I hate the fashion major living next to me

I lived in the same place for almost a year now. I have never had a noise complaint. Am a saint of a tenant. My bills are paid. My room is tidy. My carpet is free of hooker's blood since I always use plastic sheets. 

 But I got a new neighbour, and shes one of those sensitive types. I play Bob Marley a lil' too loud and I got police knocking on my door, I talk to them and they are cool. I then get back and stare at her window where the blinds are always firmly shut. Knock later and its the local council telling me that they will install acoustic monitors and decibel meters to see if am inflicting on this persons well being. I am like are you fucking serious.

 Today I almost got told I can't extend my contract. But work it out because I never had complaints before and they are aware of the sensitive person's insanity.

Am annoyed that the authorities are involved, the police, council and my housing agent. Something that could have been fixed if she came to me and said hey can we work something out it's a bit too loud. Oh no let's be a modern day socialist cunt and snitch to the police. This woman complain so much that they will be imposing police patrols in my area now. 

 I hate unnecessary bureaucracy and it just reeks of it. How many people came from the council to hand me a letter? 3.

Crosswords says...

That's insane, acoustic monitors? what the hell. I've only complained about another resident once and it was because they played their music from 11pm to 3am loud enough that I could hear it clearly almost every night. I think there are a lot of people that aren't used to apartment life, they're either completely oblivious that other people live around them or they're far too sensitive and selfish to even tolerate reasonable amounts of noise by neighbors.

Farhad2000 says...

I have no idea I was pretty shocked they said that and then that it took 3 people to do so. That is so anal retentive. Back in Montreal people at least come talk to you.

rougy says...

Just moved to an apartment building after living in a house for several years. It takes some getting used to. Sorry to hear about your problems. She's probably new to apartment living and doesn't understand how it works.

I often wish I could peek into my upstairs neighbors room just to see what the hell is making those strange sounds. It's probably something totally understandable, but it sounds like somebody's dragging around a ball and chain.

To me, apartment etiquette allows for a little loud music once in a while, as long as it's not in the wee hours and as long as it doesn't drone on for hours.

Everybody's gotta get a little crazy once in a while.

Reefie says...

I live in semi-detached housing, and my next-door neighbour is really into home improvements. This morning I woke to the joyous sounds of a pneumatic drill being used to dig up concrete in his back garden. I responded in kind by playing Queen's Platinum Collection with the volume turned to about half-way. If my house is going to shake due to a disturbance then I'd rather it was my subwoofer doing the work and not some builders!

Know what you're saying about people causing mayhem just because they won't talk to us directly. Asking other people to confront things on our behalf should be a last resort, why should someone else do something for me if I've not even bothered to try sort it out myself first? Like you say, a quick discussion could have led to an easy compromise to keep everyone happy.

I could easily start on a rant about the state of modern society and how the community element has been eroded with people becoming more content to hide in their own little family bubble, and sometimes not even family beyond partner and children. People adopting the opinion that events are nothing to do with them, walking right on by other people's misfortunes without a second thought given to offering some assistance. Some things never change and maybe what I observe today is what has been happening all along, maybe so but I really wish people would be more inclusive, not reclusive.

spoco2 says...

Late to this... but aren't you kinda doing the same thing by ranting here rather than going and talking to HER?

Really, it's the same thing. You think she should have come over to talk to you about it (true enough), but you aren't going over to talk to her about it either.

Pot, kettle... at least a dark gray.

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