Texas Graffiti Writer Gets 8 Years of Prison Without Parole

"Another Texas teenager is being inordinately punished for graffiti. 18-year-old Sebastian Perez was sentenced to 8 years in state prison after pleading guilty to three vandalism charges and one for pot possession.

Unlike fellow writer Ralph Mirabel, who was given eight years by another Corpus Christi judge in August, Perez must serve his entire sentence with no possibility of parole. Despite the defendant’s probation plea and promise “to finish high school, help clean up graffiti and find a job,” State District Judge Marisela Saldaña doled out an emotional lecture and the maximum possible sentence for what amounted to roughly $7,300 in damage, according to the Corpus Christi Caller-Times. But that’s small change compared to the more than $140,000 Texas taxpayers will shell out to keep Perez locked up so long." [animalnewyork.com]

Wow, $7000 in damages! Good thing this kid is now behind bars! Think of the good example it will set: Criminals Beware!

Now all those hard working Texas police have to do is round up the heads of all those major banks who effectively stole $2300 FROM EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN in that 2008 bailout handout. (No, I haven't forgotten.)

Oh, justice.


Could this be somehow linked to something similar in Pennsylvania? There was a judge that would throw as many kids in jail as he could, so that the company who ran the jail would get some business, and the judge would get kickbacks.


>> ^Bruti79:
Could this be somehow linked to something similar in Pennsylvania? There was a judge that would throw as many kids in jail as he could, so that the company who ran the jail would get some business, and the judge would get kickbacks.

just look at the largest employer in texas and you may find you are on to something there.
riiiight.that judge would never stoop to political posturing.
eight years in state pen..good lord.this boy is going to come out far different then when he went in.
my ass.


Wow, what a horrible human being. Wait, that's not right, this bitch isn't a human.

Well, whatever the fuck this miserable stain on humanity is she has a webpaage.

She also has a Twitter.

And the worthless piece of shit is also on Facebook.

She has an email address, which is not surprisingly is fucking AOL: votejudgesaldana@aol.com

Oh, and she has a public phone number and address:
Marisela Saldana
15357 Key Largo Ct
Corpus Christi, TX 78418
(361) 949-2799

Lets all let her know what a horrible waste of flesh she is.


Kid? He's 18, that's when you get trialed as an adult... And he isn't even black. Good riddance IMO, graffiti is not art, it is vandalism. The prick should have gone to paint a mural or something. This guy and his sentence should serve as a strong example of legal consequence to all prospective gangsters out there.


His name is Perez, and she's an angry childless white woman, who goes to church every day and knows she's going to heaven. Connecting those dots aren't hard.

"Get off my lawn and into my jail!" *sigh*

Texas, once again the flagbearer for justice and honor for white folks.


>> ^notarobot:
Wow, $7000 in damages! Good thing this kid is now behind bars! Think of the good example it will set: Criminals Beware!
Now all those hard working Texas police have to do is round up the heads of all those major banks who effectively stole $2300 FROM EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN in that 2008 bailout handout. (No, I haven't forgotten.)
Oh, justice.

Good dude. Don't EVER fucking forget that...until the day we get paid back in full.

I think this punishment is excessive considering if he raped someone or he molested a child, he'd probably only get 5 years. I was in county jail for 2 days and it fucking sucked. 6 months of that would FUCKING SUCK. 1 year? WORST YEAR EVER! And I think that should be the maximum for that crime.


Good riddance. Like the judge said, why didn't he go tag his family's or girlfriend's house? Because you don't shit wear you eat. So instead, he shit in someone else's yard and got caught.

And yes, graffiti is an art. Like all art, it springs from humanity, culture and the mind of the individual. And I really don't mind seeing it in murals that are sanctioned by a community. But if you're going to be a dickhead and ruin others property with it, then you deserve to get your index and middle fingers chopped off.

If you don't like the way the penal system is run, then you make changes to it; you don't offer lenience to the offender.


So he has a (felony?) conviction and no high school degree. I would feel bad for him, but I'm sure prison will transform him into a productive middle-class citizen.

Why no death penalty here? Texas is getting soft lately.


>> ^Psychologic:
So he has a (felony?) conviction and no high school degree. I would feel bad for him, but I'm sure prison will transform him into a productive middle-class citizen.
Why no death penalty here? Texas is getting soft lately.

Jeez... felony? To paint on some stuff?


AS much as i hate graffiti'ers. I think if he had just been told to pay for the damages and be sent to jail for maybe a few months to 'to teach him a lesson'. I think it would be have been enough. The main thing is, if you vandalize something, you should have to pay for it.

What I mean is, this could easily have been sent to jail for 2 months and required to work at a minimum wage job for the rest of the year to pay for the damages. No need to totally screw up his life over this. If anything, it'll probably turn him into a harder criminal spending time in jail.


8 Years seems way too long of a sentence for the Graffiti, but there was also a felony drug possession along with it. I don't know what Texas has for drug laws, but in some states you need to have a pretty sizable amount of marijuana for it to be felony.


When i was arrested at 16 for vandalism... i was sentenced to 40 hrs Community Service, $230 fine, 6 month probation. Though it was originally a 2nd degree felony they call Malicious Mischief. Though since it was my first offense and possibly my age it went down to misdemeanor. This legal sentence passed on Perez is absolutely bullshit it is extreme and uncalled for.... i lived in Germany for 5 yrs...they don't throw people in jail for graffiti you are given fines which i am sure continue to increase....in regards to that prick doing a mural how do you think you get to the level you don't just wake up one day and do murals..... you start with tags then move your way up...oh and most graffiti artists aren't fucking gangsters....

>> ^syncron:
Kid? He's 18, that's when you get trialed as an adult... And he isn't even black. Good riddance IMO, graffiti is not art, it is vandalism. The prick should have gone to paint a mural or something. This guy and his sentence should serve as a strong example of legal consequence to all prospective gangsters out there.


Well I would also be pissed if I owned a house or car and someone tagged it but if he/she would pay for the damage I wouldn't want him or her to go to jail for it.
Just ask the city for a place to do some proper graffiti (not retarded tags). In my town there are a couple of art galleries and other places where people are allowed to graffiti the whole buildings.
Find a boring tunnel and ask for permission to do something more interesting with the walls. Unless the city/county or wherever you ask for this kind of permission are retarded and don't realize that the graffiti will just end up somewhere else they will most likely give you permission.
I'm just pissed when they spend money on cleaning up tunnels and make them boring and bland again. The graffiti is back after a month so why even bother. Just make it a graffiti zone instead and get rid of problems elsewhere.

8 years for some vandalism and having a small amount of pot is inhumane.


The Raw Story has word that the teen's sentence was reduced to two years, here's the short story: http://rawstory.com/2009/12/eight-year-sentence-graffiti/.

Which, in my opinion is still COMPLETELY unacceptable. What purpose does it serve to send a teenager to jail for years? There is only one answer in my mind. The prison system makes a little bit more profit by wasting our tax dollars and I SWEAR if they actually send him to jail for more than a month this kid is going to come out of jail so messed up and seeking blood vengeance - he'll be a criminal for life which I bet these total FUCKS in Texas want so he becomes a total money-making slave for the prison system in Texas. These people are the inbred cocksuckers of Satan himself.


I hate vandalism graffiti as much as the next guy, but 7 grand should warrant no more than, say, six months in jail at most. A good legal system would hold him accountable to paying for the damages he created and be done with it, but I suppose it's impossible to have a good legal system when one man or woman in a black dress can pass Draconian punishment at their whim and use the state violence to enforce it.

"For crimes against things I personally abhor, I sentence you to death. Off with his head!"


That fine stereotype authority loving obese judge was getting off on it. Look at her vapid expression as she doles out that sentence, as the defendant cries she is loving it! This is what is wrong with the US Justice System.

If you can't keep your emotions in check then you are biased and as such should recuse yourself.


Wow. He's going to come out of there ready to pay some people back tenfold. Congratulations kid, here's your free pass to criminal college and some extra motivation to apply yourself while you're there!


Oh man, I totally saw this on the front page again my heart started pumping and I was about to FLIP THE FUCK OUT. But, I see that I already did, so.

These judges, DA, police officers are SCUM FUCKING FUCKS. I wish hell were real because they would burn for fucking eternity!! OK, so I had to flip out again because even after forgetting I saw it once, and then feeling exactly the same constitutes another. I wish I could teach that judge a lesson, her whole mentally is a bunch of shambled bullshit - putting people's lives away for NOTHING and making you and I pay for it! SCUM! She doesn't even deserve blood running through her veins, nor anyone else that took part in this.


I agree with virtually everyone's opinion here except for @videosiftbannedme and @syncron and all I have to say to them is you have no idea what's going to happen to this kid in prison. Yes I said kid even though your legally an adult in Texas at 17, this kid is going to go through hell in prison. The first thing that happens to any male prisoner under 40 in prison is they get checked at the door. Getting "checked" in prison usually consists of at least one convict and as many as 4 or 5 convicts simply walking up to the guy and beating the living shit out of him. It works like Fight Club if this is your first time to prison you HAVE to fight. If there is more than one guy doing the checking they "backdoor" you which means they fight you one at a time with no breaks between fights as soon as the first guy has his fill the next one steps up and they can all go as many rounds as they feel like. If you don't fight them they will turn you into a bitch, take your food your bunk your commissary money, your fucking toothbrush, everything and you basically become a slave at that point. Even if you do fight there is no way to win they make sure the fights are very one sided. And all this is simply his first day in prison. After that depending on how his check goes things will get worse or they will become living hell literally. Some prisons are know as gladiator camps because anyone this guys age is going to fight every single day he's there period like it not. Here's the real kicker too the fights are usually started by people with very long sentences who don't give a flyin fuck what happens to them if they get caught. But if this kid gets caught fighting they will add time to his sentence by adding assault charges in their military style kangaroo court. So he's pretty well fucked from the start.

So this kid who's most heinous crime was a little graffiti will spend 8 years fighting guys twice his size every single day. Then they will release him back into society and call him reformed. Tell me what do you think you would be like after something like that? Would you ever be able to call yourself normal again? Would you be able to sleep at night without jumping up at every single noise you hear?

Some people simply don't get it. Prison is only good for one thing putting people away for life. They DO NOT rehabilitate ANYONE. They only make things worse they should never be used for petty crimes. Putting people in prison only breeds hatred inside those people. It breeds fear as well, fear of going back. That's why people who are on parole when faced with the possibility of going back to prison usually commit suicide. Prisons are for murders, Prisons are for rapists, Prisons are for child molesters, Prisons are for sociopaths.

Prisons are not for graffiti.


Sorry but there aren't any white people left in Texas not anymore. White is now the minority in Texas yet Hispanics and African Americans still get all the minority benefits here. This is a little off topic but it's also the sad and honest truth. I can't even get food stamps here in Texas because I'm white, it doesn't matter that I was hurt and can't work for the next 6 months, I'm the wrong skin color to receive any help from the Texas government. Yet I know plenty of Hispanic friends of mine that have never been turned down once for help even though they all own homes and drives low riders with gold rims. They still qualify for $1000 a month in food stamps. Even when I brought them proof of my injury and my old tax returns showing I've been working steady till the accident and that I don't have any bank accounts, I don't own a home, or even a car. They only offered to give me $10 a month in food stamps. I was floored I told them they could keep their lousy $10. You can barely buy one meal with that. Fucking ridiculous. Texas couldn't give a flyin fuck about White people. Unless your a rich politician.

>> ^gwiz665:

His name is Perez, and she's an angry childless white woman, who goes to church every day and knows she's going to heaven. Connecting those dots aren't hard.
"Get off my lawn and into my jail!" sigh
Texas, once again the flagbearer for justice and honor for white folks.


UPDATE: His sentence was reduced to 2 years soon afterwards. http://youtu.be/_gBoQuwJqxA.

I happen to think 2 years in prison is still inappropriate. A crime like this deserves many, many hours of demeaning community-service work cleaning up graffiti, which would both alleviate the problem and punish the perpetrator. Prison fixes nothing and helps nobody.


>> ^wormwood:

UPDATE: His sentence was reduced to 2 years soon afterwards. http://youtu.be/_gBoQuwJqxA.
I happen to think 2 years in prison is still inappropriate. A crime like this deserves many, many hours of demeaning community-service work cleaning up graffiti, which would both alleviate the problem and punish the perpetrator. Prison fixes nothing and helps nobody.

The Youtube video said that his sentence HAD to be reduced due to another law passed in the last year which forbid stacking sentences like this.

Choose Your Path

1) The judge knew it and did it anyway. Fire the judge.
2) The judge doesn't know the law. Fire the judge.


>> ^deathcow:

>> ^wormwood:
UPDATE: His sentence was reduced to 2 years soon afterwards. http://youtu.be/_gBoQuwJqxA.
I happen to think 2 years in prison is still inappropriate. A crime like this deserves many, many hours of demeaning community-service work cleaning up graffiti, which would both alleviate the problem and punish the perpetrator. Prison fixes nothing and helps nobody.

The Youtube video said that his sentence HAD to be reduced due to another law passed in the last year which forbid stacking sentences like this.
Choose Your Path
1) The judge knew it and did it anyway. Fire the judge.
2) The judge doesn't know the law. Fire the judge.

3)Give the judge a 8 yr sentence


>> ^Auger8:

Sorry but there aren't any white people left in Texas not anymore. White is now the minority in Texas yet Hispanics and African Americans still get all the minority benefits here. This is a little off topic but it's also the sad and honest truth. I can't even get food stamps here in Texas because I'm white, it doesn't matter that I was hurt and can't work for the next 6 months, I'm the wrong skin color to receive any help from the Texas government. Yet I know plenty of Hispanic friends of mine that have never been turned down once for help even though they all own homes and drives low riders with gold rims. They still qualify for $1000 a month in food stamps. Even when I brought them proof of my injury and my old tax returns showing I've been working steady till the accident and that I don't have any bank accounts, I don't own a home, or even a car. They only offered to give me $10 a month in food stamps. I was floored I told them they could keep their lousy $10. You can barely buy one meal with that. Fucking ridiculous. Texas couldn't give a flyin fuck about White people. Unless your a rich politician.
>> ^gwiz665:
His name is Perez, and she's an angry childless white woman, who goes to church every day and knows she's going to heaven. Connecting those dots aren't hard.
"Get off my lawn and into my jail!" sigh
Texas, once again the flagbearer for justice and honor for white folks.


What the hell is wrong with you?
>> ^syncron:

Kid? He's 18, that's when you get trialed as an adult... And he isn't even black. Good riddance IMO, graffiti is not art, it is vandalism. The prick should have gone to paint a mural or something. This guy and his sentence should serve as a strong example of legal consequence to all prospective gangsters out there.

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