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What Actually Happens If You Get Coronavirus?

Anom212325 says...

To add to that, it's a new virus. We know flue, we have vaccines for it. We don't for Corona. Also, check the numbers, 11,374 Confirmed Cases, 259 Total deaths and only 252 Totaly Recovered. (Last Update: Jan 31, 2020 7 pm ET) And that is if you believe the numbers coming out of China. Remember this is the same country that only reports 200 deaths due to influenza a year with a population of 1.4 billion.

newtboy said:

I'm wound up 1. Because it's seemingly more infectious now than last year's strain. 2. Because they say it's infectious before symptoms show, making it nearly impossible to quarantine the sick before they spread it. And 3. Because I'm taking an international flight on Sunday.

Grreta Thunberg's Speech to World Leaders at UN

A Hidden Life - Official Trailer

Anom212325 says...

If it were up to me each nazi would be publicly executed. My point is people have no clue what they are talking about when they make that comparison. Please replace that palm with a crowbar...

newtboy said:

I take it you find them annoying, but not harmful or dangerous?


A Hidden Life - Official Trailer

Second Ellicott City 'Thousand Year Storm' in 2 years

Anom212325 says...

The comments in this thread is a perfect example of people not doing their own research and just believing everything they read or hear. attach a striking video or image to a comment stating some viewpoint/reason and 3 out of 4 in this case will eat it up as truth without thinking for themselves.

Dad, we've been through this

Anom212325 says...

What wires do you have crossed to compare a police officer with a drug addict ? You come off as a very hateful person. Remember this whole discussion if ever you need help and apologize to the one helping you.

newtboy said:

Kind of like you saying it's wrong to assume a heroin junkie will steal from you if you let them stay in your house...Will they all steal, no, should you just say they're certainly thieves, no, do you trust them with your house keys because they might not, Fuck no.

Dad, we've been through this

Anom212325 says...

newtboy you have the exact same mindset as a racist. You feel that a member of a certain group of people wronged you in some manner and now you bundle all of them together. Replace the word Cops with a skin color and you have a typical racist quote...

newtboy said:

Cops are liars, murderers, and bullies....and I suppose some of them are good people...but not the ones who stand with the liars and murderers.

Don't Steal Parking Spots From Jeeps

How Weta Workshop Made Ghost In The Shell's Thermoptic Suit!

Anom212325 says...

I completely disagree. Remember the comparison below was made with the very limited available video from the trailers and yet it holds very true to the source materiel.


artician said:

The more I see about this film the worse it looks. Every new trailer just shows me the same terrible western take on comic-based films, with total disregard for the source material where it counts.

More Evidence Trump Can't, Or At Least Won't Read

Anom212325 says...

It was looking hopeful at the end of last year but he managed to squirm his way out of it again. The few good people in the ANC tried to get him out with a vote of no confidence but he bribed his way out of it. Then he and expelled them for trying to get rid of him so he got full control of the ANC again. DA is slowly growing but it will be many years still before they will be big enough. They only grew with 3% in the last provincial elections on 2016 while the new EFF that is spewing kill the white man at every meeting got 8.2% of the total votes.

cosmovitelli said:

I thought Zuma was at last finally losing Mandela's ANC base? I was there last year and he was all over the TV getting screwed in parliament, & have a friend in London who is very excited about the DA making progress.

More Evidence Trump Can't, Or At Least Won't Read

Anom212325 says...

You as in America, lol why would your though process even go there to think I meant you as a person, that makes no sense.

You’re not eroding support your making people numb with the constant assault. Like ads on tv or the internet, it’s such a constant barrage of them that you come to a point where you don't even notice them at all.

Take South Africa as a perfect example of why what your doing is the wrong approach. We have a president that can’t count, has been proven to steal money on many occasions, thinks taking a shower after sex cures aids. The list goes on and on. If our media didn't moan about every single footstep he took in the beginning those things would mean something to the public but they are so numb that they don't even register it anymore.

newtboy said:

I gave him? Are you under the impression I represent all media?

Being able to read well is not at all trivial, it's essential for ANY other improvement. If he can't read, he's forever under the thumb of non elected advisors that can legally lie to him about what he's signing into law.

He's already under at least 3 nonpartisan investigations that may do just that, with more coming. The only hope there is to erode enough support for him that the Republicans can't halt or ignore them without committing political suicide. His actions are doing a good job of that, but not good or fast enough....yet.
Maybe if they realize that stances like pro coal means pro coal companies, not pro coal miner, they'll come to their senses....fingers crossed. I just wish his supporters would read his (ghost written) book and realize what he's done to them.

More Evidence Trump Can't, Or At Least Won't Read

Anom212325 says...

No his lip service was prob about 30% of his votes, the rest was thanks to the free publicity you gave him. He played you like a fiddle.

My suggestion is, stop creating noise over trivial things, all your doing is hiding his big screw ups in all the noise. Wait till he does something big enough to get him kicked out.

newtboy said:

No, IMO it was his lip service to the undereducated masses and downtrodden who didn't know any better than to believe him because they never actually looked into who he is. Had they just read his book, they would know his MO is promise the moon and deliver contaminated dirt, and lie, lie, lie until the lie is as prevalent as reality, never accept responsibility for any flaw, and take credit for any success, and always remember the little guy has no power, and treat them that way. His words (paraphrased), not mine.

Your suggestion then? Just shut up and wait 4 years, and in the mean time ignore his many disqualifying flaws, illegal actions, and completely thorough hypocrisy?
No thanks.
Let him prove he can read at an adult level...with the long form reading and comprehension test. Until then, he deserves to be labeled illiterate just like he labeled Obama an immigrant. Turn about is fair play. Once he proves that, we can move on to the next insulting accusations, like incest or urine fetishes. Trump himself created this game, now he has to play it.

More Evidence Trump Can't, Or At Least Won't Read

Anom212325 says...

Mabe, but all this ranting and screaming is what got him elected in the first place. Your just doing the exact same thing 10x more expecting a different result this time. Only this time he's already president and instead of shooting yourself in the foot your shooting your whole leg off.

newtboy said:

But not 1/2 as clownish, petty, or damaging as our president.
Ask foreigners which makes us look worse. Excluding Russians, I'm certain it's him, not them.

More Evidence Trump Can't, Or At Least Won't Read

Anom212325 says...

lol what a clown show American media has become. Slowly killing the country and $ with one smear campaign article after another. Just look at this site's top articles or any of your news outlets. How do you think that looks to us foreigners ? To sum it up in one word : petty

Big guns of the UEE - star citizen

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