Open Letter To Mother

-Choggie say:
My mom rocks, so does yours. Don't really care if she's tea-toatllin',reformed and born-again from a life a hard knocks, some Oxford trash with an attitude, or some circuit court judge inna a vendetta-kinna-mood for all black males, you love her and you know many moms we got here, and how many buns in the oven???....
Swampgirl, yer a mom? Happy today and what about we say thanks for the few and brave??-(at least in the U.S. anyhow)

-Swampgirl say:

"Doesn't matter how old we are or how independent we feel... we all have one that made us and/or raised us. There's a sweet little old lady in S.C. tonight that locked her doors, turned off the coffee pot, said her prayers for me and my brothers and went to bed, and no matter how I think or feel about her religion or politics.. I know her love for me is as pure as it gets. She's my mom! She thinks about my well being every day .
I know this because I feel the same way about my children. They are going to grow up and leave, and they will know ...that no matter what. there's gonna be this little old lady thinking about them and their happiness back home... Well it will be like that except there will probably be bourbon instead of coffee."

-Add yer best for mom, best behavior, and don't say cuss words...unless yer mom does-
kronosposeidon says...

Happy Mama's Day to all of the ladies who've had their uteri play a vital role in the survival of the species. Couldn't have got here without you. You've taken a biological function and raised it to an art form. Raising kids has NEVER been easy, and even the best of mothers can still have their kids turn into rotten seeds. (No offense, rottenseed. I know how much you love your mom.) All you can do is your best, and I know that most of you do. My mom worked most of my childhood, yet she still found time to be warm, loving, and affectionate with all of five of us. I have plenty of trials and tribulations with just one child, so I'm still amazed at how she did so well with five little urchins at once. So I salute you, Mom, and I salute all the moms here today.

I also wish a Happy Mommy's Day to all you ladies who have not reproduced. You're also playing a vital role in the survival of the species. I'd hate to think of a world in which every woman has fifteen kids. So I salute you too.

Though some of this is tongue-in-cheek, the sentiment is real. If some of you don't care for my sense of humor, blame my mother. She encouraged me by laughing at my jests.

choggie says...

awww, all the deeds and exploits you thot were funny that she let you slide on??...she made up for it for the sake of all of us!!....3 cheers to kronosp's mammy!!!!-(daim!!, five whole chilluns, eh??)

swampgirl says...

Kronos, I do the same thing with my boy. I encourage him all the time to try and be funny. He is too.. I school him in all the important prereqs too.. stooges, python, cheese, loony tunes, tom and jerry, videosift....

rottenseed says...

Me mum- She raised me as an only mum whilst going to college full time and working at a bicycle repair shop for that extra scrilla to feed my skinny ass. Say what you will about her, but I adopted my sense of humor and my disdain for religion from her. What better gifts could I have asked for? Any species can propagate, from the lowest form of life to us humans. But it takes a strong species to deal with their little sin-monsters on an emotional level for the rest of their lives.

choggie says...

good on yer double-swinger too, rs...we need more cynical god-bogglers on the planet-man(maybe you can get yer own Jon Syweart-type show one day.....
19 hrs into this post, Mother's Day pretty much done, and only 3 people here show any interest in their mammies-....and you folks get all up in my shit for painting such a grim scenario for the future of this planet-shiiiiit...You better come give some proppage to dad's burden, kiddies-

swampgirl says...

Well.. then I'll just tell you I had a GREAT mother's day. They cleaned house, made breakfast, fed animals, made dinner. When I wasn't taking a 3 hr bath or napping, I played at Videosift all day!!!

I know Choggie... everyone is visiting their moms today.

kronosposeidon says...

I think swampie's probably right, chogs. I've checked occasionally to see who's been logged in today, and it seems like it's been a little quieter than normal for a Sunday. Plus there's a lot of lovely Spring weather today in the US, so maybe folks are taking advantage of that. (I know it sounds weird, but some people still actually like to go outside these days.) I took advantage of it by mowing my lawn for the first time this year. Yeah, I really know how to enjoy Spring, baby.

critttter says...

I'm impressed you let your Mom anywhere near the internets, Choggie. Talk about patience, you must be good to Mom.

I love you, Mommy, you will never read this online, I shall print it out.

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