GayTV Channel being improperly associated?

Hi everyone,

Sorry if this has been brought up before, but there seems to be some confusion regarding tagging submitted videos as belonging to the Give Away Your TV collective. Perhaps it's because of the new Videosift 3.0 abbreviation for it, which merely appears as "Gay."

This seems to be misleading to some - especially with newer sifters - who interpret the tag as a video that contains gay-related (homosexual) content. This is not to say that gay content shouldn't be appearing in the GAYTV channel - I have no doubt there exist videos that address both areas somewhere on the intarwebs... Rather, my concern is that the GAYTV channel is being transformed into something that it was not intended to be.

The Give Away Your TV collective describes itself thusly:

"Your home for alternative media. Share and watch videos falling outside the mainstreams of corporate media communication. Free yourself from the shackles of television. So go ahead and do it! Give Away Your TV!"

If you go to though, the majority of the videos on the front page (wait, is it all of them?) are gay-related. Which is not what the original collective (pre-3.0) was associated with... it mostly involved videos that denounced television as a whole or were clips that were never aired in TV or movie form (i.e. web-native videos).

Did the GAYTV collective shift entirely to actual gay-related material, and the old description just not updated? Please disregard me if I missed the memo on that one. I understand that the new ability to add videos under a collective without having to be a member of the collective (which I love) probably is the root cause of this, mostly because the abbreviation of the channel to "gay" in the submission form is misleading.

However, given how many things are getting submitted incorrectly, it may be a fairly good idea to start a real gay-related collective...

Thanks all,

choggie says...

hmmmm..never made that assoc. dag, zat like the different bandanna colors to signal preferences???

every time I see gay in the channels, my associative gears say, "created as a joke, and never used"....if it were real tv, it would be the 24/7 farm report channel

Yeah, I thought this a flukeish creation from a fedQ friend...

How bout one of you "alternative lifestylers", adopt it as the truly gay collective, call it what you will, and put all the homosexual-related viddies there-

better yet, abolish it, to avoid the ludicrous proposition, of having all things homosexual in nature, cordoned off inna special place.......

lucky760 says...

Did the GAYTV collective shift entirely to actual gay-related material, and the old description just not updated?

Yes and yes. The description definitely needs updating.

messenger says...

It's called "gay." It will stay gay as long as it has that name. So very gay. I suggest to avoid future confusion, it should be renamed Haven Of Mainstream Omission instead.

raven says...

frankly I've been confused as to the nature of that collective since its inception... couldn't decide if it was supposed to be actual gay stuff, or if it was some kind of joke referring to the old Throw Away Your TV... so, really, I suggest to whoever it is that runs it, that they find some way to better define the nature of it, perhaps a renaming is in order?... also, going along with that I would like to see an actual 'gay' channel, to be used for vids that are actually related to homosexual issues... perhaps keep for that channel, and give the new one a better defined address.

HaricotVert says...


Yeah, that's how I remember the collective. I distinctly remember many non-gay videos appearing on the GAYTV channel simply because the content of the videos embodied the "Give Away Your TV" mantra...

I guess it originally meant for itself to be some kind of double entendre/inside joke...

dotdude says...

There was a separate "Gay" channel. It was ranked last when there was still ranking. I remember it being created by a charter member - green screen name. There wasn't much activity with that channel.

It must have been merged with the "Throw Your TV Away Channel" when VideSift went 3.0.

There was definitely a SEPARATE GAY CHANNEL prior to 3.0!

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Dotdude, I seriously think you mean this one. Even back in collective days, it ""

Because all the content is gay, perhaps the description just needs a tweak.

Fedquip says...

I never visited this collective, and choggie describes this "flukeish creation from a Fedq friend" (I don't think i've ever chatted with the collective creator, but thanks for making assumptions choggie)
I had no idea about this collective "Give away your TV" - and have never submitted a video to it (except for gay related ones) I, like most, thought it was for "Gay" videos - Now that I am more educated on the issue, I must say it does sound an awful lot like the "throw away your TV" collective that has already been burned to the ground. With that said, I had no involvement in it's creation.

AnimalsForCrackers says...

I'm also guilty of submitting something that was seemingly "gay", in a humorous way, to the "Gay" channel, not knowing it was an actual acronym for something else; although I've known about the Throw Away Your TV/Give Away Your TV collective existing. Definitely confusing for newer sifters/submitters.

lucky760 says...

Let me clear up everyone's misconceptions:

Batmanuel created GayTV at with the title "Give Away Your TV" in an apparent effort to poke fun (or blatently attack?) Fedquip's old "Throw Away Your TV" collective.

Just prior to crossover we had discussion with some collective owners about the nature of their babies. Some had no actual topic and others had poor subdomain names. GayTV was one of the former, so he and we decided to turn it into the Gay Channel.

I have adjusted the description and in doing so realized that Batmanuel is no longer the owner, so Dag or James Roe must've removed him as owner at his request, I'm guessing. So, at the moment it is a system channel.

If anyone would like ownership of the Gay (aka. Homosexual) Channel, let us know.

Doesn't cover gay issues as well?

Yes, but channels are okay to overlap slightly. E.g., livemusic and music or cute and catsanddogs or science and geek. Not all videos in gay would validly belong in sexuality, and vice versa.

karaidl says...

or blatently attack?

Dude, I don't think they were fighting.

Let's define the word "assume" - Ass out of me and u.

(Heard that from a friend today. HAD to use it.)

dotdude says...

So, is there a new channel name to handle the description by HaricotVert?

"Your home for alternative media. Share and watch videos falling outside the mainstreams of corporate media communication. Free yourself from the shackles of television. So go ahead and do it!"

raven says...

@dotdude I kind of think there doesn't need to even be such a channel, because when you think about it, VSift itself kind of fulfills that function in its entirety, I mean, that is why I come here, it is my #1 alternative media source... and anyway, anything that would be posted to a channel described as such, would likely already fall under any number of other channels, esp Politics, Worldaffairs, Lies, etc etc... so I think adding another channel at this point would be kind of redundant as its description is far too broad to serve as any kind of defining instrument.

dotdude says...

If I thought it would be a redundant category I wouldn't have asked the question. I do believe it is a channel that is worth consideration since there are many folks experimenting with the video medium. And no I do not agree that it is too broad. I strongly believe that NEW forms of ENTERTAINMENT should be recognized as the traditions and conventions of film and television are challenged.

jonny says...

If I get your meaning correctly, dotdude, I totally agree. Independent content creation and distribution is what I take that description to mean. That is certainly worthy of its own channel.

On the gay channel - at the risk of sounding too politically correct, I'd suggest that it should be a bit more seriously focused, i.e., not a dumping ground for gay jokes. If we're going to have a gay channel, imnsho it should be geared to videos concerned with glbt issues.

looris says...

I can't belive somebody could think that something named "gay" could be interpreted in ANY way not related to homosexuality.

Still, now that dotdude pointed out, I remember seeing a channel with the rainbow flag as symbol, and it was definitly gay. Well, I guess it's the same revamped, as lucky and/or dag said, if I didn't misunderstand.

raven says...

@dotdue... ah, I see what you are saying now... you are thinking of actual alternative material, produced by individuals and pretty much not for profit, or at least, very indie... I guess I was just still thinking of the definition of 'alternative media source' as the one laid out by the old TAYTV collective... which in essence, really was just a microcosm of the larger V-Sift... I get it now... but yeah, like the 'gay' collective has now shown us, collectives/channels really do benefit from good definition.

@jonny, unfortunately, I think GAYTV started out as a GLBT issue related channel, as most of the firsts posts submitted to it were in line with this, and most of the content in fact appears to be... some of the other submissions, it seems, are there because of the maturity level/sense of humor of our members of our community... that's what happens on a user based content website, content functions based on the accumulated points of view of hundreds of people or more... definitions are therefore broader and less definitive.

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