Hey Girlzzz, It's Double X Delurking Day

To all my VideoSiftin' Sisters...
I've noticed recently that there are a lot more of you around and about. This is good, for a long time, there were seemingly very few of us chicas using this site (I believe the Sift census we took a while back counted us as 15% of users), and fewer that were active members (for a while there it seemed like it was just me, Swampy, and the long lost LadyBug). But I've noticed that there are more of us now, and many of you are users that I had assumed were dudes at first- common occurrence actually, happens to me all the time, because unless you have a very gender specific handle, who knows otherwise.
So, if your game (I understand if you've decided to remain gender neutral for some reason or another), stop on by this thread and give a shout out, so we can all get to know one another!
swampgirl says...

That's right ladies, come on out and let us get to know you. I responded to a de-lurk call-out here once, and have had a blast ever since. You wont regret it

oxdottir says...

Well, my name isn't exactly gender-neutral, but I stop by anyway...

I'm always thinking about sounding off in other women's threads. I almost posted a ton to persephone's birth video, but I realized for 99.999 of the users it would have been way TMI (I did drugless birth, can chatter about it forever).

thesnipe says...

I think you probably had me guessing for at least a few months when I was new here. Nice idea to help bring those of us (I was once an ignorant one) who automatically assume videosift=guys.

BTW despite the long hair, I'm a guy. (if you don't know InuYasha)

kronosposeidon says...

Dag's a dude? Sure "he" has a goatee, but so did my mom.
(Sorry about all those indecent private comments, dag. You know how it is after you've drank 46 bottles of Robitussin. You don't? Well come over some time and I'll show you...)

persephone says...

It's not too late to leave that comment, Oxdottir. I'd love to hear all about it.
I'm so glad there are more women on the site. It brings some balance into the commenting and also the vids.

Being zero into gaming and an earthy luddite with a chip on my shoulder about sexist stuff to boot, it can sometimes be hard for me to feel at home, here.

My time is really taken up with caring for our kids, especially when they're on holidays, so it's usually a quick visit, when I get the chance. That limits involvement here too.

Talking about stuff that matters to women, as well as connecting with individuals is what keeps me interested. Community always matters, no matter what form it takes.

laura says...

I am a chica...I spend a good deal of time on the computer answering questions from our web site, looking up new recipes, filling my head w/ useless (?) facts and I am also a member of a sewing pattern review community online. So basically I like this group of people here on the sift and thought lately I would contribute being as I lurked for what seemed like two years daily before joining!
To persephone & Oxdottir ~ I'm also an earthy kinda chick, I had two drug-free births and breastfed (also love to tell my story).

looris says...

lol raven you forgot about mlx.

btw you're right, I came to know that you and mlx were women only a lot of months after I was here, and that's normal, yes.

btw, one of the good things about VS is that its users are of superior quality than most sites. I've never seen dumb flirting posts that plague many forums.

(here I'd like to post the futurama clip when Leela enters a chatroom, but obviously can't find it )

raven says...

So, of the 32 comments on this thread, 9 were made by actual females... seems we are still a small number. But thanks to those of you who turned out for this, and to you newer additions to our girl posse, welcome and keep up all the awesome work!

fdisk says...

There are no girls on the interweb. Everyone knows that. They don't want anything to do with the slobbering, argumentative adolescence dominant here in the system of tubes. Anyone who is posing as a girl is actually a pedophile, gay or just playing cruel games to trick the uninitiated into flirting with them.

Happy belated XX delurking day! :-P

P.S. Yea, I'm an XY.

raven says...

That's right ant, I'm a big fat 60 year old pedophile from 'Bama who is going to arrange to meet you in a truck stop and turn you over to a bunch of gang-banging midgets who will have their way with you multiple times... aren't you so glad you flirt with me now?

CalamityKate says...

i don't really need to delurk, as like laura my gender is indicated in my username, but i just wanted to post in a thread with so many of the cool vs chicas in it! i just had to wait for this post to unsticky, lol.

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