State of the Sift

My fellow Sifters - I come before you tonight to tell you that the state of the Sift is stronger than ever.

No, seriously - things are good. I know some of you have noticed that it feels bigger around here lately- it is. VideoSift is receiving more traffic than it ever has before. Some of you are nostalgic for the days when the Sift felt like a small group of friends - me too.

We have to make VideoSift work as a bigger group of friends. I think for the most part it is - but we're open to hearing ideas that might help in this area.

We passed 1 million unique visitors for the month of November. It's just a number, but it's an indicator of how this community is growing. Here are the exact stats for the month:

Unique Visits: 1,023,757
Pageviews: 2,713,436
Up Votes: 49,039
Down Votes: 800
Comments: 19,368
videos posted: 1,554

We also banned 45 members. I'm not proud of this - but it shows that our unique moderation system works pretty damn well- thanks to all of the vigilant Sifters who use it and keep the Sift free of self-interest and crap.

We are facing some challenges. Sometimes our servers start melting. During one peak day in November we were serving 10,000 pages an hour and the smell of burning silicon was in the air. We're going to need new hardware. At the moment we are on a single dedicated dual xeon web server with a similarly speced database server. We will undoubtebly need to throw more hardware at the problem soon. Please upgrade to charter if you haven't already - the Sift needs your support- "ten thousand points of light" to keep the flame of VideoSift's fire going.

We have lots of ideas for the next few months. We're thinking of starting a VideoSift online film festival- harking back to the old Sift Off days. We may also start allowing members to upload their own videos to VideoSift (in a way that doesn't violate the self-link rule).

So, from Lucky, James and myself- thanks for being a part of what is, I can say truthfully without any bias, the best community on the web.

Goodnight and may God bless / Darwin evolve / Cthulhu devour VideoSift!

PS. We've outlawed Digg forever and we begin bombing in 5 minutes.
dotdude says...

Have you considered other designations for folks who might donate more money than what a charter member does already?

I'm not advocating any special powers or more bells and whistles. I'm just suggesting a few more ranks that state these folks were generous enough to donate more. Then somewhere on the Sift, have some kind of patron recognition of their names or screen names.

And I'm not trying to open up the advertising issue. I'm merely proposing some folks might not mind giving you more. In no way would I want to upset the egalitarian sensibility around here. However, if some sifters have the means to give more support, shouldn’t we let them.

MarineGunrock says...

I'd be happy to pay $20 for each three months over the measly $10 I pay now. Especially if I got a t-shirt as a form of "thank you"

Some more stats:

Down votes: 800
Number of those that were ant's: 649

dag says...

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I feel a bit funny about the money stuff. On the one hand, I know and appreciate that there are a lot of dedicated Sifters that would gladly donate more to VideoSift to keep us going. On the other hand- I feel it's a bit unfair to rely on a small cadre of donators when so many people are reaping the benefits.

We feel that with our growth- we have a "critical mass" and we should be able to attract sponsors. I'm not happy about our current advertising strategy. Google ads don't work that well. Sifters don't click cheap, cheesy ads. It's a reflection on the sophistication of our members.

So, we'd like to phase Google ads out in preference to site partners and sponsorships. Something like this.

If any sifter works for a company or has contacts with one that would like to sponsor us - please get in touch. We are terrible entrepreneurs so you can take total advantage of us.

MarineGunrock says...

Well, I know that no one likes asking for money, and a lot of people don't like giving it out to a site they can use for free, but since 99% of my online time is spent here, and I really love this community, I find it east to part with. If you did offer another tier of charter membership, maybe you could entice someone to go that extra step by say, allowing them to revive a discarded video or letting them requeue more than just one video every two days or whatever it is now. - Just something that would be personal gain for the payer.

ellyza says...

Congratulations everybody! I do not stop by often, but I really like this site alot. I had a good feeling it would be successful. I will try so stop by more often in the future and submit a few videos that I enjoy.

Farhad2000 says...

Like Mink I fear the size increasing basically diluting what makes this site so great over time. Be it videos, comments or users.

I eye the future with reserved cynicism.

dag says...

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Well, we're not that big. We're still under 10K registered users, and how many of those are active?

It's more about the casual non-members that are coming here because we have good taste and our community works well.

MINK says...

lol dag, you really are a good diplomat, all things to all men



10K registered users is a lot, farhad and i are worried about Dunbar's number... We're way past that.

Fundamental question: Who benefits if we get bigger? Sounds like google and the server company are the ones reaping the rewards at the moment.

Extrapolate: What would it be like with 100K users? Why aim there?

basically: WHY VIDEOSIFT? (can i have that on a tshirt please)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Well if Dunbar's number is 150 I don't think we're there. We average around 40-50 people logged in at any one time - and that's how I choose to interpret that idea.

Yes, there are downsides to getting bigger- but there is an upside too. More Sifters means more editors, more source material, more people to vet the queue. More people in comments sticking their hands up and saying "I know something about that". or "I speak Swahili" etc, etc.

We love this place- and it is going to continue to grow- but in a good, sustainable way.

Or maybe VideoSift has jumped the shark - let's all pack up and go home. I'll turn off the lights. (sometimes you people depress the hell out of me)

MINK says...

You "choose" to interpret dunbar's number in totally the wrong way. Really, read it again, it's an interesting concept for any community.

"More people in comments sticking their hands up and saying "I know something about that". or "I speak Swahili" etc, etc. "
that is undoubtedly a very nice advantage of getting bigger. Unfortunately if you are so big the swahili guy never even finds the video because it died in the queue and the search doesn't work properly and people are bad at tagging and the good users are swamped by the bad users... then you are back to square one. I guess strength comes from having a high good/bad user ratio, perhaps regardless of size. Size is a distraction, and is not necessary, especially if you are a bad entrepreneur who doesn't like adverts

But with size, you have a nice easy statistic you can track and applaud... other stuff harder to measure.

looris says...


but the problem with youtube is that it's totally unmoderated, so it can't possibly be better.

having a large quality site is possible, but of course it's difficult.

the important thing is as user base grows, money incomes should grow too, otherwise there's a problem.

Krupo says...

I was on the floor laughing at the digg joke.

A serious-level interpretation: well digg takes potshots at us - well, a few snarky bitches have done so, saying "duh, ignore the middleman, here's the original YT link" when a link from VS gets posted there. This ignores the maintenance and care that us "middlemen" (and middlewomen) put into making sure the video gardens are groomed properly.

On the idea of special icons for heavier donaters, I always thought (for the past 3 minutes) that a little "moneybags" icon in addition to the star/gem would be appropriate. Or cheesy. Probably both.

Speaking of that wonderful little pledge of shirts to the top 15ers, I would gladly send an electronic envelope in the direction of the Sift for an extra shirt - I mean, if you'll have a shipping cost anyway, might as well make the most of it...

winkler1 says...

Perhaps per-channel sponsors make sense. Cooking, Tech, etc..these are established niches/demopraphics. (metamucil / robot insurance ads on the classic movie channels)

I think distributing power such as banning sure helps to propagate community norms. An example: the 'intellegent design' spammer getting his ass bounced. Distributing power seems to scale up well and resist most attacks.

All hail Siftbot!

dag says...

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>>What happens when you click the "site admin" button, Dag??

It just links to a chat window with Siftbot. That's where we ask it nicely to do stuff.

8756 says...

I second that.
You can raise the charter amount, I'll be there !

Or make a "second level" subscription, more expensive, but which gives access to some extra privilege like *tazer or so ...

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