Sarzy says...

"It's just a dog! You can get another one!" What a dick. And clearly not a dog owner. I mean, he has a point about the guy putting himself and others at risk by going that fast, but he should have helped the guy get help for his dying dog and then given him the lecture.

Ryjkyj says...

>> ^MarineGunrock:
Jackass shouldn't have been going 100 miles an hour and evaded the police.

From what I've gathered about you MG, you'd do the same for your dog.(if you have one of course)

If a cop did that to me this video wouldn't be on the sift because the first thing you'd see is me kicking his knees in, gouging out his eyes, biting open his throat, etc. Then, because I wouldn't stop until someone killed me, it would be ineligible for posting.

shuac says...

If this fellow had simply driven the speed limit (or employed the "8-mph-over rule" a rule no Highway Patrolman will ever tell you about) then he might have made it to the vet and saved his dog. Plus, he wouldn't have put anyone else in danger.

My border collie Jake has been through a lot. He turns 14 in November, he's on medication to help him breathe, and he's got 3 legs. I'm not joking. But even with all that, I value human life more than I do Jake. Why? Because he's just a dog. He's a very sweet, loving dog, yes...but he's just a dog.

Get some perspective folks.

Crosswords says...

If a cop did that to me this video wouldn't be on the sift because the first thing you'd see is me kicking his knees in, gouging out his eyes, biting open his throat, etc. Then, because I wouldn't stop until someone killed me, it would be ineligible for posting. I wouldn't expect anything less from someone with a Van Damme icon.

The guy was definitely wrong for freaking out and driving like shit head. On the other hand the cop was a prick, completely lacking in empathy. He should have saved the lecture and the ticket for later(well I guess he didn't give the guy a ticket), and helped get the dog to the hospital.

MarineGunrock says...

No, the cop was not wrong, and no, Ryjky, I would not have gone 100 miles an hour down the freeway. Any vehicle, especially and SUV, becomes incredibly unstable and difficult to control at that speed. The cop was not a prick for lecturing him then and there. The man was a prick for endangering the lives of all the people around him.

Payback says...

I have to say however, some of you are acting like the cop grabbed the dog, threw it out into traffic, waited until someone ran it over and said "PROBLEM SOLVED, ASSHOLE!"

He DID say he could have charged the dipshit with evading, which would be jail time, but he felt somewhat sympathetic. I bet the moron will never realize that if he had just kept it to within reason, he would have gotten to the vet and probably saved the dog. The difference between 70 and 100 over 10 miles is sweet bugger all in time. Maybe 30-60 seconds difference. But no, he was pulled over for a good solid 15 minutes beyond a 70mph run would have been.

You can't blame the cop for doing his job. This is obvious.

dystopianfuturetoday says...

The proper reaction would be to escort the man to the hospital and let his wife take the dog in while the husband a receives speeding ticket.

Maybe karma will put his ambulance in a traffic jam when he accidentally shoots himself in the chest.

thinker247 says...

Everybody here is right. The guy should have done the speed limit and gotten his animal to the vet hospital, but the cop was a prick for not understanding the man's state of mind. Now that it's settled, let's all go home and hug our pets.

12795 says...

There is a lot of bad blood on both sides of this issue. It kills me that some claim to love their dog but in the same sentence talk about it as if it was an inanimate object. Some talk about only me only loving cute dogs. Well am just as sad about pit bulls dying because of people as a poodle. I would not share my house with either but doesn't mean I don't care. Is it shuac, well Jake would do for you what you would not do for him. You can call 911 for a child but it is perfectly OK to bypass that option and speed them to the hospital on their own. Now if you killed my kids while taking yours to the hospital, my kids just deserved to die right. You republicans are self superior hypochrites. Go ahead and attack the spelling.

12795 says...

Thanks for serving, the compliments end there. I got my CAR in Desert Storm, you marines hate seeing those on a sailor. The Army and Marines do not have an exclusive on Iraq. There are plenty of sailors getting thrown in the mix without the training you guys get. Yes the Air Force too, but we won't talk about their amenities. I stuck it out to retirement. I hate you guys that do one enlistment and run your mouth as an armchair patriot. I wonder if you were in the unit that threw those dogs off a cliff over ther and filmed it for your sick humor. Nice recruiting video for the Marines, I bet you are proud.
I really love how your republicans took care of the economy. I like how Exxon decorated Prince William sound, but hey it was just wildlife not human. W had way more intelligence than Roosevelt did and Roosevelt knew a lot about upcoming events. Don't make me explain it, go back to school. I am not a democrat so drop that but I will never ever be a republican, they are just too sleezy for me. For the rest of you: Yes Stephens did his job, yes Gonzales broke the law. Give the ticket or arrest him and be done. The comments were not in any way required by Stephens to do his job. The ticket was given but dropped by the watch commander on duty(or whatever that department calls it). Stephens was in Iraq maybe he helped with the dog torture. You know there are more criminals in on waivers than actual patriots, no wonder this kind of stuff happens over there.

12795 says...

Don't lable me as a non-voting !@#$talker. I am registered and have voted for years. Personally all politicians have something to hide. I try to sort out the lesser of the evils. Our system isn't perfect but is still the best thing going. The best part is we still have the freedom to publicly disagree. Although the current republican has slightly altered that. I hate "do as I say not as I do". We will never know if that dog could have been saved. We should just ban emergency vets to remove the temptation, right.

MarineGunrock says...

WTF, oldnavy? Just because I'm a Marine and lean towards the right the bad economy is entirely my fault? Oil spills are my fault?

You got you CAR? Good for you, I'm sure you deserved it. Why the hell would it matter what branch you were in? You were shot at so you deserved it. I have a brother in the Navy - he's the Chief of pastoral care services at the Bethesda Naval Hospital.
Corpsmen? I respect those guys even more than my fellow Marines. Not only do they have to carry their individual gear like everyone else, they have to pack on an additional 15 or 20 lbs of their medical gear as well. I've heard plenty of accounts of corpsmen having both their legs blown off, and dragging their dying bodies around the battlefield with their arms to patch up wounded Marines. There were two such corpsmen that were awarded recently at a corpsmen ball down by Bethesda.

"You know there are more criminals in on waivers than actual patriots"

Right - because on the enlistment contract there's a box you can check off to say that you're a patriot.

I forgot we could quantify that. Just because someone is a criminal, does not mean they can't have left that all behind them, and wanted to serve their country. Anyone that puts on a uniform, regardless of their past is a patriot in my eyes.

I'm not sure why you feel the need to tell me "Don't call you a democrat" or "Don't label me a a non-voting stalker"
You've been a member here for less than a day. How the fuck would I know anything about you to make such a claim? Secondly, I never did make such a claim.

"I hate you guys that do one enlistment and run your mouth as an armchair patriot"
Don't act like you fucking know me. For all you or anyone else here knows I had to get out for medical reasons. For all you or they know, I had to get out for psychological ones.
Fuck you.
I miss the Marine Corps every day of my life and wish I could go back in.

MarineGunrock says...

And again: No animal life - no matter how loved by its owner - is ever more valuable than that of your fellow man. This guy had no excuse to be going that fast. The cop did nothing wrong and in fact, did his job quite well. Over 100mph and evaded? He's lucky he didn't spend a week in jail. No, the cop isn't gonna fucking escort the guy to a fucking vet. It's not a human dying. What do you want? Him to say "Your dog is dying?!?! Follow me!" and jump in his cruiser and blast the sirens going 130 to save a fucking DOG?


Sure, he could have just let the wife go to the vet and held the guy and all, but then again, the guy didn't have to place his DOG's life over that of everyone else around him.

MarineGunrock says...

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
The proper reaction would be to escort the man to the hospital and let his wife take the dog in while the husband a receives speeding ticket.
Maybe karma will put his ambulance in a traffic jam when he accidentally shoots himself in the chest.

You would wish death on a man just because he let a dog die? Maybe you need to check your priorities.

Oldnavy: "t kills me that some claim to love their dog but in the same sentence talk about it as if it was an inanimate object."

No, they're not talking about it as an inanimate object. He talks about it as what it is: an animal. He realizes that a dog can never be more important than a human life.

Thinker: " the cop was a prick for not understanding the man's state of mind"

Actually, you're wrong. The cop plainly stated he understands what's going on in his mind. And did you miss the fact that he coupled that with NOT arresting him for evading police?

Crosswords: See above^^

Ryjkyj: You would seriously kill another human because you DOG died? Check your priorities.

bluecliff says...

I wouldn't kill, I would risk.

"Near this spot are deposited the remains of one who possessed Beauty without Vanity, Strength without Insolence, Courage without Ferocity, and all the Virtues of Man, without his Vices. This Praise, which would be unmeaning Flattery if inscribed over human ashes, is but a just tribute to the Memory of Boatswain, a Dog."

MarineGunrock says...

Sure. And my parents have one right now that I love. I think that Chewie is the best dog I've ever seen. However, I realize that he indeed just that; a dog. He is not worth saving if it means killing another human. I'd be really sad to see him go, and I know that he could never be replaced. However, I do know that it is possible to get another dog and love it just as much as the past one, but it is impossible to get another child just like that.

choggie says...

Uhhhh....Morons who have a hard-on for authority figures being dicks, will always be around....authority figures who are dicks will too....the dog had a bad owner, poor fido. Cop was a dick doing a job in his capacity and according to his programming and perception....there are dicks that work at Starbucks. Bad cop, good cop, proper scenario, blah blah blah......all of ya get over the shit, its fucking silly-Learn yer Human.

choggie says...

Because I have empathy for Skippy, in a different way than you, I am going to make issue with that, and forget about the subject at hand.......Fuck a dog, fuck a cop, fuck a dumbass....what's the issue??

12795 says...

Wow this is a really fired up crowd. MG, I was referring to the waivers for criminal offenses. That is the Army, sorry my mistake. They currently have more wavered recruits than not. Without a draft that will happen. I thank you for serving, if you got hurt permantly I am very sorry (really). Like I said in the email to you, I sterotyped you and I am sorry. I only have a problem with Paul Stephens comments. That is my opinion and it will not get him fired or reprimanded in any way. A petition cannot do anything, so those people are wasting their time. He did not violate any in place policy and animal cruelty laws don't cover this situation. As long as he does not pop off to his chain of commmand, he is good at work. I personally think he is a jerk but I don't think he needs death threats. It is a tough emotional situation. Just because someone would do anything for their dog or other animal does not make them a human hating serial killer. People as a whole are terrible to each other. Just look at the world today. The wonderful thing about living in the US is the freedom to do what we are doing now without being killed or thrown in prision for it.

12795 says...

My last comment was not even posted. Well here it is again. I can't believe you guys did not know the name of the officer in the middle of this. Back to the question. I was referring to the lowest ranking cop is still an officer unlike the military. My language is cleaner than most on this site. What was the problem?
Payback, WTF are you saying?

Arsenault185 says...

I think the officer handled everything very professionally. If the owner was that serious about his pet, perhaps he should have taken his negligent ass down to the red cross (they usually do it) and learned how to preform CPR / doggie Heimlich so that he could have saved his dogs life without putting people t risk. I'll tell you what works (on smaller dogs)- wrap your mouth around your dogs nose and blow. you'll force air into his lungs, and back up through his mouth. With any luck, the foreign object will come popping out. Even if your dog isn't choking, its still fun to do. Yeah, this guy was a moron. I have 2 dogs (well I have one my wife has another) and I care very much for them. Would I drive like a douche bag to save them? No. Would I do everything I could possibly do to get them to an emergency vet if I couldn't handle it? yes. That means speeding, but not criminal speeding. the 8-10 rule would hae been fine, because like payback pointed out, speeding doesn't actually save you a whole lot of time.

[Eidt] If you really want to know, check it out.

12795 says...

Old navy - I'm not sure why you thought that dog police thread appropriate to comment on political / military affairs,but i feel a reply is warranted anyway. first, I'll thank you for your service. I have been in the Army for 5 years, and yeah there are a lot of waivers in for criminal offenses, but to be honest, either they don't talk about it, or they get chaptered out real early. The Army separates a lot of soldiers before they complete their first term. Unfortunately, (and myself and a friend are working to get this changed) the Army is too focused on short term number.s So long as they fill the gaps, they don't care. They will just weed out the shit heads at a later point in time.

12795 says...

arsenault 185,
At work they only have CNN or Fox News on the tv so I don't remember which but there was a short mention one day about a month ago about the Army having more waivers than non waivers. If they don't have a draft, it is hard to fill the ranks so accepting whatever volunteers they get is understandable. The news story does not take into account the ones weeded out. Where as the Army and Marines have been building up to support the war the navy has been drawing down. Forget waivers and getting kicked out for almost anything is common these days. Lots of PT and body fat discharges. Almost all shore duty billets are being taken over by civilians. At last active duty assignment I was the last military to work there. They hired a civilian to work there. Go to USAJOBS or the Navy's CHART site and see all the jobs posted. In a few years the only way to get off a ship will be to push boots or recruit. The Navy uses the individual augmentees to apease the other services. Nobody escapes from some form of IA duty if they want to make a career.
MG I know what a LEO is. There is a glock talk site that you might like.

shuac says...

>> ^oldnavy:
...Is it shuac, well Jake would do for you what you would not do for him. You can call 911 for a child but it is perfectly OK to bypass that option and speed them to the hospital on their own. Now if you killed my kids while taking yours to the hospital, my kids just deserved to die right. You republicans are self superior hypochrites. Go ahead and attack the spelling.

I'd like to state that I am not (and have never been) a republican. Jake says 'hello'...woof.

pho3n1x says...

the only thing i hate is when cops yell out, "Sir! Do you want to go to jail tonight?!" sometimes it's warranted, sure, but other times they do it just to shut you up even if you're doing nothing more than answering a question or stating your case.

Ryjkyj says...

I just want to set the record straight that I don't value any animal's life over a human's. (with certain exceptions like Fred Phelps) I don't even have any pets.

But if I found myself in this situation and already wasn't thinking logically, I have no idea what I would've done when that happened. I'm not saying that this guy was in the right for endangering the lives of others. But taking something that someone obviously loves so much and basically saying, "I'm going to let that thing that you love die because I need to see your ID" seems... I don't know... inhuman? Animalistic? Too cold? Too callous? It's not that hard to reach 100mph in a car, depending on what you're driving. I've seen people do it without even realizing it.

Again, not trying to justify the driver's actions. Just saying that he had already stopped thinking logically at that point and needed to be treated as such. It seems like the only way the officer really could have made the situation any worse than he did was if he just went over and shot the dog himself.

Oh... and to whom it applies: thank you for your service to our country.

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