What does your username mean?

Every forum needs a thread like this. I am fascinated, sorry if you aren't.

Mine is my first initial, plus the word INK, it's my pen name, gettit? I like ink, typography, printing, old text is more permanent and reliable than digital. Also i don't think small animals should be made into non essential fashion items.
gorgonheap says...

Gorgonheap is a muppet by Jim Henson, he is the hailed "Worlds greatest eater." And eats Kermit, Louis Gazaga, and Vincent Price (along with a pitcher of water, a table and anything else that's within reach.
Gorgonheap is roughly 7ft tall and has orange hair all over his body and a gaping mouth that can fit large objects.
His first appearance was on the Muppet show airing in 1978 featuring Vincent Price as the guest star during the Halloween episode.
There is no significance it's just so obscure it's the only screen name not taken.

Any you can take that to wikipedia!

Zifnab says...

Zifnab is an character from Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickmans Death Gate Cycle. Zifnab appears to be a befuddled old wizard but is actually a god in mortal form (who is always misplacing his Dragon and his hat).

Zifnab is an anagram of Fizban from Weis and Hickmans Dragonlance series. Fizban "The Fabulous" is secretly the mortal avatar of Paladine. Though he is wise and powerful, he disguises his true purpose in the form of a clumsy and absent-minded wizard.

I enjoyed the books and always had a good laugh from the Zifnab/Fizban characters so I started using Zifnab as my online handle and it kinda stuck.

*quality thread mink

swampgirl says...

Oh, I've used variations of "swamp" in a screen name for 15 years. There are a few influences for that I suppose.
I grew up on this road named after Francis Marion (The Swamp Fox). Everything in the area is named after him, even the University.
Also there was this small swamp behind a graveyard down the road from where I lived in some woods where my friends and I braved as kids. Later it became a hangout area where our folks weren't monitoring our ..uh activities .
But ultimately I'm a southern girl and it just fits that vibe.

Officially for my online persona, I'm adopting this story:

thesnipe says...

Contrary to popular belief my nick is based on the bird, snipe, rather than sniper.

"A Snipe is any of nearly 20 very similar wading bird species characterised by a very long slender bill and cryptic plumage. Snipe in the family Scolopacidae belong either to the small genera Coenocorypha (the New Zealand snipes) and Lymnocryptes, or to the about 15 typical snipes in the genus Gallinago. The latter are the closest relatives of the woodcocks , whereas the small genera represent earlier divergences in the snipe/woodcock clade (Thomas et al., 2004)."

lunkwill says...

One of the characters in The Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy that ask Deep Thought the great question of life the universe and everything.

On a side note, my avatar is a swing on the pier close to my house which has always struck me as quite a weird theme for a swing (monkey in a bikini).

gorillaman says...

First time I joined a chatroom all those years ago I thought "Hey, I like gorillas (and I'm kind of built like one), I'll call myself gorillaman." Pretty dumb, but I ended up frequenting that chatroom for long enough that I associated the name with my online identity. And because it's a common name you can't just google it and find everything I've ever done on the internet, which suits me very well.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

A dag in Australia, is a term for someone who is unfashionable. It is also the matted feces and wool that collects on a sheep's rear-end.

My wife calls me a dag sometimes - and it sort of stuck.

looris says...

A semplification of a contraction of an expansion of a nickname for my real name.

Lorenzo -> Loris -> Lohohohohohoris ("ho" is almost laughing) -> Lo'oris (-> Looris / Lo_oris)

Official nick should be "Lo'oris" but some softwares don't want apostrophes.

choggie says...

MINK-Caligraphy, is a balm, an obsessive distraction, and so many wonderful things.....welcome to history, become your passion!

Gorgonheap, well, yer a go-getter!

"First two initials followed by last name. K. A. Raidl. (Raidl pronounced Ray-dull.)"

[Rayden, rather, suck yer head off inna minnit!]..never give yer name on the internets....in case you wanna run for the office!!!]

I enjoyed the books and always had a good laugh from the Zifnab/Fizban characters so I started using Zifnab as my online handle and it kinda stuck"

[thank the fucking stars, a reader!]

My avatar notwithstanding, my name is not from the bug, but a type of encryption ke....[all we need to know, thank Bob for insects]

"Also there was this small swamp behind a graveyard down the road from where I lived in some woods where my friends and I braved as kids"[swampthing, can prob'ly cook up a mess a greens, too]

[indecipherable: -adj. Having many talons and gifts. 2. lush

"based on the bird, snipe, rather than sniper."
[pigeon and you'd gedda long]

"I found a toque in my parents attic when I was younger and it simply said "fedquip", I had that toque for a long time, it's now my user name."

goddamn we have a lot in common....(*lights bowl)

My name is Farhad.

The 2000.....is because he could die before will ever stop posting before I hit 2000]......(....fahad's ever-presence..)

dag, -For all ya' toilet flushing-wankers it's Dog, in Aussie, and pikey....

so.....anyone else need a Fresh-queued roast????....Microwave or conventional???

karaidl says...

never give yer name on the internets....in case you wanna run for the office

REALLY not planning on it. It's the sex predators you gotta watch out for. I just send them to my neighbors and watch the fun from the comfort of my own home.

ren says...

Some interesting stories and commentary there... mine is a tribute to the great (early seasons) of ren&stimpy. Started playing PC games with a friend on the internet some 15 years ago and he was stimpy... then it just stuck.. and here I am.

What's really baking my noodle at the moment is what a choggie could possibly be, i was half expecting to see an urbandictionary reference for it, describe some kind of depraved act involving a spoon, a rubber band and a watermelon.

codenazi says...

well... I was going idealistic in college in one particular class, where the prof gave us some particularly idiotic C++ code to use in a project, and ended up getting rather vocal about it. Several friends thought I looked like the Soup Nazi from Seinfeld, with my "No [C++] code for you [the prof]!", so they named me the Code Nazi.

It stuck for years in college, and now has the advantage of being unique, so I never have to worry about it being taken on any random site... ;

silvercord says...

Silvercord: Two references

1) The Jethro Tull song, "A Passion Play."

``Do you still see me even here?''
(The silver cord lies on the ground.)
``And so I'm dead'', the young man said --- over the hill
(not a wish away).
My friends (as one) all stand aligned although their taxis came too late.
There was a rush along the Fulham Road.
There was a hush in the Passion Play.

2) Ecclesiastes, 12th chapter:

Remember Him before the silver cord is severed and the golden bowl is crushed, the pitcher by the well is shattered and the wheel at the cistern is crushed; then the dust will return to the earth as it was, and the spirit will return to God who gave it.
"Vanity of vanities," says the Teacher, "all is vanity!"

(God, that was depressing)

Sylvester_Ink says...

I wanted to create a unique and memorable name, and at the time I had been studying matrix math and differential equations. Sylvester's Matrix Theorem was a subject that came up and inspired the first part of my name. (A name that starts with something familiar is always more memorable.) To round it off, I needed something quirky and out of place. Since this is a sort of "pen name," I came up with Ink. (Similar to Mink's name.) And thus, I became Sylvester Ink. And there was much rejoicing.

jimnms says...

I'm surprised most people don't get my nick. Most people think it's a play on M&M's, but it's not. My first name is Jim and I live in Mississippi, therefore I am jimnms (Jim in MS). If I ever move, I guess I will have to change it.

It was just something I came up with one time while registering for a forum and my old nickname was taken. I use the nick "someone" in online games which I got a long time ago, before high speed internet, when me and several friends used to have weekly LAN parties. People were always yelling "someone do this," someone do that," and I was usually the one to do it, so the name stuck. Plus it's kind of funny when I kill another player and the message flashed on their screen "joeblow was killed by someone."

djsunkid says...

DJ seems pretty obvious, I nudge the physically spiral-encoded circular cultural sound artifacts. As for the sunkid, in 1999 I was moving away from the hard ass techno and hardcore music to a brighter sound, and my former DJ name "raHr" was a bit too heavy for the records i was playing. I asked my friends what my new DJ name should be. After some thought, somebody realised that I looked like a sunburst, because I had these crazy bleached blond dreadlocks that stuck straight out from my head. He dubbed me The Sunshine Kid. I thought it seemed aight, so I kept using it. When I got my hotmail back in 00, I shortened the sunshine kid to sunkid. A few years later, I realised how awkward it was to have a definite article in your name, so i became sunkid.

The end.

fullerenedream says...

"The fullerenes... are a family of carbon allotropes named after Richard Buckminster Fuller and are sometimes called buckyballs." (wikipedia)
Fullerenedream is a bit of a tribute to Tangerine Dream and Tryptamine Dream. It also vaguely refers to dreams of technology: cylindrical fullerenes are carbon nanotubes. "The strength and flexibility of carbon nanotubes makes them of potential use in controlling other nanoscale structures, which suggests they will have an important role in nanotechnology engineering." (wikipedia again)

In the end... I just thought it sounded cool.

gluonium says...

gluonium is self-evident. Its a strongly-interacting particle that has no valence quarks. It is composed entirely of gluons. Such a state is possible because gluons carry color charge and feel the strong force. It exists only in high energy particle collisions and it existed just after the big bang, before the universe condensed out of a quark gluon plasma and just before the epoch of baryogenesis at T+ .00000000000000000000000000000001 seconds.

bluecliff says...

I have figured you, o mighty ant, so to say, america-nish, out

I recently posted a clip of interesting mythology which mr. gluonium, believing me to be a believer in UFO theories, pooh poohed.

But, among those myths there is one from whence you have arrived at your nomenclature i.e. name.

"In the beginning, during the first hierogamy (holy wedding) of heaven and earth, earths genitalia was an ant-hill. In the last phase of creation the ant-hill became a mouth, from which come the Word and it's material base, the skill of weaving, and both of these are passed on to the humans by
- the ant. "

gluonium says...

I certainly would never downvote based upon any convictions I thought the poster held. I pooh-poohed because the clip contains demonstrably factually incorrect information and in trying to pass itself off as the opposite, was misleading.

bluecliff says...

I don't think it was, but nevermind. I'm also a strong advert of ad hominem - don't attack the idea attack the person!
I apologise for the name dropping though, I wrote in a stupor with a very heavy dictionary of symbols on my lap.

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