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Scientology: XENU TV Speaks to Anonymous

10017 says...

>> ^Zor:
He's on target. Also, I've always wondered why Scientology uses a cross as it's symbol when it never claims to be rooted in Christianity. Weird.

It's cross with an X on it.

Scientology VS Chaser's Free Gullibility Test

10017 says...

"they do everything to keep people out"

This is far from true. They work hard to recruit, and even develop organizations (like narcanon, criminon, cult awareness network) to pull in more converts. If someone doesn't have money, they try to put them to work on the inside. If they can't get money or work from them, then they spit them out.

Maybe you're thinking about stories of how secretive the cult is, even to their young recruits? The reason for that is, if people knew about the space alien opera to be taught to them, or the anti-christian goals, most potential recruits would sense right away that something was wrong, and leave. No, RUN!

Scientology VS Chaser's Free Gullibility Test

10017 says...

>> ^serosmeg:
funny how its called 'Scientology'. It doesn't involve any science. At all. Its more backwards to science than any other 'religion' is.

I disagree. I think they've turned a biofeedback device (e-meter) and bits and pieces of working psychotherapy (among other things, like peer pressure) into effective brainwashing tools. But yeah, the so called "spiritual" aspect of it is from fiction, just like most other religions.

Montel Says Focus on Soldiers Not Ledger -- Fox Stares Ahead

10017 says...

jwray, I hope you never join the service, even for a just war. You're untrustworthy and maybe even treasonous if you encourage anyone in our military to desert because of disagreeing with the cause. When I was in the service, I knew I had to do whatever was legally asked, whether I believed in its purpose, or not.

I've also been against the war longer than most people, but I still have a deep respect and thankfullness for our military. So I'll agree with Montel. But ironically I wouldn't expect much from ratings-based, commercial tv, not to mention I don't care what fox news does. Fox is the last place I'd go for anything "fair and balanced". I've decided!

Praise be unto NPR, and the News Hour. And by the way, almost 4000 people per month die in car accidents, and that's *never* a big story. We spend over 10 Billion dollars per month in Iraq. Just think of all the lives we could be *saving* here every freakin' day with that kind of money, besides saving soldiers' and civilian lives.

But to stay on topic... I want to THANK again our troops. I also wish Bush/Cheney et al (which consists of a *large* group of Fundamentalist Idiots) can "stay the course" until their road paved with good intention takes them all the way to hell. Pray that the rest of America gets a course correction from the next president. (Man, did I go off topic again!?)

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