So You Cant Afford a Moving Truck !! OK

"You might just try to pull this off. Or maybe not!"

Translation anyone??

That's norweigan. He said they have trouble throwing stuff away, now that they're moving they had to get rid of some stuff but they managed to keep most of it. At the end she said they only have to make one 10 mile* trip. The rest sounded like the Swedish Chef to me...

*(these are not puny imperial miles, 1 viking mile = 10 km)


I have to say fake. The laws of physics seem to agree with me. The way the car takes the fast sharp turn and DOSN'T tip over or loose its load is just BS.

Also what are the chances that a) You load up the car to move without filling the gas tank and b) your tank is so low you can't make it 10 some miles to get to the destination, unload, and then fillup?


I can't imagine setting that up without scaffolding or some very convenient terrain and a lot of people/risk. They must have some strong empty boxes under there too - otherwise the weight would probably be causing more problems.

Whatever the reason for doing it, it's some impressive packing/stacking.


Ah! I can confirm fake! This is actually a commercial for the Norwegian company, Eniro Norge. There are some other related videos as well, but I can't find them

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