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You're gonna get slapped so super hard

Keith Olbermann Special Comment: Clinton-Obama Assassination

Olbermann comment on Hillary's RFK statement

Lonely Corn Muffin (Warning: this is twisted)

10949 says...

^ have to agree. Not twisted. Twisted would be something like Corn Muffin (CM) offers himself to be eaten by the woman going in for an abortion. CM then magically infiltrates her womb, grabs the fetus, and leaps out of the woman with the fetus, thereby preventing an abortion. Then it would be followed by Srubs Delivery Guy saying, "Haha, too late for you now!"

I Drink Your Milkshake!!

The Democratic Race In 8 Minutes

Another One Slips Through Darwins Fingers

Mitch Fatel: I am very Funny

10949 says...

His delivery is unbearable. It reminds me of what I sound like if someone insists on talking to me while I'm taking a crap.

Tehran looks a lot like your town and mine

FOX jokes about killing Obama

10949 says...

Hey Twiddles

None of this is meant to troll. You've actually gotten me curious on a few points.

No I would not agree. I wouldn't agree that any demeaning or derogatory words are required to express oneself.

Does this include calling someone a racist or a bigot? Or would you contend that one should spell it out? "Joe Shmoe holds prejudices against other people simply because their skin color differs from his." I would wager it's easier, more persuasive, and more to the point to simply say, "Joe Shmoe is a racist."

If you "mean business" then express what it is that you dislike about her -- tell us why you think she is wrong.

Perhaps I should have said, "This woman offends me because she has suggested it would be a good thing if Obama were killed." I'm sure I would be applauded for my incisive commentary. More to the point, is it EVER ok to use the C-word? If a woman (or man for that matter) were to sodomize and murder a child, be acquitted of any charges, and then brag about it in the public, would you still come down so hard on me for calling him/her the C-word? Perhaps I should say, "That person really makes me angry because he/she sodomized and murdered a child and bragged about it, and I believe child abuse to be wrong." No, I'm gonna call them a goddamn f***ing c***.

Keep in mind that the meaning you attach to certain words is not the same meaning that others may attach to them.

Point taken. And I mean this sincerely, what meaning does it have for you? Why does it personally offend you? I asked this specifically in my comment above, and I received no answer.

Relying on a single word to get your meaning across is generally not persuasive.

Sometimes it is. And this is a case where I see we disagree on whether or not it is.

Though I'd prefer if you expound on the implications of what was said, your comment by itself is not why I think civility has left the building. The comment system whereby someone is rewarded for making such a puerile comment is what disheartens me.

You're right. I'll make an effort to be more eloquent next time. What strikes me as strange about your comment is the suggestion that I've been "rewarded" for making my comment. Rewarded? I understand the whole star points system, but please don't think I come here to earn such points. I know I'm probably insulting 90% of the people on the sift by saying this, but star points are useless and not worth anyone's time. I come here to share and see cool videos (and now I guess also to leave incredibly long comments, jeezus this is long ).

And I am disappointed in my fellow sifters for using the comment voting to agree with you in what seems to me a "whoohoo" reaction.
This of course is off topic so feel free to use our new ignore feature and go back to insulting and threatening people you don't know if it makes you feel good.

You'll be happy to know then that it doesn't make me feel good. Have I insulted or threatened you? If it's because I used the C-word, please help me understand how I insulted or threatened you personally. I'd apologize, but I don't believe the apology would be genuine until I've really understood why you were offended. Help me out here.

Oh, and to reiterate, are there any other off-limits words I should know about?

swampgirl (Member Profile)

10949 says...

Thanks for the feedback. I didn't mean to insinuate that what that woman did was particularly female, though I guess one can't get away from it when the C word is used.

It's encouraging to hear, from a woman, that "class not crass" is more impressive to women (even though I'm not coming to the sift for that reason). I sometimes try to make intelligent rebuttals/insults in real life, but it's not encouraging when I get the funny looks ("Um, wtf did you just say man?") Sadly a, "You're GAY!" is much closer to the accepted realm of insults these days (with no offense meant toward gay people).

"Consensus has already given you validation..." That made me laugh (because I honestly hope that I'm not falling into the trap of seeking such approval on the intertubes).

Maybe people get the wrong idea by my SN. I'm in graduate school (nuff said?). Undergrad was a great time, and even as a masters student I remember having fun. But trying to get a PhD is...well...blargh. I don't even have words for it.

FOX jokes about killing Obama

10949 says...

>> ^swampgirl:
::sigh:: Never mind RBofC. I've reached my threshold for controversy today. Curse away.

I don't intend to. Nor was that intended as a troll (if I'm using the term correctly). Like I said, I'm sincerely interested in what the ladies have to say. If you feel like responding tomorrow, a week from now, or a month from now, please do.

Why Ron Paul did not win the Florida Primary

10949 says...

^Same here, no vote.

But before I go, I'll tell you which policies of Ron Paul I DON'T like. Here's how I went about it. Google "ron paul". Go to his website. Click on Issues. Click a random issue category. Read. Pick out ridiculous things.

I clicked on Health Freedom, because I heard Ron Paul earned an M.D. I figured if there's one area he must have correct, it must be in the health area. It seems I was wrong.

"I support the Access to Medical Treatment Act, H.R. 2717, which expands the ability of Americans to use alternative medicine and new treatments."

Alternative medicine. Like acupuncture? Magnetic healing stones? Man, that's smart.

"I oppose legislation that increases the FDA‘s legal powers. FDA has consistently failed to protect the public from dangerous drugs, genetically modified foods, dangerous pesticides and other chemicals in the food supply. Meanwhile they waste public funds attacking safe, healthy foods and dietary supplements."

So NO barrier against things like new untested drugs is better than a barrier which catches at least SOME things? Man that's almost too smart for me to comprehend.

"I also opposed the Homeland Security Bill, H.R. 5005, which, in section 304, authorizes the forced vaccination of American citizens against small pox. The government should never have the power to require immunizations or vaccinations."

Right... Let's HELP the chances of having a smallpox epidemic. I know I'm not the only one who likes having their colon hanging OUTSIDE their ass.

FOX jokes about killing Obama

10949 says...

>> ^twiddles:
^Indeed. It is sad that comments like that can be awarded a star point. There appears to be no civility left in the sift.

Oh come now, of course there's civility left. Obviously it's your choice of whether or not to believe me, but I really never use that word. In this case however, I wanted to mean it. And it seems like this is the last curse word that one can use which lets people know one means business. As I said to the one member who sent me a comment about this, I'm all ears for any other word you may suggest. Should I have said bitch, or asshole, or fucker, or douchebag? They all seem to lack the requisite punch of insulting this lady. I mean, wouldn't you agree that any of the above words are too good for this woman?

<begin punchiness>
Also, please recognize that when one woman is called a cunt, it doesn't mean the accuser is calling ALL women cunts. In fact, some of my uncivil male friends call my other uncivil male friends cunts from time to time. The result is usually hilarity.
<end punchiness>

I'm sincerely interested to hear a few things. Why is this word personally offensive to any ladies on the sift? If YOU wanted to call this woman something, what word would you choose? And are there any other off-limits words I should know about?

persephone (Member Profile)

10949 says...

I knew someone was bound to say something. I agree it can be off-putting, and I never use it, but I couldn't think of a strong enough word for this situation. I feel like other words like bitch, asshole, douchebag, fucker, etc don't have any kick anymore. When this word is used, people know you mean business. And I definitely wanted to mean it when I heard her suggest it would be a good thing if someone killed Obama.

Anyhoo, that being said, I'm all ears for suggestions of other words. I thought about saying bitch, but for the reasons stated above, it didn't have enough punch. I can't think of any other word, gender-neutral or not, that does.

In reply to this comment by persephone:
I would ask that you please try to find other ways of expressing your distaste for this woman. That way you won't be putting the women on this site off-side, by using derogatory terms that are commonly used against women.

In reply to this comment by reallyboredofcollege:
This woman is why we invented the word cunt.

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