Why Canadians Can't watch TDS Online

I found a pretty informative blog about the Canadian situation and the Daily Show website.


 Why can’t you watch The Daily Show clips? The same reason you can’t watch an episode of Heroes on the website the day after it plays on TV, and the same reason you can’t download TV episodes from iTunes: Canadian networks like Global and CTV have paid for the right to broadcast those shows, and would no doubt raise a hue and cry if they were suddenly available for free on the Internet. That might destabilize the entire Canadian broadcasting business model, which relies on access to U.S. hits.


I watch TDS on CTV when its aired, It's sad to know that because of CTV we Canadians can't take advantage of the online archive and all the nifty search features.

On a happier note related to the TDS website, they have been featuring my blog in their "Daily Show in the news" column, I've had no less then three of my blog postings linked to their website since they came back, it's probably the coolest place thats ever linked to me...next to videosift of course.

Grimm says...

So it's not a matter of a U.S. company blocking it because they want it blocked....they are blocking it because their partners in other countries want it blocked.

So it seems the beef really should be with companies like CTV and not Comedy Central.

Fedquip says...

Yeah, seems anger should be pointed towards CTV and Global. It would be nice if Comedy Central could work something out where maybe Canadians can watch the Archived clips. It is after all current event program, me thinks CTV will not be going out of business if I watch clips from the mid 90s.

jonny says...

Based solely on the above, I don't know about laying the blame at CTV and Global. Comedy Central is holding all the aces. If the canadian broadcasters are so reliant on those shows, then TDS could name whatever terms it wants. Very different from, say, the NFL Network vs. US cable companies.

choggie says...

don't worry, pretty soon we can all watch the same shows...
Tiempo Real, con Flaco y' Gordo
Siempre en Domingo with SCTV players
Good Morning Amerexico, with Diana Sauza and Samuel Championes....

These whining writers, gimme-gimme-gimme their mantra, may very well be shooting themselves in their collective feet-give distracted attention-manipulated monkeys another season of hurry and wait, and the veil of reconstituted entertainment will be lifted, revealed for the creative vortex it is, and dear Jesus, Allah, and Nosferatu, maybe TV's staff will shrivel like the geriatric lingham on artificial blood-flow stimulators it really is, and we won't be watching dick, on the cathode-ray nipple.....

Again I say, "Good Riddance to television as we know it."
Writers?? Actor wanna-bees?....Put on some gloves, and pick up yer shovels, we need cheap labor to build the NAFTA Super Highway......

my15minutes says...

the more and more i've looked into the reasons, for problems of all kinds, regarding online enjoyment of TDS?

the more and more i've seen the issue being not Comedy Central, but Viacom.

[EDIT] - ps. this was my 666th comment. enjoy this unassailable proof, that Viacom is the devil.

choggie says...

Always love how ol' feddy simply refuses to communicate to choggie cept' in private, or mentioning across the table to him through comments to other users ABOUT him? I made some valid points here on yer thread, and though I wax cynical and have my opinions as to what is quality programming and what not, esp. with the tired comedic-jab editorials on the Daily Show and Real Time...but-

Why is it, that everyone sides with these writers? They need to STFU, and realize that they are playing in a game with greedier fuckers than them-they are hacks anyhow, and serve the public a load of horse shit regurgitant to feed mindlessly upon- WHY GIVE THEM DICK? They created the shit under contract with the gods, little-g, and they get what they fucking deserve, thank Bob and Godspeed the death of television....!!!

Fedquip says...

Sorry Choggie, honestly couldn't understand a word you were saying...and c'mon I can find a million threads where i've responded to you, stop trying to create drama again.

As for the writers, Since companies the NBC and FOX have been earning profits up in the billions the past year, most companies are putting all their programs online and lacing them with pre-roll advertising, I would say it's the unions job to ensure the workers get a share. The Corporations may feel differently and thats why we have this labour dispute. I don't really have much more of an opinion, it is what it is...a strike.

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