Programmers Unite! - The Sift Talk Where Code Monkeys Meet


public class LetMeIntroduceMySelf {

* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Introduce("NordlichReiter", "C#, JAVA, HTML, JAVASCRIPT, SQL, .net");

private static void Introduce(String name, String languages)
System.out.println("My Name is: " +name +"and my languages are" + languages);

I wanted to get a gather on what kind of tech jocks we have on the sift.

I mostly do work in, but I'm going back to get a Sun Certification. I don't have a CS degree, so I need something to my name.

In that I invite any one here to drop a bio, and hit us with open source projects if you have any. Give us some insight to your frustrations or prowess.

Java is my weak point, today I just learned how to make JAR files. Now I need to learn how to port them to other platforms.
Ryjkyj says...

I mostly spend my time mastering outlook. I've done some work in word but I think my next area of focus will be to go buy excel for dummies. (I've already digested linux for dummies while I was waiting for my wife to do her homework in a coffee shop)

And then of course there's always windows (I'm constantly showing people how to cut and paste without the mouse!)

Stingray says...

I do Winform and Web development in .NET using VB, ADO, XML, and all that other fun stuff. In the past I have coded in good old BASIC (with line numbers), Pascal, and COBOL. I also did some other mainframe language crap about ten years ago now, and I don't remember a thing about it anymore.

Current boning up on my C# skills. I have always been able to read code samples written in it easily, but I want to make myself more marketable and start coding my apps in C# on a regular basis. I'm an old Visual Basic throwback guy, but unfortunately it has instilled poor coding habits in myself.

It wasn't until .NET came along that I really started taking advantage of and seeing the benefits to OOP.

I currently have my BS in Computer Science. Would love to get my MS some day.

rougy says...

I've been coding in earnest, off and on, since about 1991.

Took a Pascal class at the university on the way to an English degree that I never got. Was working for a company at the time that was building mainframe databases using NATURAL and that was my backdoor to the programming world. Worked for them for a few years. My strength at that time was pseudocode, because I was pretty good at talking to the client and figuring out what they wanted.

Did some pretty cool VBA stuff for a long while, then VB/SQL systems for about five years to the point where I can't stand to look at it any more. I destroyed my VB6 and disks kind of like a madman burning his ships.

Starting my own biz and I'm sticking to the web standards: Javascript, PHP and MySQL. Still not very eloquent where my code is concerned, but I've figured out AJAX and I can usually hook or crook my way into making something work.

I'm one of those people who thinks web-based applications will be "the thing" to come in a big way.

I'm also heretical in that when I get rich, I want to start a project that puts the browser inside of Flash.

Want to do more ActionScript stuff and Flash, animation in particular, but I can't seem to stay off this one cool video site that I know about long enough to make headway.

NordlichReiter says...

OOP is great, and its made really easy by the two big languages out there.

Java and

Both of these monsters are insane to try and understand.

I'm playing with JAVA SERVER FACES today. Once you learn how to use the IDE its as easy as writing code like you normally right in C#.

One thing that makes me angry about net beans, is that you have to Bind a web part... to whatever it binds to.

Where as with visual studio you just place it on the page, and bang its part of that page. No binding needed.

I hate to see what it takes to host a JSF page on some of these web hosts out there.

gwiz665 says...

I've programmed in Java, Python, PHP, SQL and just started screwing around with LUA (for WoW addons ).

I tried a bit of Java Server Pages when I took computer science, but man I could not get the hang of them at all.

I'm taking a class on Flash and php now, but for the record I hate flash like the plague. Hopefully I'll get over this once it does what I tell it to do, but for now: raaaahhr!

davidraine says...

I used to program back in the day, but today most of what I do is SQL. Occasionally I get to delve into some iSeries CL. Still, when pressed I can still break out the old BASIC / C++ / Snippets of other languages knowledge.

Which reminds me, I need to get LaTeX up and running on this machine; I may actually have use for it again.

seltar says...

A good portion of workrelated-PHP, XHTML, CSS and Javascripting. Quite alot of sparetime-Java & Processing. Finish off with a dash of playful Actionscript, and stir.

I'm currently working as a webdeveloper in a norwegian multimedia company.
I've always had this thing for figuring out how things work, and fixing them. Especially with logical things, like code.
I then spent a year in a small city, going to school. The problem was they weren't teaching me what I expected, so I started trying to learn it myself.
I accidentally stumbled upon Processing (.org) and fell in love. Been coding happily ever since, where my creations have ranged from games to applications and art.

I'm always happy to help, and I'm usually up for collaborating on something Always fun to get to know other coders


dgandhi says...

import languages as l
import obsolete as o
import data as d
import services as s

class dgandhi(self):
    """I hope sifty does not kill my syntactic indents"""
    def __init__(self):
        self.skills = [l.PHP,l.C,l.CPP,l.Eiffel,l.Python,
    def can_program(target):
        if target in self.skills or target.is_interesting():
            return True
            return False

dgandhi says...

>> ^gwiz665:I'm taking a class on Flash and php now, but for the record I hate flash like the plague. Hopefully I'll get over this once it does what I tell it to do, but for now: raaaahhr!

Are you using ming? It has bindings for both PHP and Python, and I've been running rings around my GF, who uses FlashCS3. Writing code to generate frames is much faster,than playing with SWF objects/frames manually.

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