You just fucked with the WRONG McDonald's clerk.

I don't know why, but this irate customer jumps the counter to attack the clerk, but the clerk comes back with swift justice in the form of a metal pipe.

This video makes me hate fucking white people.



How about you just shut the fuck up, go back to the surburbs, and knit a fucking sock.

I don't know what happened to provoke these guys, but when not ONE but TWO people jump over a counter, run after the guy you're fair game. I'm not saying he should have kept whacking them with a pipe while they were down but jesus lady shut up screaming STOP isn't going to do anything. Why don't YOU call the fucking cops or stand in between them or something JUST STOP SCREAMING! I would've hit her with the pipe too just for good measure.

VIOLENCE HAPPENS and if all you can do is SCREAM you're SCREWED.


If two black men jumped the counter and chased a white girl into the corner of the cooking area and she defended herself with deadly force she would be praised and made a hero. She would get a book deal, have a movie about her story and become the new role model for all women to look up to. Free this man. Get him back on the job. And for criss sake give him a raise.


Seriously Darkhand?

The woman only started screaming when he kept swinging away when they were already on the floor.
And is it me, or are both "counter-jumpers" actually women? If you think it's perfectly fine to smash two women's heads in with a metal rod, when they're already on the floor.... well... what can I say. (even if they were in the wrong).


Just past midnight on Thursday the argument began between employee 31-year old Rayon McIntosh and two friends, a 24-year-woman from Queens whose family ask we not use her name and 24-year-old Rachel Edwards of Brooklyn.

It escalates to where one of the women slaps McIntosh in the face.

He retreats, as one woman climbs over the counter and the other walks around.

They both confront him when he appears with a large pipe. He starts swinging.

McIntosh reportedly served time in prison for manslaughter faces felony assault and weapons charges.

Both women are being charged with menacing and trespass.

Both women were hospitalized, one with a fractured skull and broken arm. The other had a laceration.


How do you know she's from the suburbs? Oh yeah, all white people are from there.

Maybe she didn't call the cops because she didn't have a phone. Also, if she stood in between them "or something" she might have got beaten with a pipe as well. Yeah, her screaming was annoying but it was at least a reaction opposed to just standing around.

As for the two girls, what they did was very wrong but they didn't deserve that. I can see grabbing the pipe and chasing them away (or hitting them if they attacked anyway)...but beating them while they are down and no longer a threat, that's fucked up. I don't care about their gender, it's messed up.

>> ^Darkhand:

This video makes me hate fucking white people.
How about you just shut the fuck up, go back to the surburbs, and knit a fucking sock.
I don't know what happened to provoke these guys, but when not ONE but TWO people jump over a counter, run after the guy you're fair game. I'm not saying he should have kept whacking them with a pipe while they were down but jesus lady shut up screaming STOP isn't going to do anything. Why don't YOU call the fucking cops or stand in between them or something JUST STOP SCREAMING! I would've hit her with the pipe too just for good measure.
VIOLENCE HAPPENS and if all you can do is SCREAM you're SCREWED.


>> ^Darkhand:

This video makes me hate fucking white people.
How about you just shut the fuck up, go back to the surburbs, and knit a fucking sock.
I don't know what happened to provoke these guys, but when not ONE but TWO people jump over a counter, run after the guy you're fair game. I'm not saying he should have kept whacking them with a pipe while they were down but jesus lady shut up screaming STOP isn't going to do anything. Why don't YOU call the fucking cops or stand in between them or something JUST STOP SCREAMING! I would've hit her with the pipe too just for good measure.
VIOLENCE HAPPENS and if all you can do is SCREAM you're SCREWED.

Yeah, lady. Stop personally intervening with the only tool you are comfortable using and which probably serves you well in most areas of life: your reason and appeal to conscience. Either respond with more violence or shut your trap. You might be annoying someone like Darkhand who will then use the experience to fuel his hatred of another race.

Seriously though. 7 upvotes (at the time I posted) for this, imo, rather disgusting comment? Man, am I out of touch with humanity.


@EMPIRE & @petpeeved ..ugh

You're both arguing strawmen. Darkhand's observation was very succint & accurate.

@EMPIRE apparently didn't read the bit when Darkhand said:
I'm not saying he should have kept whacking them with a pipe while they were down..

Also, whatthefuck does them being women have to do with it? Would it be okay to bludgeon two helpless MEN on the floor?


Whining at an enraged convict in the middle of an assault is about as useful as screaming "STOP! STOP RAPING ME!!" to a serial rapist.

Darkhand never called for violence on that whiny bitch's part.

But A.) Turning to a bystander. Asking "May I use your phone to call 911".
Or B.) Jumping behind the counter to shield the women

..would've been much more useful then just standing and yelling like a jackass.


My point was that it was obvious this woman was not used to seeing this level of violence and THAT IS A GOOD THING.

She's not desensitized to it and it freaked her the hell out. She had NO IDEA what to do to stop it but I found her raw concern to be commendable and not at all worthy of the misogynistic criticisms and frankly stereotypical reaction its garnered in this thread.

She tried to stop a sadistic act of violence with forceful language(and it was sadism. The body language of the male with the stick at the end was pure ego and no longer could be remotely considered self-defense.) She obviously didn't have a phone on her since once she saw the beating would continue she began to frantically order people to call the police. I actually see her as a hero in this situation. Sure, her voice was shrill and unpleasant but she was doing everything in her power (and no, going to the mat with this guy isn't an option) to stop an assault.

We're living in a world where instead of intervening or being shocked or horrified by acts of violence occuring in front of us, we whip out our video cameras and laugh uproariously about someone getting their head caved in.

That's why I can't fault this woman at all. I'm glad there are still a few people not walking around ready for mortal combat all the time. What a sick society where that is the norm.


Oh, fuck off.

Have you ever been assaulted by multiple people? It tends to give you a bit of an adrenaline surge. I can't stand this notion that if someone attempts to assault/murder you, you're obligated to stop defending yourself at the perfect moment as observed by some uninvolved third party.

>> ^petpeeved:

She tried to stop a sadistic act of violence with forceful language(and it was sadism. The body language of the male with the stick at the end was pure ego and no longer could be remotely considered self-defense.)


How do you know the girls were no longer a threat? Is this your first fight video? People who are stupid/agressive/enraged enough to jump a counter are not necessarily going to stay away from you just cuz you knocked them onto their tush. Human instinct is to finish the job and remove the threat completely. I wouldn't blame him for killing one of them.

If the guy doesn't walk away scot free this is a total travesty of justice.

We should take a survey... who has been attacked in public? Who has not? I bet you'd see a pretty clear divide in the takes on this scene.


>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

Furthermore, why the FUCK would these dumb bitches think that instigating a fight with a guy convicted of MANSLAUGHTER would end well.
Serious eia moment there.

I must have missed the part where he offered his rap sheet to the 'dumb bitches' (what's with the moronic misogyny anyway).


>> ^budzos:

How do you know the girls were no longer a threat? Is this your first fight video? People who are stupid/agressive/enraged enough to jump a counter are not necessarily going to stay away from you just cuz you knocked them onto their tush. Human instinct is to finish the job and remove the threat completely. I wouldn't blame him for killing one of them.
If the guy doesn't walk away scot free this is a total travesty of justice.
We should take a survey... who has been attacked in public? Who has not? I bet you'd see a pretty clear divide in the takes on this scene.

Completely generic hyperbole.


>> ^budzos:

Oh, fuck off.
Have you ever been assaulted by multiple people? It tends to give you a bit of an adrenaline surge. I can't stand this notion that if someone attempts to assault/murder you, you're obligated to stop defending yourself at the perfect moment as observed by some uninvolved third party.

>> ^petpeeved:
She tried to stop a sadistic act of violence with forceful language(and it was sadism. The body language of the male with the stick at the end was pure ego and no longer could be remotely considered self-defense.)

Oh, fuck off? I've been a member happily on this site for years but I can't recall a time when I've felt the level of discourse had dropped to general YouTube comment levels. The lack of respect for differing opinions is new and distressing.


Aw boo-hoo. Maybe you should call the authorities and see if they'll intervene on your behalf.

>> ^petpeeved:

Oh, fuck off? I've been a member happily on this site for years but I can't recall a time when I've felt the level of discourse had dropped to general YouTube comment levels. The lack of respect for differing opinions is new and distressing.


>> ^budzos:

Aw boo-hoo. Maybe you should call the authorities and see if they'll intervene on your behalf.
>> ^petpeeved:
Oh, fuck off? I've been a member happily on this site for years but I can't recall a time when I've felt the level of discourse had dropped to general YouTube comment levels. The lack of respect for differing opinions is new and distressing.

There are few things as pathetic as someone playing the tough guy card on the internet. Pardon me for valuing Videosift for being an oasis away from the idiotic chest-thumping of most forums.


I agree there are few things that pathetic. If you think that's what I'm doing, fuck off again K?

>> ^petpeeved:

>> ^budzos:
Aw boo-hoo. Maybe you should call the authorities and see if they'll intervene on your behalf.
>> ^petpeeved:
Oh, fuck off? I've been a member happily on this site for years but I can't recall a time when I've felt the level of discourse had dropped to general YouTube comment levels. The lack of respect for differing opinions is new and distressing.

There are few things as pathetic as someone playing the tough guy card on the internet. Pardon me for valuing Videosift for being an oasis away from the idiotic chest-thumping of most forums.


>> ^budzos:

I agree there are few things that pathetic. If you think that's what I'm doing, fuck off again K?
>> ^petpeeved:
>> ^budzos:
Aw boo-hoo. Maybe you should call the authorities and see if they'll intervene on your behalf.
>> ^petpeeved:
Oh, fuck off? I've been a member happily on this site for years but I can't recall a time when I've felt the level of discourse had dropped to general YouTube comment levels. The lack of respect for differing opinions is new and distressing.

There are few things as pathetic as someone playing the tough guy card on the internet. Pardon me for valuing Videosift for being an oasis away from the idiotic chest-thumping of most forums.

Okay, I'll fuck off. Feel manly now?


No. Do you feel sufficiently self-righteous and morally superior?

>> ^petpeeved:

>> ^budzos:
I agree there are few things that pathetic. If you think that's what I'm doing, fuck off again K?
>> ^petpeeved:
>> ^budzos:
Aw boo-hoo. Maybe you should call the authorities and see if they'll intervene on your behalf.
>> ^petpeeved:
Oh, fuck off? I've been a member happily on this site for years but I can't recall a time when I've felt the level of discourse had dropped to general YouTube comment levels. The lack of respect for differing opinions is new and distressing.

There are few things as pathetic as someone playing the tough guy card on the internet. Pardon me for valuing Videosift for being an oasis away from the idiotic chest-thumping of most forums.

Okay, I'll fuck off. Feel manly now?


>> ^budzos:

Then I don't understand your pro-assaulter mentality.
>> ^petpeeved:
>> ^budzos:
>> ^petpeeved:
Completely generic hyperbole.

Have you ever been physically assaulted in public before?


I'm pro-peacekeeper (even when the person taking those reins is an out-of-her-element woman unaccustomed to displays of brutality). Watch the video again. Tell me that the McDonald's employee with the pipe was acting in self-defense and not revenge for most of the fight. To my eye, and I've seen a ton of these fights in person, once the McDonald's employee got the upper hand (and it only took one or two hits), he went into revenge mode, thus surrendering any moral high ground he may have had earlier.

At the end of the video you can even see his fellow employees try to grab the steel pipe out of his hands and plead with him to chill out.


I just don't think it's fair to say it's revenge or sadistic purely ego-driven assault when he's hitting them on the ground. That ensures the window clerk's victimization at the hands of the legal system, meaning in the end he probably should have just let the girl slap him, jump the counter, and manhandle and berate him for ten minutes until he goes into a seizure like the video of the girls assaulting the tranny (until he went into seizures, at which point they kept trying to attack) in a McDonald's.

It's still self-defense to be hitting someone who is down. People get back up. Having been assaulted a couple times, worked in bars, and watched years of internet video, I think it's all self-defense until the person who has attacked you is unconscious, not moving, or yelling "I'm sorry".

>> ^petpeeved:

>> ^budzos:
Then I don't understand your pro-assaulter mentality.
>> ^petpeeved:
>> ^budzos:
>> ^petpeeved:
Completely generic hyperbole.

Have you ever been physically assaulted in public before?


I'm pro-peacekeeper (even when the person taking those reins is an out-of-her-element woman unaccustomed to displays of brutality). Watch the video again. Tell me that the McDonald's employee with the pipe was acting in self-defense and not revenge for most of the fight. To my eye, and I've seen a ton of these fights in person, once the McDonald's employee got the upper hand (and it only took one or two hits), he went into revenge mode, thus surrendering any moral high ground he may have had earlier.


Also, that is not much of a pipe... it's a thin copper pipe and you can see it bending as he hits them. Not that it relates to the rest of my discussion here... just sayin' reminds of in seventh grade when this weird kid challenged my friend to a fight after school. The kid showed up with a curtain rod, which at the start of the fight he raised above his head and slammed into the ground, and it went PLONK and bent like a drinking straw.


You think a manslaughter conviction should keep you from working at McDonald's? Why? You realize manslaughter is by definition involuntary? Even if it was murder in the first degree, what does that matter when it comes to making burgers?

>> ^artful_codger:

wow, 35 comments and i can't see anyone asking the question "Why, McDonalds, do you hire people convicted of Manslaughter!?". I wonder if Paedophiles prepare the happy meals.


>> ^budzos:

No. Do you feel sufficiently self-righteous and morally superior?
>> ^petpeeved:
>> ^budzos:
I agree there are few things that pathetic. If you think that's what I'm doing, fuck off again K?
>> ^petpeeved:
>> ^budzos:
Aw boo-hoo. Maybe you should call the authorities and see if they'll intervene on your behalf.
>> ^petpeeved:
Oh, fuck off? I've been a member happily on this site for years but I can't recall a time when I've felt the level of discourse had dropped to general YouTube comment levels. The lack of respect for differing opinions is new and distressing.

There are few things as pathetic as someone playing the tough guy card on the internet. Pardon me for valuing Videosift for being an oasis away from the idiotic chest-thumping of most forums.

Okay, I'll fuck off. Feel manly now?

Somehow I've wronged you by objecting to you telling me to fuck off out of the blue?


Where did I say you wronged me?

Fuck off a third time!

>> ^petpeeved:

>> ^budzos:
No. Do you feel sufficiently self-righteous and morally superior?
>> ^petpeeved:
>> ^budzos:
I agree there are few things that pathetic. If you think that's what I'm doing, fuck off again K?
>> ^petpeeved:
>> ^budzos:
Aw boo-hoo. Maybe you should call the authorities and see if they'll intervene on your behalf.
>> ^petpeeved:
Oh, fuck off? I've been a member happily on this site for years but I can't recall a time when I've felt the level of discourse had dropped to general YouTube comment levels. The lack of respect for differing opinions is new and distressing.

There are few things as pathetic as someone playing the tough guy card on the internet. Pardon me for valuing Videosift for being an oasis away from the idiotic chest-thumping of most forums.

Okay, I'll fuck off. Feel manly now?

Somehow I've wronged you by objecting to you telling me to fuck off out of the blue?


Thanks. Always wanted to be trolled.

*crosses it off bucket list*

P.S. the 'fuck offs' don't make you sound intimidating. Instead, they point to a deep insecurity about some aspect of your personality you are sensitive about. If I were to make a guess, it would be that in real life you perceive that people often talk down to you in a condescending manner.


But the first time I told you to fuck off, I was initiating our conversation, not responding. Does that not leave a hole in your theory?

Also, I'm not trying to intimidate your or look tough, etc. I would guess by your fixation on it that you're a big twat.


Sure he hit them when they were down, but not out? (of the fight). Also, after reading the comments before watching the video, I was expecting to see blood and brains flying up as he pummeled them mercilessly for 10+ minutes. Or did he swing so fast that I missed most of the million hits? Anyway, the local authorities will figure out what to do with all this.


>> ^budzos:

How do you know the girls were no longer a threat? Is this your first fight video? People who are stupid/agressive/enraged enough to jump a counter are not necessarily going to stay away from you just cuz you knocked them onto their tush. Human instinct is to finish the job and remove the threat completely. I wouldn't blame him for killing one of them.
If the guy doesn't walk away scot free this is a total travesty of justice.
We should take a survey... who has been attacked in public? Who has not? I bet you'd see a pretty clear divide in the takes on this scene.

Advocating murder. Nice.

And being slapped by a woman is hardly being "attacked in public"


Watch it again you must have missed the sustained "purely ego-driven" assault meted out by the clerk. I'm still trying to find it.

>> ^littledragon_79:

Sure he hit them when they were down, but not out? (of the fight). Also, after reading the comments before watching the video, I was expecting to see blood and brains flying up as he pummeled them mercilessly for 10+ minutes. Or did he swing so fast that I missed most of the million hits? Anyway, the local authorities will figure out what to do with all this.


Killing someone who is assaulting you is not murder.

>> ^marbles:

>> ^budzos:
How do you know the girls were no longer a threat? Is this your first fight video? People who are stupid/agressive/enraged enough to jump a counter are not necessarily going to stay away from you just cuz you knocked them onto their tush. Human instinct is to finish the job and remove the threat completely. I wouldn't blame him for killing one of them.
If the guy doesn't walk away scot free this is a total travesty of justice.
We should take a survey... who has been attacked in public? Who has not? I bet you'd see a pretty clear divide in the takes on this scene.

Advocating murder. Nice.


>> ^marbles:

And being slapped by a woman is hardly being "attacked in public"

What about being slapped by a woman and then she jumps the counter while her friend stalks behind her and they both encroach you in a threatening fight posture, spewing violent language in a hazardous environment full of deadly objects? Is that assault? [edit: I mean: is that being attacked in public?]


>> ^Darkhand:

This video makes me hate fucking white people.
How about you just shut the fuck up, go back to the surburbs, and knit a fucking sock.
I don't know what happened to provoke these guys, but when not ONE but TWO people jump over a counter, run after the guy you're fair game. I'm not saying he should have kept whacking them with a pipe while they were down but jesus lady shut up screaming STOP isn't going to do anything. Why don't YOU call the fucking cops or stand in between them or something JUST STOP SCREAMING! I would've hit her with the pipe too just for good measure.
VIOLENCE HAPPENS and if all you can do is SCREAM you're SCREWED.

The woman screamed in fear because she believed she was watching someone get beat to death. You think only white people would scream in that situation?

You. Are. Racist.


I've been on VS for years, initially attracted by the "SIFT" in videosift... as in it sifted out videos like this.

It was the place I came to watch videos that were enjoyable.. not solely controversial, or violent. I knew that by coming here I could avoid the shit I see on LiveLeak and WorldStarHipHop, which activates and enervates the primal recesses of my brain.

If you're gonna post this type of goony shit, a certain portion of the membership (myself included) will comport themselves accordingly.


>> ^budzos:

>> ^marbles:
And being slapped by a woman is hardly being "attacked in public"

What about being slapped by a woman and then she jumps the counter while her friend stalks behind her and they both encroach you in a threatening fight posture, spewing violent language in a hazardous environment full of deadly objects? Is that assault? [edit: I mean: is that being attacked in public?]

Quick! grab a pipe and beat her to death!


When the other McDonalds employees are trying to get the women away from the dude ... that's when you know hes gone too far.

Reasonable force = enough to diffuse the situation... not dominate it.


No... just ignore it. It's not like you're being assaulted!

You did make me LOL with that comment though.

>> ^marbles:

>> ^budzos:
>> ^marbles:
And being slapped by a woman is hardly being "attacked in public"

What about being slapped by a woman and then she jumps the counter while her friend stalks behind her and they both encroach you in a threatening fight posture, spewing violent language in a hazardous environment full of deadly objects? Is that assault? [edit: I mean: is that being attacked in public?]

Quick! grab a pipe and beat her to death!


>> ^budzos:

No... just ignore it. It's not like you're being assaulted!
>> ^marbles:
>> ^budzos:
>> ^marbles:
And being slapped by a woman is hardly being "attacked in public"

What about being slapped by a woman and then she jumps the counter while her friend stalks behind her and they both encroach you in a threatening fight posture, spewing violent language in a hazardous environment full of deadly objects? Is that assault? [edit: I mean: is that being attacked in public?]

Quick! grab a pipe and beat her to death!

Well between the 2 extremes you can come up with, this is a lot more reasonable. I mean really what's she going do?

Of course people living in a rational world, realize there is justifiable force to self defense.

What kind of man retreats to find a weapon to go back and beat the woman that has slapped him?


You're right he should have just taken the slap. Like a real man. What kind of man takes revenge on women who are advancing towards him and could possibly do any one of a million things to harm him in the real world and not some fantasy boy scout world where all women are harmless?

Don't you think it's a bit sexist to assume no woman can harm a man? No two women? The guy is skinny. These are two angry fat bitches coming at him.

Now everyone go ahead and ignore my logic and attack me for using one of your magic win-by-default words.


You're stating a number of things as facts which are not necessarily so, budzos.

"You realize manslaughter is by definition involuntary?"

No, there are two varieties of manslaughter, voluntary and involuntary. Voluntary manslaughter is done with intent, but perhaps provoked, a classic example being when you walk in on your spouse in the act with another and flip out.

"Killing someone who is assaulting you is not murder."

Depends on the state, what manner of assault and the manner in which you kill them. Self-defense is typically only a defense to unlawful homicide charges if you retreat to the wall, (provided you're not in your home) but NOT if you run quickly to the other room for a bludgeon and then come charging back, and particularly if you keep swinging once they're down. If she were to die that could very well turn into a 2nd degree murder charge.


Is that you, quantum mushroom???

>> ^budzos:

You're right he should have just taken the slap. Like a real man. What kind of man takes revenge on women who are advancing towards him and could possibly do any one of a million things to harm him in the real world and not some fantasy boy scout world where all women are harmless?
Don't you think it's a bit sexist to assume no woman can harm a man? No two women? The guy is skinny. These are two angry fat bitches coming at him.
Now everyone go ahead and ignore my logic and attack me for using one of your magic win-by-default words.


If you listen closely you can her some pretty violent comments coming from him over the counter before anything happens. This puts him in a bad place because he's antagonizing the situation. A normal person would have just said I'm calling the police right when the verbal threats began. There is also others who are antagonizing the situation with their comments. You can see some pretty clear threats from multiple parties.

If you look closely you can see him smack her back right after her hit. I think they are all guilty. What it appears to me as is a group moral less delinquents upsetting the peace. I can count 4 definite people involved and should be prosecuted. Potentially one more. It's hard to hear what he saying.


The most impressive part about this entire video is the calm composure of the person who recorded it. This person should be a professional cameraman/camerawoman.

As for the fight itself; it's unfortunate for all three people involved, and there is no reasonable way to justify any of these actions. I'm just glad no one died.


>> ^Darkhand:

This video makes me hate fucking white people.

Stop fucking them, then?

I liked both your comment (despite the racism and ignorance, you have a point) and the other guy's comment about her raw concern being very important.

At least she cared enough to stay and try and stop him. She was clearly a woman herself and who knows if she had kids or whatever? But she stayed and tried to stop something she thought was wrong. Good for her, you probably wouldn't do the same whether you act like an e-thug or not.


If multiple people attack me I'm going to grab a weapon. Once said weapon is involved in the fight I know that said weapon can be used against me. So when I use the weapon against my assailants I'm going to be sure they cannot get back up and use the weapon against me.

I've seen enough of "Humanity" to know that most people if they see ME getting MY ASS kicked won't do anything. So I better be prepared to defend myself. You all know this because you are on the same website as I am. How many videos do we see where people are being assaulted left on the street bleeding/seizing/whatever and nobody calls the cops?

Okay so you'd rather be in THAT situation where you're getting your ass beaten and everyone around you is watching? Allow yourself to be murderlized by some assholes because you thought they were going to stay down but then they got back up and they had a knife or some other weapon or managed to over power you with sheer numbers. Personally I'd rather go to jail for beating the shit out of 2 people with a metal pipe then end up paralyzed or dead because I was concerned about what "Everyone else" would think about my actions.

If being desensitized to violence makes me an "e-thug" or some sort of "racist" then I'm proud to be adorned with those labels. Because it would have enabled me to have the courage to walk up to the pipe wielding person and say "Please stop hitting them" in a calm and RATIONAL tone rather than SCREAMING at someone whose already fueled with Adrenaline and in "Fight for Flight" mode which will only make things worse and makes you perceived as a threat.

Calmly disabling someone who is only trying to defend themselves is the only solution to this problem aside from calling 911. Screaming constantly does nothing but agitate the situation and make it worse.


How is this misogyny? He didn't say it's because they're women that they're dumb.
>> ^petpeeved:

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:
Furthermore, why the FUCK would these dumb bitches think that instigating a fight with a guy convicted of MANSLAUGHTER would end well.
Serious eia moment there.

I must have missed the part where he offered his rap sheet to the 'dumb bitches' (what's with the moronic misogyny anyway).



That dumb old lady didn't do a goddamn thing but be dumb.


"Thursday the argument began between employee 31-year old Rayon McIntosh and two friends" [as per Bareboards info]

If you're friends with someone, I think you would probably know if they were a felon or not. Unless they just became friends 5 minutes before the attack.

Second of all, STFU you Politically Correct Lovey Dovey overly sensitive child.

Calling some dumb bitch a dumb bitch is appropriate if he or she is a dumb bitch.

Slapping someone makes you a Bitch[or Jerk or Douche]. Starting a fight with a MURDERER makes you Dumb. Hence DUMB BITCHES.

On top of that, much worse shit happens to millions of people all over world on a daily basis.
And much braver people do much more to help in those situations than just stand and shout.

That old lady is NOT a Hero. You have to be heroic for that.
So clearly you're being just as hyperbolic to counter what you see a "people being mean".

When in reality, Me and Darkhand and Budzos are being practical.


You don't fuck with a felon and if you gonna make a difference you have to ACT.

Not just use rhetoric in an attempt to persuade an ENRAGED MURDERER that his murderous intent is misguided. Again, you have to be HEROIC to be a Hero.

Stop talking like the world is made of rainbows and gumdrops dude.

This shit wasn't that bad in the scheme of things.
Plus those dumbass ladies should have known better.

End of Story.

>> ^petpeeved:

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:
Furthermore, why the FUCK would these dumb bitches think that instigating a fight with a guy convicted of MANSLAUGHTER would end well.
Serious eia moment there.

I must have missed the part where he offered his rap sheet to the 'dumb bitches' (what's with the moronic misogyny anyway).


>> ^MarineGunrock:

How is this misogyny? He didn't say it's because they're women that they're dumb.
>> ^petpeeved:
>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:
Furthermore, why the FUCK would these dumb bitches think that instigating a fight with a guy convicted of MANSLAUGHTER would end well.
Serious eia moment there.

I must have missed the part where he offered his rap sheet to the 'dumb bitches' (what's with the moronic misogyny anyway).

Oh, I see. The "bitch" part is just a given because they are women (I'm assuming, since you ignored that whole point in your defense of GenjiKilpatrick). They are "dumb" because they are acting dumbly, not necessarily because they're women. Got it. I'm relieved you don't think "bitches" are automatically dumb.

Thank you for helping clarify things for those Sifters who may still be unsure about... things.


While "bitch" is merely an adjective applied to someone, it is most typicall applied to females. Were it a guy doing the same thing, he'd be a dick. Calling someone a bitch is NO WHERE CLOSE to hatred of women.>> ^Fletch:

>> ^MarineGunrock:
How is this misogyny? He didn't say it's because they're women that they're dumb.
>> ^petpeeved:
>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:
Furthermore, why the FUCK would these dumb bitches think that instigating a fight with a guy convicted of MANSLAUGHTER would end well.
Serious eia moment there.

I must have missed the part where he offered his rap sheet to the 'dumb bitches' (what's with the moronic misogyny anyway).

Oh, I see. The "bitch" part is just a given because they are women (I'm assuming, since you ignored that whole point in your defense of GenjiKilpatrick). They are "dumb" because they are acting dumbly, not necessarily because they're women. Got it. I'm relieved you don't think "bitches" are automatically dumb.
Thank you for helping clarify things for those Sifters who may still be unsure about... things.


Where was the screaming woman when the employee (noone knew he was a felon):
-was being loudly harrassed for doing his job???
-was slapped and assaulted for doing his job???
-was chased by two crazed women who had the audacity to jump over the counter to get at him???

Screw that lady.

>> ^dannym3141:
>> ^Darkhand:
This video makes me hate fucking white people.

Stop fucking them, then?
I liked both your comment (despite the racism and ignorance, you have a point) and the other guy's comment about her raw concern being very important.
At least she cared enough to stay and try and stop him. She was clearly a woman herself and who knows if she had kids or whatever? But she stayed and tried to stop something she thought was wrong. Good for her, you probably wouldn't do the same whether you act like an e-thug or not.


>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

That dumb old lady didn't do a goddamn thing but be dumb.
"Thursday the argument began between employee 31-year old Rayon McIntosh and two friends" [as per Bareboards info]
If you're friends with someone, I think you would probably know if they were a felon or not. Unless they just became friends 5 minutes before the attack.
Second of all, STFU you Politically Correct Lovey Dovey overly sensitive child.
Calling some dumb bitch a dumb bitch is appropriate if he or she is a dumb bitch.
Slapping someone makes you a Bitch[or Jerk or Douche]. Starting a fight with a MURDERER makes you Dumb. Hence DUMB BITCHES.
On top of that, much worse shit happens to millions of people all over world on a daily basis.
And much braver people do much more to help in those situations than just stand and shout.
That old lady is NOT a Hero. You have to be heroic for that.
So clearly you're being just as hyperbolic to counter what you see a "people being mean".
When in reality, Me and Darkhand and Budzos are being practical.
You don't fuck with a felon and if you gonna make a difference you have to ACT.
Not just use rhetoric in an attempt to persuade an ENRAGED MURDERER that his murderous intent is misguided. Again, you have to be HEROIC to be a Hero.
Stop talking like the world is made of rainbows and gumdrops dude.
This shit wasn't that bad in the scheme of things.
Plus those dumbass ladies should have known better.
End of Story.

I love these little teaching moments on the Sift. You aren't going to find this level of sharing on YouTube, my friends! So much strange lingo nowadays, it's hard to understand what the kids are conversing about sometimes! LOL! Am I right? You know I am! LOL!

Anyhoo... it makes me feel like I'm really part of a special community to see others sharing like this. So let me say thank YOU and share what I've learned.

- If you are going to assault someone, emoting in a child-like manner will not gain you any advantage. Very important! (it was CAPITALIZED)

Shoutouts to Petpeeved, yo... (Is that the correct lingo? Do I sound streety? LOL! I'm still learning!)

- If you wish to be friends with someone, remember... they could be a felon. ASK about their criminal background before it's too late. Ideally, within the first five minutes.

- If you act like a PC love-child, you may as well be trying to Save The Fucking Universe. So, so true. Word, Petpeeved.

- Dumb bitches are dumb bitches if they are indeed acting like dumb bitches. A "lightbulb" moment for me.

- Slapping someone ALSO makes you a "Bitch". I assume "Jerk" and "Douche" are synonyms (not clear though). And if you start a fight with a murderer, you are "dumb". But if start a fight with a MURDERER with a slap, you are a "dumb bitch". Golly, this is getting confusing. What if I want to start a fight, via slapping, with someone who just has a couple parking tickets?

You know what? This was already a lot to soak up and then you go and throw out "hyperbolic". Now, I'm gonna Google that later, but for now, imma jus' chil, yo, and chawn sum bogchi. Haha! Ok, bye for now! Try not to be such a dumb bitch, jerk, or douche, or you might get slapped! LOL! (Did I say that right?)


>> ^MarineGunrock:

While "bitch" is merely an adjective applied to someone, it is most typicall applied to females. Were it a guy doing the same thing, he'd be a dick. Calling someone a bitch is NO WHERE CLOSE to hatred of women.>> ^Fletch:
>> ^MarineGunrock:
How is this misogyny? He didn't say it's because they're women that they're dumb.
>> ^petpeeved:
>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:
Furthermore, why the FUCK would these dumb bitches think that instigating a fight with a guy convicted of MANSLAUGHTER would end well.
Serious eia moment there.

I must have missed the part where he offered his rap sheet to the 'dumb bitches' (what's with the moronic misogyny anyway).

Oh, I see. The "bitch" part is just a given because they are women (I'm assuming, since you ignored that whole point in your defense of GenjiKilpatrick). They are "dumb" because they are acting dumbly, not necessarily because they're women. Got it. I'm relieved you don't think "bitches" are automatically dumb.
Thank you for helping clarify things for those Sifters who may still be unsure about... things.

Sorry, but the masculine form of "bitch" is not "dick". That's like saying the caucasion form of "nigger" is "whitey". It shows a complete lack of understanding of what the word means to (many, most) women. if that's even possible. If you could come up with a single word that translates "worthless pussy with legs" with an extremely contemptible tone, it could be "bitch". It's less than a dog. It's a baby mama who you wish would just shut the fuck up, get her funbags in the kitchen, and make you some goddamned pancakes. That's my take on it anyway. It doesn't matter what you think it means. It doesn't matter how you intend it. The kiddies nowadays may throw it around like you throw around the f-word (and connotations thereof) in your video titles, but, age-wise, you are no kiddie and should know better. It speaks volumes you are even defending it and the ignorant bitch who started this thread.


Okay, how about the fact that they tried to assault him? That makes them bitches. >> ^Fletch:

>> ^MarineGunrock:
While "bitch" is merely an adjective applied to someone, it is most typicall applied to females. Were it a guy doing the same thing, he'd be a dick. Calling someone a bitch is NO WHERE CLOSE to hatred of women.>> ^Fletch:
>> ^MarineGunrock:
How is this misogyny? He didn't say it's because they're women that they're dumb.
>> ^petpeeved:
>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:
Furthermore, why the FUCK would these dumb bitches think that instigating a fight with a guy convicted of MANSLAUGHTER would end well.
Serious eia moment there.

I must have missed the part where he offered his rap sheet to the 'dumb bitches' (what's with the moronic misogyny anyway).

Oh, I see. The "bitch" part is just a given because they are women (I'm assuming, since you ignored that whole point in your defense of GenjiKilpatrick). They are "dumb" because they are acting dumbly, not necessarily because they're women. Got it. I'm relieved you don't think "bitches" are automatically dumb.
Thank you for helping clarify things for those Sifters who may still be unsure about... things.

Sorry, but the masculine form of "bitch" is not "dick". That's like saying the caucasion form of "nigger" is "whitey". It shows a complete lack of understanding of what the word means to (many, most) women. if that's even possible. If you could come up with a single word that translates "worthless pussy with legs" with an extremely contemptible tone, it could be "bitch". It's less than a dog. It's a baby mama who you wish would just shut the fuck up, get her funbags in the kitchen, and make you some goddamned pancakes. That's my take on it anyway. It doesn't matter what you think it means. It doesn't matter how you intend it. The kiddies nowadays may throw it around like you throw around the f-word (and connotations thereof) in your video titles, but, age-wise, you are no kiddie and should know better. It speaks volumes you are even defending it and the ignorant bitch who started this thread.


"Calling someone a bitch is NO WHERE CLOSE to hatred of women."

Would you say calling someone "gay", i.e. "Shut up faggot!", using it as a synonym for "bad, weak, feminine thing", isn't the least bit implicitly hateful towards homosexuals (and to a lesser extent women) ?


I'm white and I woulda screamed, "hit the bitch!" or "would you like fries with that?" Should I go back to the suburbs?>> ^Darkhand:

This video makes me hate fucking white people.
How about you just shut the fuck up, go back to the surburbs, and knit a fucking sock.
I don't know what happened to provoke these guys, but when not ONE but TWO people jump over a counter, run after the guy you're fair game. I'm not saying he should have kept whacking them with a pipe while they were down but jesus lady shut up screaming STOP isn't going to do anything. Why don't YOU call the fucking cops or stand in between them or something JUST STOP SCREAMING! I would've hit her with the pipe too just for good measure.
VIOLENCE HAPPENS and if all you can do is SCREAM you're SCREWED.


Lol, yeah, why dont they just hire rocket scientist at McDonalds and we wouldnt have this proble, OH MY GOD, I FIGURED IT OUT. If everyone in the world became a rocket scientist, we would be too smart to even eat at a McDonalds.>> ^budzos:

You think a manslaughter conviction should keep you from working at McDonald's? Why? You realize manslaughter is by definition involuntary? Even if it was murder in the first degree, what does that matter when it comes to making burgers?
>> ^artful_codger:
wow, 35 comments and i can't see anyone asking the question "Why, McDonalds, do you hire people convicted of Manslaughter!?". I wonder if Paedophiles prepare the happy meals.


Also fuck everyone who thinks that this is the most dangerous thing that can happen to you at a McDonalds. The place is like heart attack city, so someone beating you with a pipe is going to save you the 6 dollars you were about to spend trying to hasten your death, anyways. Why wasnt the woman screaming, "Me next!" prolly cause her mouth was full.


I'm white and I would have called the cops because I believe in a society where criminal behaviour is dealth with by the law.

But nah, ur prolly right. Mr McManslaughters pride was clearly in jeapody after that slap and was well within his right to defend himself with a metal pole. Rofl.


>> ^longde:

Where was the screaming woman when the employee (noone knew he was a felon):
-was being loudly harrassed for doing his job???
-was slapped and assaulted for doing his job???
-was chased by two crazed women who had the audacity to jump over the counter to get at him???
Screw that lady.
>> ^dannym3141:
>> ^Darkhand:
This video makes me hate fucking white people.

Stop fucking them, then?
I liked both your comment (despite the racism and ignorance, you have a point) and the other guy's comment about her raw concern being very important.
At least she cared enough to stay and try and stop him. She was clearly a woman herself and who knows if she had kids or whatever? But she stayed and tried to stop something she thought was wrong. Good for her, you probably wouldn't do the same whether you act like an e-thug or not.

@longde - the commotion starts happening AFTER the initial slap/harassment and the loud whacking noises do too, so that's when i assume most people would find out something is going on.

That's when i'd have found out, if i was there. It would hardly be fair to expect her to react sooner than she knows, would it?!

I don't know the situation of the woman, because all i have to go by is this video. How do i know that she saw the slap, or the harassment? You guys' emotions are out of control in here. I gave a measured reaction in the absence of knowledge of all the facts, am i being criticised for that!?



Come with me to my Urban Paradise. Where being a bitch is always rewarded with metal pipes and being a bro is rewarded with your own bitch plus a pipe to keep them in line.

Welcome to paradise my child!

>> ^sme4r:

I'm white and I woulda screamed, "hit the bitch!" or "would you like fries with that?" Should I go back to the suburbs?>> ^Darkhand:
This video makes me hate fucking white people.
How about you just shut the fuck up, go back to the surburbs, and knit a fucking sock.
I don't know what happened to provoke these guys, but when not ONE but TWO people jump over a counter, run after the guy you're fair game. I'm not saying he should have kept whacking them with a pipe while they were down but jesus lady shut up screaming STOP isn't going to do anything. Why don't YOU call the fucking cops or stand in between them or something JUST STOP SCREAMING! I would've hit her with the pipe too just for good measure.
VIOLENCE HAPPENS and if all you can do is SCREAM you're SCREWED.


For all those who see the initial hit with a pipe as justified, have you considered that he could have just swung it in front of himself without making contact?

If self defense is the goal, you don't have to hit. Just swing. And call for your co-workers to call for the police.

Moot point, though. Clearly everyone involved in this incident have anger control issues.

For the record, I did not upvote this video. Although I have come back to watch the comment stream drama unfold.

And @petpeeved? This level of discourse isn't that uncommon on the Sift, sad to say. Although I think it is great that this is the first time you have seen it. It won't your last, I guarantee. (Still better than youtube, though. Always better than youtube and siblings.)

Sometimes you just have to walk away, peeved. Like this guy with a pipe didn't.


>> ^budzos:
You think a manslaughter conviction should keep you from working at McDonald's? Why? You realize manslaughter is by definition involuntary? Even if it was murder in the first degree, what does that matter when it comes to making burgers?
>> ^artful_codger:
wow, 35 comments and i can't see anyone asking the question "Why, McDonalds, do you hire people convicted of Manslaughter!?". I wonder if Paedophiles prepare the happy meals.

abso-fucking-lutely, the events shown in the video speak for themselves, he's too volatile to be working anywhere near civilised human beings and Micky D's should know better. Manslaughter vs Murder means very little these days, it's just a plea-bargain to secure a quick conviction and avoid expensive protracted trials. He shot and killed his friend and the bullet also hit an 8 year old child.


OH MY FUCKING GOD!!! Somebody shut that stupid fucking blonde bitch up! Holy christ! SHUT. UP. Troublemaker bitch got what was coming to her. Fuck you blondie, you're a stupid retard. You should be cheering him on.


Meh, everyone involved in this video is a waste of humanity:
- the silly women for thinking they could slap a service employee
- the violent psychopath for thinking battery with a pipe was an appropriate response
- the annoying woman screaming
- the tool who videoed it
- me for watching it


For everyone saying this was self defense I think you may be confused on what self defense is perhaps you have been watching to many movies. The guy is swinging a weapon this is called offense he is on the attack and is in an offensive position. When he walked away distancing himself from his attackers only then was he practicing self defense. If he was scared about his safety why the hell did he come back? If had held the pipe up and blocked the blows from the ladies that would be considered self defense but as soon as he swung back at them he became the aggressor having a greater strategical advantage. Im not saying the ladies were not wrong in attacking him but that guy is a piece of shit.

Honestly I dont give a shit if anyone has a problem with what I just said "Im not arguing that with you!"


Not self defense? You don't chase after someone following an assault if you're not intending to cause additional harm. To be honest, after being slapped in the face and chased by multiple attackers, I think it's a lot to ask for rational thoughts. My motto is: You can make the first move, what happens next is not my responsibility.

Those who says that he should have been swinging the pipe without reaching the women either never got into a street fight before or fight by swinging their arms in rolling motion and say "If you get hit, it's your own fault."


Things I learned from this thread:

1. Women can't hurt you so don't bother defending yourself
2. Women get one free slap at your face while you're at work
3. If someone jumps the counter after slapping you and is advancing with their friend in an unmistakably hostile manner.. pfft don't worry it's just two women you're not being assaulted
4. Using a weapon to even the odds or ward off an attack is actually offense and not self-defense.
5. Always let the attacker keep their upper hand, otherwise you are now the one committing assault
6. All violent altercations are immediately settled when any party's gluteus maximus touches a horizontal ground plane.. so stop hitting and start passing out hugs
7. Any use of the word bitch makes you a horrible misogynist
8. Screaming your head off and contributing even more stress and clamor to a tense and violent situation is commendable
9. If you react violently to being attacked, well you're just a big ol' egomaniac!

Again, if I had it my way this type of video wouldn't be on the 'Sift.


Ignoring the legalities: If you back all the way up to the wall, you've got nowhere to go. Grabbing a weapon and then meeting your attacker as they advance gives you more ground to work with. It's perfectly valid as self-defense. I'm sure some fuck-nut lawyer sees otherwise. But in the real world where people use their instincts and knowledge, you never want to be fighting with your back up against anything.

>> ^ctrlaltbleach:

For everyone saying this was self defense I think you may be confused on what self defense is perhaps you have been watching to many movies. The guy is swinging a weapon this is called offense he is on the attack and is in an offensive position. When he walked away distancing himself from his attackers only then was he practicing self defense. If he was scared about his safety why the hell did he come back? If had held the pipe up and blocked the blows from the ladies that would be considered self defense but as soon as he swung back at them he became the aggressor having a greater strategical advantage. Im not saying the ladies were not wrong in attacking him but that guy is a piece of shit.
Honestly I dont give a shit if anyone has a problem with what I just said "Im not arguing that with you!"


I wonder, would all these people be saying the same thing if this guy was a cop "defending" himself?

>> ^Lann:

How do you know she's from the suburbs? Oh yeah, all white people are from there.
Maybe she didn't call the cops because she didn't have a phone. Also, if she stood in between them "or something" she might have got beaten with a pipe as well. Yeah, her screaming was annoying but it was at least a reaction opposed to just standing around.
As for the two girls, what they did was very wrong but they didn't deserve that. I can see grabbing the pipe and chasing them away (or hitting them if they attacked anyway)...but beating them while they are down and no longer a threat, that's fucked up. I don't care about their gender, it's messed up.
>> ^Darkhand:
This video makes me hate fucking white people.
How about you just shut the fuck up, go back to the surburbs, and knit a fucking sock.
I don't know what happened to provoke these guys, but when not ONE but TWO people jump over a counter, run after the guy you're fair game. I'm not saying he should have kept whacking them with a pipe while they were down but jesus lady shut up screaming STOP isn't going to do anything. Why don't YOU call the fucking cops or stand in between them or something JUST STOP SCREAMING! I would've hit her with the pipe too just for good measure.
VIOLENCE HAPPENS and if all you can do is SCREAM you're SCREWED.


>> ^ForgedReality:

OH MY FUCKING GOD!!! Somebody shut that stupid fucking blonde bitch up! Holy christ! SHUT. UP. Troublemaker bitch got what was coming to her. Fuck you blondie, you're a stupid retard. You should be cheering him on.

Yeah--I wish it was a cop with the pipe, that would have made it funnier...

Seriously though, the culture of these women, that they are immune to repercussions (Or concussions) is what the problem is. This is actually widespread, and knows no social class...pathetic...


Update from gothamist:

Last week, a jury voted to dismiss all charges against the McDonald's cashier who used a metal rod to beat up two customers who slapped him and then jumped over the counter at the West Village location in October. While 31-year-old Rayon McIntosh is off the hook, a jury has now voted to indict Denise Darbeau and Rachel Edwards, the two women who jumped over the counter, on burglary charges.
The 24-year-old women were initially charged with misdemeanor trespass in the West 3rd Street McDonald's altercation which took place on October 13. Those charges were increased to burglary, which meant that they allegedly entered the fast food restaurant with intent to commit a crime. “The person who committed a crime got away with a vicious assault,” said defense attorney Harold Baker. “It seems backwards to me...The people who were hurt are now charged with a crime.” Darbeau suffered a fractured skull and a broken right arm in the incident, while Edwards received a gash on her face.


Hate to say I told you so, but I TOLD YOU SO.

>> ^longde:

Update from gothamist:
Last week, a jury voted to dismiss all charges against the McDonald's cashier who used a metal rod to beat up two customers who slapped him and then jumped over the counter at the West Village location in October. While 31-year-old Rayon McIntosh is off the hook, a jury has now voted to indict Denise Darbeau and Rachel Edwards, the two women who jumped over the counter, on burglary charges.
The 24-year-old women were initially charged with misdemeanor trespass in the West 3rd Street McDonald's altercation which took place on October 13. Those charges were increased to burglary, which meant that they allegedly entered the fast food restaurant with intent to commit a crime. “The person who committed a crime got away with a vicious assault,” said defense attorney Harold Baker. “It seems backwards to me...The people who were hurt are now charged with a crime.” Darbeau suffered a fractured skull and a broken right arm in the incident, while Edwards received a gash on her face.


Bill Burr was talking about this on his Monday Morning Podcast for the 26th. Seems the McD's guy did time for MANSLAUGHTER. Shit, he almost went right back in for the same thing.

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