Dear Texas,

Note: Thank you Texas for awarding a majority of your delegates to Barack Obama.

As you well know, many Americans hold you at least partially responsible for the Presidency of George W. Bush. Although this 'Texan' was actually native born to Connecticut, he has still brought much undeserved shame on your proud state.

Today you have the power to change all that. Today you have the power to redeem yourselves and move forward. Today you have the power to stop the next megalomaniacal neo-con from taking the helm of our great nation. Today you have the power to stop Hillary.

So get out to those polls and vote and make sure everyone you know votes too.

I'm ashamed to say that my state of California failed miserably at this task, so it is now all up to you.

We are all counting on you. Tomorrow you pick the President of the United States. Choose wisely.


PS: Fuck you Ohio.
dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I've got my fingers and toes crossed. This has been the nail bitiest election ever - and it's only the primaries. Here's my prediction:

Obama wins Texas by about 15 %
Clinton wins Ohio by about 10%
Vermont and RI go for Obama.
Clinton bows out a week later after considerable pressure from the party.

Tofumar says...

My prediction, for what it's worth:

Hillary wins Ohio by 10 pts.
Hillary wins Texas by 3 pts.
Hillary wins RI by at least 10 pts.
Obama wins Vermont by at least 10 pts.
Hillary begins screaming "We won 3 out of 4!"
The race drags on through PA.
I put a grenade down the front of my pants.

choggie says...

hmmmm, my prediction is some false flag op that speeds along further the fear of "terrorists" to the point that martial law is declared and never lifted-perhaps biological this time-
Basically all the worst parts of the Bible, which most will interpret as some divine affirmation, then lock down.
By 2015-19, a good portion of the earths population will be dead, and those left will be conveniently relocated to very nice places called protected cities.

Ohhhh the election!!
It doesn't matter who wins, the machinery is in place to fist fuck the majority, regardless of ideals, morality, principles and sensibilities....
welcome to the New World Order, meatbots!!!

And dag, once again, why do you give a fuck?? Aren't you on prison island?? Besides, you continually buy into the cult-of-personality, anyone-is-better-than-Bush fan club, just like the most idyllic of dreamers here on the sift....

If you consider folks here on the sift, who live in America, as an adequate cross-section of everyone in America, we're fucked.

Crosswords says...

I voted early, and I just got back from the democratic caucus. The republicans wisely chose to only hold a primary. After this I hope the democrats do the same thing. How does one describe chaos, I do not know, but I know chaos was what was at that caucus. There was nobody in charge, and if there was they either weren't there (which seemed to be the pervasive rumor) or they had no idea what the fuck was going on, which seemed to be evident.

At one point some drunk guy started screaming and pounding on a voting machine because some lady was going to turn away half the people in the room due to (what I perceived) has her own incompetence. I can tell you a lot of people just left out of frustration. Eventually some semblance of order was formed, a motion was put forward and some random guy volunteered to head the caucus, another was nominated, and everyone voted (for the person who's name was said first). Similar things were done, still nobody knowing if anything was being done right or not and eventually 3 hours later there was some level of agreement we had voted on something and everyone left. From what I understand this same scene played out all over the county, and the state in general. I expect this to be a shit storm on the news, if it isn't then the media is either blind or retarded. I have no idea if anything we did in the caucus will actually get counted or what. From what i understand normally only 3-4 people show up for the democratic caucus, there was at least a 200 people there. I seriously hope this cause the Texas democrats to drop the caucusing process because it was seriously a process of the blind leading the blind.

Also if anyone had bothered to ask me way back when, I'd have told you our Governor was a nit-wit and that a Texas Governor has very little actual power, and who's main function is to schmooze people.

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^choggie:
It doesn't matter who wins, the machinery is in place to fist fuck the majority, regardless of ideals, morality, principles and sensibilities....
welcome to the New World Order, meatbots!!!

I think you forgot to include your standard masturbation metaphor. Doesn't every choggie political comment refer to a hand job or circle-jerk somewhere along the way?

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I'm kind of depressed now ... I don't think they should have called Texas yet - they haven't gotten the results from the Caucuses.

I'm also feeling very manipulated by the media. the whole "Hilary's Last Stand" and "come back kid" thing is reminiscent of an episode of Survivor - carefully crafted to keep you hanging on between the commercials.

dystopianfuturetoday says...

As an aside: If we libs take a look at Bill Clinton through modern eyes, it isn't all that pretty. His death sentence to hundreds of thousands of Serbians was no more acceptable than Bush's adventures in Iraq. I expect more of the same from Hillary. I hate to go all Choggie, but all her talk about 'national security' tonight is a love letter to fascism, pure and simple.

I disagreed when Nader said there was no difference between Gore and Bush. I'm afraid I can't say the same for Clinton and McCain. Feel free to change my mind on this, fellow dems, if you like.

I haven't lost all hope. Obama will still have a decent delegate lead after all of this, regardless of Texas.

Crosswords says...

I know the conservatives were really pushing to get their people out to vote for Hillary, that may have been enough to upset things.

As I scan the numbers county by county it looks like Hillary won by pretty big margins in the valley (aka south Texas). And it may be untrue, but I don't remember hearing that Obama campaigned down there much. Everywhere else she's either been winning by small margins or in the metropolitan areas Obama has gotten a large majority.

As for the Caucus, at this point Obama has a decent lead, but who knows. I think you could get the same level of democracy present at the Caucus by putting two angry rabid weasels named Clinton and Obama down some unlucky person's pants, and then after two hours see which one tore into their flesh the most.

Fedquip says...

I find it interesting that Hillary went hardcore with her Negative Campaigning before these Primaries. Suddenly She's winning again, does this mean she will step up the negativity?

Then again with Electronic voting could this whole thing be a sham? Obama not only sells out every Arena he speaks in, his overflow crowds (the people who can't get into his events and prefer to wait outside) are consistently larger then the crowds Hillary attracts. His web traffic is a billion times busier then hers, he is raising more money??? Do American actually want to Continue the Bush/Clinton Dynasty?

... I got nothing left in me...

MycroftHomlz says...

Can someone please frame the argument for why Clinton is such a bad candidate?

Frankly, I don't care. Either way, so long as it isn't another one who spends us into debt.

Both represent significant change. From what I have read, my opinion is that Clinton has a more solid plan for her presidency.

I think you all are being dramatic. It isn't like she is the evil female smurf created by gargamel sent to take over the village. And don't you have to be a registered democrat to vote for in the primary and caucuses. I know a couple states out there have open elections, but that is pretty rare.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

That's a good point MH - I have to admit that my rejection of Hillary comes mostly down to my "gut". I know that's not the way to judge these things.

I think I liked Hillary, in a vague way, before the start of the campaign. Since then though, my gut tells me that she is an insincere, calculating political animal that will stop at nothing to get elected.

From a policy standpoint I can only point to her support for the Iraq war and the massive fail boat of her first foray into trying to achieve universal health care. I hope that if she gets the nomination- I can get over my disgruntlement enough to vote for her.

I'm not feeling it at the moment though.

Fedquip says...

I mostly agree with what Brian just said...It's a gut thing. I tend to look at this from a worldly perspective (remember my opinion in this election does not matter, I'm not American, you can pretty much tell me to fuck off.)

Clinton voted for the war, I know she's a corporate whore to the worst degree and from what I understand Americans are looking for "Change" - No matter how many times you show me her tits she still looks like a Clinton to me.

10398 says...

Interestingstuff: I show up at my voting place today (Texas 35th) and make my vote for Ron Paul. Then I show up at the end of the voting for the voting of the delegates to make sure some "Ronulans" become delegates. The district chairman is nowhere to be found, neither Republican or Democrat chairmen in fact. Luckily we came prepared, with rules of procedure and all the information needed to vote our own delegates. We ended up with 7 delegates and 4 backups for the 35th. Later that evening a friend of mine reached the county chairman of the Republican party who stated that in almost every district the district chairmen weren't bothering to show up but were submitting their paperwork with themselves as the only delegate for the party from their district.
This year a record number of young people showed up to nominate delegates from both the Republican and Democratic parties. What does this tell people? We want a change and we want it NOW.
The primaries have finished now and it looks like McCain swept the last remaining Republican primaries, last time McCain ran for president he was considered the most liberal of the Republicans and many Democrats would have happily voted for him if he'd stayed in the race. Now I have to decide if he's full of hot air about being Mr. Super Conservative Guy and vote for him, or if I want to vote Democrat (bleh).

MycroftHomlz says...

I would argue that the universal health critism is not valid.

At the time, the republicans had overwhelming control over the legislative branch and big pharma put a lot of money into killing it. In some ways, I think Bill Clinton nailed his wife to cross on that one, in a political attempt to villainize the republican machine and win back the house. This only speculation really, but I think it isn't the best of reasons.

The Iraq war vote is a legitimate point of concern. Very few democratic senators did not vote that way. One could argue that for political reason it was a good vote, in that it appealed to her base at that time. Which at the end of the day is what senators should do. At the same time, she should have had the good sense to see that our resources should have been focused on the Afghanistan.

You see what I mean?

dystopianfuturetoday says...

It's mainly the ease with which she jumped on the neo-con war on terror band wagon and still continues to beat the war drums to this day.

It's her connections to Wal*Mart, Ruppert Murdoch and the DLC.

It's her cowardly retreat on healthcare.

It's the strange praise lavished upon her by Coulter, Limbaugh, etc.

She, like her husband, is the Neo-con darling of her election.

My gut, like Dags', isn't too thrilled either. But who knows? I could be wrong. Whose to say what would happen should she become President.

I just don't trust her, and as we all know, platforms and plans don't really mean anything come inauguration day. Many say she is just playing the game, and will become SuperHillary once in office. I don't buy it.

PS: Yes, I know I've been a bit overdramatic today. Sue me.

choggie says...

Jesus Christ-yeah , circle jerk, cause I'm having to suffer another, and another, and another.....Commentrs like this

"Frankly, I don't care. Either way, so long as it isn't another one who spends us into debt."-(moronic, considering that deficit by design is what most of the planet has been forced into for over 70 solid years)
There is quite a fucking leap from learning politics at large in indoctro-school the way it's quote/unquote, "Supposed to be", to, how it's actually played out, to-HOW IT FUCKING ACTUALLY IS
To read this back and fourth is really quite sickening-Having to suffer against hope, most of this crowds daily verbal coffee klatch of robotic discussions about, their "choice" .....for their own fistfuck, Crisco with, or Crisco without wristwatch, is beyond fucking pathetic-

and lordy, the never-ending pooh-poohs, and passive aggression with regard to any sound commentary, save 2 voices>??? Read the writing on the walls fer crissakes, simple decoder rings in cereal boxes might help you infants.....(when you ignore sound observation, that's called denial kids, not some great new way of telling someone to fuck off by ignoring games kiddies, primary school-so to all who have, "Fuck You")

\Dag yer a worse yes-man than most politicians, and yes fedquip, you are Canadian, and a shining goddamn example of the dangers of smoking way too much ganja, good ganja mind you, wasted-!! "Double Fuck Off to you!" you are part of a problem not a cure....

Like I always say, we're fucking doomed. But YOU dial in your demise, daily.

Now fedquip, don't go un-bookmarking this because you are mentioned in any light but a shining one, that's being a pussy....drop some balls and step up for rebuttal.....oh but wait, your mechanism is to ignore people when they don't heap praise upon you.....

Farhad2000 says...

Am not at all surprised she won Texas and Ohio, these states are very conservative and far more reluctant to vote for someone like Obama. I read an interesting analysis that stated that the more a voter knows about the campaigns the more willing he is to vote for Obama over Hillary, the vice versa holds true as well.

Clinton seems safe, besides the Lewinsky scandal most folks have a positive impression of Clinton years, no thanks to the economy boom that just happened to occur then.

I personally dislike the Clintons, they play just as dirty as the republicans, Clinton just could lie to you better then Bush can. This is the same person who went ahead and bombed Serbia bypassing the UN. Which is no better then Bush.

Purely on policy stances Obama and Clinton do not differ much at all, what we are voting for is character now. Compare how Obama handles himself and how Clinton does - the weeping tears stunt that somehow snowballed into a feminist voting block, the smear attacks such as the plagiarism thing against Obama. In this regard I admire the way Obama has conducted himself so far, his ability to create immense feelings of hope and change through rhetoric is especially admirably, even when he doesn't really say anything specific.

Between both of them however they don't really signal too much of a radical change from the Bush whitehouse, both candidates promise to reduce and not withdraw forces from Iraq. Both will probably support occupation status the likes of South Korea. Both are pro-Isreali candidates which would mean cooperation with Iran and Syria is probably out of the question. Both I believe will be middle of the road and centrist, nothing radical will happen, unlike Kunnich, Gravel or Paul.

Obama still has a numerical advantage on the number of delegates I believe, so it's not over yet. The magical unity pony might still make it.

Crosswords says...

Officials no where to be found and huge masses of confused disenfranchised people people, yup sounds like my experience. Our poll worker didn't do shit except try to kick out more people than had already left out of frustration and if the whole room hadn't turned on her she would have succeeded. Fucking royal cock-up all around. Yeah still a little pissed at my experience.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I would seriously like to know who you are voting for Choggie. You strike me as a Paul man.

I know that Obama is not without his faults. He's a ball of ambition, possibly arrogant and conceited. But he's the leftiest senator in congress- and I'll be damned if the US isn't due for a tilt to to the left. He's also a black man, and has muslim heritage. I'll also be damned if that in itself won't help the US in international politics.

Plus he's very charismatic and handsome - I'm having his gay love child. (don't tell Persephone)

choggie says...

Voting for me surviving as long as I can Dag, in whatever scenario I find myself herded into....
Ron Paul is too much, too little, too late....Remember the king of New York Prison, using the president for target practice in "Escape From.."? That's how I picture Ron Paul....

Fedquip says...

>> ^choggie:

\Dag yer a worse yes-man than most politicians, and yes fedquip, you are Canadian, and a shining goddamn example of the dangers of smoking way too much ganja, good ganja mind you, wasted-!! "Double Fuck Off to you!" you are part of a problem not a cure....

Like I always say, we're fucking doomed. But YOU dial in your demise, daily.

Now fedquip, don't go un-bookmarking this because you are mentioned in any light but a shining one, that's being a pussy....drop some balls and step up for rebuttal.....oh but wait, your mechanism is to ignore people when they don't heap praise upon you.....

Are you serious? (that's an honest question, I can never tell with you) You've been badgering me for almost a year now and I have never ignored you? I would say I have gone as far as being friendly, open and honest with every bizarre message you send me. Did I ignore you when you Siftquisitioned me, an embarrassing event which resulted in me closing down the TayTV Sift collective I built.

As I have shared with you, on a dozens of occasions, I believe the way you insult sifters is counterproductive to helping this website grow, that is why I choose to not publicly argue/debate/discuss with you.

MycroftHomlz says...

Don't a get hitch in girdle my Canadian-doobie loving friend, Choggie just likes to rile the masses by spewing vitriol. Bring you umbrella if he comes to party, is the moral of the story.

PS. I still love you my prickly little gray rain cloud.

JackieOh says...

Oh, poor Obama. You didnt win Texas or Ohio. While you were making cute little speeches promising to clone unicorns and extract energy from the laughter of children to power the world, Hillary was offering real plans and real ideas with actual substance. Oh, boo hoo, wah waah waah. Deal with it.

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Yes, Hillary Clinton offers real solutions for real people with real problems. Unlike other candidates, you need not fear any fancy talk from Hillary Clinton, for she only deals in the God's honest truth, with a capital T - and that's truth you can trust!

6 out of 5 doctors recommend Hillary.

Hillary has been proven effective in fighting terrorists and saving the children.

Truth. Trust. Children. Realness. Hillary. 2008.

blankfist says...

Vote Ron Paul 2008. Oh wait. What are we talking about?

That's called a callback in comedy. But, this isn't really a funny place right now, is it? You should file this under your Dark channel, hombre. I kind of had an inkling that there was some truth in this Clinton/Bush dynasty thing. I think we're in big trouble. I'm voting Libertarian.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Lastly - I don't understand why Hills is pushing to get the Michigan and Florida delegates counted. While it might win her the nomination- it would turn-off about half of her base for the general election. I certainly wouldn't vote for a candidate who uses that kind of dirty playing.

Michigan didn't even have Obama's name on the ballot - what a surprise that she won.

Farhad2000 says...

Its not only Obama that was absent. Its was all the democratic candidates that agreed not to be on the Michigan and Florida ballots.

Hillary is desperate. When she wins its fair. When she loses she whines.

Ladies and gentlemen your first female candidate for the presidency.

Fedquip says...

If you love me choggie then listen to what I am saying to you. I've requested on several occasions that you stop attacking me on the site, I hate the ad hom attacks (serious or not) and have spoken out against them in the past. Treat others with respect eh. You maybe unaware, with your immunity on this website and all, but your attacks have driven many away in search for friendlier environments. Why do I have to constantly ask you to stop?

You don't think I have balls? Fair enough, but mind you I just spent the last year dealing with the scum of the earth, neo-cons. You know the shit I muck, imagine what I had to put up with infront of that audience. Videosift is where I go to relax.

I wish I could call Hillary a Bitch here without getting an inbox full of complaints. Thank you.

choggie says...

no takers??
nobody gets the prize..
Mr. Hoard, I keep fergettin' it's yer livelihood-and I know you know how much hatred their is for haters. You still don't get it do ya?? Have I not gone out of my way to explain myself with regard to my contempt for your vibe at times?? Your perception perhaps, is what's askew, again: while a Marijuana user myself, I blame the marijuana in your case. Labels, labels, and more labels-ad-hom, neo-con, I really don't know which labels place me in a tidy box, to be filed in the "Oh he's one or more of those" categories....why???
Because you never give up the sacred cow....Unlike most folks, I don't necessarily care what you think or say as much as I want to know why you say or don't say, think or don't think. Sorry to bust your version of relaxation-perhaps you are witnessing another, and yes, their have been a few, who have left this place out of sheer frustration. (not unlike what dag's head felt like 8 or so hours ago, after all that cheap Aussie wine, or what mine felt like reading the same thread, w/o wine)

I too relax here, but experiential awareness being a dynamic thing, I also get wound up, frustrated, just as much or more than yourself, as do we all-I can't be asked to abruptly halt something for want of understanding-If I should ever become siftquisitionated, new rules will have to be added to the already, long-winded tomes.

If my legacy here is to be eternal asshole, mine for you would be, Eternal Panderer....a title which I came up with on the fly, and had to check a dictionary to make sure it fit...funny, the definition I was thinking of alludes to the schoolyard homophone you were called on the blog, by some qm-type.....

I am not your enemy, and don't hate your input, and like so many of the directions your dredging of the internet takes me-you have given me many hours of satisfaction here, as well as many moments of other-(damn,I'm gettin' some blood-fill in the ol' Vienna sausage)

You think too much in one direction, me in another-welcome to the world of the real. You need people to be who they will, to remember who you are.God help the Canadians, and these pussyfied Americans, both of whom would babble themselves into box of scorpions, and then talk about the long-term effects of the pain, the poison,all the while standing in the box. My frustration must be in my head as well......told ya we juxtaposed well-

I have called Hillary a cunt here, clitless, etc., and all I get is ignored-at the very least, you will never suffer that- I try to call it like it may be, not like it is-

Go back and read the siftquisition you always refer to, the answer is there, i've told you more than once.....simply checks and balances

Fedquip says...

Well, I never called you a neo-con, I was referring to some people from AOL, they literally were neo-con. And Ad-hom isn't a label either its a method of discussion that is generally frowned upon on most internets. A method you employ regularly.

I don't really care to get into ANOTHER discussion with you how I conduct myself on videosift. Are you the ideal model of how one should act on videosift?

choggie says...

Fuck no, no such thingy exists....the ideal model on the videosift is some one that does not piss EVERYONE off

and durr, I know ad-homs not a label, that was a rush-through, because I was too lazy too make a list, and ad-hom is dropped so much by yerself and others as a damn defense mechanism to shut down discussions that chafe or challenge.

Be damn the rules of conduct on the internet-anyone that meets me in person knows me to be no different than I am here....same person, use of expletives notwithstanding, I am a really fun guy...I like windy walks, puppies, and discussing politics, and how much ts has become a putrified insult to my sensibilities. My favorite color is purple, but I can't stand Oprah. I enjoy playing music, and learning practical skills and horticulture.My horse's name is twister, and I have this many years(shows fingers by fives).

Oh, and I must point out, that the examples of insults from the qm-types that you reference from your blog above???.....I don't resemble that infantile shit in the least....

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