The question no one is asking McCain - and they should be.

In response to criticism of his "Celebrity" ad, all the the McCain Campaign had to say is that it was "entertaining".

What people need to be asking McCain is this:

Americans are losing their very homes due to the economic crisis. Oil is at an all time high, and we have young men and women DYING in a war that the majority of the country does not want to be in, and all your campaign can do is crack jokes?


Also, I love how they say right in the commercial that he's the biggest celebrity in the world.
Think about that for a second.

The world hates America. We all know this. Yet they are all in favor of this man becoming America's president. The McCain campaign is eager to tell you the world loves him....

What a jackass.
gorgonheap says...

I think it's time the American public realize that regardless of who they vote for this election they lose. Even going outside the mainstream parties you have Bob Barr and Ralph Nader on the other ends. It's a lose - lose situation. The GOP picked a terrible blinded lose cannon for a candidate, and the DNC picked an idealizng and fantasizing puppet.

NetRunner says...

^ I see, they both suck.

One's a hardcore conservative who's occasionally strayed, and the other is a Democrat who's (*gasp*) inspirational, and has detailed plans on what to do to fix things.

You can say you disagree with Obama's policies, but trying to make it sound like they're outlandish, or nonexistent just means you're pushing a party line. In fact, the very party line MG is expressing frustration with.

You should take a look at this article at Politico, particularly the second update with the McCain campaign's response to the clip Paris Hilton put out. Apparently he sees it as an endorsement.

gorgonheap says...

^Obama's plans sounds nice but he simply can't execute them. They are for the most part conflicting and contrary to one another. You should try actually seeing how he's going to work out his plan. He won't compromise, and I don't care who you are you can't accomplish agendas without sacrifice.

NetRunner says...

^ What's conflicting and contrary?

As for compromise, what heckling he's taken from the left has been because he's signaled that he'll compromise on some of his platform.

In truth, I fully expect that none of this stuff will get passed as-is with no compromise. All policy positions indicate are targets they're steering best.

I like the targets, though, and I don't think any are unreasonable to the point of "fantasy".

gorgonheap says...

Obama wants to decrease our dependence on foreign oil. Yet he doesn't want America to drill for more oil. (yes I get the whole clean energy thing but oil is used as more then just an energy source.) That is a contradiction.

Obama says he'll withdraw troops from Iraq. But he'll keep them there if terrorist organizations are still there. Well the War attracted those like flies to honey. That is a contradiction.

He says he wants to reduce welfare. Yet he supports it and was opposed to welfare reforms brought to the senate to reduce it. That is a contradiction.

He says he won't take public funds. Then he does. That is a contradiction.

He takes credit for passing a health care bill he never voted on.

He can't decide how his past should go together.

If you support him, that's fine. I think we're just as screwed no matter who gets the job. But don't tell me he doesn't deal in contradictions. Because he is a politician and therefore must lie. He just does it more eloquently then most.

Farhad2000 says...

Obama still is the better of two. In fact this is how politics should always operate, the citizens must be overly suspicious of their government, the government of itself.

Politics is always the choosing of the lesser evils.

NetRunner says...

Ordinarily, gorgon, I'd go through those one by one, but I think today instead I'll just say that you sound like someone who's listening to one side of the story.

Hope you pay attention to the contradictions from McCain too, and see which one seems more contradictory, especially if you're planning on voting for McCain.

For example, have you heard about what McCain did with campaign finance in the primary? You should look at that before condemning Obama's decision to forego public funds, so he could continue to raise most of his money from small donations through the internet (average donation was $68 last month).

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