This man is POTUS

This is your man, This is want you want?

Yes. 100% compared to the only alternative we were presented with. Things would be far worse, Covid still out of control, Russia owning Ukraine and threatening its neighbors, Ukraine getting zero assistance because they wouldn’t fake an investigation into Biden’s family, debt doubled again, unemployment in the toilet, gdp negative, inflation worse, supply chains gone, criminals overrunning the White House, fascism running rampant, no police reform….how many ways do I need to say he’s a winner simply because he replaced the world’s biggest loser?

Stop the sniveling, bob. You’re still crying, still have sour grapes over a massive, historic loss at the polls. Grow up buddy.

This is want I want. This is me guy, @bobknight33, to say it in a way you’ll understand. (You were so close to proper English)


You would think the Republicans would stop blocking the filling of the federal reserve board, the government body that is tasked with fighting inflation. It’s blatantly obvious they would rather lay false blame over inflation than allow any solution that Biden might get credit for (deserved or not). Another case of party over country, this time for no reason than to deny Democrats a win….at the expense of the nation.

Such a whining little baby, grow up and learn something. Stop with the “I don’t know how things work, so I’ll just blame everything on whoever I hate” stupidity please.


Hannity: If you're president, what would you do?
Trump: So what you're saying sounds all very easy and sounds very simple, not actually that simple, but I will tell you that this is like the biggest tax increase in history. If you look at what inflation is doing, and I saw a number today that wages can go up, but they're nowhere near what's being taken out of families by pure inflation. Just the cost of bread, the cost of gas, the cost of gasoline, the cost of everything. Everything is up."


Trump (cont'd): "And supply chain. You go to stores and they're half empty. Many stores they can't get products. They can't get anything. You go to luxury stores or non-luxury stores, supermarkets, and the shelves are half there. And nobody's ever seen it. We didn't even have to discuss supply chain during my administration. Because it was a perfect moving machine. It was beautiful. We created the greatest economy in the history of the world. We created an economy that was better than any economy in history."


Trump (cont'd): "Then we got hit by the 'China' virus, and after the 'China' virus we did one of the best jobs in the world of doing everything including Operation Warp Speed and everything that that entailed. The therapeutics, the vaccines, everything we did and then they messed it up with the mandates, and they absolutely were killing our country with the mandates which should have never happened. It's just so sad to hear because this was all a self-inflicted wound from inflation to the loss of energy independence. And now add to that what's going on in Ukraine. That's genocide. What's happening in Ukraine, people have never seen anything like that before.


Similar to his answer to the question..”do you think this (Putin invading Ukraine) is evil.”

Trump “I think in 100 years people are going to look back and they’re going to say “how did we stand back and nato stand back” which in many ways I’ve called a paper tiger don’t forget I rebuilt nato because when I became president the first thing I noticed when I went there to the first meeting was that most of the countries were not paying or were paying far less than they were supposed to. There were only 8 out of 28 countries that were paid in full the United States was not only one of them, we were making up the deficits in order to protect Europe. We were paying POSSIBLY 80% of nato to protect them and then they take advantage of us yet on trade because on trade they’re every bit as bad as Gina. They treated us very badly on trade. We changed a lot of that around but they were very tough on trade I asked, Angela Merkel how many chevrolets are you selling this month in Munich or Berlin, and she looked at me and said “well probably none” I said you’re exactly right, none and yet we had the Mercedes Benz and the Volkswagens and all of them. We had all of the German companies, and the same thing with farmers, our farmers sell virtually nothing to Europe, you take a look at what we sell and yet we take their product.
They treated us very badly in trade and we defended them and we really if you look at the real numbers I bet you it’s close to 80% and I said “you have to pay and if you don’t pay we’re not going to defend you, and it’s one way or the other I knew Putin very well…almost as well as I know you, Sean, and I will tell you, we talked about it. We talked about it a lot. He did want Ukraine but I said “you’re not going into Ukraine”. He would never ever have gone into Ukraine and President Xi of Gina would never have even thought about going into Taiwan ..not doing windmills because they’re killing eagles. They’re killing the bald eagles and other eagles and other birds and we have these windmills all over the place and the environmentalists pretend they love them, but they’re really hurting our country they’re driving down values, they’re just absolutely killing us it’s one of the most expensive forms of energy…the turbines are all made in Gina or Germany, so they get the advantage of that….it’s…uh…just ridiculous but the real problem…”

Again, the question was “Do you think this (referring to the Russian invasion) is evil?”
This is the second interview where Hannity asked him that very question and he completely ignored it to ramble nonsensically.

Just as rambling, disjointed, fact free, casting blame, flattering himself, and completely ignoring the question because he cannot say anything rational, certainly nothing remotely against Putin or the pee tape goes public….or something worse.

@bobknight33…this is you guy? This is want you want? Mr stream of consciousness word salad spewing Trump? My 97 year old grandmother could still think and talk circles around him with her teeth out … and she’s been dead for 8 years.


Again,the question was, what would you do?


And what is Biden plan to stop inflation?

Spend more money via Build back better. That's his plan.
The Fed reserve manages inflation. They don't cause it.
This all started at least a decade ago when government spending really went off the rails and has yet to be controlled.

Biden is the figure head and hence gets the blame.

If a bill truly helps Americans, Democrats would stop a Republican win just as much as Republican would stop a Democrat win.


You would think the Republicans would stop blocking the filling of the federal reserve board, the government body that is tasked with fighting inflation. It’s blatantly obvious they would rather lay false blame over inflation than allow any solution that Biden might get credit for (deserved or not). Another case of party over country, this time for no reason than to deny Democrats a win….at the expense of the nation.

Such a whining little baby, grow up and learn something. Stop with the “I don’t know how things work, so I’ll just blame everything on whoever I hate” stupidity please.


There is only 1 way.

Stop spending foolishly

In the build back better only 30% was for roads. The other 70% is in a sense pork.
Spend what you need not what you want.


Again,the question was, what would you do?


The point is that Trump did nothing, ignored, minimized, and outright lied about Covid and people died at ever increasing rates while he called it a hoax.
Biden took it seriously and those insanely high infection and death rates almost instantly started falling in every category except for people who took medical advice from Trump. Those people continue to die today because they insist horse dewormer and hydroxycloraquin works for virus infections but vaccinations don’t.

You never have a point besides Orange Daddy good, anyone not following him bad. Trump and Putin smart, all others dumb.


Biden took office with vaccines in hand and even more people died. And your point is?


As usual, you are just wrong…build back better is not an inflation plan you twit.

Step 1, fill the office that handles inflation, not keep it so understaffed that it can’t legally hold a functioning meeting to do anything like Republicans did all through Trump’s tenure and continue to do.

Without a functioning fed, Biden can only add bandaids. If you took civics, or cared to know what you are talking about, or just read what you are told when you ask these ignorant questions, you would know this.

Trump spent more than Obama without starting in a recession he crawled out of but instead starting with a healthy economy causing a recession, spent way more if you count all the extra money he had “printed”. That causes inflation…but not instantly. He spent the most by far in 2020, anyone with 1/2 a brain saw inflation would be the result, we all told you then. You still refuse to or are incapable of understanding.

Biden is a Democrat, so you ignore the one to blame and blame him. I notice you NEVER blamed the last figurehead…the one who knew nothing, had no experience, and led us into a near depression/pandemic then tried to overthrow democracy in America. Idiot.

You are so full of shit with that last. Give me 3 examples when Democrats voted against a plan they created to stop a win, 3 examples when democrats voted against something they said was good for their constituents simply to deny Republicans a win, because I can point to 3 instances when McConnel actually went out publicly and said that’s the Republican plan….and dozens of instances when he implemented that plan.

He now says if Republicans get control, there will be no more hearings to fill any vacancies in government by Biden, just let the country fall apart for 2-6 more years until they get to force someone in. Who cares that it destroys the economy, infrastructure, and the union…no win for dems is all that counts.


And what is Biden plan to stop inflation?

Spend more money via Build back better. That's his plan.
The Fed reserve manages inflation. They don't cause it.
This all started at least a decade ago when government spending really went off the rails and has yet to be controlled.

Biden is the figure head and hence gets the blame.

If a bill truly helps Americans, Democrats would stop a Republican win just as much as Republican would stop a Democrat win.


And by “in a sense pork” you mean you don’t know what it’s for so you dismiss it as waste, not money for outrageously badly needed water infrastructure, airports, ports, bridges and tunnels, high speed internet, internet at all in rural areas, etc.
We need to spend that much every 4 years to keep our infrastructure up, we haven’t invested in infrastructure for decades.

Trump spent more on nothings….trillions on Covid because he fucked the pooch so badly by ignoring and dismissing it, billions on fences that haven’t slowed immigration one bit, it’s worse than before, trillions on stupid trade wars that didn’t get us better trade agreements, untold trillions in permanent lost production thanks to completely disastrous “leadership”, people still dying today because he fostered a conspiracy theory mindset in his people that lead them to the stupidest most dangerous and destructive conclusions possible, need I go on, I can.


There is only 1 way.

Stop spending foolishly

In the build back better only 30% was for roads. The other 70% is in a sense pork.
Spend what you need not what you want.


But those who itemized before lost big money. Now the standard deduction is almost always the best you get, not the case before….bait and switch is all that was, a shell game, not a give back.

Where’s my tax form I can fill out on a postcard in 5 minutes? Where’s the promised simplification so ordinary people don’t have to spend hundreds or thousands to get their taxes done? And when do those higher standard deductions run out, without the return of previously deductible offsets?



its your standard deduction on you Fed tax form.
12K for singles
24K for married.


And what is the Republicans new plan?

Federally, block the fed from functioning.

In Texas, it’s start a trade war with Mexico by doing a “safety inspection” on every truck crossing the border, causing day long lines and making it impossible to ship perishable produce. Texas stores expect empty shelves by tomorrow.
This is forced, unnecessary inflation for a political stunt that he (Abbot) says hurts Mexico, but those spoiled goods belong to Texans, the higher shipping costs are paid by Texans, higher produce prices will be paid by Texans. The overtime is paid to Mexican drivers. Not sure how this hurts Mexico, or why that’s desirable in the first place.


And what is Biden plan to stop inflation?


Yeah. Exactly.

ONE OF THE WAYS we spend "foolishly" is by giving tax breaks to billionaires so they can spend part of it convincing dumb shetts like you that it's all the people who are workin three jobs and can't barely scrape by - convincin people like you that THOSE people are the problem
------------------->here's the rub

They gotta new plan!
This could be the one that could fix all the problems!

-->Step 1. Spend less on social services
--->Step 2. Give Billionaires EVEN MORE MONEY!


There is only 1 way.

Stop spending foolishly

In the build back better only 30% was for roads. The other 70% is in a sense pork.
Spend what you need not what you want.

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