What's up with all the gay videos?

I've got nothing against the gays (I've help quite a few of them in the past).

Why do you have so many gay videos here? This is a real cool site but it's turning into a
gay and atheist propaganda site.

I think this site would be a lot better if you didn't try to push that stuff all the time.
dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

VideoSift has all kinds of videos - gay videos, atheist videos, gay-atheist videos and of course - gay! gay! gay! atheist atheist videos.

Sorry I'm responding with all the seriousness the question deserves.

progressivevideo says...

hey, fair enough. it's YOUR site right?
be as godless and gay as you want. i was just trying to offer some advice.
why do you go out of your way to push this stuff?
do you think the world would be a better place if everyone was gay and godless?

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Hmmm. I don't think I'm pushing anything except maybe tolerance. VideoSift is a community driven site, videos become popular and rise based on votes.

I may be responsible for for setting some boundaries and rules on acceptable content but I don't think I've ever said "what we really need around here are more gay atheist videos - begin!".

We try to be be tolerant of all kinds of views - maybe with tolerance and an accepting outlook, underrepresented or even oppressed sub-groups are more likely to post content they like and have it encouraged - where they wouldn't on other communities. That's my hope at least.

>> ^progressivevideo:

hey, fair enough. it's YOUR site right?
be as godless and gay as you want. i was just trying to offer some advice.
why do you go out of your way to push this stuff?
do you think the world would be a better place if everyone was gay and godless?

progressivevideo says...

i respect what you're saying and i respect what you're doing here. i visit this site every day. i just wanted to point out that there is not a day that goes by that you don't have some sort of gay atheist propaganda on your front page. i'm not trying to flame here.. lol (no pun intended).

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I'm not sure about your definition of propaganda. We have videos expressing all kinds of opinions and viewpoints. Might it be that you are singling out these topics as propaganda because they are points of view that you disagree with? Just wondering. >> ^progressivevideo:

i respect what you're saying and i respect what you're doing here. i visit this site every day. i just wanted to point out that there is not a day that goes by that you don't have some sort of gay atheist propaganda on your front page. i'm not trying to flame here.. lol (no pun intended).

progressivevideo says...

living in and promoting a free society dictates to us that we should have tolerance to other people's views and beliefs. i'm just saying that it's getting a little old dude. might it be that you are singling out these topics because they are points of view that you agree with? it's all good. i don't want to look like a "gay basher" because i'm not. i just wanted to make a point. thanks for not deleting my account.

KnivesOut says...

The site is formed by the submissions of its users. If you want to see more non-gay, non-athiest videos, perhaps you should upload some.

I look forward to forth-coming flood of straight, theistic videos.

rottenseed says...

I don't always believe in karma...but when I do, it's a bitch

Furthermore, what the fuck is up with all the kitten propaganda on this site? I get it...kittens are cute and furry

Sagemind says...

Does he think someone here hacked his computer because he said something controversial?
Obviously Paranoid and doesn't understand the people of the Sift.

Also, since all the content here is posted by the public, there is not one person here "singling out" anything. We just bring to the forefront that which is already public - videos of all types - not just gay and atheism which are only two of the 101 channels that we have here on the sift. - if anyone is singling out anything here it's you @progressivevideo

If progressivevideo took the time to understand the site, they would notice that the content on this site, is an internationally judged assortment of the most profound videos from across the internet. If a common thread starts to show through, it's because, internationally, it's the culturally accepted normal for the user-base of this site.

progressivevideo doesn't yet understand that as an active member of this site, they have the ability to down-vote those videos which they don't agree with or videos that, by merit, don't need to be here. In addition, they can post as many non-gay and pro-religion videos as they like and the international panel of members, will judge accordingly.

And not to sound inhospitable, but if, in the end, progressivevideo doesn't feel their views are fairly represented by the majority of the content, they can either continue to hang around and enjoy the community debate or they can find a suitable replacement for Videosift. May I suggest Youtube.com, Liveleak.com, or even www.Godtube.com

Good luck and sorry about your computer progressivevideo

>> ^progressivevideo:

ok, my computer (for the first time in years) just got attacked.

Duckman33 says...

Yes Dag is solely responsible for ALL videos that appear on the front page...

Seriously? Do you even understand the concept on which this site is based? OH, and yes, we are all wicked clever 1337 haxxors that will hack your computer if you don't agree with our views, LOL!

Ryjkyj says...

Is it just me, or does this whole interaction where this guy doesn't get the site or listen to anything anyone has to say seem kind of like a setup to make it look like we're intolerant and kicked him off?

I know, paranoid right? Just sayin'.

Duckman33 says...

>> ^Ryjkyj:

Is it just me, or does this whole interaction where this guy doesn't get the site or listen to anything anyone has to say seem kind of like a setup to make it look like we're intolerant and kicked him off?
I know, paranoid right? Just sayin'.

That's exactly what it looks like. Of course I'm just a paranoid conspiracy theorist.

progressivevideo says...

lol. i feel like that chick and the asian people. i hope you all don't think badly of me. (i'm christian)
i know how this system works. it's great but i can't down-vote a video unless i give them some money. i've had hundreds of hours of good, informative, insightful, and entertaining videos for free so far so i'm going to do that right now because i really like what you all have been doing here. ty all for the wonderful selections. just try to lay low on the gay atheist crap ok?


ok i got the 20 Day Charter Membership. what can i do now?

Ryjkyj says...

In order to downvote videos, all you have to do is contribute some to the site, that's it, no money needed. I've been here four years and only given a voluntary contribution, never a monthly membership fee.

PS: I really hope you didn't just join the site to submit your own advertising vids. This is a site where people come to watch videos, not buy things.

AdrianBlack says...

Exactly who are you asking to 'lay low on the gay atheist crap'?

If you understood how the system works, you would know that what you see on the front page is what has been voted there by MANY different people. Since so many people can upvote/downvote videos (for free), this just might be pointing to the positive shift in general attitude towards these two topics. Therefore, you see more of them. Or they just bug you, so you notice them more.

If you are seeing too many gay and atheist videos for your tastes, you have the choice not to watch them. Or is just seeing a title and picture enough to bother you?

Scroll past my man, and continue learning and having fun here. Since you can't 'beat' them, it's time to just ignore them or join them.

>> ^progressivevideo:

lol. i feel like that chick and the asian people. i hope you all don't think badly of me. (i'm christian)
i know how this system works. it's great but i can't down-vote a video unless i give them some money. i've had hundreds of hours of good, informative, insightful, and entertaining videos for free so far so i'm going to do that right now because i really like what you all have been doing here. ty all for the wonderful selections. just try to lay low on the gay atheist crap ok?
ok i got the 20 Day Charter Membership. what can i do now?

rottenseed says...

>> ^Ryjkyj:

In order to downvote videos, all you have to do is contribute some to the site, that's it, no money needed. I've been here four years and only given a voluntary contribution, never a monthly membership fee.
PS: I really hope you didn't just join the site to submit your own advertising vids. This is a site where people come to watch videos, not buy things.

well you see, in the church you have to donate money to get something out of it, so I could see where he'd get confused.

csnel3 says...

Ya! You should tone down all the gay atheist bullshit that is stuffed down our throats every day. Instead of that stuff, I would like to see more Videos of Cristopher Hitchens , Bill Maher, Racheal Maddow, and that QI dude, We just dont get enough of these guys. And we deffinatley need moar kitteh vids.

bareboards2 says...

So I am someone who posts a lot of gay videos.

I am a 56 year old straight woman who is patently appalled by the way gays have been treated in our society and I am thrilled that some progress is being made towards full acceptance of LGBT folks as human beings.

You know how to get the "gay" videos to stop?

Repeal DOMA. Vote to allow gays to marry in all states. Support anti-bullying programs in your local schools. Be outraged by their treatment and tell your pastor and your friends that you are outraged.

I love this site. And I love that one of the biggest trolls here, someone who loves to rile someone with an inflammatory comment or two or three, is the easiest pushover for a cute kitten video. That sums this place up in a sentence -- smart, irreverent and has a heart.

I do feel sorry for religious folks on this site -- it can be pretty rough. I wince at some of the comment streams. But this is where you are, my friend. Move on to the next video. There is always a next video.

dystopianfuturetoday says...

You've got to be careful when creating sock puppets. The inconsistent capitalization is what gave you away. Still, I'll give you props for going charter. That's a level of commitment few trolls would be willing to invest.

AdrianBlack says...

From the VideoSift FAQ's page (which you really should glance at):

How does voting work?

All registered members can vote on videos, with the exception that new, probationary members cannot vote on videos for other members who are also on probation, but all members may vote for their own submissions...Down voting is available, but only for members with a Bronze Star or higher.

Can I cast votes for comments?
All members can cast an up-vote for a great comment. Members who receive 15 net votes on a single comment are awarded one Power Point (1 maximum per comment). Conversely, comments that are out of line and violate the above guidelines can be down-voted by Bronze Star members. Lastly, comment spam, wherein someone attempts to advertise a product or service via comment, may be flagged as spam. After 3 spam votes, the comment is deleted and the violating member's spam comment tally is incremented. If a member is eligible (see star powers), once their spam tally reaches 2 the account is automatically banned and all comments associated with the user are deleted.

What's the deal with the little stars by some members' names?
The stars are a recognition of a member's contribution to the VideoSift community. We keep score of how many videos a member has had sifted up to the front page and how many other contributions have been recognized and applauded others. It's not much, but we want to indicate that it's the contributors who make VideoSift one of the greatest communities on the web.

Bronze - at least 25 star points

>> ^progressivevideo:

ok, i gave money and tried to downvote a video just now and it didn't work.
it said i had to be a bronze member. is that more money??

bareboards2 says...

Dear Progressive,

There is some thought that you are a "troll" - someone who is poking fun at the Sift community.

I think that might be true, myself. So I am disinclined to answer any of the increasingly [fill in the blank] questions that you are posing in the Sift Talk.

I find it odd that you had the ability to do a Sift Talk but don't have any other basic knowledge of how the site runs.

In addition, it is pretty rude to ignore posts on your personal page.

So I am bowing out of what I perceive to be a charade. I don't like having my good nature played upon -- and even if you aren't a troll, to be ignored on any attempt to engage outside the sift talk.

So good luck in your endeavors. Hope the family is doing well, all those family members who have learned so much here.



bareboards2 says...

I'm bowing out, remember? I am even more convinced you are a troll now.

If you are not, then I have egg on my face. I can live with that.


>> ^progressivevideo:

i wanted to downvote george carlin's blaspheme.
there's nothing wrong with that is there?

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Not only do you need to be a bronze member to downvote, but you also need to pay tribute to the crown ranked sifters. This tribute traditionally is in the form of animal sacrifice, but I know some (like me) will settle for the performing of simple household chores - mowing lawns, cleaning toilets, etc. BTW, do you have any experience in asbestos removal?

bareboards2 says...

So aside from the fact that I am completely convinced that PV is trolling us -- trolling us creatively and lucratively for the Sift, but still trolling ---

I am new enough to the site to not understand the Ban need.

Nothing has been said by PV overtly anti-gay -- just "slow down" which is retarded. Self linked once, which isn't the first time someone has done that when they are new to the site.

I know I am a Pollyanna with a high tolerance for high jinks and high stupidity, as long as no one gets hurt.

But why can't everyone just walk away? Not engage? Not respond?

I have read sift talks in the past where folks went into destructo mode -- isolate and ban them, absolutely. But this "person", taken on face value, hasn't said anything horrendous. Just stupid.

So. Can someone explain to me why one person would get banned and someone else gets mocked into fleeing?

Forgive my ignorance.

AdrianBlack says...

I posted how to do this in your very own sift talk post. Look up.
By now it's been explained so much that my house plant is starting to downvote cat videos.

However, I'm convinced you don't even read, you're just trying to lick the ink off the screen.
I might as well be typing to a speed bump.
>> ^progressivevideo:

I just got 10 VideoSift Power Points
Are these what I need to downvote?
Do I need to get 15 more?

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Contacting the person in charge of this very specific webdomain (chadely.com) would be an easy way to clear up this mystery. Or we could bust out the Scooby snacks and hop in the mystery machine. Either way....

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I should mention there's no sign of puppeteering based on our various admin tools. So if PV is a puppet -s/he is cover h/is/er tracks very well.

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