Baby Pictures

In my time here we’ve been fortunate to have community-minded members ask us to share a little about ourselves with the rest of our sifting family. A couple of Sift Talk posts immediately come to mind:

I know there have been others of a similar nature in Sift history. However, this is not that kind of post. Well, not exactly.

For this post I’d like members to share their first published videos, and if you feel like it, also share a little bit about what the video says about you. If you're a brand new member, still drop a link to your first video in the comments section. This isn't a high school reunion. All are welcome.

A wise member once said that sifting itself is a form of coming out, and it’s true. What you post can say a lot about you. So what was the first thing you told us about yourself?

This was my first published video. I like seeing true amateurs making a go of it with nothing but their talent and determination. This video highlights that in two respects, because it shows the lovely amateur Sophie Merry dancing her heart out for us, and it also shows the amateur video remixing talents of a fellow Sophie Merry fan. Good for both of them.

This next one was published second, though I submitted it at the same time as my first published video. (Dig the retro Yahoo player. I could update it, but I prefer to keep the vintage player for as long as possible.) This video foreshadowed two things in my Sifting career:
1. I REALLY enjoy posting comedy videos, as they are my bread and butter.
2. I’m a Star Wars geek. They say hindsight is 20/20. You poor bastards should have banned me right then.

Maudlin section (with apologies to maudlin)

Many people have faded away from the Sift, and I miss a few of them. Here are the baby pictures of a few that I miss the most:

critttter: (still one of my favorite titles to date)

If some old Sift buddies of yours have also faded away, please link their first videos too. For auld lang syne.

And now for something completely different:


my15minutes says...

^ that fake comment section was fucking hilarious.

so, this was my primary post:

it was made by mysterywalker, who i honestly consider the best thing on youtube.
his real name's Kory, and he's one of the people i wanted to see 'shadow puppets', before he left for another tour in iraq/afghanistan. that's why he's the 4th name on my 'thank you' clip, at the 1 minute mark.
wasn't the first time i heard or thought about the philosophical dichotomy he's referring to in the clip. but he sums it up nicely, and does a great job mimicking the Flintstones. the animation style, typeface, dust speck artificial aging, etc. and he's one of the few people that consistently makes me laugh.
he currently has 926 subscribers. go sub him, and help get him 1,000 before his tour ends. and watch his old stuff. you'll be glad you did. thanks!
now leave. i need to take a shower.

berticus says...

Holy fuck, KP! I would gladly give you a dozen star points for this alone, if I could. The 'comments' alone are gold.

This was my first sifted clip, and I still absolutely love it. The build-up to the momentous climax (ehehe) electrifies me every time I watch it, even now.

I miss gluonium, who left under bad circumstances, but I also wonder about other sifters (raven, mlx, crittter, oxdottir, to name a few) who just seemingly... disappeared?

paul4dirt says...

my sifterself was born only 2 weeks ago, my first (of 8 now, with an already overflowing pqueue-pool) - Benga & Coki - Night. (put on good headphones & play loud).

I'm not too sure what this sift reveals about my character or my future sifting behavior. However, i'm quite content my first sift is basically 100% octopus and 100% repetitive dancing music.

swampgirl says...

yep! My oldest sift is this one: a dog that says "sorry" Japanese style.

Second oldest is the Commodore VIC-20 commercial :

anyone remember the Cavity Creeps?:

One of my fav commercials of all time, Mr Microphone:

Guess my sifting hasn't changed much in over 2 years

Fjnbk says...

This is my first sifted video. Readily apparent are the sparse use of tags, signifying my previously careless sifting. Also gleaned from a cursory glance at the video are my love of Indiana Jones and good cinema in general, especially for those scenes that give you nightmares.

However, if you delve deeply into the clues on the page, you notice some other things. The *dead that gorgonheap posted reveals the attachment that I show to this video, since I bothered to fix it, multiple times actually. The video's length is 4:26, perhaps an expression by my subconscious intent on revealing my love of multiples of 3 and 6.

The title of the video also conveys my tendency to write long-winded, descriptive titles for my sifts that explain exactly what the video contains, even if the result is somewhat less than elegant.

I'd like to thank the first ten people who upvoted that first sift in order, starting with:

- Myself
- mlx (we miss you!)
- lucasgreen (we miss you!)
- swampgirl
- dotdude
- James Roe
- firefly
- NickyP (we miss you!)
- benjee (we miss you!)
- raven (we miss you!)

This post deserves 100 *quality-s.

burdturgler says...

After arriving here again and again from bluesnews (thanks ant!) I submitted my first sift, which was queued 1 month ago today.
It was just to give back some laughs for all those I got coming here.
I was shocked it got the votes it did and thought maybe I could try and be a part of this crazy community.
Posts like this make me glad I did.

alien_concept says...

Here's my first ever video. It's perfectly obvious what it says about me. I detest stereotypes, because most of the time they are true. I can quickly fall in love with anyone who plays against them, man or woman. This is my downfall.

(Fuck you K, I like the way you've used a sift talk post to publically call off our wedding, suggesting it's me dumping you. Typical fucking bloke, couldn't just come right out and say it yourself could you. Bollocks to you and every woman who has the misfortune to meet you! Oh and while i'm at it, you NEVER made me cum, you can't even do that properly. But eh, practice makes perfect...wanker)

Farhad2000 says...

My first was video was gamed perfectly for the pimp festival that is the sift, aptly titled Amazing 777 Landings sprinkled with the tag words cool and extreme, I was pushing videos right from the start. Siftbot says it was posted 2 years, 1 month and 3 weeks ago. Which shows just how much fucking time I have been with this website.

Back then the sift was much tougher, you had to get P in the bloodbath that was the P queue, and then graduate to actual sifting. I just made it with 25 (cumulative I think it was barely 10 then) votes and 3 down votes. First upvotes from joedirt, boneyD some nameless people and oligopol.

Then I really kicked up a shit storm by posting the armored advance of tanks up into Baghdad.

Deano says...

Amazing! I can't be the only one who wondered what was slightly off about the comments. The fact that this is Sift Talk was completely forgotten.

My first video was some kid playing on one of those dance machines in an arcade but now seems to have gone. I don't think I really liked it that much but thought it might get me going. The earliest video on my list now is this;

rasch187 says...

Very impressive, KP. This is my first post. It's not great, but anything with Taxi Driver in it is good enough for me. The reason I joined the sift was so I could post this, but someone did it a week before

Funny to see that my 4th published vid got to #1 in the top15. That's right, I've been a fan favourite from day 1

Kevlar says...

KP, my face really IS like that now. Thanks a lot, freak.

Anyway, you might already know the story from the Coming Out thread - that avatar really is my face, and I'm a graduate of Blue's News like so many. After lurking for quite some time, my first sift went up a year and a half ago about Bioshock. Coincidentally, the video is of a lot of gameplay features that never made it in; empty promises, if you will, that mirror my meteoric ascent into Sifting celebrity. In reality, it's probably due to my personality of wanting the Sift to be about true video discovery that so many offbeat news stories and game or music-related videos take up my sift history, and the fact that this is my lunchtime addiction at work is what sets the pace.

In any event, I have now determined to make the slowest progress ever toward gold status and cement my legend.

Some members I miss in no particular order:

- mlx
- LadyBug
- SnoozeDoctor
- Anybody who helped to make this the funky, cool place it's become.

swampgirl says...

ditto Kevlar... too many are not here anymore. Snakeplissken, anyone remember him? Even Choggie should have straightened his ass out and stayed to play. He used to be hilarious. I miss the old Choggie.

I miss Daphne, she was a hoot.. we both used to give Farhad a hard time. He was such a brat back then, bless him.

blahpook says...

My first attempted video was this really awesome spoken word by Marty McConnell, which didn't make it. So I posted a cat video, which did. And then later on I re-posted the poetry one and it sifted.

I remember the first time I saw this poem read was on TV, and that it had made me cry. It's pretty damn powerful stuff.

And what does the cat one reveal about me, other than I like kittehs? It reveals that I wanted to get rid of my P. Very profound, I know.

Eklek says...

Great hack kp:) my first reaction was VS 3.3. was having some initial hickups:), then I found out about the non-interactivity of it..

With so many votes the site would be like digg..glad the pace here is still manageable somehow (I think the pace is already too high but hey, there are many videos/members out there)..

My first sift?
It was interesting to see how the inventor was almost unanimously qualified as insane..and it was kind of sad to see the jury and producers reacting in such a way to his presentation..
It was kind of a test submission..a bit later da serious sifting (coming out) began;)

Thylan says...

As my comment says, this took my p. and got me sift quisitiond. it's also my highest ranked video, so i peaked early. it's all been down hill from there. also, i was inspired to post it by liking others by him that i found here. i'm lame. and a collector. when i like something, I find more of it. a truism found throughout my vids.

I like the word also. it helps me collect more words.

I collect things.

I wonder if the people i want to collect will let me...
my mind has wandered

jonny says...

My first post didn't make it until saved months later (thanks sg!). My first sifted video was a TDS clip of the guy that gave his Purple Heart to Bush. I really wanted to get rid of that 'P' quickly and TDS was even more popular then than it is now. Sadly it was yanked never to return. In any case, I immediately posted three others that seemed likely to sift -

Dave Chapelle on Charlie Rose
The Adverb Song
A news story about stoners in Canada

What do those say about me? I like to burn the herb while watching longer, interesting videos, and I'm really just a kid at heart - chronology notwithstanding. KidSift was the first collective I joined. (Whatever happend to James??)

thinker247 says...

Members I miss the most:

-- My left pinky. (Never use a tablesaw while juggling.)
-- My spleen. (The guy who left me in the tub of ice didn't know what a kidney looked like.)
-- My third eye. (McCain 2008!)
-- KP's vagina. (It had sand in it, but he refused to take it out. Someone needs to explain to him the difference between a vagina and an oyster.)

Ryjkyj says...

I was lurking for about a year before my first post. I thought embedding a video was going to be really complicated and I'm not that tech savvy. Anyway, someone reminded me of this Kids in the Hall sketch and I just figured it should be here. It's not the most funny sketch posted here but I still think it's a classic and it got voted up pretty damn quickly.

(Edit: I miss crittter.)

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