Happy Guy Fawkes Night, my British brothers and sisters!

I can't help it; I'm in a good mood. In my lifetime I've never felt this inspired by an election result since, well...forever.

In the United Kingdom it's already November 5th. And lest we forget:

Remember, remember the 5th of November...

That is, it's the anniversary of Guy Fawkes' Gunpowder Plot. It's a chance for Her Majesty's subjects to celebrate by setting off fireworks, lighting bonfires, and maybe getting a little liquored up. (Thankfully we Colonials celebrate our national holidays with subtlety and sophistication. )

Anyway, if you want to know more about what Guy Fawkes Night means to the British, don't ask me. I'm just a Yank who can barely remember to set his alarm clock. However there are a few folks here who may be more knowledgeable:


And I'm sure there are other active British sifters who could also enlighten us, but I just don't know that they're British.

However I will venture this much: The British value democracy just as much as anyone else, and they get just as pissed off as anyone else when they see it get fucked over bollocksed up by malfeasance, lies, and corruption.

So here's to the British and their love of democracy! They may not always get it right, but then again, who does?

Now would you PLEASE learn to speak American? Or at least Canadian? (I can almost understand them, eh?)

Thylan says...

i could try my cornish on you, my accent my be thick enough then for you to comprehend me at your uncouth level

Will have to watch this at lunch. my country has opinions on time at work being work

Deano says...

Ah yes the time of the year when we can stroll into shops and buy explosives to celebrate the apprehension of a failed terrorist. There will be the usual stories of kids losing eyes or the odd hand.

Fawkes' gang tried to kill James I for the Catholic cause. I might be wrong but I don't get the impression of Protestant/Catholic friction these days unless you wander into Northern Ireland or Scotland.

I have in previous years gone to a firework display but I feel I'm not the only one whose enthusiasm is waning. Normally you hear fireworks being launched from around October but it's been quieter this year. Near my office the only fireworks being left off are celebrating Divali. And in years past you would see children shouting "penny for the guy" - http://www.icons.org.uk/theicons/collection/bonfire-night/features/a-penny-for-the-guy-in-progress.

No more. Halloween has definitely edged out Bonfire night. Bloody yanks, would you adam and eve it.

MinXyMoo says...

I saw this post and thought i would take this opportunity to introduce myself i.e. take the piss Yeah we celebrate nearly blowing up the King. Godamn were a bunch of haters. Can't blow up any royalty or politicians these days... pfffft. Have to say though, never have I been so excited about an election result, let alone one in another flaming country! Woot Obama! All we need now is an Obama of our own.

punk225 says...

>> ^Deano:
I have in previous years gone to a firework display but I feel I'm not the only one whose enthusiasm is waning. Normally you hear fireworks being launched from around October but it's been quieter this year. Near my office the only fireworks being left off are celebrating Divali. And in years past you would see children shouting "penny for the guy" - http://www.icons.org.uk/theicons/collection/
No more. Halloween has definitely edged out Bonfire night. Bloody yanks, would you adam and eve it.

Couldn't agree more, Halloween definitely has taken off this year like no other. We're still doing a bonfire though and stuffing a guy to burn

Same with the fireworks, only the odd one or two leading up to tonight which is a lot less then previous years.

gorillaman says...

Like Deano, I've hardly heard any fireworks so far. It does seem that Halloween's out-competing Guy Fawkes.

It hasn't had much patriotic significance for a long time; mainly an excuse to get together and set things on fire, blow things up and maim the occasional child.

alien_concept says...

Fireworks suck. No-one gives a shit about anything in this country amymore, we had to learn apathy in order to deal with being America's gimp for the last 8 years (or more)

K, you have failed again. It's obvious you now have a taste for British girls and are using sift talk to weedle them out. Lame!

WARNING MinXyMoo: If you have ladybits, do not under any circumstances admit it.

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