Feature suggestion: Sift Pools

I don't know if this has been suggested in the past or not. If it has, feel free to tell me and ignore this post .

I've been reading a bit around VS in the past few days and came upon three issues that are frequently brought up: Quality of submissions is dropping, people can't keep up with the new stuff anymore and newbies are frustrated that their videos don't get sifted as well as similar videos by the old folks around here.

The following possibility has been fermenting in the back of my head for a few days now. I'd like to hear what you think of this.

I have a suggestion that might alleveate both issues: Sift Pools. They are like a cross between playlists, personal queues and the Unsifted video pool. I was thinking of them having the following attributes:

  • Like playlists, video pool have a name (and thus probably a topic, which the videos in the pool should be in)

  • Like playlists, members can create their own video pools

  • Like the unsifted pool, people can post to another members video pools

  • People can subscribe to other peoples video pools

  • Optionally, video pools can be declared public (anyone can join) or private (only upon invitation)

  • Like the PQueue, videos don't expire

  • Videos posted to a video pool don't show up in the Unsifted pool

Of course, this approach has a few pros and cons. Those that I thought of follow.


  • Reduce the traffic on the unsifted pool

  • Allows special interest groups to form, reducing the amount of fringe interest videos in the Unsifted pool

  • Allows people who just want to share videos with certain other members to opt out of the point race (at least with those videos)

  • May increase the quality of videos in the Unsifted pool

  • Reduces frustration among new members who might feel "rejected" when video after video doesn't get the 10 needed votes


  • Increases the amount of traffic on video sift. By what factor I really have no idea.

  • _May_ let the community fracture. OTOH, after a certain critical mass in member numbers is reached, the community will fracture anyway. The way of all communities.

  • Will probably increase the database complexity by a fair amount on the code level

There are bound to be problems with this idea that I haven't thought of, so feel free to bring them up.

Obsidianfire says...

Isn't this what channels are for? I actually like how we have it now. I used to complain, but I've come to respect it. Pqueued videos are actually nice because they encourage the user to participate more in the sift. If they do, more people see their pqueue videos.

Sure, it's hard to get that first 9 votes, but if you make friends here, do a little work on your own part, and submit a quality video, then you have a much better chance then hiding in the corner and hoping your video sees the light of day.

I do understand your idea. I like where you are going. I'm not saying this is a bad idea, not at all. I think if we refine the Channels themselves, we could achieve this.

Firstly, make channels a sub-community. Basically what I'm suggesting is to privatize channels more. Say you could join a channel, it'd have it's own sift talk where only people who have joined that channel can read it. Then you still have general sift talk.

Secondly, the channel would show up on the user's profile, stating they're a member of this channel. This would make it easier for the user to find things more to their taste. The unsifted queue and the published queue would remain the same, but you could just click on the channel and it would be a second home from VS itself.

Basically what would be easier would be to just make changes to our channel system instead of starting a brand new one.

LASTLY I do have a request! A VS chat website. Where we can all chat in real time. There have been many times where I just want to talk to someone else and not spam their profile page with comments. Maybe a private message system atleast?

choggie says...

Really, to be concerned about someone's feelings in a forum like this as they relate to rejection or pretermittance is a bothersome thought-adults should be able to deal, and the kiddies are overdue for some valuable life lessons-passive aggression comes to mind as a developmental factor-

The folks who want to share videos can make some allies, and my suggestion for these users who may feel ignored or passed-over?? Get creative. There is a world of video content out there, 95 percent of which is craptacular, and unworthy of merit. The possibilities are limitless here, and longevity and tenacity goes a long way to hoist oneself up in the ranks, if that is your desire-the newest members who rose quickly in the ranks, seem to have a lot of time on their hands, and paid accounts, hence, more vid slots to to fill and more time ass-warming the computer chair....

Still others, take the lower path-paid accounts and flavor-of-the-week news reports or editorials-about as creative and engaging as e-mail spam. Atheist vs. Christian, bush-bashing, Iraq, etc??....old news, IMLTHO...

The blog feature, yet to be effectively utilized save for a few users, takes into consideration the pool idea, innit???

srd says...

>> ^Obsidianfire:
Isn't this what channels are for?

In a way, yes, my proposal is an expansion of the channel idea.

Pqueued videos are actually nice because they encourage the user to participate more in the sift. If they do, more people see their pqueue videos.

I'd disagree on that. This may be because I don't have the same perspective on pqueues as you do, but to me a pqueue is a personal repository of videos that didn't make the cut, and more of interest for the person whose pqueue it is than for the wider population (so to speak). The only times I look at other peoples pqueue is when looking for dupes and skimming through someones (forgot whose, sorry) "Best of Personal Queues" playlist. For me there is a certain incentive lacking for going though other peoples (unsorted, unordered) pqueues.

Sure, it's hard to get that first 9 votes, but if you make friends here, do a little work on your own part, and submit a quality video, then you have a much better chance then hiding in the corner and hoping your video sees the light of day.

Hmm, let me rephrase my intention: it isn't so much getting stars or diamonds or p0intz0rz, as much as sharing videos with a certain (admitedly subjective) quality with others .

Let me give a concrete example: I like certain genres of electronic music. I know from past experience that usually 2 or 3 people will like my posts with those videos too. To them it's quality. But those videos will almost certainly never make the cut. So to the rest of the audience it isn't quality (and to quite a few it may even be "crap"). And then the videos disappear into my pqueue, only to reemerge if someone stumbles upon the correct search phrases.
So what will a newbie to the site do, to find those videos? Chances are, s/he will start searching for concrete band names, missing out on others, quite a few of which s/he may actually like. And there we have the youtube situation again.

I think if we refine the Channels themselves, we could achieve this.
Firstly, make channels a sub-community. Basically what I'm suggesting is to privatize channels more. Say you could join a channel, it'd have it's own sift talk where only people who have joined that channel can read it. Then you still have general sift talk.
Secondly, the channel would show up on the user's profile, stating they're a member of this channel. This would make it easier for the user to find things more to their taste. The unsifted queue and the published queue would remain the same, but you could just click on the channel and it would be a second home from VS itself.

Your suggestion does fit better to the current videosift philosophy, but I'd personally wouldn't restrict read access to any part of videosift that isn't explicitly declared private. That would ruin the community pretty fast.

Futhermore, if I'm understanding you correctly, you're still keeping the channels more or less as a centrally controlled entity, and keeping everything at a global level. My suggestion aims at decentralization and localization to keep the amount of sifts down.

LASTLY I do have a request! A VS chat website. Where we can all chat in real time. There have been many times where I just want to talk to someone else and not spam their profile page with comments. Maybe a private message system atleast?

I second that. Or maybe some web-to-irc gateway applet. Some sort of chat would be nice.

Obsidianfire says...

Cunner: Blogs don't stimulate community though choggie. I've heard somewhere, no source so take it with a grain of salt, that for every 1 blog out there on the amazing interwebs, there is 1 user to read it. If you really wanted to incorporate blogs into the sift more then they already are, make them a gift for achieving a certain amount of stars. I'd rather have a place where the mass of minds can share themselves together in one big collective. We could call it.. hmm.. sift.. sift something.. Sift.. talk? Sift talk! That's it! ohwait.

srd: As for the pqueue response. You just aren't going to get everyone to enjoy something that's normally obscure. I've learned to deal with that. I have no problem with videos sitting in my pqueue. The people who enjoy the same kind of obscure videos and music I do, regularly take a peek at what I have in there. And it gets upvoted. Eventually even sifted if you give it time.

As for the centralization of channels, I have no problem with that. You can add a video to several different channels, it's not like it doesn't get seen.

As for privatization, all you'd have to do is join that channel literally a "Join this channel" button and it could put an RSS feed, or a side panel feed of that channel's goings-on. That way you'd be kept up to date. You're right about not allowing read access as being a bad idea. Maybe you'd have to join that channel to post to that channel-talk then, But still be able to read it?

srd says...

>> ^choggie:
Really, to be concerned about someone's feelings in a forum like this as they relate to rejection or pretermittance is a bothersome thought-adults should be able to deal, and the kiddies are overdue for some valuable life lessons-passive aggression comes to mind as a developmental factor-

Well, I know you don't have much tuck with sensitive comments .
But really, this isn't so much about getting all touchy-feely, as much as it is about loosing potentially interesting new members to the feeling of not getting anywhere because they're not part of the "in crowd".

The folks who want to share videos can make some allies, and my suggestion for these users who may feel ignored or passed-over?? Get creative. There is a world of video content out there, 95 percent of which is craptacular, and unworthy of merit.
True, but I doubt your 95% crap matches my 95% crap. The intersection of our crap sets may not even be that high, since quality and crapiness does seem to be subjective.

The possibilities are limitless here, and longevity and tenacity goes a long way to hoist oneself up in the ranks, if that is your desire
If by "your" you mean mine in particular, then no it isn't. See my response to Obsidianfires comment.

The blog feature, yet to be effectively utilized save for a few users, takes into consideration the pool idea, innit???
Does it? Dunno, never looked at the videosift blogs. But if they aren't fundamentally different from the rest of the blogosphere, they'll not really fit the bill of what I'm suggesting (I want to have groups of people below the global level being able to pool and share videos, a blog is still one person blogering on about something or other). I'll have a look at them tonight, maybe they are.

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