UCLA Professor vs Preacher

UCLA Professor gets into it with a fundamentalist Christian preacher on campus.

Had one of these guys show up on my campus..'cept he was wearing all cammo and has a sammy board that listed all the people going to hell. Only professor that tried to jump in just tried to have him removed off campus unsuccessfully. Wish someone like this professor had shown up then. heh


This video really has it all. We have the preacher, preaching hellfire and brimstone to a bunch of liberal college kids who just woke up from a three-day drunk. Maybe a different venue would be a better idea?

We have the cameraman, who thinks he's very "witty" in capturing a non-event.

And then we have the liberal professor, who resorts to foul language to get his point across, balks when he's asked whether he believes in God, and acts like a jerk, as will most egotistical professors in a situation like that.

Upvote for a good example of why this country is going down the toilet.


I was kind of disappointed with the prof - theft is theft. But keep in mind that the preacher is standing outside of an academic building screaming about how everyone there is going to hell. I might have more sympathy for him he if was trying to engage individuals in reasoned dialogue, as opposed to trying to cause a disruption and get attention like a 3 year old.


yeah, the professor really didn't handle it quite right but I'm sure he probably doesn't deal with much confrontation either. I think I just enjoyed the students reactions more than anything, that and his "I teach logic motherfucker" quote.

And BO, your really need to get a grip on reality, they are not the reason the country is going down the toilet, you can thank your pal president bush for that.


"And BO, your really need to get a grip on reality, they are not the reason the country is going down the toilet, you can thank your pal president bush for that."

Nicely done, I have seen the light, and because of your outstanding and provocative logic, I'm going to become a card-carrying liberal and join the ACLU.

p.s. Profs deal with confrontation all the time, some just deal with it better than others. If you ever make it to college, you'll see this in action.


Because the bible is as real as the lord of the rings.

Hey man, that's not cool... watch what you say about Lord of the Rings.
/lol, religion.
//lol at people that view "foul language" as a negative


The problem with campus evangels is that they're pushy, loud-mouthed assholes who can't be talked to or reasoned with.

If they would agree to debate somebody, maybe it would be interesting, but ultimately they revert to out-shouting their opponent and calling them variations of "sinner."

I'm glad that prof stood up to him, and I wish more people would.


probably fake.

this same exact set up is usually replicated on college campuses by the psych department grad students as experiments. This same exact situation has occured for me and several friends at different universities. They watch how the population reacts and try to draw conclusions etc.


Nicely done, I have seen the light, and because of your outstanding and provocative logic, I'm going to become a card-carrying liberal and join the ACLU.

p.s. Profs deal with confrontation all the time, some just deal with it better than others. If you ever make it to college, you'll see this in action.

So instead of debating you just result to name calling and insults? Typical for someone who really has no firm ground from which to speak from.


Preacher's a fool, prof is a jerk.

I feel a kind of sympathy for college professors who are locked into a ceaseless cycle of adolescent one-upsmanship and "rebellion". This guy is really getting off on the way all these virile youngsters applaud him and egg him on.


"this [sic] same exact [sic] set up [sic] is usually replicated on college campuses by the psych department grad students as experiments."

There's nothing worse than psych students, except maybe science majors... [sic]

Care to explain?


those religious fanatics are really annoying. it might be alright if they weren't so loud and obnoxious, but they set up on campus and start calling the girls who walk by whores. ugh; strangle them all.


"God created the bible, so that PROVES he exists! Checkmate!"

Seriously..one of the last things the preacher says is "If i jump off this building here, i'll splatter on the sidewalk. Whether i believe in Gravity or not." How is that, in any way, going to prove his point?

I dont understand the preachers logic. all he's doing is spouting how god "Commands" all men to repent, but if god is as forgiving as everyone says, why wouldnt god just forgive you for sinning anyway?

If god is turly the omnipitent being, why would he force any of his creations to suffer for all eternity, why would he not just forgive them and prove to them the path to light is there when they die?

And if the devil wants people to be evil on earth, why wouldnt he just make hell more appealing to go to?

unless that means god and the devil are working together, but then you'd think "But, if the devil is so evil, why would he work with god, the entire being of light and good, why would a being that evil help god, rather then try and piss him off by sending the evil-doers to heaven to run amock up there?" to me, the entire story is full of little missing details..


The only real problem I have with people like this is the consistent belief that only THEIR religion will get you to Heaven. Recently, (and if you're a Colbert fan, you already know this) the Pope declared Catholicism the only way to salvation and all other Christian groups are defective.

Yea, forget being a good person, kindness to others, and general unselfishness. The only way to Heaven is belief in Jesus, all the rest is just incidental. I can't imagine what kind of God would be so arrogant, even after an eternity with infinite wisdom, to send someone to eternal torture for being skeptical, regardless of what they sacrificed for others.



Yes, this preacher certainly had better options to choose from rather than making an ass out of himself. There were better ways to go about this. If people want to be Christian, they will be. People who aren't won't just convert because someone yells at them and calls them a sinner.

But if you were to read the bile you would realize a few things.

God is as forgiving as people say. You just have to ask for it.
(This is going to be a terrible analogy, but see me through so I can make my point) Dominoes often runs specials, but you have to specifically ask for them. God gave man free will. This includes the free will of whether or not to believe and/or sin. Forgiveness is yours, you just need to ask. God doesn't force anyone to suffer for all eternity. They have free will to believe or not.

And the Devil doesn't just make it a more appealing place to go because it's not even his choice to be there. When Lucifer rebelled against God, he was cast into hell. He can't just "send the evil-doers to heaven" because it's not his choice.


Dominoes often runs specials, but you have to specifically ask for them.

No offense, but that WAS a "terrible analogy." I didn't follow on what was written after that - care to use another?

Anybody ever wonder what would happen to the "evil-doers" if there was no Hell?


You're right, karaidl. What I was trying to say is that just because something is there, it does not mean that you automatically get it.

And as far as your question, "evil-doers' are the Yin to Hell's Yang. With out "evil-doers" there is no Hell. And the proposed lack of a Hell means that human kind does not know evil, therefore will not commit it.
Genesis 3:5 says "For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." So with out Adam and Eve's transgressions against God, humans would not know evil.


For what it's worth, Karaidl, most of the American Catholics I know are looking at this Pope and going, "Huh??"

Dude is pretty weird, even for a Pope, and we've had some doozies over the past couple millenia.


Fun times on the religion boards...

Too bad about that Eve taking a big-old chomp on that apple, right? Kinda messed things up, eh? Now we have to say, out-loud I presume, "Hey, big-G, you mind forgiving me for stealing from all those people, killing that kid back there, and doing all that evil stuff I've done? Really, we're cool? I just had to ask? Thnx a bunch!"

If only we were like animals, which do crazy and merciless things to one another, but God's totally cool with it. Unless... is there is a hell for animals? With, like, a big leopard with wings as animal-Lucifer? Hopefully the Vatican will ask God about that next.


"That professor is a dick. The Preacher was just trying to spread the word that is written in the Bible, and the professor thinks he had the right to start insulting him, and then steal his briefcase? WTF? "

His word in his book... it's relative.


Religion is for the weakminded. if you grow up on religion then it is part of you and hard to break yourself away from it. "Religion can never reform mankind because religion is slavery."
"That professor is a dick. The Preacher was just trying to spread the word that is written in the Bible, and the professor thinks he had the right to start insulting him, and then steal his briefcase? WTF?" Go watch Zeitgeist marine. If you watch closely you'll see that it is just all religion's are all plagiarisms of each other. I feel so glad not to have anything to do with ANY religion, religion disgusts me because it's a device that manifests fear for the people that control the world. One thing thats weird; the day of rest is sunday.. why do some people have to get up early on a sunday to go watch a preacher tell them that if they do this and if they do that they increase the likelihood of them going to the lake of fire for eternity?


From Kaneiku
Go watch Zeitgeist marine.

Alright, I didn't want to get into this discussion, but Zeitgeist also says 9/11, the London Bombings, and various other things were vast government conspiracies. And all the part you are referring to at the beginning suggests is that religion comes from the stars. Anyone who believes anything in that movie, I'm sorry, is completely apeshit insane.


well i phrased that paragraphy completely wrong ><. im not a dick im a nice person. i just think that the people that strongly believe in religion and try to impose it upon others are terrible. i dont believe religion comes from the stars i just like the fact that theres someone out there that sees abit of sense you know. sometimes i may appear to have an attitude but i'm only trying to open peoples mind up so they can weigh up the evidence for themself as a whole. I myself have never really thought about a supreme being mainly because my brain can't comprehend it although I would like to believe it as there is something(as the human brain does have an instinct for believing that there is some kind of 'higher being' as it were) just like the whole entire universe(supposedly there was more than one 'big bang'). But most religions (with an exception to maybe buddhists even though some can go nuts, pol pot for example was a former buddhist monk) are a form of control and fear, but there are those who simply use the writings or teachings to guide them in life. Sorry if appeared to put all religions into one basket and scrutinise them, I didn't mean that . and gorgon sorry if i offended you . i won't get involved next time


oh the pope's weird? pol pot was a monk? hitler was a choirboy? i guess all religion is evil and disgusting then. i teach logic motherfucker!

as for this video, disappointing. neither one wanted to debate, the audience just wanted a show, the cameraman liked the swearing so they could get favourited on youtube or something. kinda laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame.


I'm not mad at you I just think your statement was far too narrow minded and disparaging to be considered intelligent. I should rephrase that: your notion of religion is ignorant and prejudiced. Your statement makes you sound like a dick.


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