
Self promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Monday, June 6th, 2011 2:00pm PDT - promote requested by original submitter burdturgler.


For fucks sake. Anthony! You're a congressman. You can not send out digital renditions of your junk and expect it to not become public. I thought you were smarter than that. You were doing good work damnit! /sad


To be fair, it was just a picture of an erection in his underwear. Honestly, if you saw the picture in question out of context, the average person wouldn't even see it as a penis in underwear most likely.

I am not saying he was right by doing it, but it came clean about it all and was honest and I kind of respect that.


That's fine. I respect him exactly the same now as before, maybe a little more for just coming clean with it.. I am also slightly in awe.

There is a line (a huuge line) to be drawn between having an emotional affair like this and a physical one, but basically that's his private life and since he's not getting elected on family values or anything he's at least not hypocritical about it.

He lied about it at the beginning, but I can sympathize, panic is never fun. At least he comes clean now, when he's had time to reflect just a little bit.

Whether it is right or wrong to send pictures, chat, make phone calls is really up to him and his family. The rest of us should keep our grubby noses out of it.

He's still a better man than most in Congress.


Pfft, everybody hates infidelity but come on, its not exactly out of the ordinary. I reckon more Americans have cheated and lied to their significant other than have not and yet we somehow expect our politicians to be saints. I feel bad for his family, I hope they can work it out, but I also feel bad for him, because unlike almost every other person on the planet when he makes a terrible error in his personal life he not only has to account to those close to him, but also any random joe.

I think its a shame it matters to anybody but his wife and family.


And I thought that picture WAS sent privately and then the girl/woman went to the press with it. Is he saying he accidentally posted it to his twitter feed? So he's both stupid and a liar. He's definitely fit for US politics.


>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

Stupid actions for such a smart guy. Power is a narcotic.

The "anonymity" of the internet is also a drug, just look at 4chan. My guess is that he has separate accounts that don't have his real name on them, and thought he was logged in to one of those.


I would have been a lot less disappointed if he had just admitted it in the first place - as a stupid mistake, because it wasn't really that terrible. But since he lied about it the whole time, sorry amigo, you got to go. I liked you too.


Very disappointed, Weiner. It's not the tweet pic, but the lying. Very, very disappointed.

Also, how long will it be until politicians learn that nothing is private any more? You will either screw up, or get hacked (for real) and it will come out.

Then again, I long for the days of Kennedy when an affair was a private matter, and everybody worked to keep it that way rather than exposing it and not letting the story die. If they campaign on family values, ok expose them. But if they are running on policy issues, their private life isn't relevant.


1. i don't give a shit what he does in his private life, as long as it is consensual.

2. i can totally see accidentally sending something embarrassing to the wrong place and then freaking out about it and making up some lie to cover it up, i'm pretty sure i've done it.

3. this has nothing to do with his politics

4. i like his politics

5. his marital issues are not my business

6. disappointing that he put himself in a position to be discredited for every valid thing he says from now on

7. stupid that political opponents and news outlets will tell america that who he jerks off with somehow discredits his work

8. i really really really don't care who beats off/screws whom as long as it is consensual. i wish the news would regain some class and keep peoples private lives private... even though he technically outed himself... still can we just do what my friends would do if i accidentally posted a dirty picture to my facebook and deleted it immediately and politely pretend it never ever happened???


I have had tons of respect for Weiner, minus a few of his childish antics. But now...

1. How can sending someone a groin shot over the web be guaranteed as consensual? What if it turned out that what he thought was a 21 year old was actually a 13 year old girl pretending to be 21? If he was comfortable enough about his anonymity how could he know who he was dealing with?

2. Really? You are giving a man who has railed against dishonesty in politics and the media a pass on a knee jerk lie? Remember the true measure of a person is not in times of comfort but in times of stress. He almost might have been able to save himself if his first reaction was the truth.

3. Everything that a political figure does, professionally or personally, has something to do with their politics.

4. So do I.

5. Agreed, but this is not about his marital issues. His marital issues are as a result of his actions, they are not necessarily the cause of them.

6. Agreed. This alone invalidates him in his position and makes him hardly supportable now.

7. See numbers 3 and 6.

8. For me the issue is not the original screw up but instead it is the lie that immediately followed that is the problem. If his default reaction is to lie like a 5 year old to protect himself what does that say about him? Did he lie out of panic or did he actually for a moment think that he could fool everyone and get away with it? It is hard to trust a person who tells the truth only when there is no other option.

How can his antics be taken seriously now? He will be yoked with this for the rest of his political career.

>> ^peggedbea:

1. i don't give a shit what he does in his private life, as long as it is consensual.
2. i can totally see accidentally sending something embarrassing to the wrong place and then freaking out about it and making up some lie to cover it up, i'm pretty sure i've done it.
3. this has nothing to do with his politics
4. i like his politics
5. his marital issues are not my business
6. disappointing that he put himself in a position to be discredited for every valid thing he says from now on
7. stupid that political opponents and news outlets will tell america that who he jerks off with somehow discredits his work
8. i really really really don't care who beats off/screws whom as long as it is consensual. i wish the news would regain some class and keep peoples private lives private... even though he technically outed himself... still can we just do what my friends would do if i accidentally posted a dirty picture to my facebook and deleted it immediately and politely pretend it never ever happened???


One problem with the left is they don't see a problem here.

There's no moral failings without moral standards.

There's no fall from grace without grace.

>> ^Yogi:
Divorce I get...but she was of age and there's no reason to resign for using new media to get some fuzz.

>> ^quantumushroom:
I'm ashamed, just not enough to resign.
/suprise, a democrat


>> ^quantumushroom:

One problem with the left is they don't see a problem here.
There's no moral failings without moral standards.
There's no fall from grace without grace.

>> ^Yogi:
Divorce I get...but she was of age and there's no reason to resign for using new media to get some fuzz.

>> ^quantumushroom:
I'm ashamed, just not enough to resign.
/suprise, a democrat

QM I'm saying this...not the to me not some imaginary left you keep arguing with. I don't care about this...tell me why I should.


@MaxWilder Can you really blame him for lying though? For starters, it's not the first time a politician has done it (/cough Obama) and there is an incredible incentive for doing so in these sexual cases. I.e. Given that ANY instance of promiscuity, no matter how well you do your job, will result in your permanent expulsion from the field.

I can't say I'd be above lying to cover my own back, if there was even a slim chance that the whole thing will just blow over if I did.


*facepalm* I didn't think he could be stupid enough, I was wrong

Really the lying was the worst, democrats don't run on family values like republicans do, so the sexual scandal could have passed, but people still want their representatives to be honest and I think that's what will kill him with his constituents.


Ah, America.
Home of prurient attitudes about *anatomy.

Personally, I couldn't care less about politicians' sex lives and sincerely believe that most judgments that people make about such things are severely projective and hypocritical.

That being said, photographing your junk, and then e-mailing it through Twitter while holding public office can only be described as either phenomenally stupid, seriously self-destructive, or (as I believe is the case here) a combination of both.

Wow. I mean... WOW.


>> ^BoneyD:

MaxWilder Can you really blame him for lying though? For starters, it's not the first time a politician has done it (/cough Obama) and there is an incredible incentive for doing so in these sexual cases. I.e. Given that ANY instance of promiscuity, no matter how well you do your job, will result in your permanent expulsion from the field.
I can't say I'd be above lying to cover my own back, if there was even a slim chance that the whole thing will just blow over if I did.

History has shown time after time that liars get treated far worse than those who immediately own up to their mistakes. Especially for cases like this, where there were no laws broken, and he wasn't using his family values as a centerpiece of his political career.

BTW, did I miss Obama being caught in a scandal for lying? I don't remember one.


>> ^chilaxe:

@ gwiz665 @ Jinx @ MaxWilder @ quantumushroom @ Yogi @ peggedbea
It seems like a mistake to imply we don't care if people are douchebags or if they irrationally destroy their family.

It is irrational in the extreme to expect politicians to be saints. In general, they're kinda the opposite. We know that, and accept it. So why do we act all shocked when one of them screws up?

What chaps my hide is that we don't get all outraged and demand resignations when they blatantly go against the will of the people and their sworn oath to uphold the Constitution when passing legislation like The unPatriot Act.


>> ^chilaxe:

@ dystopianfuturetoday @ MaxWilder
It seems reasonable to want people in the positions of greatest influence to have as much human capital and intelligence as ourselves.

Which is why I was so extremely disappointed in the election of W...

But more to the point, the reason we have separation of powers is to account for the fact that power corrupts. We built it into our country because we expect them to screw up eventually. But the question is, does this particular screw-up reflect on his ability to perform the duties of his office. In this case, I say no. But that's just my opinion, since I'm not a sexually repressed theist. I'm sure there will be others who think that sexting is much worse than starting wars. We'll see if Weiner can take the heat. I suppose that's the way it should be.



I'd say politicians aren't chefs or nail-hammerers, they're thought leaders. Somebody exhibiting a neanderthalic level of sophistication and ethics behind closed doors isn't doing their job as a thought leader.


Give me a break QM. This is exactly what is wrong with America, your moral compass is all screwed up. It's not ok to have a (non)affair and one should resign for doing so but Palin who is almost too stupid to insult can be President of the United States?

I would argue the greater immorality is to support someone who is clearly too inept and out of their depth to hold the highest office in the country over someone who has the intellect and critical thought process to be a Congressman but sends some 'dirty' pictures/messages to someone.

Hell i'd take the intellectual and critical thinking Congressman even if he banged a few of these girls over a clearly inept but morally sound (and i'm not even saying Palin is morally sound) person when it comes to running the country. Everyone makes mistakes, we're humans and not infallible. I don't believe you can just someone on one mistake, no matter how stupid.

JFK and Clinton demonstrated that nailing a few women out of wedlock doesn't mean you're not capable of holding office. What he does in his private life is his business - Wiener made the mistake of flashing his on twitter. If he'd kept private between consenting adults who are we to call for his head???

Firemen and policemen don't lose their job for having an affair and they serve in a public position and are probably bigger role models than politicians.

If one can competently complete their job whilst banging hookers then what's the issue?


>> ^MaxWilder:

>> ^BoneyD:
MaxWilder Can you really blame him for lying though? For starters, it's not the first time a politician has done it (/cough Obama) and there is an incredible incentive for doing so in these sexual cases. I.e. Given that ANY instance of promiscuity, no matter how well you do your job, will result in your permanent expulsion from the field.
I can't say I'd be above lying to cover my own back, if there was even a slim chance that the whole thing will just blow over if I did.

History has shown time after time that liars get treated far worse than those who immediately own up to their mistakes. Especially for cases like this, where there were no laws broken, and he wasn't using his family values as a centerpiece of his political career.
BTW, did I miss Obama being caught in a scandal for lying? I don't remember one.

I found the lie about saying he never promised to deliver single-payer health care, a program that would literally save the lives of many many millions of Americans, far more heinous. That *should* have been a scandal, but wasn't.

Edit: BTW, I agree that he's handled this badly, he'd have come out a helluva lot better if he'd just said balls-out (sorry) "Yes, it was me and I apologise". But it's not like it's the first time a politician has lied and it sure as hell won't be the last. He didn't rape anyone, he didn't even have actual sex with anyone. I seriously don't see why we're giving so much of a shit about the sort of thing that I bet 999,000,000 other guys have done behind their wives back and then not owning up to it when challenged.


I look forward to the day when politicians will be held responsible for and judged upon their politics, and not their colour/gender/sexual orientation/sex lives/etc.



The moment I saw this shit as the #4 top story over at the Guardian earlier today, I couldn't help but laugh at the fact that your representatives lie, continuously, about things that actually matter, and this, an idiot lying about a bunch of pictures, this causes an outrage.


I'm with @chilaxe.

Yes, politicians are human, but they're also the ones at the helm of the ship. We need to hold them to a higher standard.

I look at it like this: if you're willing to blatantly lie to, deceive, and betray your wife and family--ostensibly the most important people in entire world to you--then it's not too much of a leap in imagination to suspect you wouldn't think twice about f*cking over the faceless constituents who put you into office and to whom you have absolutely no personal connection.


USA politics about now...

Case #1) Lie about WMD and kill tens/hundreds/tens-of-hundreds of thousands of innocents as a result? Proven to be a lie? Nah... fuck the proof, was an innocent mistake.
Case #2) Take a picture of your underwear? (or any of the other 'sex' scandals that is the only thing that get politicians in any real trouble these days.) BURN THE WITCH!!!#(I! FUCKING DIE!!#@L!

Totally rational responses in both cases I'm sure.

Not saying it was a great idea to make a junk shot. Even worse to lie about it. That is the only thing that REALLY damages my opinion of the man. But as if this was even close to the top 10000th lie in the last decade.... yeah.


>> ^WKB:

USA politics about now...
Case #1) Lie about WMD and kill tens/hundreds/tens-of-hundreds of thousands of innocents as a result? Proven to be a lie? Nah... fuck the proof, was an innocent mistake.
Case #2) Take a picture of your underwear? (or any of the other 'sex' scandals that is the only thing that get politicians in any real trouble these days.) BURN THE WITCH!!!#(I! FUCKING DIE!!#@L!
Totally rational responses in both cases I'm sure.
Not saying it was a great idea to make a junk shot. Even worse to lie about it. That is the only thing that REALLY damages my opinion of the man. But as if this was even close to the top 10000th lie in the last decade.... yeah.



>> ^braindonut:

Tweeting your junk is stupid. That's the only bad part of it. Don't tweet your junk.
Other than that, I could care less. Not my business.

Don't tweet you're junk... where you can readily be identified.

With the current state of affairs in this country I couldn't give two fucks, shits, or whatever the fuck about any of this.


I like that he came clean. But it's kind of tarnished by the fact that he took a week's worth of opinion polls to determine what he should do first.

Do the right thing: as long as the polls support it.


The problem that people seem to be missing is that he cheated on his wife and knew it was wrong. He felt guilty and lied about it. This is important in that if it had not become public his indiscretions could have been used to manipulate a US Congressman. That is why MORAL CHARACTER is actually something that we should use to evaluate our representatives. Lord knows Illinois could learn that lesson. When you put someone into a position of power that lacks moral character, such a Bill Clinton or Blagovich, you wind up wasting time and tax payer money when their indiscretions eventually comes out.
If you don't use moral character in evaluating a politician you risk their being found out and causing an uproar as is the case here or far worse they become open for manipulation by corporations, organizations, or other countries.
How do you think Soviet Russia managed to manipulate many of their sources? Hell the oldest cliche in the book is to take a morally questionable US representative, or military official, out on your corporate yacht/plane/resort with a bunch of hookers, drugs and high end liquor. Before you know it you've got a Kennedy in your pocket and a ton of grainy black and white photos.
The problem is how do you determine that someone is actually moral? Because I liked Weiner and thought he had moral character. Tricked again.


And he showed his moral character by coming clean on the incident. Took him awhile, but 10 days? I'll give someone 10 days to writhe in guilt at getting caught.

So you should be proud of him, right?

>> ^My_design:

The problem that people seem to be missing is that he cheated on his wife and knew it was wrong. He felt guilty and lied about it. This is important in that if it had not become public his indiscretions could have been used to manipulate a US Congressman. That is why MORAL CHARACTER is actually something that we should use to evaluate our representatives. Lord knows Illinois could learn that lesson. When you put someone into a position of power that lacks moral character, such a Bill Clinton or Blagovich, you wind up wasting time and tax payer money when their indiscretions eventually comes out.
If you don't use moral character in evaluating a politician you risk their being found out and causing an uproar as is the case here or far worse they become open for manipulation by corporations, organizations, or other countries.
How do you think Soviet Russia managed to manipulate many of their sources? Hell the oldest cliche in the book is to take a morally questionable US representative, or military official, out on your corporate yacht/plane/resort with a bunch of hookers, drugs and high end liquor. Before you know it you've got a Kennedy in your pocket and a ton of grainy black and white photos.
The problem is how do you determine that someone is actually moral? Because I liked Weiner and thought he had moral character. Tricked again.


Tags for this video have been changed from 'anthony weiner, twitter, weinergate, confession, ethics, mea culpa, busted' to 'anthony weiner, twitter, weinergate, confession, ethics, so what you damn puritans' - edited by rasch187


He would have shown more moral character by not getting into this situation to begin with. He only came out with the truth because more proof of his infidelities were becoming known. I asked my wife if sending a pic of my member and having sex based conversations with other women would constitute cheating. Her answer was "Yes, and if you ever do it, I will kill you." Now he may have a different arrangement with his wife, but since he felt like he had to hide it and keep it from his wife, I think she and my wife may feel the same way. So he knows he was cheating, otherwise no guilt - hence no moral character.
My guess is that he knew it is wrong and got off on the fact that he was doing something that carries great risk. I also think that the writhing in quilt and the punishment is something else he secretly enjoys and once it is all said and done, and he has gotten away with it, he will repeat all his transgressions.
>> ^bareboards2:

And he showed his moral character by coming clean on the incident. Took him awhile, but 10 days? I'll give someone 10 days to writhe in guilt at getting caught.
So you should be proud of him, right?

>> ^My_design:
The problem that people seem to be missing is that he cheated on his wife and knew it was wrong. He felt guilty and lied about it. This is important in that if it had not become public his indiscretions could have been used to manipulate a US Congressman. That is why MORAL CHARACTER is actually something that we should use to evaluate our representatives. Lord knows Illinois could learn that lesson. When you put someone into a position of power that lacks moral character, such a Bill Clinton or Blagovich, you wind up wasting time and tax payer money when their indiscretions eventually comes out.
If you don't use moral character in evaluating a politician you risk their being found out and causing an uproar as is the case here or far worse they become open for manipulation by corporations, organizations, or other countries.
How do you think Soviet Russia managed to manipulate many of their sources? Hell the oldest cliche in the book is to take a morally questionable US representative, or military official, out on your corporate yacht/plane/resort with a bunch of hookers, drugs and high end liquor. Before you know it you've got a Kennedy in your pocket and a ton of grainy black and white photos.
The problem is how do you determine that someone is actually moral? Because I liked Weiner and thought he had moral character. Tricked again.


Yogi: QM I'm saying this...not the to me not some imaginary left you keep arguing with. I don't care about this...tell me why I should.

Weiner broke no laws but violated cultural tradition, which states you don't betray your spouse. That others do it too justifies nothing and they are no better.

You who say they have no prob with hooker-banging marrieds running for office are a minority. The average American doesn't want politicians to begin as untrustworthy, sybaritic slobs.

Someone mentioned Swill Clinton? His consensual screwing around only betrayed Hillary...what about the silence of the feminazis over at NOW as well as the lamestream media about multiple women in government jobs where Swill was the boss, claiming he fired or threatened to fire them for not 'freeing willy'?

Liberals generally deserve a kick in the a$$ for holding conservatives to standards they don't even follow. When conservatives make these 'mistakes' the biggest grilling comes from their own, not the left.

Saying you 'don't care', Yogi, is akin to supporting a thief that only steals for you and not from you.


He denied it then was caught cold handed then admitted it.
Just about everybody would do the same.

This should just fade away and let his wife beat the Fcuk out of him and put him in the dog house.

Being politics, we also need to let this slide. Otherwise its tit for tat between the parties.

Yes, we need better moral fiber in our leaders, but sadly they just mirror our morally bankrupt society that we have created.

A society with out moral standards is call America.


Conservatives get grilled because they attempt to legislate people's sex lives and they campaign on family values platforms. So when the same guy that's trying to get anti-gay legislation passed, is trolling for a BJ in an airport bathroom, or trying to impeach the president for cheating on his wife while he's busy having marital 'indiscretions'; gets caught they deserve every ounce of heat they get.

As far as Weiner goes i'm more disappointed he lied about it, and was stupid enough to do that crap in the first place.


Resign???? Puhlease... like this is a reason to resign. Look at the massive damage these people have done to America. Any witchhunt over this twittered photo is simply misdi-rection.


I didn't even know about this until seeing this video and it made me tear up. What he did was wrong, yes but how many Catholic priests and republicans come forward and admit something of this nature AND actually seem honest about their guilt?

Weiner is an incredible politician and his career should not suffer for this - his personal life, probably but not his career - and with the Silk Road drug website now in the media spotlight - Tor might as well be in the spotlight as well. I'm willing to bet that there are a few politicians abusing that program for really evil & creepy reasons. They had better watch the %^$^ out if they think what Weiner did was THAT bad....


I don't get all the calls for him to resign. Yes I am disappointed in him. He is my congressmen after all and he is 'very' good at his job and I'm sure the rest of his constituents are just as disappointed. However, unless the formal inquiry turns up that he used congressional funds or work computers or what ever when doing this, I really don't care and I don't see why everyone wants him to resign. It is a private matter that was made a public scandal simply because of his public life, but if he kept it away from work it is between him and his wife, and nobody else.\

If he used congressional fun or what ever then he needs to be punished. But if not (he is to smart to do something stupid like that I'd think) then what is the big deal? He's human like the rest of us remember? This is between Weiner and his wife.


Conservatives get grilled because they attempt to legislate people's sex lives and they campaign on family values platforms. So when the same guy that's trying to get anti-gay legislation passed, is trolling for a BJ in an airport bathroom, or trying to impeach the president for cheating on his wife while he's busy having marital 'indiscretions'; gets caught they deserve every ounce of heat they get.

Conservatives get grilled either way. Therefore, no mercy for Weiner. Sweep the leg!

>> The real question is why should anyone--left or right--should get a free pass for hypocrisy? Liberals do all the time. They've got their lapdog media covering their arses. The average liberal was likely 'disappointed' by Swill Clinton abusing his power, forcing women to fellate him or lose their jobs. Guess what? CRIME. Algore committed no crime but came close, scaring the crap out of that plain jane massage therapist when he tried coercing her to 'release his chakras'.

Yes, the gaypublican trolling for action while supporting anti-gay measures is a hypocrite, just like the San Fran liberals who all own guns but demand strict gun control for everyone else.


>> ^quantumushroom:
LiberalsEveryone generally deserve(s) a kick in the a$$ for holding conservativesothers to standards they don't even follow.

Had to make that a little more reasonable. ;-)

But yea, it is always entertaining to see people calling for resignation when it's someone from the other party while remaining relatively quiet when it's someone they otherwise tend to agree with.

That hypocrisy is on the individual level though; it isn't part of any particular ideology.


I had my doubt about this Weiner, but I am now relieved. Finally, he acts like a true politician! Somebody elect this trapezoidal-shoulders man for a mayor/governor/dictator before somebody upstages him!

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