Final Fantasy VII Remake Coming To PS3

For all you video game nuts out there. I'm looking forward to this release. though it looks like it's a while away yet.

Final Fantasy VII Remake Coming To PS3

(Posted: 08/02/2009) by Ronin90

Final Fantasy VII is one of the most successful games of all time, and it certainly defined the JRPG; giving it massive exposure in the western market. For many, it was the first JRPG that they'd played and it holds a special place in the hearts and minds of many.

Fans have been caught in mass hysteria numerous times, starting with the Final Fantasy VII Tech Demo, and more recently when the Final Fantasy VII Playstation 3 was announced last month. Square Enix must clearly know the huge potential that this game has, and the purpose of this article is to discuss the impact that it could have, combined with analysis about what's taking Square Enix so long to announce it.

To start off, it's important to say the obvious. Final Fantasy VII on Playstation 3 is something which many fans crave more than anything and by now it's probably more a case of "when" than "if". This time last year, the director of Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (Hajime Tabata) claimed that a Final Fantasy VII remake would become a very real possibility once the development schedules of original staff members opened up. This would happen once Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy Versus XIII are complete.

There is also Square Enix's recent track record concerning remakes to consider, and how popular they have also been from a sales perspective. All of their four recent remakes have sold over 1 million units, with Final Fantasy III achieving over 2 million. If this is compared to Final Fantasy VII, the sales could be staggering as Final Fantasy III's sales don't even equate to half of the units Final Fantasy VII sold when it was initially released.

What would be the impact?

The main question is, would a full Final Fantasy VII remake shift consoles? It's quite hard to tell, but it could be one of the factors that is delaying Square Enix's response. They clearly didn't think the Playstation 3 had sold enough to give them a big return on Final Fantasy XIII, so they could be waiting until there are more sold to reap the largest benefits. However, it could be argued that if the game sold consoles on its own merits, that point is negated.

For Sony, a Final Fantasy VII remake would be huge, especially since they were so invested in the original and this could be one of the factors which decides its future destination.

From Square Enix's perspective, there are the current major titles in development, but there are also other factors. Nobody yet knows whether there will be a continuation on from Dirge of Cerberus, and this could be a higher priority than a Final Fantasy VII Remake - either of them might already be in development.

The Summation:

In conclusion, it's easy to presume that it will happen. Square Enix have signaled their intentions of late, and this trend is sure to continue. A Final Fantasy VII Remake is a proverbial goldmine and they know it.
davidraine says...

Let's put this rumor to rest once and for all. As soon as the FF7 fanboys and girls saw those 30 seconds of remade FF7 footage as a PS3 tech demo, they were all beside themselves looking for news on a release date, other footage, news exclusives, any sort of scoop to let them know that their beloved game would be re-released in a far more awesome form. However, it's simply not going to happen. At least, it won't happen for PS3.

Squaresoft as a rule didn't re-release any of their games. Once a game was done, it was done. Squaresoft moved onto the next title, and in the rare event that a game actually got a direct sequel (I'm looking at you, Chrono Cross) the sequel was a radical re-imagining of the setting, and it departed completely from the gameplay in the first title. There were a couple of exceptions in that a few Final Fantasy titles were re-released for the Playstation, but on the whole they were not retouched, and if I remember correctly there were various problems with the releases, leading them to be largely panned.

Once Squaresoft merged with Enix to become Square-Enix, things changed a bit, but not in a way that supports the PS3 release hypothesis. The only games to get re-released were much older titles, which were re-released on handheld consoles to target a new market. Most of these are old Nintendo titles rereleased for the GBA, and more recently, the DS and PSP. Most of these were straight up copies of the original game with a little bit added on or minor graphics revisions: These could be done on the cheap and grab a whole bunch of new cash. Only the DS versions were vastly retouched, and I haven't seen the sales numbers on those, so I can't say whether there will be more of them.

There are a couple of exceptions. A couple of games were re-released with added content. Kindom Hearts II: Final Mix and Final Fantasy XII International both got this treatment, but they were rereleased for the same system (PS2) and were Japan-only. The most notable exception was Final Fantasy Tactics, which saw a re-release on the PSP along with a (much needed) new translation and a couple of added jobs. FFT: War of the Lions was I think the most recent of Square-Enix's rereleases, and seems to be the most likely path for an FF7 re-release.

So the most likely chance of seeing an FF7 re-release is on the PSP with no graphical improvement, and maybe a touch of added features. Even that seems unlikely to me, and seeing it on the PS3 is nothing more than a dream, since the cost of porting it and reworking all of the graphics as well as rewriting the code to run on PS3's hardware doesn't justify the expense: Square-Enix would rather make a new game.

Conclusion: Until I see a press release from Square-Enix with a release date for an FF7 re-release, it isn't happening.

[Edit: Fixed an issue with my awful, awful grammar.]

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Whether this rumor is true or nor, I'd bet my eye-teeth (whatever those are) that an FF7 remake will eventually happen. It's the most beloved RPG of all time and would make Square a ridiculous amount of cash. Let's hope they don't screw it up.

davidraine says...

>> ^xxovercastxx:

Personally, I'm looking forward to when they put the Final in Final Fantasy.

They did -- That's the story of the first Final Fantasy. Square had fallen on hard times and there was a chance they would have to close up shop, but they decided to write one last title and go out with a bang. They named it "Final Fantasy" because it could be their last game (and apparently Sakaguchi, the game designer for Square, was planning on retiring). Luckily for Square, the title was a smash hit and the rest is history.

Anyways, I still say we won't see an FF7 remake anytime soon. My guess is that Square-Enix will re-release FF5 and FF6 for the DS, and then they may consider an FF7 re-release for the PSP. I also doubt Dirge of Cerberus will see a sequel because the game did pretty poorly. We might see another Crisis Core type game based on its sales figures and press, but I'm not sure where the story can go from there.

AnimalsForCrackers says...

A straight up port (vastly compressed obviously or written on two cartridges, probably both) of FFVII on the DS would be fantastic, if not a little demanding. FFVI on the DS is pretty damn well recieved, don't know how well that translates into sales but it's the best JRPG on the DS at the moment imo, from someone who never played the SNES version. Not a big fan of The World Ends With You, the other heavy hitter last year from Square. Not to mention the more recent faithful Chronotrigger port which probably saw mediocre sales due to the fact that it's essentially the same game we all played before and the high price tag.

Seems like a remake of FFVII would either be a huge success or flop completely (at least in the US) in this current gaming climate. Lord knows how overhyped it would be, regardless of it's relative quality.

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