This Place Has Been Amazing, But It's Time To Leave :)

Never thought i'd be one of the people who made a post about leaving here. I always thought it was such an over-dramatic thing to do, I was probably not wrong either.

But so many things have come to light over the past few months, things I can only generalise about because a lot of it isn't even my deal. But, there are certain people here, who have made life here no fun any more.

I like to think i'm an accepting person. I take people on face value and never presume there is underlying motives until shown otherwise. I'm probably guilty of not taking things as seriously as I perhaps should have done, always thinking that people know where i'm coming from and understand my sense of humour and the way I go about things. I'm always as honest as possible, I dont like anyone thinking things that aren't true.

Clearly I haven't been careful enough in my dealings with certain people, and honestly I can only blame myself for not being open to the facts that were presented to me. In trying to backtrack and take myself away from the bullshit, i've only succeeded in making it worse and ended up being relentlessly baited for answers. It all makes me very uncomfortable and with what other information I have at my disposal I know that the thing I am dealing with is way beyond anything I am prepared to carry on with. So there is that...

Also as much as I have a good reasoning of why it is this way, I think that a lot of posts and a lot of members are in this thing to fuel egos and viewpoints. Once upon a time this place was loved for the humility and understanding we showed each other in our differing viewpoints. But for a long time now it has become a place to showcase our ideologies and constantly reinforce them, without any real debate or unbiased truth. It has become a feeding ground for the like-minded, despite various people unwaveringly trying their best to be otherwise. A lot of the good natured humour has been left behind in the process and we're left with egotisical arguments and unnecessary drama.

I still have high hopes for this place and i'm sure that things will work out and keep getting better and better. But for now, it's time for me to back out and wish everyone the best of luck and many more years of fun and laughter.

I can't say enough how much this place has given me over the last year and a half. It still is the best community on the net, without a shadow of a doubt. I've met some priceless people who i'm sure will be in my life for a good long while.

In no particular order, i'd especially like to say adieu to, rasch, kronos, schmawy, laura, bea, issy, berti, ivy and enoch. For me you guys were everything great, and I hope you continue to embrace new people and make them feel as welcome as I have been.

Deano says...

This seems an enormous pity AC and your presence here will be sorely missed. Without examples it's hard to makes a judgement about the quality of the discourse around here but some people will always have agendas and a lack of respect.

Perhaps a good first step might be to take a break and then see how you feel about coming back?

gwiz665 says...

I'm sorry to hear that you're leaving. It's a shame, but you gotta do what you gotta do. The door is always open here if/when you feel like coming back here.

Rasch, why don't you just jump off a cliff and leave me alone? I don't understand what really is wrong with you. I can only hope it's cancer, because if I ever wanted to drive anyone away, it would be you.

rasch187 says...

You really don't get it do you, gwiz? No guilt, no remorse for how you behave, no understanding of your complete lack of respect to fellow sifters. I'm done beating around the bush on this. You're a creepy sociopath, you really are. And this is not something I'm making up, I know this for a fact. A few people here know this, but too many don't. You need to take a long, hard look in the mirror and decide if you like what you see. The fact that you have driven away one of the best persons on this site through your disgusting stalking and baiting makes me sick. And I know there are other female sifters who feel the same way. Stop being so goddamn dillusional about your own behaviour!

Drax says...

Uhm... *tip-toes around a few people* I stumble into these talks when I see one pop up on one of the side links. I keep my socialness here to the video comments mainly, so didn't really know you per say.. but you seemed cool. So I do think it's a collective loss to the sift that you're leaving. GL with where ever you venture next.

arvana says...

There have been a few times when I've backed away from active involvement in the Sift, because the general tone of comments didn't much appeal to me.  But it's ever-shifting and evolving, and never stays bad for long, so I hope your departure is only temporary, AC.  We need your feminine energies to balance out the site!

oxdottir says...

Things change. It's possible to go away and come back. Distance is nice. Feel free to turn into a lurker for a bit (just watch videos and don't log in). It provides a nice sense of distance.

kronosposeidon says...

I concur with the advice some of your fellow Sifters are offering: Take some time off, and then come back if you feel like it. I come and go all the time these days, and it works out just fine for me. It's not like anyone has to go away forever and ever.

I will really miss you if you never return. Never say never, m'kay?

xxovercastxx says...

First and foremost: BOOOOOOOO!


Once upon a time this place was loved for the humility and understanding we showed each other in our differing viewpoints. But for a long time now it has become a place to showcase our ideologies and constantly reinforce them, without any real debate or unbiased truth. It has become a feeding ground for the like-minded, despite various people unwaveringly trying their best to be otherwise. A lot of the good natured humour has been left behind in the process and we're left with egotisical arguments and unnecessary drama.

For as long as I've been here (and thus, as long as you've been here) this element has been in play. I don't see that anything is any different now; I suspect you're just seeing it differently now that someone/something has you annoyed. I don't know if that helps or hurts, but that's my 2 bits.

enoch says...

i hear ya AC.
so i shall give you the very same advice you gave me,and whom many here have echoed.
take a break for a something that makes you smile,and lightens your heart.
for while there are some that fit your description which has you frazzled,there are many others who are genuine,thoughtful and...interesting.
those are the people that make this community shine.
and you are one of them dear.

Ornthoron says...

I sure hope this is just temporary, and that you will come back to us in a while. If not, I will miss you terribly. I'm sure you won't resist the temptation to come by and look at the videos, at least.

gwiz665 says...

Rasch: You're bloody mad. If you know "that" for a fact, you really and truly have lost your marbles.

My comments have always been tongue-in-cheek and I have never done anything that was deliberately deceitful or "sociopathic" (my god, do you even know what that means, you miserable fuck?)

I am sorry if it is indeed that fact that I've talked to AC that's driven her off, but where the hell do you get off saying what you do? You must know more than I do about what I've said, because it's never been anything like what you try to describe here. You can take your vitriol and shove it far, far up your self-righteous ass.

I have no regrets, and I'll lay bare any and all comments I've ever written if it comes to that. I hav no trouble looking myself in the mirror at all, do you?

MinXyMoo says...

As someone that none of you know, but knows the full story here, I would like to tell gwiz665 that he is in total denial of the facts of the matter. Two women chased off the sift now by your stalking, baiting lunacy. I know that you will not agree with a thing I have said, for you are truly a deluded prick in need of some serious psychiatric help. It's only the mad that can't see it in themselves after all.

I do however suggest you stfu and get some profesional help.

Sorry AC, but I like Rasch could not sit here and watch this loon say shit like that with no response. Watch out ppl for the freaks are out!

gwiz665 says...

^What?? Who are you and where do you know the "full story" from? Who else did I chase off videosift? Why don't people say this to me this at, oh you know, ANY POINT IN TIME?

xxovercastxx says...

gwiz, rasch... think maybe you guys could hammer this one out privately? or at least make your own gwiz vs rasch talk post to duke it out in.

USC1 1: Sociopathic! gwiz665 vs rasch187, live on PPV!

1: Ultimate Sifting Championship

rottenseed says...

>> ^dag:
Can we get some more detail about what it's all about? this post alludes to a lot, but in the end leaves me confused.

...typical of a woman.

JK alien_concept. We fucking love you here and I hope you're just being over-dramatic and just need some time away. I'll be waiting on baited breath...baited with jack daniels and percocet

[edit] I don't know how to use the "bated/baited breath" phrase. It just reminds me of somebody with fishy breath

peggedbea says...

why would anyone bother to tell a narcissistic nihilist like yourself ever? what would be the point? like trying trying to tell a brick that its a fucking brick. it wouldnt hear you, and it doesnt care.

youve said it yourself, on my front porch and several places on the sift im sure, that you dont fucking care. you see no reason to curb your behavior or watch your mouth because thats "censorship". well sir, there is a reason human beings take care not to alienate eachother, because we are herd creatures. our health depends upon the health of the herd. and furthermore, the word for people who throw whatever kind of disgusting bullshit they feel like around with no regard for how it might make anyone feel, and indeed no insight into how others feel, is sociopath.

the measure of a man is how honestly he loves and how careful he treats people. you sir are no man. you are a baiting groping creepy disgusting creep. and you need to take a long hard look at your interactions with rae and see where what youve said in private and what immature bullshit youve posted publicly that could have made her feel like she couldnt even stand being on the same URL as you. and if you can do that, maybe MAYBE theres some hope for you.

you are what happens when spoiled ugly children are left to their own devices with noone to challenge them. they are left with computer games and pop culture and pornography as their only insights into women and the world at large. and they end up isolated clueless 26 year old virgins with a fucking website as their lone social outlet and the only place to throw their inflated self deluded egos around. you are indeed suffering from serious delusions. and i pity you. i pity you sooooo much.

and theres my flame out. /bye

inflatablevagina says...

Nicki: I have no intention of hurting your feelings, nor do I have any desire to do so. The fact of the matter is (as I told you in person, as well) everything that Bea said is true. You can't expect to say and do whatever you want. You don't get to grab girls tits and asses anytime you want. You don't get to take pictures of girls tits. You don't get to harass the ladies of the sift anytime you want under the guise of humor. (which it isn't)
You crossed the line with me and Bea when you did things to us in real life. I have had no intention of hurting your feelings since then, but I do think that you need a good lesson in how to act in social situations. Perhaps it is only with women, and I do hope that is the way it is for your sake.
I hope that under all of this assholery that you put out that there is a person who wants to change and evolve. Fact of the matter is, from what I can tell, you don't have a fucking clue about how the world actually works. You want it to be this place that is only shown on television and 4chan. I don't know all the details that happened to Rae, and I don't think they are any of my business. I can make a pretty good guess though when I combine the experiences had by both Bea and I.

I'm out too. I can't stand it.

I hate to be actually mean to people, and that's what I feel I have done here. It has been eating away at me for a while. I talk to you and I am nice to you because I feel like you need that in your life. At the same time, you get to come here and act like you do with no repercussions and no one says anything to you but Rasch. I am sorry Rasch that you have been taking all of this on your shoulders. I am also sorry Nicki if I have hurt your feelings. Im sorry to Rae for doing this here.

EndAll says...

Oi vey.. I don't think this should be made into a public spectacle.. I'm not saying that you shouldn't tell it like is/put someone in their place, but in the spotlight like this? I feel kinda bad for the guy.

griefer_queafer says...

>> ^EndAll:
Oi vey.. I don't think this should be made into a public spectacle.. I'm not saying that you shouldn't tell it like is/put someone in their place, but in the spotlight like this? I feel kinda bad for the guy.

Yeah... this is a bit too PUBLIC for my tastes as well. Perhaps there should be some rules or guidelines for the future on this kind of public confrontation? its not a big deal--for those NOT INVOLVED. And i think thats the point. So why dont all of you involved get a nice little room with weapons and stuff and work it out.

Gwiz, I hope my post is the last here, because I truly think this is all way off point. I respect IV, PB, AND you, but at the end of the day, I don't know any of you personally, which is why i feel the public nature of this converstaion is both a violation of your privacy and conter-productive to any number of people thinking about their own actions (which i dare say does not only include yourself). Be well, Nicki, and don't look at this as a personal catastrophe, because the internet is such that it is ALWAYS implicit that things are missing, omitted, left behind, deleted, and that this is not an accurate representation of you to those who have not met you. I think all the sifters who don't in fact know you appreciate this fact. And as far as the people who are lodging these criticisms, as well as the rather round-about way in which (i am sorry to say) i feel A_C is approaching this, i think you folks should be more sensitive and understand that healing is never best achieved in such a conflagatory context. it should be private, and should involve the appropriate parties.

That's all I have to say about that. But I wish you the best, A_C, in whatever you do. Good luck.

enoch says...

i dont know the particulars of this drama.
so i can speak only from my experience with qwiz.
he is irreverent,sometimes lewd and ALWAYS tongue in cheek,but i dont think there is a malevolence to his actions.
that being said,this is between AC and him and none of our business.
rasch did what he had to do to bring it to light and see that it didnt just fade away.
not the easiest position to be in,but i assume AC had a far worse position.
was qwiz aware of this? did he realize how he was affecting our british friend?
i dont know.
what i DO know is that only qwiz can make it right and i have all the faith that he will do just that.
and that my friends is a drama we shall have no part in.
AC deserves that.
as does qwiz.
i wish them both luck.

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Sorry to see you go, AC, I'll miss you and your quirky sense of humour. Thanks for introducing me to all that great British dark humor. Good luck and hopefully I'll see you again on the sift at some point in the future.

MaxWilder says...

Sometimes going public is the best way to let someone know that you are serious and you are not going to keep taking their shit.

That being said, I truly hope that you guys can work this out, because you make this place richer with your contributions. Without you, it will be less.

alien_concept says...

Ok, i've had this all coming in through my e mail, so I know what's been going on.

Probably the way I dealt with things wasn't the best way to go about it. But having made it very clear I didn't want to converse with gwiz any longer, and ignoring for as long as possible it felt like the only way to get through at that point.

I know that this shouldn't have been made so public, but I don't really care at this point. You can give bea and Ivy shit for being honest, but know that this wasn't their ideal way of moving forward after gwiz's vacation to Texas, they've both wanted to just ignore it all and be the bigger people for the last couple of months. In a way i've forced their hand to make an explanation. I am sorry for IV and bea, I promise you that.

No one can expect or wants a full explanation for why there is such a huge problem with gwiz. Except maybe him, as he just can't see that anything he does is wrong. This can happen now, as it's been blown wide open. If that is bea wants it to. All i'm going to say is that, she is well within her rights to say what she has said, more than. So, no more giving her a hard time, please. I too have said all I want to say and I have nothing more to offer you Nicki. Just check yourself in your future dealings with female sifters, that's all I can ask.

Nothing is forever of course, but I am leaving and I don't know at what point (if at all) i'll come back. I love it here, but it's time to crack on with life for now. I am getting profile comments through my e mail, so if any of you do want to keep in touch, just send me your addresses So many of you here are great people, keep doing what you're doing, you rule!

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I'd like to chime in. I don't think that these ladies should feel any remorse or shame for coming forward in this way. If anyone feels like this thread is too much for them, I recommend staying on the video pages.

From my standpoint- three of the Sift's leading female voices are leaving based on an experience connected with a single individual. Their voices and stories should be heard, as should Gwiz. I don't want this shoved under the carpet. Let's get it out and deal with this as a community in a civil way.

I'm not blaming anyone or assigning guilt at this point- but I am concerned about this community being a safe place for male and female Sifters alike.

gwiz665 says...

My god. You know, I am a human being, I would rather you had just said that to me in person when I was there. I DO care and I will try to address anything you and the rest of you say here.

I've only ever been honest with you, ivy, ac and everyone else here. You may think that I'm a "brick", but you would be sorely mistaken.

I was only ever "creepy" with you, when you were the same or even worse back at me - god knows that sexual talk is basically what you do in the lounge. Many other people can attest to that. If I really and truly did freak you out on my visit, then I really am sorry. I never intended anything like that.

Delusions is really not true. I'm fairly sure of my flaws, I know I'm too outspoken and needy, which is the only reason I've been trying to get rae and yourself for that matter to give me a proper explanation as to why I was being ignored out of the blue.

Bea, I was only ever nice to you and your children as well. I did say a swear or two during our scrabble game, while your little kid was in the room, and I'm sorry for that. I didn't mean to alienate you or them. I am neither a narcissist nor a nihilist - many things do in fact matter to me, but I want people to like me as who I am, not as a rosy-red picture I draw for them. It seems obvious that you don't, and I wish you would have just told me that nicely. The fact that you would not say a thing until something about it until this, says something about you too, I think. But, I'm sorry for any distress I've caused you.

>> ^peggedbea:
why would anyone bother to tell a narcissistic nihilist like yourself ever? what would be the point? like trying trying to tell a brick that its a fucking brick. it wouldnt hear you, and it doesnt care.
youve said it yourself, on my front porch and several places on the sift im sure, that you dont fucking care. you see no reason to curb your behavior or watch your mouth because thats "censorship". well sir, there is a reason human beings take care not to alienate eachother, because we are herd creatures. our health depends upon the health of the herd. and furthermore, the word for people who throw whatever kind of disgusting bullshit they feel like around with no regard for how it might make anyone feel, and indeed no insight into how others feel, is sociopath.
the measure of a man is how honestly he loves and how careful he treats people. you sir are no man. you are a baiting groping creepy disgusting creep. and you need to take a long hard look at your interactions with rae and see where what youve said in private and what immature bullshit youve posted publicly that could have made her feel like she couldnt even stand being on the same URL as you. and if you can do that, maybe MAYBE theres some hope for you.
you are what happens when spoiled ugly children are left to their own devices with noone to challenge them. they are left with computer games and pop culture and pornography as their only insights into women and the world at large. and they end up isolated clueless 26 year old virgins with a fucking website as their lone social outlet and the only place to throw their inflated self deluded egos around. you are indeed suffering from serious delusions. and i pity you. i pity you sooooo much.
and theres my flame out. /bye

gwiz665 says...

I admit that I did grab your boobs when we were out on the porch and as I recall, I did apologize about that in the lounge later. It was inappropriate and I know that, so again, I'm very sorry for that. In my defense, the four of us were all a bit drunk and you and bea were playing around in a similar way at the time, but that's not excuse. I truly am sorry about that. When did you tell me this in person? I remember we talked about censorship and differences between denmark and the US ( and stuff about your water-drying business) but you never told me that in person, neither did bea.

I took pictures of everything, because we were all in a friendly environment, or so I thought. It's not like a tore your shirt of and took a picture or anything, I took a picture of you in full person. If you felt the picture was inappropriate, which I can in handsight agree to, you should have just sent me a message on facebook and I would just have removed it again. Or even said it to me while I was there, I would have erased it from my phone.

I hope you don't leave this place on account of me, because I've never wanted you to feel that way. This place is supposed to be FUN, and that's all I've ever tried to do with me messages, have fun and make friends. I've made quiate a few here, and I'm sorry that you feel how you do. Don't feel bad for bringing this out, becuase I would rather people say these things than just keep them in.

You have not hurt my feelings, ivy, but I would have liked it if you had sent me a message about it at some point before this. I don't want to be seen as a creep to you guys, so if there's a problem I always have open ears, even if I don't agree with you.

>> ^inflatablevagina:
Nicki: I have no intention of hurting your feelings, nor do I have any desire to do so. The fact of the matter is (as I told you in person, as well) everything that Bea said is true. You can't expect to say and do whatever you want. You don't get to grab girls tits and asses anytime you want. You don't get to take pictures of girls tits. You don't get to harass the ladies of the sift anytime you want under the guise of humor. (which it isn't)
You crossed the line with me and Bea when you did things to us in real life. I have had no intention of hurting your feelings since then, but I do think that you need a good lesson in how to act in social situations. Perhaps it is only with women, and I do hope that is the way it is for your sake.
I hope that under all of this assholery that you put out that there is a person who wants to change and evolve. Fact of the matter is, from what I can tell, you don't have a fucking clue about how the world actually works. You want it to be this place that is only shown on television and 4chan. I don't know all the details that happened to Rae, and I don't think they are any of my business. I can make a pretty good guess though when I combine the experiences had by both Bea and I.
I'm out too. I can't stand it.
I hate to be actually mean to people, and that's what I feel I have done here. It has been eating away at me for a while. I talk to you and I am nice to you because I feel like you need that in your life. At the same time, you get to come here and act like you do with no repercussions and no one says anything to you but Rasch. I am sorry Rasch that you have been taking all of this on your shoulders. I am also sorry Nicki if I have hurt your feelings. Im sorry to Rae for doing this here.

gwiz665 says...

I think you could have followed up on your dramatic out-of-the-blue mesasge that you sent my when I got back from texas. You may not think it, but things were not as bad as some people want to paint them.

I had a good time at bea's place and I certainly didn't do anything completely out of place, except for the incident with ivy explained above. Anything else is simply not true. If you had concerns about this, you could have at least asked me about it and heard my side of the story.

I do very much apologize for trying to bit you into replying to my PMs. I only ever considered you a friend, and when you made your final PM to me, it was both confusing and hurtful. I never wanted to drive you away from the sift at all, and I really wish you had just fucking followed up on your message, because I didn't understand what had happened at all. I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable and if it will make you stay around with all these people, who are obviously your friends, I will not message you again, ever. I thought I was your friend as well, how wrong I was apparently.

Other than incessantly trying to get an answer here in the last month, what have I done to you that made you freak out this way? I mean, I'd rather hear it than maybe repeat it in the future. If this was based on stories from Texas, it hurts me that you did not want to even hear what I had to say about it, because from what dag has told me it makes me out like a fucking monster. Which I can assure you I'm not.

I am sorry for causing you distress, but I'm still sort of out of the loop as to what I actually did to you. ALl we did was talk back and forth? Sure it was sordid and laced with innuendo, but I was not the one who moved it off of videosift - you asked for my messenger address. Same with bea.

I don't know how to wrap up to you, but simply saying that I never wanted you to be hurt or scared or anything. I only ever wanted to be your friend.

>> ^alien_concept:
Ok, i've had this all coming in through my e mail, so I know what's been going on.
Probably the way I dealt with things wasn't the best way to go about it. But having made it very clear I didn't want to converse with gwiz any longer, and ignoring for as long as possible it felt like the only way to get through at that point.
I know that this shouldn't have been made so public, but I don't really care at this point. You can give bea and Ivy shit for being honest, but know that this wasn't their ideal way of moving forward after gwiz's vacation to Texas, they've both wanted to just ignore it all and be the bigger people for the last couple of months. In a way i've forced their hand to make an explanation. I am sorry for IV and bea, I promise you that.
No one can expect or wants a full explanation for why there is such a huge problem with gwiz. Except maybe him, as he just can't see that anything he does is wrong. This can happen now, as it's been blown wide open. If that is bea wants it to. All i'm going to say is that, she is well within her rights to say what she has said, more than. So, no more giving her a hard time, please. I too have said all I want to say and I have nothing more to offer you Nicki. Just check yourself in your future dealings with female sifters, that's all I can ask.
Nothing is forever of course, but I am leaving and I don't know at what point (if at all) i'll come back. I love it here, but it's time to crack on with life for now. I am getting profile comments through my e mail, so if any of you do want to keep in touch, just send me your addresses So many of you here are great people, keep doing what you're doing, you rule!

gwiz665 says...

I want to make a closing statement for you people watching this as well. I don't know what made this be blown so out of proportion, I've not tried to intentionally hurt anyone on this site. I love this site, and I love it because of the people in it.

Anyone who's been here long knows that my comments have always been full of innuendo, and I've always tried to make this place either fun, thought provoking, or both. If I have caused any of you any particular distress, I'm sorry about it. I never wanted to alienate people on this site.

I worry that people are painting a bleak picture of me based on hearsay, which I can only guess, originated on my Texas trip. So I will point out some facts about that trip:

1) I was invited by bea. We had a discussion about it in the lounge and possible on messenger, where I mentioned that I always wanted to see Texas, because I had some friends who had lived over there, and she responded by actually inviting me over. My family advised me not to do such a rash trip, but I thought hells bells, it could be a riot of a trip and bea seemed like a super nice person when we had talked.

2) We had a good time in Texas, from my point of view. Apart from the ivy-incident, which apparently was a way bigger deal than she let on, there was nothing inappropriate about the trip or the stay. I did what I always do and swore like a dock worker, but in general I didn't do it directly in front her kids apart from the tuesday when we were all playing scrabble. I do realize that it's not nice to swear in front of kids, so I'm sorry about that for bea's and the kids sake.

3) The reason I went home in a hurry was not at all because of something I did, it was an outside thing that I don't think is my place to tell you all publicly. If pressured I will eventually, but I would rather that bea did that herself if it comes to it. It's not really fair to put her in this situation, but then it's not fair to put me in this whole thing either.

I still like almost all of you people, and in the words of Nixon, "I'm not a crook". I have no interest in being thought of as a creep or a stalker or anything like that, so I will lay bare any private profile messages. At least I know dag might be pouring over them, and I encourage it. I've been painted in a very bad light here, and to be honest it hurts. You people ought to be ashamed. Where's your sense of decency? At long last, have you no decency?

rasch187 says...

*wading through the denial*

I really don't want to make a fool out of you, gwiz, but I do suggest you visit a therapist. Based on what I have read here and other places, it seems like a good idea. You're in massive denial, especially regarding your visit to Texas and what happened there. Just see a therapist, it won't do any damage.

kulpims says...

man, /*opens a bag of popcorn*/ this is getting better and better. it's like "I know what you did last summer" mashed with "Chasing Amy" ... btw, gwiz — send those pictures you were talking about ...

budzos says...

I wanna stay out of this one, but I'll just say that people are full of contradictions. I also second the notion that Internet people should remain Internet people.

UsesProzac says...

I met my baby daddy on the internet. On World of Warcraft, no less. My previous two boyfriends, both relationships spanning years, were met on the internet, as well. I've met many people, with no incident.

Meeting people from teh_internet is like a blind date with a lot more investment. With a blind date, you can just go home, but when you fly or drive out to meet someone, you're kind of stuck. There's inherent risk with both scenarios..

On that note, I'd really like to go to a Sift Up, sometime. I'm in Indianapolis. Eh? Anyone? Mid-West Sift up??

rottenseed says...

>> ^UsesProzac:
I met my baby daddy on the internet. On World of Warcraft, no less. My previous two boyfriends, both relationships spanning years, were met on the internet, as well. I've met many people, with no incident.
Meeting people from teh_internet is like a blind date with a lot more investment. With a blind date, you can just go home, but when you fly or drive out to meet someone, you're kind of stuck. There's inherent risk with both scenarios..
On that note, I'd really like to go to a Sift Up, sometime. I'm in Indianapolis. Eh? Anyone? Mid-West Sift up??

Colts Bolt

inflatablevagina says...

I agree I should have taken up my personal beef with wiz privately. I apologize for this. I have also already apologized to Nicki. I made an error with emotions. So on behalf of.. well me... I extend my apologies to the people of the sift for my outburst.

lesserfool says...

What a fascinating, lurid tale of violated bounderies and bottled-up feelings! I don't mind at all commenting on this, thanks.

Letting the cat out of the bag here was clearly better than carrying the burden around. An earlier, private, and boldly-honest confrontation would have been better but in reality we often can't see those opportunities clearly.

Ornthoron says...

I am terribly saddened by the way all this turned out. I would have hoped this could have been sorted out in a more private manner. I was going to write something out about this weekend's siftup, but now I don't feel like doing it for a couple of days at least. I fear the bad mood here would seep over to that talk post as well. I will stay in the video section for a while.

And rasch, I say this as a friend: Please stop with the spiteful posts or keep quiet for a while. They do not become you, and they bring nothing to the discussion. The other parties here have at least managed to lay out their cases in a coherent manner.

gwiz665 says...

I think this has been a fully fledged character assassination attempt and I am disgusted by it. I am not afraid of what you'll think of me, because the truth is on my side.

This thread, or rather all the rumblings behind this thread, is filled with vicious lies which I can only assume stems from peggedbea. I am deeply troubled by this.

Rasch, this will be my last message directed to you, because I really don't like you and I haven't for a long time. I will make this as delicate and level-headed as I can. You have been misinformed. My messages to both AC and bea after my texas trip have been different ways of asking "What happened?" because none of them would tell me what they were upset about.

I don't know what you and the rest have been told about the trip to Texas, but I am very much not in denial. I do know what happened when I was there, and it was what I wrote in my message above.

Furthermore, where else have you read about my trip to Texas? If it's anything I've written then please present it. I know I talked to AC about it before I went over there, but I've never talked to you about anything? How can you know anything that doesn't stem from peggedbea? Is it not possible that she's the one that's either in denial or just lying for the hell of it.

I have heard a few rumors about what I allegedly did over there and elsewhere. Here's what has been relayed to me

1. You flew to Texas to visit Bea, out of the blue and without an invite.
This is false. We discussed it in the lounge and later on messenger and she invited me. I don't know anyone that currently live in Texas, why in the hell would I book a (very expensive, I might add) trip to texas out of the blue? How could I ever even expect to be allowed to stay with her then? It just doesn't make sense.

2. From the beginning you engaged in a lot of sexual talk with her, some of it around her kids- to the point of telling her 5 year old that she could legally have sex when she's 15.
The latter part is a bold-faced lie. I never, ever talked to her kids about ANYTHING sexual. I talked to bea about it, but that was certainly as much her as it was me. We talked a bit more subdued, but like we've talked in the lounge. Anyone who has ever been in the lounge knows that she talks way more shit than I do, and people who know me in real life know I'm not nearly as sordid when I'm talking face-to-face. And I would fucking never talk about sex to a child. Fucking hell, that's pure evil spreading a lie like that.

3. You grabbed InflateableVagina's ass and boobs while staying with Bea, and generally freaked everyone out.
No and yes. I didn't grab her ass, I think I smacked it. The boob thing was just an immature prank that turned out to be way out of line. I acknowledged that above, and I have apologized to ivy about that. I can't say that I generally freaked everyone out, but I suppose I could have freaked the three out that were there, bea, ivy and their friend rick. The kids were long gone to be by that time, and they certainly liked me both.

A little context as well, this was the second day I was there (tuesday). I was there from monday till thursday morning. I do remember that after it happened ivy or bea said that it was inappropriate, but ivy seemed to laugh it off and I did the same. I shrugged it off as an immature prank gone a little overboard. We were all a bit drunk and I acted like a high-schooler, that was it. I've apologized for this on many occasions now to ivy.

The next whole day, we went to Six Flags and not a word was mentioned about it, so I thought, that I stepped over the line, but it looked like they forgave me, so let's just move on. We were still having fun and bea and I were still talking fine together, so I assumed everything was alright.

The next morning at 4 or 5 in the morning, she knocked on my door and woke me up and explained that someone in her family had died and she had to go away to another part of the state to deal with it. She was very distraught and I've not brought it up before because I don't think it's nice to share such things here, but that's what it's come to. I'm sorry in advance to bea for this, but she's made it abundantly clear that she has no trouble lying to people about what happened, so I have lost all esteem for her and can't be concerned with it anymore.

We drove to the airport in the morning with the kids half-awake on the backseat, she dropped me off and drove on to what she had to deal with.

I wrote Ivy a text message later in the morning asking if she had heard anything from bea and if she was alright, so she can attest to that as well. After that bea blocked me on facebook and ignored all PMs on videosift (and promptly deleted them) and AC wrote me that she didn't want to speak anymore out of the blue. What am I to believe here? I mean, can't you see a possible connection? If bea spread a lie to AC about me that was a terrible as the one above, I could understand that AC reacted the way she did. If only she had told me that, if that's the case.

4. You have been communicating with Alien Concept - planning a visit, and claim to have pictures of her that you found somewhere.

I have indeed been communicating with alien_concept. We've been communicating a great deal since the lounge started, I think. We had a good talk in the lounge, and I'm pretty sure there were other people in there as well. I can't remember which of us asked for a messenger address, but in any case we started talking on messenger as well, because I thought she was fun and I can only assume she did the same to me (well, she said as much at least). I've never been planning any visit to her. I've talked to her about it; that it could be cool to meet up at some point; but she's always wanted her boyfriend to come over before any other sifters. And I can respect that. I did some friendly jabs at her about how cheap it was to go to London, but there were never any plans to go anywhere. We had talked about me coming by after new years, or maybe make the siftup then, when her boyfriend was there as well, but it never panned out to anything concrete. I certainly don't have any pictures of her that I've "found somewhere". She has sent me exactly 5 pictures over messenger herself, nothing sordid or anything. At some point, I think during this winter, I sent her some videos of myself playing guitar like the blog posts, which she at the time thought was fun.

When she all of a sudden wrote her "I don't want to talk anymore" I was completely baffled and saddened. Mostly because I didn't understand why she did it. She said that I "didn't respect her and her boyfriend's relationship", but I never saw it as me trying to horn in on her, we were just talking and having fun. We were both in our talks, I didn't just yap at her leg all the time at all. So I pestered her a bit after she wrote it, because I wanted her to reconsider and at least explain to me why the sudden change of heart and because I considered us friends, and friends do have at least a little lee-way to deserve an answer.

I still very much like the rae that I've talked to and I like ivy still too. I'm completely disillusioned about peggedbea. I liked her, but I don't anymore - this is just vicious and she should be stopped. Rasch, you and some others in here are so quick to judge me and deem me guilty, when it's just not true. This is not denial talking, this is reason talking. If you have heard any other rumors about me, bring them out! We're already doing the laundry in public, we might as well do it proper.

I'm am still not the crook in this and by now I've laid myself bare and exposed more about people I liked that I would have wanted to. This disturbs me, it really does.

I am glad that there are some sifters who still have my back and support me, because the truth is still on my side.

blankfist says...

As an aside, and by no means to break the tension, but have you ever noticed almost every comment dag makes gets something like 20 comment upvotes? Either there are a lot of kiss asses on here, or that's the most interesting motherfucker on the internet.

dannym3141 says...

Ok, ok, ok, i could tip toe around the whole thread and say "I think everyone is doing their best here, everyone means well, it's good that this is out!" But i won't.

This is fucking rediclous. And i hate to suggest these steps because even THIS is dragging the shit even further, but what other option have i to show how unfair this entire thing is to gwiz?

If someone did something illegal, then the police should have been involved.
Broach the subject with said person and make sure they know it was inappropriate - it could be that in our world of 6 billion fucking people, not everyone sees things the same fucking way as the other 5,999,999,999 people.
If harassment continues by phone or mail or in person, you can go via legal channels.
If harassment continues WITHIN THE CONFINES OF VIDEOSIFT, you can ignore that person and if the harassment continues still in another form, you can request that a site admin deals with the problem.

None of these options require you to defame his character in public.

There are correct channels to have problems such as these dealt with so that we do not need to resort to a public lynch mob. The reason we left lynch mobs and village-rumour and gossip behind in favour of the legal system is because those methods are invaraiably unjust.

I once heard a story about a woman who spread rumours in a town that her husband beat and raped her so that his reputation was absolutely destroyed. If it happened and if the public were in danger and needed to know, she should have taken the issue to the relevant authority, and the public would be informed - by the necessary people in authority. No one knew whether she lied or whether she was telling the truth, no one really knew ANYTHING about it except those who were there. But that guy's reputation was absolutely fucked.

I like everyone here, there is not a single person i dislike in the entire thread. I like everyone from gwiz to the people that started the thread. But this is not the right thing to do.

You've done a horrible, horrible thing.

Lodurr says...

Interesting read.

I had a similar experience to Gwiz' about 15 years ago, I went to visit a girl and her friend whom I'd only talked to on the internet (Prodigy at the time) just to hang out and play music. The short of it is that being friends with someone on the internet is vastly different than being friends in real life. There was tons of awkwardness and weird expectations on both sides, and when I got home we had a short e-mail flame war and that was that. For a long time I questioned my behavior on that trip, but even if I could eliminate all the awkward moments from my time with them, we still wouldn't have remained friends.

One thing I've learned about women is that they reserve the right to hit the "Eject" button on any relationship (including friendships) at any time. There are usually warning signs but they're hard or impossible for guys to see. Being logical, being considerate--and even being honest--is less important than feeling safe and secure and comfortable with you, and that's how it's supposed to be.

alien_concept says...

Oh fucking hell, enough about bea and drawing her name through the mud like this. You people sometimes, jesus!

Gwiz you have laid it all out bare for everyone to see, in doing so you have told your side. Let me just say that bea's message to me was just a very good excuse to stop from having to converse with you, i'd had enough a couple of months previous, hence why I rarely ever talked to you on MSN anymore and you had to keep PMing me to get me to sign in. I felt sorry for you and guilty for the way i'd potentially made you think things that weren't true, but you became a headdache. I'm sorry I wasn't straight up with you, but I don't like being mean.

What I said to you was true, it felt like you had no respect for my relationship, because you continued to act the same way if not worse when I told you about it. Still i'm to blame for allowing it to be like that, and I happily take that on my shoulders.

This is the e mail I just sent to dag, as I can't be bothered to write it all out again, but I think people are missing some very vital points.

Hey dag,

After reading through the rest of gwiz' comments and other peoples in that thread, i'd like to say firstly, i'm sorry that it has caused so much shit to go down. But mainly i'm sorry for bea.

Now gwiz has been justified in his actions. What he's done is admit everything he can remember, been as honest as possible. I can't deny that everything he has said is true, but only from his point. He was far more relentless than he says he was, and far more inappropriate. He never stopped pestering me to let him come here, it became extremely uncomfortable. I wont make the points about his innuendo, cos I let it happen in the beginning so maybe gave him mixed signals. But lets just say there are limits and he crossed the line and some with the sheer constance of it all.

And as for bea. It's absolutely amazing to me that he can admit to swearing around her kids and grabbing a married womans boobs and slapping her ass, and this not be a huge indication of how he was presenting himself there. He's obviously never going to admit that he used sexual innuendo around her children, so that's her word against his, and he's clever enough to know that if he lays it bare he can get away with bullshitting the rest of it, i'm sure. I think from VS alone we know that he doesn't care for being censored, and he does and says what he wants when he wants. Mix this in with alcohol and heat...

Now bea is looking like some psycho who has made things up. Why would she do that? She would never have said any of this in public if it hadn't have been drawn out like this. She had no friendship with me at this point, she didn't need to warn me about anything. She felt she had to because he scared the shit out of her with his behaviour there. No other reason for it. But he can't see it and now her name is being dragged through the mud.

I don't know how to address these points, i'm not going back again. But I think someone needs to back her up. And point out that clearly his behaviour in general is not ok. Ivy has her back but she wants no more to do with it. Now they will never be able to go back because of how it all now looks. I feel pretty sick.

Anyway dag, thank you for dealing with it all, i'm sorry it's turned out this way. I'm sorry people can't read between the lines and that he is so deep in his denial about himself that he can even argue any of this and have people feel sorry for him. But c'est la vie, right.

Take it easy chief!


Obviously I have come back to say this, but i'm disgusted with how bea is being persecuted. But yeah, to hell with it, i'm still gone and you guys are still here. Hope this is all laid to rest soon. And by all means discard when you're done with it

P.S Leave rasch out of it too. As far as he's concerned, he has backed us up with all the information presented to him. That is what a man with the courage of his convictions should do

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

>> ^dannym3141:

You've done a horrible, horrible thing.

I think that comment in itself is pretty horrible- do you want these females to feel shame for coming forward with this? Gwiz has certainly framed this to make himself look like a victim here- but I think the facts of the matter are definitely in dispute. He's soft-pedaled the description of his actions in a way that makes it seem that this was all just a misunderstanding. After corresponding with everyone involved in this- I have to say - I have serious doubts about his account of communication and contact with the three female sifters.

I would have preferred that these matters were resolved outside the public arena- but I don't think they should be persecuted for coming forward. I want VideoSift to be a safe place to hang out- and make friends. However, if someone states that they don't want anything to do with you- you should leave at that, and don't pursue a relationship. The stopping didn't happen in this case- and it's spilled over into the public.

gwiz665 says...

"Scared the shit out of"

There was never an indication about this to me while I was there. She said, after the others had left and we were heading to bed, "You need to watch it with that" that being the grabbing, I replied "Yeah, yeah" in a shrugging-it-off kind of way. I should have seen that sign and acted accordingly, but I didn't. I was ignorant, but never malicious.

If she had said it in plain english, while we were just the two of us in the room "Please, I really think you made us uncomfortable with that groping and things you said like [x][y][z]" I would have apologized then too.

If I were far more relentless than I remember, then obviously I don't remember it. I continued talking like we had talked on messenger and on videosift too, like with ac it was probably spiraling out of control, but I didn't see it at the time, and I was not alone in that.

"I think from VS alone we know that he doesn't care for being censored, and he does and says what he wants when he wants. Mix this in with alcohol and heat..."

I do indeed not care for being censored, especially on videosift. In real life I am quite a bit more amicable though, and while we did discuss what should and shouldn't be said to a child, I never said anything to any of her kids that were inappropriate and anywhere near what people have been telling me I said.

I say what I want a lot of the times, but to suggest that I "do what I want" has some nasty innuendo as well, which I certainly do not care for. My wrongdoings in Texas are what I did to Ivy, and to me at the time it did not seem as such a huge deal. I've apologized for that quite a few times already, and I'm still sorry for that.

"He's obviously never going to admit that he used sexual innuendo around her children, so that's her word against his, and he's clever enough to know that if he lays it bare he can get away with bullshitting the rest of it, i'm sure."

I am not a liar. I may have very different boundaries, which means I've stepped on a lot of toes. My swearing is just how I talk, it's not that I deliberately swear to be a jerk to people. I just don't think swearing is or should be a big deal at all. It obviously is much more of a deal to some people than others, and I'm sorry I was being insensitive to that.

I'm not trying to bullshit my way out of this, if I did say anything that her kids overheard then I was not aware. I can imagine the scenario where me and bea has talked about something like it, and one of them could have run into the room. At that point we've stopped talking like that. If anyone knows me here, and a lot of people do, it's that I'm not a liar, I don't want to distort the truth. Hell, that's what my whole crusade against religion has been about.

I feel sorry for bea too. She was nothing but nice to me while I was in Texas and I did my best to only be nice to the people there as well. She doesn't deserve this, but neither do I. To come out with a diatribe like the one above is not in any way nice, proper or appropriate and that's the only reason I've laid things out as I remember them. You talk to me about appropriateness and come out with such dire accusations and conclusions? Appalling.

I'm not leaving anything deliberately out, I am not distorting the truth. My comments to AC were well into the realm of crazy innuendo, because that's what we had already done for a long time. I saw it as something completely beside her relationship, that's why I continued. This was obviously my mistake, not hers. The same thing with bea - we talked a lot of trash in the lounge and it just poured over into real life conversations as well. We are both to blame for that.

I'm not a bad person. I can be very oblivious, god yes, but I am certainly not malicious and I hope none of you judge me as such.

And with that, I'm moving away from this subject. I don't think I will be as active on VS as I've been, but I'll still be around, because I still have a lot of friends here and if I ever do leave videosift, I would have it be a a much less bitter note than this.

gwiz665 says...

"However, if someone states that they don't want anything to do with you- you should leave at that, and don't pursue a relationship."

I know this. I tried to get an answer, because I felt I deserved it. I was wrong, and I'm sorry for dragging the rest of videosift down with me. In "relationship" there is only meant a friendship, that was what I sought with ac after she said she had a boyfriend (which was waay back). I thought we had that which is why I was so weirded out by not getting a reply or clarification. This was entirely my mistake, and I didn't mean to bring ac to the point of this at all. I'm sorry to her, I'm sorry to you dag, and to videosift in general for depriving you of her.

gwiz665 says...

I just had a lengthy conversation with alien_concept on messenger - she wrote me - and with her blessing I'm going to put it verbatim here, so you can get an idea of where we stand:
(apologies for not having a [[snip]] here)

15-09-2009 12:32:36 Rachel Nicki i'm about to get a nap in nicki
15-09-2009 12:32:50 Nicki Rachel don't hate me
15-09-2009 12:32:52 Rachel Nicki but i just wanted to say, everything you have explained is fair
15-09-2009 12:33:06 Nicki Rachel ok
15-09-2009 12:33:11 Rachel Nicki and i think that a lot of all of us have just not understood the others sideof things
15-09-2009 12:33:26 Rachel Nicki and a lot hasn't been said so as not to hurt the others feelings
15-09-2009 12:33:42 Nicki Rachel heh, that didn't work out too well
15-09-2009 12:33:46 Rachel Nicki my reaction was what you said in the sift talk thread
15-09-2009 12:33:52 Rachel Nicki about telling secrets
15-09-2009 12:34:07 Rachel Nicki at that point whether you had said anythign about me or not, it felt like it was aimed at me
15-09-2009 12:34:20 Nicki Rachel aah, I never said anything like that
15-09-2009 12:34:31 Nicki Rachel I don't think we had any real secrets either, did we?
15-09-2009 12:34:36 Rachel Nicki "if you had any secrets with me, they're not secrest anymore"
15-09-2009 12:34:41 Nicki Rachel I'm so sorry if you felt that hit you
15-09-2009 12:34:46 Rachel Nicki no, other than the jake thing, no
15-09-2009 12:34:59 Nicki Rachel I did not tell the other sanything about that
15-09-2009 12:35:00 Rachel Nicki not that ic are if anyone knows anymore, but i just felt it was another way of abiting me
15-09-2009 12:35:05 Rachel Nicki youc an see why, can you not?
15-09-2009 12:35:06 Nicki Rachel I was just being facetitious
15-09-2009 12:35:23 Nicki Rachel yes yes, of course.. I didn't mean that
15-09-2009 12:35:30 Nicki Rachel god, I've been so stupid during this whole thing
15-09-2009 12:35:38 Rachel Nicki no nicki, we all have
15-09-2009 12:35:43 Rachel Nicki we ALL have
15-09-2009 12:35:46 Rachel Nicki it's a lesson learnt
15-09-2009 12:35:50 Nicki Rachel I really didn't want to make you feel bad
15-09-2009 12:35:58 Rachel Nicki i get that now
15-09-2009 12:36:01 Rachel Nicki ok?
15-09-2009 12:36:11 Nicki Rachel oh this is bad
15-09-2009 12:36:11 Rachel Nicki like is aid, lessons learnt
15-09-2009 12:36:18 Nicki Rachel I can't fucking stop crying
15-09-2009 12:36:22 Rachel Nicki i should have ben honest with you but i was stuck between a rock and a hard place
15-09-2009 12:36:43 Nicki Rachel I'm sorry, I'm sorry
15-09-2009 12:36:53 Rachel Nicki it's ok, look nicki, it's ok
15-09-2009 12:36:58 Nicki Rachel I only ever wanted to be your friend
15-09-2009 12:37:06 Rachel Nicki you are vilifed in this, everyone has said their piece
15-09-2009 12:37:11 Nicki Rachel we talked so much shit, that it just felt natural at the end
15-09-2009 12:37:12 Rachel Nicki you have back up
15-09-2009 12:37:36 Rachel Nicki yes i understand that, which is why i never wanted to push it and tell you
15-09-2009 12:37:47 Rachel Nicki i blame myself for letting it get that far, i shouldn't expect you tojust know
15-09-2009 12:37:52 Rachel Nicki i have to go right now
15-09-2009 12:38:00 Rachel Nicki i will bbs ok
15-09-2009 12:38:10 Rachel Nicki i'm leaving vs but it's not cos of you, it's cos i want to
15-09-2009 12:38:19 Nicki Rachel Ok, I hope you will talk to me again at some point
15-09-2009 12:51:29 Rachel Nicki so yeah like i said i am leaving
15-09-2009 12:51:37 Rachel Nicki but it's because thats' what needs to hapen at this point
15-09-2009 12:51:43 Rachel Nicki i was goin to anyway, but quietly
15-09-2009 12:51:53 Nicki Rachel ok
15-09-2009 12:51:56 Rachel Nicki then i was drunk on sunday mornign, saw your post and thought ohhh fuck you man
15-09-2009 12:52:17 Nicki Rachel can I explain that one?
15-09-2009 12:52:17 Rachel Nicki certainly didn't expect anyone elses reactions, not rasch's or beas
15-09-2009 12:52:38 Rachel Nicki so it wasn't like i posted to bring it all to light, i just wanted you to know
15-09-2009 12:52:39 Nicki Rachel I made that limerick, because I remembered all the good times and I wanted you to too
15-09-2009 12:52:41 Rachel Nicki yeah go on
15-09-2009 12:52:56 Rachel Nicki no not that post, the one in the sift up thread
15-09-2009 12:53:01 Nicki Rachel oh
15-09-2009 12:53:04 Rachel Nicki that one i was just ignoring, but i got it at the time
15-09-2009 12:53:23 Rachel Nicki i know that it had come out of nowhere, but i felt the best course of action was to ignore thinking you'd give up
15-09-2009 12:53:36 Nicki Rachel well, that one was not directed at you at all
15-09-2009 12:53:59 Nicki Rachel I promise you, the only things I mentioned about you and me, was that you didn't want to talk to me anymore
15-09-2009 12:54:02 Rachel Nicki it felt like it,t hat's all i'm saying
15-09-2009 12:54:10 Nicki Rachel and I didn't really understand why
15-09-2009 12:54:14 Nicki Rachel I do understand now
15-09-2009 12:54:28 Nicki Rachel But I really, really didn't get it after your final message
15-09-2009 12:54:49 Rachel Nicki no i gett hat
15-09-2009 12:54:54 Nicki Rachel because I had done nothing different or especially grivous between us talking fine and that
15-09-2009 12:54:54 Rachel Nicki but like i said it wan't just bea
15-09-2009 12:55:13 Nicki Rachel ok?
15-09-2009 12:55:14 Rachel Nicki it was just the level of it, and i felt you didn't understand what i was saying about me and jake, how serious we were
15-09-2009 12:55:29 Rachel Nicki but i get that our convios could have left you confused
15-09-2009 12:55:44 Nicki Rachel Well, you have said to me that it was very serious
15-09-2009 12:55:52 Rachel Nicki i am very outright and i dont have too many mimits myself, so i understand why you didnt' take it into consideration now
15-09-2009 12:56:09 Rachel Nicki limits*
15-09-2009 12:56:27 Nicki Rachel and I didn't try to become your boyfriend except way at the beginning before you told me about jake, when I was just interested
15-09-2009 12:56:36 Nicki Rachel after that it was all shits and giggles
15-09-2009 12:56:39 Nicki Rachel or so I thought
15-09-2009 12:56:49 Nicki Rachel I mean, I never tried to come over and surprise you in london
15-09-2009 12:56:56 Rachel Nicki i guess when i kept telling you that i wanted to meet up with jake first, and i got PM's from you saying that you'd fund tickets and whatnot, i just felt like you weren't ever going to understand
15-09-2009 12:57:11 Nicki Rachel I wanted to meet you sure, because I feared something like this would happen
15-09-2009 12:57:41 Nicki Rachel oh, well that was just me being a dick, that whole "be afraid" thing was meant to be with a glint in the eye
15-09-2009 12:57:49 Nicki Rachel I'm so sorry if you felt threatened by that
15-09-2009 12:58:02 Rachel Nicki i didnt' feel threatened, it's not like you know my address
15-09-2009 12:58:05 Nicki Rachel I just noticed the ticket prices when I booked the trip to texas
15-09-2009 12:58:18 Rachel Nicki i just felt like you weren't understanding my position
15-09-2009 12:58:33 Nicki Rachel I think you told me your address way back, but I don't have a record of it anyway
15-09-2009 12:58:43 Rachel Nicki and i'm either too coward or too cautious of peoples feelings to say it to you outright
15-09-2009 12:58:46 Rachel Nicki and i shold have dine
15-09-2009 12:58:51 Rachel Nicki so i take that responsibility
15-09-2009 12:59:00 Nicki Rachel I totally understand you wanted to meet jake first before any other sifter
15-09-2009 12:59:05 Nicki Rachel I do respect it
15-09-2009 12:59:10 Rachel Nicki cool
15-09-2009 12:59:15 Rachel Nicki like i said
15-09-2009 12:59:26 Rachel Nicki this is a big lesson learnt in miscommunication and prsumptions
15-09-2009 12:59:40 Nicki Rachel I hope that you won't hate me for ever.. I really liked you and was glad about our friendship
15-09-2009 12:59:44 Nicki Rachel hah, yeah
15-09-2009 12:59:47 Rachel Nicki i didn't think my post would blow so wide
15-09-2009 13:00:00 Rachel Nicki but it has, and it's all laid out and you have laid yourself out
15-09-2009 13:00:05 Rachel Nicki and that is very clear
15-09-2009 13:00:10 Nicki Rachel It was the only way I could deal with it
15-09-2009 13:00:18 Nicki Rachel but I don't think I can bear the brunt of it much longer
15-09-2009 13:00:26 Nicki Rachel it's just starting to hurt and that sucks
15-09-2009 13:00:33 Rachel Nicki copy this convo, say you have spoken to me
15-09-2009 13:00:49 Nicki Rachel ok
15-09-2009 13:00:56 Rachel Nicki explain that you realise now that you took the way we spoke to you the wrong way, and you let it bleed over into real life
15-09-2009 13:01:01 Rachel Nicki that all makesperfect sense
15-09-2009 13:01:19 Nicki Rachel I already did that just now in the thread
15-09-2009 13:01:22 Rachel Nicki and make sure you say that we have ALL learnt things frmo this
15-09-2009 13:01:35 Nicki Rachel but I will add this conversation to it, just to finish it up
15-09-2009 13:01:36 Rachel Nicki ok
15-09-2009 13:01:49 Rachel Nicki you do that
15-09-2009 13:01:55 Rachel Nicki could you edit my typos
15-09-2009 13:02:00 Nicki Rachel hah
15-09-2009 13:02:17 Nicki Rachel have fun where ever you are off to now
15-09-2009 13:02:35 Nicki Rachel and if you ever think of me with a good thought, please stop by and say hello
15-09-2009 13:02:37 Rachel Nicki and make sure you add this bit of the convo too
15-09-2009 13:02:47 Rachel Nicki bea does NOT deserve to be annihilated for this
15-09-2009 13:03:17 Rachel Nicki this is clearly an amalgamation of a hundred things
15-09-2009 13:03:22 Nicki Rachel I know that, but the accusations I've heard makes me very angry
15-09-2009 13:03:24 Nicki Rachel yeah, it is
15-09-2009 13:03:53 Rachel Nicki well then, with my blessing post this convo
15-09-2009 13:03:59 Rachel Nicki and good luck to you all
15-09-2009 13:04:08 Nicki Rachel Like I said, I can be very oblivious, but I'm not malicious
15-09-2009 13:04:20 Nicki Rachel Ok, thank you and good luck to you as well

yourhydra says...

>> ^Farhad2000:
I petition this whole thing to be discarded.

Why couldn't the girls work it out with gwiz...they made it this fucking circus. Pretty low and cowardly. I don't talk to many ppl on sift outside of sift, but gwiz is one of them. Actually in the beginning i felt that some of his comments attacked me on one of my posts, but I soon realized hes just very opinionated and never means to be mean.

To me there is 2 options...
1. these girls are being silly girls and doing that thing where they mislead a guy, and go along with things, and then convince themselves they should be insulted even when they lit 0 red lights at the time.
2. Gwiz is a giant perv

Why wouldn't she kick him out if they felt THAT awkward or insulted. I felt that way once with a guy, and I just kicked him out of my house...not went along with it, a week later filing a rape report. Like comon. One thing for sure is LACK OF COMMUNICATION on the ladies' parts.

ps. rasch...i've always thought you were rather mean and this solidifies it for me.

Lann says...

Okay I haven't been active on here long enough to know EVERYTHING. But last year I had something similar happen to me. All of the my peers were at a gathering which included a party at the end of the night. A good male friend of mine was drunk on moonshine and we were all talking laughing smiling haveing a good time. My best friend has implants and was commenting on her breast so was I. So he thought he would have a sample of a D cup in one and and a A (mine) in the other. To say the least our smiling faces turned to "your gonna fucking die" stairs and he started then to notice his mistake. We dealt with the situation right there and avoided him the whole night waiting for morning to confront him further sober. He was embarrassed but it was over...we are still friends end of story. I dunno I don't have a lot of female friends in real life (well only one actually) so maybe I just don't get it. I also had to go though this routine when a lesbian grabbed my ass but at that time I was being "homophobic".

inflatablevagina says...

Ok everyone involved here is satisfied.... and the parties involved have stopped talking about it altogether.

With AC's blessing ...

I am stabbing this until I *kill it... I want to make sure it is *dead so I will burn it and *discard the ashes.

Nothing to see here people. I know for a fact that this isn't the first time something like this has happened... so move away from the train wreck because the carnage needs to be cleared.

Krupo says...

>> ^gwiz665:
I think this has been a fully fledged character assassination attempt and I am disgusted by it. I am not afraid of what you'll think of me, because the truth is on my side.

<snip, gwiz665 responding to accusations>
3. You grabbed InflateableVagina's ass and boobs while staying with Bea, and generally freaked everyone out.
No and yes. I didn't grab her ass, I think I smacked it. The boob thing was just an immature prank that turned out to be way out of line. I acknowledged that above, and I have apologized to ivy about that. I can't say that I generally freaked everyone out, but I suppose I could have freaked the three out that were there, bea, ivy and their friend rick. The kids were long gone to be by that time, and they certainly liked me both.

I sort of scrolled backwards through the whole conversation, and I wanted to stay out of it, but this stuck out in my mind. I recall hearing about university girls (me obv. not being in their 'group') talking about how many of them were abused, often by those closest to them. Few reported it because of the situations they were in and all the other excuses that come up (not the least of which being the challenges they would face in the legal system).

With that in mind, do you realize that what you just described in the quoted text is sexual assault?

Perhaps there's some sort of context we're missing, but going into that would be idle speculation and I don't want to dwell on this any longer than necessary, other than to recognize what has happened here.

You are incredibly lucky that charges weren't pressed against you; you should be grateful that you were either given the benefit of the doubt over what happened (that reference to context which I alluded to), or perhaps shock delayed a more forceful response to what happened.

It's good that you apologized, but my casual observation of this entire conversation - not to mention the first quoted paragraph - makes me question whether you understood the gravity of what went on. And that's the point of this post, a cliched but very real 'after-school special with a important message' to put out there.

Thank you for at least bringing this to light. If, as I hope, things aren't as bad as I made them sound here, someone else will at least read this and realize that if they're in a worse situation they have rights and shouldn't be mistreated by anyone.

gwiz665 says...

^Indeed it was, but it was very mild. And in the context, there were extenuating circumstances: One thing in particular that I stumbled on when looking over the pictures yesterday, was that bea did the very same thing to ivy only minutes before I did. This is not in any dispute, I have the picture taken by rick. Facebook friends can see this plain as day. Of course they were much better friends than she and I, and had a level of trust that we didn't, but there it is. I encourage any of my friends on facebook to look at those pictures and tell me if it looked like they were scared and note their attitudes as well.

I did mine a few minutes after it, and while it was obviously out of line, I think those circumstances does at least give me the benefit of the doubt in that.

Krupo, I hadn't a clue the gravity of the situation and they never let on. And I am deeply annoyed that people would see me as a "sexual assaulter" or anything like that; it was a poor judgment call to get some shock laughs in the context I was in. Look at the picture (or at least friends on facebook can), I did what the two of them had done right before, it was a very quick touch, and it was wrong of me. Ivy has accepted my apology on this in a PM, so I would rather just move away from it now.

All in all, I'm eager to get away from this situation - I think it has been a storm in a teacup, that grew out of all the different things coming together which has had a synergistic effect that has made it seem much worse than its individual parts were. And the way the rumors have rumbled under the surface this place has not helped either.

There I'm done, ivy's already discarded this mess, and I'm pleased.

dannym3141 says...

>> ^dag:
>> ^dannym3141:

You've done a horrible, horrible thing.

I think that comment in itself is pretty horrible- do you want these females to feel shame for coming forward with this? Gwiz has certainly framed this to make himself look like a victim here- but I think the facts of the matter are definitely in dispute. He's soft-pedaled the description of his actions in a way that makes it seem that this was all just a misunderstanding. After corresponding with everyone involved in this- I have to say - I have serious doubts about his account of communication and contact with the three female sifters.
I would have preferred that these matters were resolved outside the public arena- but I don't think they should be persecuted for coming forward. I want VideoSift to be a safe place to hang out- and make friends. However, if someone states that they don't want anything to do with you- you should leave at that, and don't pursue a relationship. The stopping didn't happen in this case- and it's spilled over into the public.

You have missed the point dag.

Please note that in anything i have said in regards to this thread have been UNBIASED. I am not trying to figure out who is right or who is wrong ABOUT THE NIGHT IN QUESTION. You address me as though i am siding with gwiz, and that is UNTRUE.

Let me reiterate, i am on no one's side.

What this is about is - and please excuse the overly formal and legal term - libel. This would not happen in real life. People go to jail for doing this. You are not allowed to dirty someone's name over a dispute that has not been decided by law. The law in this case would be dag.

This is a case of taking the path of least harm. If this had been dealt with in the correct channels, we could eventually hear about it via a factual statement if we needed to hear about it at all:

Gwiz's name wouldn't have been dirtied.
The accusers would not feel like they were being assaulted for being the victim of what they claim to be an assault.
People like me would not feel angry that the website panders to libellous accusations.

I'm not trying to solve the crime. I am trying to stop this morally objectionable thread. And so should you.

Why am i having to argue with our dictator (who i'd hope would be unbiased) about whether or not libel is morally right? Why am i having to argue with him about taking sides? For christ's sake man get your head out of "Who's right?" and get it into "Is this fair - to ANYONE?"

videosiftbannedme says...

(stumbles in, rubs eyes) What's up? (looks around at everyone being quiet and uncomfortable)

....Ok....? (throws thumb over shoulder) I'm gonna go make some eggs....

(backs out of room, eying everyone, confused)

gwiz665 says...

Since you so much want to dig in this grave of lost souls, qualm, I might as well make a final response.

My position has not changed in any way. I have apologized for the act I did to Ivy and she accepted it. That's the extent of what I did. Everything else here is bullshit; peggedbea lied about a bunch of stuff, alien_concept overreacted, rash is a self-righteous idiot and so are you. Nothing more to it. I don't miss the Rachel that posted this, but I do miss the Rachel that I befriended long before this.

I think peggedbea is a sack of shit, but there we are - obviously she's not too fond of me either, but that's her problem. Ivy and bea, especially bea, need to learn that words have meaning too and they had a part in grooming the environment that lead to all this.

There are a bunch of people who responded in this thread who have no idea what they're talking about, someone like MinXyMoo, who seems to just be a sock-puppet account of any of the haters - I've never interacted with that piece of shit, so how can he/she make the accusations that they did? I should have instabanned the account for the personal attack out of the blue.

I've no need to apologize for anymore of this. Anyone else who posts in this post can go fuck themselves, like you should qualm. Go die somewhere, alone, miserable, angry at the world that shunned your pest-ridden cadaver.

qualm says...

That is not the extent of what you did and you know it. But you can marinade in the fact that at least Blankfist the child-rape fantasist supports you. Oh, and there's usesprozac your key enabler.

blankfist says...

>> ^qualm:
But you can marinade in the fact that at least Blankfist the child-rape fantasist supports you. Oh, and there's usesprozac your key enabler.

Translation: qualm hasn't any friends and thinks gwizz665 should stew on the idea that he does. That's telling him, qualm!

gwiz665 says...

>> ^qualm:
That is not the extent of what you did and you know it. But you can marinade in the fact that at least Blankfist the child-rape fantasist supports you. Oh, and there's usesprozac your key enabler.

I know exactly what I did and you don't. Is it hurtful that I know more than you? Does it make your blood boil?

shuac says...

I came across this just now (making my monitor all and having spent 99% of my time on the front page and unsifted, I have had little to say about very much of the goings-on here on sift talk. It's amazing what you miss when you sincerely do not give a rusty fuck what you egomaniacs have to say to one another.

Speaking as your elder, all of this is bullshit. It's completely meaningless and you have no idea how short life is. How possibly could you? Far too short to make so many mountains out of so few molehills.

There, I've fulfilled my annual sift talk post quota. Back to the playground with you, I'll be in the Teacher's Lounge finishing my cigarette.

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