Richard Dawkins - "Hate mail" from god´s children (58 sec)

For those of you who still do not fully understand how silly religion is, please watch

Christians don't need to try >> ^Morganth:
I really wish other Christians would shut up more often and not TRY to make us look stupid.

Seems as though these Christians aren't trying very hard at all. In fact, a certain amount of stupidity seems to be intrinsic to the "faith."


Alright, I'm pretty drunk so I think I can pull of this one... to all "believers"

You suck, you beliefs suck and you are wrong. Everything that you believe about supernatural things are wrong and we are stupider for having lived in the same age as you have, because you are so incredibly stupid. You parents are most likely wrong about the same thing too, and for that they suck. (Don't get me wrong, they DID raise you, and you are wrong so: YAY, great job, suckers.) If anything is considered supernatural, it is probably wrong; "God knows" that most of it has been proved wrong, by, you know, evidence and some such that you don't believe. That doesn't make them wrong, that makes YOU wrong.

I'm assuming that you are a fool above, but that is because I'm assuming that you are religious! If you're not, good for you, you taken the first (if not even a few) step(s) into a larger and more complete universe. If you are religious, take this advice: The almighty being came to me in a dream and said to me, that all religions were wrong and that believing in a wrong religion were... like... totally way more worse than not believing in a religion at all.

There! That's all the proof you need, you <expletives deleted> person. It's personal evidence, like the ones you guys pride yourselves by, you know, in the bible.

By being religious, you are making the intellectual version of this! Deal with it, you ignorant ass.


Unfortunately for mankind, stupidity isn't always painful. If it was, we'd all be geniuses within a few years of reaching the age of reason. Luckily, however, we can rise above our faults and try to understand at least the bit of our universe that is encompassed in our senses. We cannot understand god, if it exists, in any sense beyond our human senses, so it's amusing to find people berating Dawkins (or anybody else, for that matter) about a simple set of beliefs. The anger in those responses is laughable, at least, because it is out of suppose love that these people wish Dawkins to burn in hell for eternity. Nothing wrong with a strange belief if the believer is never taken seriously, right?

I would love, after my death, for a god to actually exist and show himself to me. Because I have a lot of unanswered questions about this ridiculous shell he locked me into. But I don't think those questions will ever be answered. If there is a god, it cannot possibly show any interest in us as more than science experiments. After all, we've evolved opposable thumbs and higher brain functions, and we turn our rising capabilities into consumerist whoring and war. If there is a god, it probably wants to scrape us from the petri dish and start over.

Anywho...funny video.


I'm an atheist, but I normally can't stand Dawkins... he doesn't have be such an arrogant prick all the time. This however made me laugh, because the subgroup of people he is mocking here also piss me off. Therefore I upvote.


It's hard to not be arrogant when people are constantly in your face proving how stupid they are. If the logical fallacies don't convince you that religion is wrong, then the hypocrisy of the "faithful" should.


>> ^MaxWilder:
It's hard to not be arrogant when people are constantly in your face proving how stupid they are. If the logical fallacies don't convince you that religion is wrong, then the hypocrisy of the "faithful" should.

Oh that's so astute. He gets people proving him right every time someone speaks to him, how on earth can he not be arrogant?!


I don't understand how some could call Dawkins "arrogant". Perhaps a misinterpretation on the part of the persecutees? When Dawkins is anything resembling "arrogant" it's usually very tongue-in-cheek, highbrow, sometimes lowbrow banter on the order of Monty Python's Life of Brian. It's hard to be constantly serious when you're dealing with people whose beliefs resemble other less savory beliefs in faeries, boogie monsters, and mogwai.

Of course, this flies right over most of their heads and thus Dawkins gets deemed to be this inhumane, fire-breathing-atheist-dickhead. Well, excuuuuuuuuuuuse me (one of them damn, dirty atheists) for pointing out the truth, Princess!

Edit: And wouldn't being merely one of God's omnipotent farts be pretty good in their book?


oh, you know what? fuck you dawkins.

you aren't arrogant, you're smug, and that's worse.

and congratulations to the atheists in this thread for their stunning scientific analysis that they are "right" and other people are "wrong".

the irony really is completely lost on you fuckwits isn't it.


^yes i am sure that just after this little joke, he pointed out that his sample was completely self selecting and no conclusions could be drawn from his study. He instructed everyone to stop laughing and start doubting themselves in order to maintain scientific credibility.

yes. that must have been what happened.


I do believe some higher process was involved that resulted in spacetime as we know it... hydrogen atoms don't simply spring into existance, coalesce and form living beings for no reason.

Without a context of surrounding discussion, who knows what Dawkins was trying to do with this passage of complaints. Does it surprise anyone the hateful stuff that comes out of these supposedly pious people, who were brought up in a religion which says to forgive your fellows?


>> ^MINK:
oh, you know what? fuck you dawkins.
you aren't arrogant, you're smug, and that's worse.
and congratulations to the atheists in this thread for their stunning scientific analysis that they are "right" and other people are "wrong".
the irony really is completely lost on you fuckwits isn't it.

I agree. Dawkins is overly concerned with trying to make the point that religion is ridiculous, when right now Atheist Evangelism really should just be angling for respect amongst the sea of people who write letters like the ones he read in this clip.

Insulting their intelligence at every turn doesn't seem like the most effective path to getting people on board with his belief.

Makes for an entertaining show, though.


Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

I'm no theist, but I don't think Dawkins does his movement many favours with his attitude. The thing that annoys me, is that he seems to have it all worked out. He's as sure of himself as the devout. That's the wrong approach.

There may well be beings in our universe or outside our universe that are so far beyond us that we might as well call them gods. We may all be running as a simulation on their iPhones. (no not really, but yes really for the magnitudes this implies).

I was reading an article recently that physicists are starting to seriuosly explore the "universe as a simulation" idea. I hope someday, we crack an atom in a collider and open up the admin panel to this universe. Some Buddhist monks think they already have.


Dawkins only has an attitude of superiority because he's angry that the world is shaped in the image of the numerous gods people fight over. Sometimes the ways of the world can be too much to bear for someone who thinks logically.

Dawkins' main point of contention that places him above religious dogmatists is that, as a scientist, he knows that if god was proven to be real, he wouldn't shun the idea and stick with his dogma. That is what elevates science over dogmatic thinking--the ability to change your mind.

As proselytizing as he may seem, Dawkins would never subvert his rationality simply to pander to his beliefs. And I applaud him for his seemingly arrogant behavior, because it stands up to irrationality.


>> ^Morganth:
Gwiz665 aren't you doing the same thing this video is mocking? You're just drunkenly throwing insults at someone whose beliefs you hate.

Sort of, but not really. My wordings were caused by my drunkenness, but the kernel of what I said is still true. Religion is still the opium of the masses and the soother of the weak mind.


Even jesus got pissed off at the same self-righteous religious hypocrites in his day: the pharisees. Ironic that his professed followers today walk the very path of arrogant pomposity that he railed against.


christianity ended at about 300AD. kinda like the US constitution got subverted.

jesus had some good ideas and i wish he was on this forum, along with jefferson. i think they'd get on quite well.


What Dawkins does is to meet organised religion head on with the contempt, arrogance and disrespect that it deserves.

What Dawkins and science in general are missing is the acceptance of an underlying intent to all of nature. This is the root of the religious experience that has been forgotten and no longer forms any part of the major world religions.

Dawkins is well aware of his arrogance. Arrogance is the only way to meet religion. Reason doesn't work.

"He's not arrogant or smug; he's just British."
- They aren't fundamentalist christians, they're just American.


Here is a question, in all of those emails Dawkin's read they stated how the devil is going to love punishing him. But I don't get it, why would the devil take pleasure in punishing someone who hates/doesn't believe in god? That would make the devil the servant of god, but he was cast out because he wasn't a servant of god. Soo... does anyone see where I am going with this? It's on the tip of my tongue and I can't think of a way to express my thought.


I am going to stop my open hatred of passive believers and even the raving extremist lunatic. As long as the protest they may give to support their beliefs doesn't have a direct influence on my life, I can "turn the other cheek". And maybe one day I might be able to get past the 2nd page of Genesis but for now I've gotta start small.


everyone whos saying Dawkins is "extreme" or "arrogant", are you even aware of how mainstream religion treats atheists? have you the slightest clue? to even mention your an atheist is tantamount to calling yourself an ex-con these days. try running for president as an atheist, you have a better chance of being elected if your gay. not a slander against gay people, just a fact that they're more accepted these days than even atheists are.

Dawkins isnt extreme, he simply states the truth, as he sees it, and doesn't make any apologies if it happens to offend you. extreme atheism would him recruiting people to his atheistic cause, sending them out to promote atheism. im not an anti-theist myself, those ARE the extremists. atheism doesn't really lend itself much to being extreme in the first place, so whenever someone comes along who doesnt bow and scrape and "oh im very sorry i might be offending your with my personal views" gets branded as arrogant.

so there. im atheist, everything ive read about God in the old testament tells me he's a vindictive, putative, and jealous. thats the facts, the way i see em . go on and tell me im arrogant as well.


>> ^Irishman:
What Dawkins does is to meet organised religion head on with the contempt, arrogance and disrespect that it deserves.
What Dawkins and science in general are missing is the acceptance of an underlying intent to all of nature. This is the root of the religious experience that has been forgotten and no longer forms any part of the major world religions.
Dawkins is well aware of his arrogance. Arrogance is the only way to meet religion. Reason doesn't work.
"He's not arrogant or smug; he's just British."
- They aren't fundamentalist christians, they're just American.

I don't know about that... I tend to think he turns to a mocking attitude because a great majority of vocal theist are morons. As soon as someone is willing to use their brain it becomes obvious that Dawkins is a genuinely nice fellow. Here's a more balanced video:


I liked Dawkins much much more when I was reading his books. His words are extremely well chosen, and he's exceptionally good at making a point... IN WRITING. But something about his voice - maybe it's the accent - immediately makes the listener think they're being talked down to.


Again I emphasize, atheism is a lack of a belief in a god. Atheism = Without god. There's no movement. There's no subset of ideas or morals intrinsic to the "atheist mindset". There's simply evidence or lack thereof and what you decide to make of it. You don't see people who believe the Earth to be spherical rallying for recognition in the political space because there's no ideology, just the fact that the Earth is round. The case for god, albeit far more sinister and nebulous a thing to disprove, has no evidence or proof positive whatsoever...Say I hypothetically accept that I have nothing to definitively disprove the existence of god. Now the onus is on the believers to provide some proof positive. There's none.

God apparently exists by default and it's up to us to disprove the unprovable? Does this not sound completely backwards & just plain wrong to anyone else?


>> ^Irishman:
"He's not arrogant or smug; he's just British."
- They aren't fundamentalist christians, they're just American.

To clarify the joke, as you seem to have taken it from the perspective opposite what was intended, I was pointing out that stupid, ignorant people seem to label anyone who has an expansive vocabulary and/or a European accent as an arrogant, pompous ass. The joke is on the accuser, not the accused.


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