Was the DC Madam murdered?


yeah well, go figure, makes simplistic sense in the world of the real critter-Politicians and the powerful run in circles easily poo-poohed by the, "That could never happen here" types.....guilty until proved innocent for these bastards who used this woman and tossed her on the dung heap-Kill them all-

Extreme bias and the bolas to go with it is the only way to fix the place.....
We need to be inebriant with images like these, suspicions like these, from more crazy fuckers like Jones-The alternative is the dominant media's propaganda, and an enslaved society, moving to the whims of the masters-


^ So that it's on record, in case she's assassinated and it's covered up as suicide, the tape can be played saying she's not planning on committing suicide.

I don't think that changes things much, but in theory it makes it harder for a potential assassin to cover up the death.


Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

I think she was murdered. Doesn't have to be Cheney. Soooo many high profile clients. From the BBC article:

Other patrons of the agency - known as Pamela Martin and Associates - included Nasa officials, top military officers, World Bank and International Monetary Fund executives, as well as the head of the US Agency for International Development (USAID), Randall Tobias, who stepped down after being named as a client.

Also, women generally don't hang themselves. They choose pills or other efficient methods.


Dag, you make these admissions freely, do you have plans to commit suicide? Will you go on the record as saying no, and denying your love for super crunchy cookie dough ice cream?


A smart person would no doubt make a tape of themselves discussing their client list and any other harmful information, give it to someone they trust and instruct them to release it in the event of their death. Right?


Here's the thing about conspiracy theory nuts. They often make the argument that lack of evidence is evidence. What, no explosive residue was found at the site of the World Trade Center? That's evidence the U.S. military blew up the buildings and then cleaned up the mess afterwards.

This video strikes me as no different. It presents no evidence that this was a murder. Having known someone who was suicidal, I can tell you that they often won't tell you what they are planning if directly asked. They're ashamed of what they are about to do and afraid that someone will try and stop them. Don't take my word for it, the Mayo clinic says the same thing: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/suicide/MH00058

By the way hanging is the 3rd most common form of suicide for women. Just because it's third doesn't mean NO woman commits suicide by hanging. In 2004 20% of women committed suicide by hanging or some other form of self-suffocation (http://www.suicide.org/suicide-statistics.html). It's not a super-rare event by any means.

There's no "evidence" for murder here. Did people have motive? Sure. But given that a hanging death is so hard to fake (the difference in marks on the neck left by hanging versus strangulation are extremely noticeable) and that investigators are specifically trained in how to spot staged hangings, I'd think if someone did want to assassinate this woman they would have chosen a much easier and more easily concealed method.


Gundam, you make some good points. There is a possibility that both women committed suicide.

However, I cannot blame anyone for having conspiracy on the brain these days, because the biggest conspiracy of our time - the deliberate LIES told to the world to justify a war in Iraq - turned out to be TRUE. Also, the outing of covert agent Valerie Plame as retribution against her husband Joe Wilson turned out to be TRUE. So even though I don't believe in 9/11 conspiracies, I certainly don't fault anyone else for believing them, nor would I fault anyone for believing a conspiracy in these suicide cases. Let's not forget how Republican operatives tried to peddle the Vince Foster suicide as a murder, even though separate investigations clearly indicated that it was a suicide. Therefore the pundits and the media in general will probably try to say that Ms. Palfrey's suicide is nothing more than Vince Foster's was, regardless of any differences in the cases. I'm afraid that unless we catch someone, with evidence, AND with a confession, we will never know for certain what happened one way or another.

The huge fucking elephant in the room is that the Iraq War was based on lies, 4000+ Americans and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis are dead, and yet all the perpetrators of this crime against humanity are free. How sad and disturbing is that?


Yeah im not saying shit because I live in america and have a cell phone and email account so anything I say can be overheard. Nope nothing to see here, I want to keep living so i cant confirm or deny if its true, move along...


Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

A good idea for a website would be somewhere that you can publicly register your intent not to commit suicide. Just in case.

BTW FTR, not planning to commit suicide. I'll let you know if I every change my mind. I'm prety unsuicidal- I'm looking in to getting my head frozen.


1. 90% of women that kill themselves do NOT hang themselves (as Palfrey and one of her madam's had done), rather they usually take pills.

2. Palfrey had stated, several times, that she was not intending on killing herself, but intended to expose the government (in an election year, no less).

3. Palfrey was paid up in her high-rise apartment for 6 months, suggesting she was intending to return to her apartment after she served time.

It's all a little too 'pat' to appear like a suicide. Radio talk show provocateur, Alex Jones, was on Geraldo this week to discuss the "stinkiness" of this story: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lt6O0ruFmfE


I have a feeling that Trancecoach will do himself in by popping an M80 in his mouth, kronosposeidon will light himself on fire, and deathcow is planning to saw off a few important parts.
..and maybe Ryjkyj will flex so hard his brain bursts.


Oh, good. Alex Jones has a new telenovela to promote.

Here is what the hypothesis of CIA/Cheney/high-powered scientists murdering Ms. Palfrey doesn't quite solve. Every member of the defense team has seem the client list, every member of the prosecution has seen the client list, Judge Reggie Walton has seen the client list, Larry Flynt has likely gotten his hands on the client list (he's good).

However, if it keeps Alex Jones on the air, and it diverts attention from the argument concerning whether a person should be able to run a business facilitating commercial sex between two parties without the onus of being incarcerated for 4-6 years, then I am willing to suspend my disbelief and enjoy the bedtime story.


There is not enough conspiracy in this thread! Where are the tie-ins to chemtrails, Bigfoot and the aliens? You DID know the last 10 US presidents as well as the English royals are from long family bloodlines of alien-human hybrids?

Were I you, I'd be converting my US dollars to Ameros, which will soon be the only coin vending machines take. The NAU is coming!


>> ^jwray:
> I am most definitely not going to ever to commit suicide because there is no afterlife.

funny. that's one of the reasons i was going to.
even funnier, to me, that a belief that there is an afterlife, is the reason some people do.

and no, it wasn't like yesterday or anything, so don't go all mushy on me.
it's not all that dramatic an admission, so let (s)he who has never wanted to, cast the first gasp.

it's why most of you already know hanging yourself is a bad choice.
too easy to fuck up, and die of asphyxiation. instead of falling from a significant height, so that your neck snaps.

only 2 kind of people will generally resort to it.
a) the shoelace hanging. in prison, or elsewhere without normal availability to a gun, pills, etc.
b) the self-condemned. the association with capital punishment allows those with an extremely guilty conscience, who think they deserve it, go to the gallows as they had probably planned.

that's my list, anyway. then there's the non-suicide michael hutchence scenario, where you didn't actually plan on dying, just getting your rocks off toying with your death.

in her case, a) definitely doesn't apply. one might argue b) could, but it's paper-thin. she was a pimp, not a killer. the laws she broke weren't hurting anyone, and i doubt she felt an ounce of guilt for selling sex.

but people like alex jones lose their credibility, by going from possibility, to certainty. instead of just admitting they've got questions, they go ahead and fill in the blanks themselves.

is it fishy? sure.
will anything come of it? almost certainly not, in which case we've all got bigger fish to fry.


>> ^SDGundamX:
Here's the thing about conspiracy theory nuts. They often make the argument that lack of evidence is evidence.

But if no evidence points any other way it is a valid hypothesis, or at least as valid as any other hypotheses.


>> ^gwiz665:

But if no evidence points any other way it is a valid hypothesis, or at least as valid as any other hypotheses.

I would think the body, the suicide notes, and the police ruling the death a suicide would all count as evidence of, well, a suicide. But apparently I'm alone on this one.

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