A Probie to Watch!

Hello e'rybody. I know there are no Sift Laws against being a bad Sifter. We've had philosophical discussions on what is proper moral etiquette when dealing with detestable people, and I certainly don't want to open that can of worms here.

Though, I do think it's fair for me to present a probie who has the majority of his comments downvoted so low that if these numbers were positive instead of negative, he'd have a couple comments in the Top Rated New Comments category. He is drowned_in_sound. Please, take some time to peruse his wonderfully insightful contributions to the Sift here:

gorgonheap says...

What a troll. I really don't think we need that kind of shit on the sift. But I doubt he'll survive long here. Of course morons like this thrive on the negative attention generates from such asinine comments.

videosiftbannedme says...

It's unfortunate that there are people whose ire can be raised by simply not agreeing with them. Good debate always generates thought and that can't be a bad thing. But there's no room for using bad form in a debate (ie. personal attacks).

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Hmm, pretty yucky. I'm not sure if people like this are to be pitied or loathed. You have to be pretty twisted up inside if this is the sum of your contributions.

We could kick it out ...

kronosposeidon says...

Dag, if you're talking about banning then I'm all for it. Just like most everyone else I'm all for free speech, so I figure this drowned person can go and freely speak at some other site besides this one. This person brings NOTHING in the way of quality to his or her remarks, just hate and spite. He or she can take that shit to somewhere more appropriate, like Westboro Baptist. They welcome hateful attitudes like that with open arms.

rottenseed says...

He'll go away...he'll rise for a couple more "hoorah's" trying to gain somebody's attention and feed off of their negative feedback (because let's face it, without negative feedback, this person would have no feedback at all). There's only so much a person can do to try an piss people off before a denial of their existence will make them go away. Continue to abjure their comments and withhold going to battle with somebody that is a waste of your time.

It is fun to hate on him though so I will continue to check up on his "progress". We can all become closer if we join hands to shudder in disgust at the stupidity of a common enemy.

raven says...

meh... I say ignore him, he's not nearly as offensive as some of the other trolls we allowed to live on the fringes... like a crying infant everyone ignores, he'll tucker himself out eventually and give up the cheap grabs for attention.

Grimm says...

raven is right....just ignore him...he will probably go away if he doesn't get any attention. they probably would love the fact that we are even having this discussion about them. you've heard the expression "if you don't like it change the channel" well if you don't like a members comments then don't feed the troll!

Issykitty says...

I hear what Raven is saying, but I completely agree with Kronosposeidon. You can be free to be an asshole and practice trolling on some other site (youtube), not on Videosift. I also think we should be free to * banish someone just like this if we have enough of a consensus, especially since this kind of behavior not only contributes nothing to our community, but undermines and shits all over it. Banning someone such as this would be be doing us all a favor. Just airing my honest opinion...

rickegee says...

And another thing-

Although the median statistics of VS would indicate that most of us are well-educated, strangely beautiful with our ovoid heads, male, mid-40s, and 230 pounds (wii is not a substitute for diet and exercise), we mustn't forget that there are actually 12 year olds here.

I remember hating me some Sinbad (the comedian) when I was young and itchy and furious. And I would rage against those who would give Sinbad a stage or a major network platform.

Maybe Gervais is just a paunchy white version of Sinbad to drowned.

choggie says...

No way grimm, to ignore something hoping or waiting for its departure is to admit weakness....it's passive-aggressive, and playing the same game is a circle jerk I want no part of....the last word types, the smug, un-clever comments, and overall persona that smack of Sophomore Buffoonery.....let me the hell at em!
Love to shove it right back up their virtual ass....in a "nice" way

most of the "have a nice day" clowns come and go.....let's hasten the departure when needed......

choggie says...

then theres all y'all sweetie people impossible to dislike....like arvana....youdiejoe...swampgirl, mlx.....*sniff...I'm gettin' all choked up thinking about their goooshiness!!!!*Sniiff...SnOOOORK!

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