other on the same topics which those in control have little interest in. Wallmart, Comcast et all have little interest in abortion gun control, or gay rights.

BREAK the fucking system. Do not vote for her to prevent Trump. It insures the continuation of the current system. Your voice will forever be inconsequential.

"Voting for the lesser of two evils only paves the way for the greater."

dag said:

Quote hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Vote idealistically if you want– me, I'll be holding my nose trying to fend off the apocalypse.

animated book summary-propaganda-how to control people

Baristan says...

Really topical with all the "news" about chair throwing violent Bernie bros crying foul every time they lose a primary.

Making a model Steel Bridge for a 3rd grade project

P vs NP - The most important problem in Computer Science

Baristan says...

Had a math teacher who thought it was funny to mix in two of these millennium prize problems into a test. It brought some students to tears as they thought they were going to fail. A few of us recognized what they were, but most were still pulling out their hair at the end of the period. The teacher's justification was, it would teach us how to identify problems that could not be solved. Unfortunately more than one student was still trying to solve the first MPP and left the remaining 80% of the test blank.

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